Everlasting Winter

By ShotoTodoroki015

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Shoto Todoroki is too scared to go to school. What happens when he meets Izuku Midoriya? His world gets a lit... More

I'm not ready
I'm not going to school
The empty desk
It's darkest before the Dawn
This is not Shiketsu
The green light to go to U.A
A day at home with my siblings
Secrets revealed
First training exercise at U.A
Spilled milk
Hard day but I have a friend
Visit up in flames
A visit to the farm
Day of the sports festival
First day of Winter
Goodbye Benelli
Is she your dog?

One small step

100 3 1
By ShotoTodoroki015

Todoroki POV

It's the beginning of a new week, seven more day. It's like a reset, a new beginning, a fresh start. I can't help but think that something is going to happen this week. The next morning, I wake up before my alarm. I get my uniform on without much trouble. I leave my blazer for now since I didn't what to get anything on it. I go downstairs, the house is quiet, everyone is still asleep. This is my favour time of the day, a time I can walk around the house on my terms not my father's terms. I check the door and his things are gone, he has already left, he usually leaves early in the morning to go be a hero, to show other citizens there is nothing to fear. Unintentionally, this leaves me feeling safe in my own house. Today I make my siblings breakfast. When my siblings come down, we eat together. It's the closest thing to a family we have in the Todoroki home.

Natsuo breaks the morning silence, "Hey, what's that on your shirt?"

I look at my right arm and there was a large blood stain on my shirt.

"I think it's blood," I whisper trying not to let the tears fall.

"It's okay Shoto, I'll get some new bandages and a new shirt," Natsuo smiles.

"Hey Fuyumi, I don't have to wear a short sleeve shirt, do I?" I ask tears falling down my cheek.

"Of course not. Remember, I only bought you one short sleeve, and the rest are all long sleeves. I know you prefer long sleeve shirts to hide you burns and bandages," Fuyumi gently responses.

"Thanks, I really appreciate that," I say wiping my right eye.

"Anytime Shoto," she came over and hugs me from behind.

The hug feels nice, it's reminding me of the moments with mom. I close my eyes and a fleeting memory enters my mind. I was four or five and in my mother's room. I remember it was chilly in her bedroom, it was always colder than the rest of the house, but the cold never bothered me like it bothered my father. I burrowed myself in my mother's arms afraid if I let go she would disappear. I just got my quirk, father was not yet home but even in my young, confused brain I knew what this meant, my father already started my training to become his tool to best All Might. I remember saying to mom I don't what to become a hero like father, he never smiles only frowns. The memory continues, my mom comforting me, tears stream down my face blurring my vision. I remember the chilliness nipping at my young skin as warm tears continue down my face. I hear her voice; my mother voice always had a means to calm me down. I hug Fuyumi back, opening my eyes and focus on the snow glob resting on the counter. Her voice reminds me of a snow glob. The quiet snowflakes fall in perfect harmony with the glitter that could light up an entire room.

I was brought back to reality by my brother. "Let's get you ready for school," Natsuo smiles as he walks over with the first aid kit and a fresh shirt from my room.

I move my chair around to face Natsuo. He helps me take off the shirt with the blood on it.

"I know I haven't told you this, but I am so proud of you for going to school even though you are scared," Natsuo says unwrapping my arms.

"Thanks, Natsuo that means a lot," I reply.

Natsuo cleans the dried blood off my arm, then grabs my right arm and begins rewrapping my arm.

"I know I'm not always the one to handle your freak outs, but I am always here for you," Natsuo grins.

I nod in response. Once both my bandages were changed Natsuo helps me put on a clean shirt. He picks me up from my chair and pulled me into a hug.

"I love you little bro," as Natsuo shakes my two-toned hair.

"I love you too," I say laying my head on his chest.

He takes my old bloody shirt to the laundry room before the blood could stain.

"Hey Shoto, Natsuo. It's time to go," Fuyumi calls.

"I'm coming," I call back.

Natsuo helps me get ready. I put my shoes on, grab my side bag and open the door.

On the way to the train station Fuyumi tries to distract me.

"Are you ready?" Fuyumi asks.

"Yes and no. I know I need to try but I am still nervous" I say fidgeting with my hands.

"How about your friends' dog? What are they like?" Fuyumi questions.

"Benelli isn't just a regular dog she's a service dog in training. That means she can get distracted if someone pets or talks to her," I explain.

"Wow, I didn't know that. Have you been doing some research?" Natsuo asks.

"I have. I wanted to be ready when I finally met Midoriya in person," I reply.

When we finally made it to the train station, we get our tickets, board the train at the same place we did during the practice runs two weeks ago. Like clockwork, before the train leaves the station the conductor came around to punch our tickets. It wasn't the same person as before. This conductor had a special guest. It was a service dog. I quickly notice she has a prosthetic leg, it was visibly under her skirt. I am amazed at how well the dog is behaving, all the dogs focus was on the handler. It has a red service dog vest with several patches. One catches my eye it says, dog on duty do not distract.

"Oh, are you a U.A student?" she asks.

I wanted to answer but I just couldn't open my mouth.

