My Lost Soul

By RealMadao

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On a different Earth, a nuclear accident in the midst of WW3 spreads radiation throughout the world, leaving... More

Chapter 1 - Fury
Chapter 3 - A Close Kept Fire
Chapter 4 - But a Distant Truth
Chapter 5 - 30 Minutes
Chapter 6 - A Wish
Chapter 7 - Eye of The Tiger
Chapter 8 - The Man of Truth
Chapter 9 - The Concealed Injustice
Chapter 10 - Spade Mask
Chapter 11 - A Conversation
Chapter 12 - You Are Special
Chapter 13 - Chameleon and Snake
Chapter 14 - Wish I Could Understand
Chapter 15 - New Allies, New Mysteries
Chapter 16 - A Leap in the Dark
Chapter 17 - Your Shadow
Chapter 18 - Conquer Your fEAR
Chapter 19 - Heroic Flames
Chapter 20 - Fate's Hands
Chapter 21 - Old, Red Spider Lily
Chapter 22 - Love the White Noise!
Chapter 23 - JanuEri in April
Chapter 24 - Way of the World
Chapter 25 - The Playroom
Chapter 26 - High Value
Chapter 27 - Artificial Blood
Chapter 28 - Protecting
Chapter 29 - Operation Ghostbusters?
Chapter 30 - Unknown Love
Chapter 31 - Hunter's Hunt
Chapter 32 - War Machines
Chapter 33 - Yonai
Chapter 34 - Glees Turner
Chapter 35 - Councilman Dillemma
Chapter 36 - Alcatrat
Chapter 37 - The Best of Three
Chapter 38 - The Third Sky
Chapter 39 - "Lans"
Chapter 40 - Two Sides to Every Coin
Chapter 41 - How It Came to Be
Chapter 42 - The Black Stained Curtain
Chapter 43 - A Fitting Grave
Chapter 44 - What is. . . Happening?
Chapter 45 - Thank You, My Soul
Chapter 46 - Omega's Curse
Chapter 47 - Assessing Damages
Chapter 48 - Our Realities
Chapter 49 - Soul is Alive
Chapter 50 - Asura's Ego

Chapter 2 - Relations

30 1 1
By RealMadao

As the boy gained consciousness, he felt a poking sensation on his arm. His eyes opened to see a bird propped on his arm on the rough concrete. He swatted it off and inspected his arm. His skin was singed, and in some places, you could see his flesh. He could barely move his body and didn't recognize his surroundings.

He looked at his arm once more and saw that it had already healed a little. Along with his psychic powers and extreme strength, he also received a sort of passive healing.

The boy looked around once more to see a grim back alley covered by junk and silence. He had no hope to lose, so he rested his head on the rough earth and closed his eyes.

The occasional crunching of plastic by rough boots could be heard nearby. The boy rose his head in caution. As his vision began to focus once again he noticed a man dressed in a tan trench coat and blue jeans. The man lightly tapped the boy's head with his boot.

"Hey," The man awaited a response.

"Guess you can't talk yet. Well, can you at least get up? Your wounds seem to have healed for the most part."

The boy looked at his arm again and saw that it was completely healed, and he could feel little pain in his body. He lifts himself off the ground with his arm, and stood up on both feet, still leaning over.

"You have to come with me. You're not in trouble or anything, but just cooperate won't you?" The man sighed.

"Who... are you?" The boy gasped for air as he tried to straighten himself.

"Uyama, Uyama Harumi. Speaking of names, you don't have one. Should I just call you Omega?"

"Why are you here?" Omega questioned," Where am I?"

"You can worry about that later, just come with me won't you?"

Omega extended his arm as much as he could and tried to push him away with his psychic powers.

"Oh shiver me timbers... come on." Uyama threw a bag of clothes beneath Omega's feet.


After Omega finished dressing up, they set off with Omega on Uyama's back.

Uyama trudges through the alley until he finally sees the light of the city, "You know when I learned of what you did at that Hatchery, I was honestly shocked. An Omega that strong is unbelievable to think about. How did you feel?"

Omega was already asleep.

After a while of walking, Omega was woken up by Uyama. "Get off me man, I have to open the door." Startled by his sudden awakening, he jumped down and looked around frantically. Eyes filled with multi-colored lights, he gasped at the sight of a city in the night lights. As the door opened, Uyama motioned him to come inside. Omega, still dazzled by the city lights stood in confusion. His sightseeing was cut short by Uyama grabbing his arm and yanking him inside.

Omega walks inside the apartment, greeted by the warm smell of food he wasn't familiar with.

"Don't worry about the food yet, come in here." Uyama walked inside of a dark room, and Omega followed.


The lights came on to reveal a bedroom with blue walls, a low, warm-looking bed, and a single cabinet.

"Alright, the communicator's off now. They'll think I executed you in here, but this is where you'll stay for now. Now we don't have much time, and I have a lot to explain, and you have a lot to learn."

Uyama sat down on the carpet and scratched his stubble beard, "I can look inside of people's souls and inspect them. After looking at yours, I have to say I am quite stumped. I sensed more than one soul inside of you, and they all seem to work together in a way."

Omega started hearing a quiet voice penetrating his mind.

"After a deep search, I've concluded that your desire is to become human. Your soul is based on your desire, and your souls are the ones that allowed you to act that way at the Hatchery. Specifically, your 'Fury' soul was the one that overpowered the others. The other souls being Joy, Sorrow, Fear, Inquiry, and Will. That's quite the gift from God if I say so myself."

Omega glared at Uyama in confusion.

"You'll understand more later. First, you're getting homeschooled." Uyama smirked.

"Schooling?" Omega questioned.

"You bet. And for your first lesson, Human Biology!" Uyama picks at an anatomy book and snickers.

Omega was given the book to absorb as much knowledge from it as possible.

A couple of hours later, Uyama returned to the room to check up on Omega.

"How is it?"

"It was... interesting... but I'm not sure why you assumed I could read. I'm an Omega." Omega asked.

"Well, they must have taught you at least reading comprehension in the past, you're 16."

Omega scrunches his eyebrows and returns to his book, "Why do I have to know this anyway?"

"The police department's gonna show up sometime this week for evidence that you're dead and that I killed you. I need you to learn how to create a fake, but realistic body. That is- unless you want to be that body they confirm." Uyama shrugged.

"You're saying you want me to create a body." Omega side-eyed Uyama.

"Shit, I forgot to explain your powers..." Uyama sucked his teeth, "...According to my inspection, your souls are not only capable of controlling what emotions you output, but they have their own distinct abilities. Fury is what allowed you to destroy the Hatchery. The reason you didn't die from the explosion was 'Fear'. It shielded you from most of the debris, but it was 'Will' that allowed you to recover from your injuries. What will allow you to create this fake carcass is 'Inquiry'. The other two, from what I see, are simple emotions that yield no other purpose."

A short silence filled the room.

"Don't let it get to your head though. If your souls don't feel their emotions, you're powerless. Anyway, do you think you'll be ready to create a dead version of yourself?"

"No, not yet, but I'm getting close. I studied a little bit myself in the orphanage, so I'm not clueless." Omega boasted.

"So then why did you ask me that question?" Uyama asked hesitantly.

Omega looked up at him and returned to his book. Uyama sighs, "Well, excuse me. "

The door closes behind Uyama, leaving Omega alone to analyze his room. It's a great improvement from the Hatchery orphanage. His new room felt strangely comfortable. As he took a shower and brushed his teeth, he tried to process everything that had happened that day, what new emotions he had experienced. But when he went to sleep, yet again, he felt nothing.

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