Define love. || Young Leonard...

By Hayes_grierbae

21.9K 248 168

Mckenna Rae Roberts is an up and coming actress/singer and daughter of the one and only Baz Lurhmann. When Le... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Part II?

Chapter 21

398 5 8
By Hayes_grierbae

Leo's POV

I haven't seen Kenna for the last couple of days. All I wanted to do was see her but she avoided me like the plague. Just knowing that she was just behind that door killed me but I didn't want to seem desperate, there would've been a reason behind why she was avoiding me. Only I don't know why

All I could ever think about was the kiss we shared. It was in replay over and over again. Oh how I craved her kiss. I craved her in general. Not in that way but to be with her. Unfortunately, that was short lived as she's probably off running around with Jesse.

"Brother and sister together we'll make it throooough"

That day is literally haunting me now. I'm even hearing the song she walked down the aisle too. I actually think I'm losing my mind.

"Someday a spirit will guide you and take you there"

She's just so beautiful. The white dress, the way she had her hair up, her angelic skin. Just her. I've never noticed this before but I think I might be falling for her. In this short amount of time of being around her I've managed to catch feelings. Feelings I've never felt before, not even Kristen....I suppose tobey was right

"I know, you've been hurting but I've been waiting to be there for yooooou"

I shot up. I thought this was all in my head but is that McKenna singing right now?

"And I'll be there just helping you out, whenever I cannn"

By now I had my ears pressed up against the interconnecting door. She belted the last riff. She's literally an angel. To be fair I knew she could sing, I've caught her a couple of times but hearing her now has just confirmed how strong her voice is. I think I could melt. Out of all the songs why this one? Was she reminiscing the scene too?

"Bro what the hell are you doing?" I jumped out of my skin to Dash standing by my entrance and Harold and Vincent close behind him. Snorting and laughing quietly

"I uh was" how am I supposed to explain that I was listening to McKenna sing?

"You're giving stalker vibes you creep" Dash said as he put me in a choker hold and ruffles my hair

"Whatever, what are you guys doing here anyways"

"Did you forget? We're going out for drinks" Harold said as he jumped on my bed. I completely forgot we had these plans to go out but then again it's smack bang in the middle of the day

"Too busy chasing after a certain someone" Vincent mumbled. I gave him a glare as he put his hand over his mouth to conceal his chuckle

"You guys think whatever"

"I don't get it you and Jesse have been down in the dumps over this girl, I don't understand you youngins, go after some real ladies" Harold said

"Jesse down in the dumps? What do you mean" I sat on the end of the beds. "Didn't you guys find her attractive as well?"

"Well yeah she's alright but just nothing but a little sister to all of us now" Vincent responded shrugging. Atleast I didn't have to try and compete with everyone.

"Kenna has been locked up in her room for days, only comes out for her scenes" dash added. I frowned. Was I the reason for her absence

"Oh well, girls are dramatic. I invited her out but she hasn't replied so let's see" I nodded in response to Harold and got up

"Come on let's go, we still have a fair bit of time before we have to film our scenes"

We all found ourselves surrounding a table by a local bar that looks out to the beach. All chatting amongst ourselves and causing a riot. With Harold and dash with us I wouldn't be surprised if we got kicked out. I too, being a little bit loud but I guess that was me trying to keep myself from slipping into thoughts.

Beside me was Paul. He was quiet, but that's only because he has been working hard to get all of his scenes completed before leaving for his next movie.

"How are your scenes coming along Paul?" I striked up a conversation. I never disliked him. He's always been such a genuine guy, I was just jealous of him getting to kiss Kenna all the time but I guess that's nothing to worry about now that he's no longer Romeo

"Yeah it's alright man, just exhausting you know" he said with a small smile. He did look exhausted, his bags under his eyes beaming like no tomorrow. I nodded not really know what else to say. He leaned in and started to speak softer

"What's the deal with Jesse and McKenna" I shrugged. It kinda hurt to hear those two names together. I didn't like it at all. Paul must've saw the frown expressed on my face.

"I don't trust Jesse, I don't know... his intentions don't really align" he continued

"And that bothers you because?" I whispered in annoyance. Why would he be bothered about Jesse, unless he was jealous of him too? Great

"Look man, McKenna is like a lil sis. I don't see her that way, we have such a sibling bond" I nodded slowly. Everyone must've really saw her like that. Except from Jesse. Fuck Jesse

"I'm just going to say I've seen the way she looks at you. She's doesn't look at Jesse that way. She seems to talk about you all the time" my heart started to race at that statement

"Only good right? We've been doing good"

"Hmmm some bad...mostly good" he nodded assuringly.

