"Sorry Wrong Window."

By that_sexy_raindrop

86 5 0

A loud clang hits my window disturbing the little peace I could get. I walk to my balcony only to find a rock... More

"Please stop throwing rocks at me."
This has been a terrible morning.
Detention, Stroopwaffels, and Dates
Lazer Tag
Car Rides and Introductions
Worlds Most Successful Dinner
Bus Rides
The Invitation and Band Fiascoes
The Hike
✨New Experiences ✨
the end

Waking up

5 0 0
By that_sexy_raindrop

Benjamin Richards

I wake up in Tobias's arms and am almost unfazed by it thinking I'm just back home and he's forced himself into my bed again. Then I remember everything that just happened and shoot up from my place in his arms. 

"So you're sober?" He almost whispers, making a gesture towards the front of the car, where his moms are sitting.

I nod settling right back where I was and he looks shocked at my reaction. I mean did we not have this whole gay awaking experience a few minutes ago? C'mon man keep up.

I consider just going back to sleep because what the fuck am I supposed to do right now, apologize for spitting in his mouth again?

But before I have the chance he starts talking, "I'm sorry I didn't move when you stuck your tongue in my mouth,"

I look up at him from my position where I'm half in his lap and raise an eyebrow at him, "Do you hear what you're saying?"

He looks confused and starts to say something but I interrupt him, "I forced my tongue in your mouth, I'm the one that really should be apologizing,"

"NO," He blurts, "I mean, it was fine, plus you already apologized,"

"So you don't want me to grovel at your feet and beg you to forgive me," He laughs at me and ruffles my hair, I don't know why he bothered because he ended up hitting himself in the face.

"So you were jealous of Alice?" He asks with a wide grin. I feel my face warm.

Tobias Dean

Lots of cursing comes from the front seat and the car swerves coming to a full stop before he has a chance to answer. My mother throws the car door open and yells at a mildly intoxicated kid from our school, she ends it with, "Get in,". Which would've been fine if not for who it was.

"Caleb," I say pretending to be excited to see him.

"Ah you guys," He slurs, maybe not mildly.

"Oh, hey Rex," Caleb squeezes Ben's foot and then slides in and I pull Ben closer to me so Caleb isn't sitting on his feet.

"Mom, can we kick him out?" I ask immediately after that.

"No, he'll die," Ma responds, looking at us in the mirror.

"I mean..."  Ben elbows me harshly.

"Ah, I'm not after him man,"

Ben looks confused as fuck and I'm almost tempted to laugh at his ignorance but instead shift my attention to Caleb, "Sure you're not,"

"Yeah bro, which-a-ma-call-it told me he was taken," He says as like that should help.

"But, I had broken up with-"

He interrupts him, "Not by her, by him."

He goes bright pink and hides his head in his hands.

"Where are you headed?" My ma said with barely contained laughter.

He gives her his address and she takes a turn onto a residential road very soon after starting to drive again. I sigh in relief over the fact he's leaving soon.

It takes only a few awkward minutes and a few failed conversations that were almost entirely incoherent after that to drop him off at home.

Once he finally leaves Ben stretches back out across the back seat leaving me with just his head in my lap. A soft song comes on on the radio, and he hums quietly and I watch him fall asleep to it soon. Not long after I join him.

Leah Dean

I look in the mirror at the boys fast asleep in the back seat. I was going to ask where they wanted to be dropped off, but I'm not going to wake them up now. I poke Mia in the side with my thumb and point to them.

"Aw, they're cuddling," She says smiling at the boys gently. "I wonder how much they'd like cuddling there if they knew that we-" I punch Mia in the arm and when she winces and rubs it I laugh trying not to be too loud.

~still not doing a nice time skip~

There was a shit ton of traffic on the way here and the kids in the back were the only thing keeping me from shouting profanities and honking my horn. I consider how I'm going to wake them up. If they were any younger I'd carry them inside so I wouldn't have to, but honestly, the only one either of us could carry is Ben and I think everyone would rather Toby carry him. I gently tap him awake and he refuses to wake up four times before finally, Mia pushes me out of his way licks her finger, and sticks in his ear.

He jolts awake and Mia and I shush him gesturing to the sleeping boy in his lap.

"Oh no don't worry about it, he's a heavy sleeper," He picks Ben up bridal style and carries him inside.

We still tip-toe up the stairs in an attempt not to wake the kids, but as per usual, Mia sends the creaky board (that she installed) squeaking everyone awake. Well not everyone just a few who walk out rubbing their eyes sleepily.

"Hey kiddos go lay back down and we'll tuck you in again," Tobias says quietly adjusting his grip on Ben lovingly.

They blink in the owlish way kids tend to, but soon nod and go right back to where they came from. Toby sighs in relief and continues to bring Ben up the stairs until he sets Ben down gently on his bed.

"There you go Princess," He mumbles patting his head gently,

He starts to leave to go tuck the kids in but Ben cracks an eye open.

"I'll be back in a second," Toby comforts.

Ben nods and gets comfortable.

It's almost a little weird how reliant they've gotten on each other in such a short time. Hell, it's a little weird how they're not even in a relationship and Ben is getting mad at Toby for leaving. It almost makes me wonder about soulmates.