"Yes, he is. Hey Sho hand her your ticket," Natsuo says saving me.

"Not much of a talker I see," she jokes handing us our tickets back.

When the train finally starts moving, I pull out the yearbook. I run my finger over the picture of Midoriya with a service dog. He wasn't on the list Midoriya gave me so he must already be a working service dog.

When the train arrives at our stop, we get off the train. I step off the train, look around and see a bunch of U.A students walking up the mountain. I turn around to get back on the train but Fuyumi and Natsuo were blocking the door. I start to back away before a gentle, yet strong hand grabs mine; it was Natsuo.

"Hey, I'll walk you to the door," he smiles.

I nod letting him guide me up the mountain. Once U.A came into view I start to get even more nervous. My legs were shaking, and it felt like there was an iron band around my chest making it hard to breathe. Natsuo notices this, he just gives my hand a gentle squeeze and continues to guide me towards the school. There were so many people, my heart begins to really race. My head begins to spin, the noise around me grows with every passing second. It feels like there is something pulsating inside my ears. My hold body feels numb, and I can barely stand. I was about to bolt when I saw Benelli come around the corner with Midoriya. I let go of Natsuo's hand and start to walk towards Benelli. My legs stop shaking and I was able to finally take a deep breath. When Midoriya notices me, he gave me the same kind smile as he did the first day.

"Good morning, you must be Todoroki," Midoriya smiles.

I nod.

"Nice to finally meet the person behind all those amazing emails," he smiles. "Oh, I almost forgot this is Benelli," Midoriya reaches over and pats the chocolate lab.

"Nice to meet you both," I say back.

"Would you like to walk Benelli to the door," he asks.

I look back at my siblings and they both gave me a thumbs up.

I look at Midoriya "I would really like that," I say.

Midoriya takes off the leash and hands it to me.

"Just put it over your body like you do with your bag," he smiles.

I nod putting the leash over my body. I look at the chocolate lab with some nervousness. Benelli looks up at me with her tongue sticking out and it wipes the nervousness away.

"You can tell her to be with you. Just say 'with me' and point to the side of your body with your finger," Midoriya explains.

I nod. "Benelli with me," I say using the hand gesture. Benelli listens to the command and came closer to my side.

"That was really good Benelli!" Midoriya smiles then adds, "here give her a treat," he continues handing me a treat. I took the treat and gave it to Benelli.

"Now let's head into the school," Midoriya smiles.

I nod and follow him towards the door with Benelli by my side. When we get to the doors Mr. Aizawa was waiting there for us.

"This must be Benelli," Aizawa says.

"Yes, thanks again for letting her train here," Midoriya says.

"I didn't have much to say in the matter," Aizawa sighs. He looks at me and says, "Nice to see you again Todoroki are you helping Midoriya with the training?" Aizawa asks.

"He sure is," Midoriya interjects with a smile which made me feel good.

"Alright I will see you two in class," Aizawa said before walking away

"Hey, Todoroki why don't you hold onto Benelli's harness," Midoriya says.

"Okay," I say in return.

I grab onto the handle and Benelli begins to guide me into the school.

We pass by a couple of classrooms before the sounds starts getting to me. I start to breathe a bit heavier, and I start to play with my fingers. Benelli seems to notice I was a bit anxious and starts noses bumping me.

"Hey Todoroki, I think she wants you to sit down," Midoriya said noticing Benelli's actions.

I nod sitting down in front of some lockers. Benelli came and laid down on my lap. I look up at Midoriya confused.

"Don't worry this is actually one of her tasks it's call deep-pressure-therapy or DPT," he explains.

I nod. I start to pet Benelli's head, and it really helps me calm down.

After a couple minutes of sitting down I was feeling better.

"Hey Todoroki, I noticed you got overwhelmed once we came into the school. Is there anything that could help you with that?" Midoriya questions breaking the silence.

"I do have my ear plugs," I reply.

"Do you want to put them in before we go to class," Midoriya asks.

"Sure," I whisper.

As I pull out my earplugs, I explain to Midoriya that I have been using them since middle school. They are what the audiologists call a complete noise cancelling earplug, but I swiftly say they really don't cancel everything out. I unexpectedly add that they help nonetheless with the white noise like what's going on in the hallway. I open my bag and pull out my earplugs. I grab a wipe and wipe down my ear plugs before putting them in. I put my earplug case back in my bag before standing up. Benelli stood up with me and so did Midoriya.

"Are you ready to head to the classroom," asks Midoriya.

"I guess," I sigh still not feeling 100%.

I re-grab the harness Benelli's wearing and start following Midoriya down a couple more hallways before we reached the classroom.

Midoriya's POV

Once we got to the classroom, I could see Todoroki anxiety growing. I know I need to find a way to help him. I look at Benelli and that gave me an idea.

"Hey Todoroki, I need introduce Benelli to the class and if you want after I'm done introducing her, I could give her the command to bark; so, you could sit down without anyone bothering you. Would you like that?" I ask.

He looks up at me and nods taking off the leash and handing it to me. I take the leash from him and walk into the classroom closing the door behind me.

Then I hear Iida say, "dogs are not allowed on school property you must remove this mutt from my sights."