"I hate that Jesse guy" I spat. We both diverted our eyes to Jesse who were seated across from us

"Bro this girl I met at McKennas party messaged me and send me this pic" I heard Jesse speak up sharing his screen to the boys surrounding him. I wonder what it is. I looked at Paul and he shrugged as he sipped his beer. I then looked over at Dash who looked at me and then to the screen. Him doing that several times as if he was sending me a signal. Paul also noticing the interaction. Paul got up and walked over to the other side of the table. It was until he widen his eyes in shock and looked away was when I felt like I needed to see it. I slowly walked over. Dash already moving over so I could have a peek. My eyes widened and I clenched my jaw. I snatched the phone out of Jesse's hand causing him to stand and confront me

"WHY ARE YOU SHARING THIS WITH EVERYONE?! WHO SENT YOU THIS?" I yelled in his face with anger. The picture was the same picture Kenna showed me a while ago. The picture of her in her bra and undies standing on a keg at that frat party

"Relax man, it's none of your business"

"It is my business" I scoffed as I shoved him back a little causing dash to stand up by my side

"Look why does it matter she didn't exactly choose you" my breathing started to get heavier with anger. Why would someone be sharing that pic and why to this jerk

"She didn't choose you either, you idiot"

"Come on Leo it's not worth it" Paul said holding onto my shoulder, I shrugged it off

"And how would you know? I talk to her everyday. Does she talk to you?" I grinded my teeth, I think I was ready to hit this boy

"Yeh I didn't think so" he said as he sat back into his seat. The group now dead silent.

"Hey guys" we all turned around to see McKenna, all looking like we've seen a ghost

"Is everything ok?" She chuckled, her obviously trying not to make eye contact with me. Everyone gave each other a side eye. I just froze in place. Her chuckle starting to fade out as her eyes slowly made its way to the phone screen. Her eyes widened when she saw the picture of her in plain sight

"Leo how could you.." she said as she turned around to run out.

"You go" Paul said as he tried to grab the phone off me only I just threw the phone to the ground. I didn't care. Not my phone not my problem.

I ran as fast as I could to catch up with her

"Kenna!" She didn't stop. I could see her bringing up her hands to wipe her face. God dammit

I managed to catch up and grabbed her hand. She quickly flicked it away but slowed down her pace so she was now walking. I decided to stand in front of her pulling her to a halt. Her mascara ran down her cheeks. I pulled up my thumb and wiped away the smudge, her allowing me for a minute then hitting my hand away and moving aside to walk pass me. I followed then stepped in front of her again. I grabbed her hands into mine. Her actually freezing up to the contact, only she couldn't look at me

"Why would you do that Leonardo"

"I didn't McKenna it's not what it looks like" I felt dumb saying those exact words as she said the time I found out she kissed Jesse

"You bullied me all through high school and you doing it now, you haven't changed. I was wrong for thinking you did" she said with hurt. Her now looking into my eyes. Hers were glazed with tears that were ready to spill again.

"I am telling you right now Kenna it's not what you actually think"

"Save it Leonardo, you're dead to me" and with that she walked off. A huge painful pang going through my heart. I know I'm a hypocrite for saying she needed to know the full story when I didn't even hear her out when said the same thing. She can't cut me off again but right now she needed her space

I stormed back to the bar. Paul shooting his head up as soon as he saw me. I had so much anger in me still.

"I never wanted her so badly, she's got a smoking body" I heard Jesse say. That was it. That's all I needed to set me off. I stepped in front of Jesse and forcibly took him by the collar causing him to stumble. I kicked his chair

"Shut the fuck up"

"What Leo, are you in love with your stepsister" I clenched my jaw. How did he know about that?

"She's not my stepsister you idiot, delete the fucking message and the photo" I said through my gritted teeth. He held up his hands in defeat but still had a smug look on his face. He gave me his phone

"You can do the honours mr movie star" I held him up with one hand and used the other to delete the photo. I went on to his messages and went to delete. I frowned

"Ava?" I said as I realised it was Ava who sent the photo and must've been the one to tell him that Baz was Kenna's dad and the whole step sibling situation. I deleted the photo and threw the phone at him. I put him down as he chuckled

"You've calmed down now big man?"

"What do you think" I spat. All of a sudden his knuckles met my cheek.

I groaned "Are you out of your mind?!" I shouted as I held my throbbing cheek. Now realising I had a bleeding cut. Paul ran over to see if I was ok but What happened next was unexpected. Paul all of a sudden punched Jesse square in the eye.

"Ow ow what the hell" he said jumping and holding his hand. Dash shared him a sympathetic smile and pat him on the back. I don't think violence was his cup of tea. But I was thrilled that he had my back. Dash and Harold were by my side also

"Come on we should go before they kick us out" Harold mumbled putting his hand on my back to guide me out. Dash doing the same for Paul.

We walked into the hotel and stood by my door as I fumbled with my keycard. I glanced to my left to see Kenna doing the same. We held eye contact but she then broke it by rolling her red puffy eyes and walking into her room, her slamming her door in the process. I shook my head

"Come on, we need to get ice for you two" Harold said with concern as he pushed me into my room

If only she knew what happened

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