Toby walks out of the room looking like he wishes he was still in that room with Ben.

"It's fine sweetheart Mia'll deal with it," Toby shoots me a grateful look.

"What, why me?" Mia asks looking at me like I'm dumb.

"You're the one who woke them up," I point out.

She groans and drags me downstairs with her.

Tobias Dean

I slide back into bed with him and wrap my arms around him.

He looks at me with his eyes only barely open and asks, "Don't you have something to do, I'm okay with waiting,"

"Nah Mom is taking care of it," I say snuggling more deeply into the covers and bringing him down with me," He nods sluggishly and lets sleep reclaim him.

I press my nose into his hair and take in everything. It's hard to sleep, all I can think about is how he was too sweet, what if he wasn't completely sober? What if I took advantage of his intoxicated state? In an attempt to get myself to sleep, I try to think of other more comforting things that happened today.

Unfortunately for, well everyone involved, all I can think about that actually overpowers those thoughts is the events in the room next to the bathroom. There are so many 'What the fucks' and 'Oh poor Oliver' that I don't even know where to start. It's fucking crazy. I just met both of them and neither seems like the type to actually engage in that kind of situation.

Ben shifts interrupting my totally deep analysis of his friends and making me have to reposition myself in a way that's more comfortable. His face is now facing me and his breath tickles my chest. As I look at him, my mind starts to wander, kind of making me feel like a creep.

I think about the way his tongue felt in my mouth and how great it felt to have him that close to me. He's close to me now but that's not him admitting anything, that's me doing what I always do: forcing him into my arms.

My mind shifts to Caleb and Ben choosing to continue to lay in my lap when he got in the car. Actually, now that I think about it, a lot of people saw him in my lap at some point tonight, so if he claims it was all under the shadow of alcohol, people are still going to remind him.

I look at the analog clock (My Ma took my digital clock when I was ten because I was using it to stay up late) in the corner of my room, it's dark so I have to squint. It's 12:54, and this line of thinking is no longer reasonable. I drift off and let sleep take me.

Okay that's bullshit but I wish it wasn't, I'm exhausted but every time I'm on the verge of going to sleep I'm interrupted by another unfortunate line of thought, and by the time my brain finally decides to shut the fuck up it's 5:03 in the morning.

I wake up only two hours later. Not even naturally it's Ben shaking me.

"Get your ass up dickwad I need a shower and a change of clothes," I groan and throw a pillow in the vague direction of the sound of his voice, "Rude,"

"I believe in you, find your way around," I can hear his inappropriate gestures.

He pulls me so I'm facing upward and I squint through the light of the open curtains ones he comes into focus he looks like shit, but the way he's looking at me I probably look worse.

He starts to ask something but before he can finish i start getting out of bed, "Alright I'll help you find the bathroom,"

In a house with a lot of kids, you always need multiple bathrooms. One kids, one adults, and one for Me. Because I'm special. I explain this to him and he looks at me like an idiot.

When we finally get there I show him which soaps are fine to use (all of them) and he kicks me out.

"I'll bring you a change in a second," I say through the door which he had pushed me out, "Oh yeah and Tylenol  is under the sink,"

I hear him whistly through the door and turn the water on.

I walk back into my room and look for clothes that won't fall off of him and manage to find a pair of grey sweatpants that were from before I grew, that might just fit him. But for the shirt, well he'll just have to make do with what I have, which is a grey t-shirt that I know is not going to fit him for shit. If he wants he can have a jacket. I collect and fold the clothes before running to the bathroom with them.

Instead of knocking I crack the door open and call in, "I'm coming in cover yourself in 5... 4... 3... 2..."

I walk in and the water is still running so I set the clothes down on the toilet and head out. He comes out again not long after wearing the clothes.

The shirt is too big, it droops right below his collarbone. I almost want to laugh at how uncomfortable he looks, so I do what any normal person does and whip out my phone for a picture.

"Fuck, no, delete that now,"

"No" I respond in a sing-song voice.

"Tobias, delete the fucking photo,"

"I'll make you a deal, I get to keep the photo, and I'll grab you a hoodie to wear instead," I say holding out a hand, he narrows his eyes in response.

"And I won't show anyone it," I add with the hopes in mind of him accepting because of it.

He glares at me one last time before shaking his hand and saying, "Deal,"

I run back to my room and grab him a levies hoodie and throw it at him, in response he so kindly shoots me each middle finger as he pulls it on over his head.


So I actually hate this chapter... I think it's utter shit but I wrote it at 1 AM so really what could I expect- The time that I wrote was actually the time that it was while I was writing that bit but now it's 1:26 AM so.

Also, I went to this event and I went to grab my phone out of my front pocket, but the issue with that was the pants I was wearing had no front pocket so my nail caught on my belt loop and now I'm missing a nail so if there's any typos its because I'm in immense pain.

Side note, this entire book so far is 82 pages long... If you really enjoyed this you would go find a book and look at how many fucking pages that is :).


Thats all...

Byyyyeeeeee <3

Word count: 2041


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