I then I hear Mr. Aizawa, "Iida let Midoriya explain before jumping to assumptions. Go ahead Midoriya"

"So, as you have already seen I have a dog with me today. Her name is Benelli, and she will be with me for the rest of the week." I look around the classroom

"Can you please explain why this flee bag is here?" Iida asks annoyed.

"Well, she isn't just a regular dog she is a service dog in training. That means she can go anywhere a human can go," I explain.

I look at Benelli giving her the command to bark. She's a little quiet at first but I encourage her to get louder.

"Midoriya please quiet the dog," I hear Aizawa say but I saw Todoroki coming in from the corner of my eye, so I gave her one last command to bark before letting her know to stop. I think Mr. Aizawa figured out my plan because he didn't question me again about it.

"Alright Midoriya go and take your seat," he states in his normal voice.

I walk over to my desk letting Benelli go over to Todoroki and lay by his feet which Todoroki seems to really like. When I was finally in my seat Mr. Aizawa starts home room not mentioning Todoroki's apprentice. I give Mr. Aizawa a quick nod to say thank you, he nods back before returning to writing this on the board. I am so glad the plan worked. I hope everything goes well this morning not just for Benellis sake but also for Todorokis too.

Todoroki's POV

Once I was in my seat it was a bit easier. The class starts and I was able to follow along. At first, I am nervous that everyone else will be ahead of me however I was able to follow the teacher as if I was at school the whole time. My first serious test at school comes. The teacher calls on me to answer a question. I freeze, I am unable to say a word. Instead, almost out of instinct or maybe out of habit I sign the answer.

I suddenly hear a voice from my right. "Why are you waving your hands around? Say something you mute. "

Rescuing me, the teachers asks a boy in the front row the question again.

The rest of the morning goes better, none of the other teachers acknowledged me. I was very grateful for that. I was able to make it through all my morning class without much issue thanks to Benelli at my feet. After the last class in the morning, I was packing up my things, I notice a girl with brown hair and pink cheeks go over to Midoriya's. I could vaguely hear their conversation, but it sounds like that they were talking about me.

"Hey Deku, are you coming to sit with us at our table," the girl asks.

"Sorry but I was actually going to sit with Todoroki," Midoriya replies.

"Oh, I see how it is. You're choosing that mute over us," she said mockingly.

"Take that back! Todoroki is brave and this is how you treat him!" Midoriya said rising his voice "leave!"

"Sure, whatever. You will regret that, Deku!" She says walking away in the process stepping on Benelli's tail making her yelp.

Hey, be more careful next time, I sign without thinking.

"So, you really are a mute. How low for a hero," she smiles walking backwards away from me with her fingers to her forehead in the shape of an L. I was just about to leave when Midoriya came over to my desk.

"Do you want to head to the cafeteria with me?" Midoriya asks.

"Sure," I reply quietly in the empty classroom.

As we approach the cafeteria, I could hear the noise from the hall. Midoriya notices my uneasiness and took me over to a corner of the cafeteria where no one else was. I sat down at the table with Benelli.

"If you like I can go get our lunch while you stay here. Is there anything you would like?" Midoriya asks smiling.

"Could you get me a strawberry milk please," I ask just above a whisper.

"Oh course!" He smiles, "I'll be right back".

While I was waiting for Midoriya I was petting Benelli when he girl with pink cheeks came up to me.

"Hey, I know you can talk so tell me what you are doing here?" she said raising her voice.

I didn't respond, it was like in class and my mouth was glued shut.

"Are you going to reply or not," she asks annoyed. "You can't just decide when you what to come to school. I knew who you were the moment you walked in the room. The rumours where right. Endeavours kid is a messed-up mute."

I look down at Benelli. I could feel the familiar sensation of dread building inside me.

"Listen here you little mute. You can't just come here and steal Deku from me. Do you hear me!" She screams.

I cover my ears with my hands.

"I am going to repeat myself one more time, don't you dare take Deku away from his real friends. Your nothing more than a lost cause. You're just a liability holding him back." She said slamming her hand down on the table.

I nod. I remove my hands from my ears and look up at her.

The next thing I knew her hand slaps me across the cheek

"And don't you forget it, stupid mute!" She yells walking away as if she was proud of herself.

Midoriya's POV

I was walking back to the table with our food when I heard Benelli bark. I quicken my step and when I got there Todoroki was nowhere to be seen. I grab Benelli's leash before she could run. Then I heard someone come up behind me.

"Hey Deku, now that the mute is gone you can come sit with us," I turn around to see Uraraka smiling.

"Uraraka what did you do?" I ask staring her in the face.

"Oh, I just told him the truth," she shrugs.

"That was?" I question.

"I just told him that he is nothing more than a stupid mute holding you back," she smears.

"Uraraka! Why did you say that!" I yell still trying to hold back Benelli.

"Because he needs to be put in his place," she shrugs again, "But you never answered my question, are you coming to sit with us?"

"No, I need to go find Todoroki," I reply grabbing my backpack.

I head to the doors of the cafeteria that Benelli is pulling me towards.

"Benelli quit it. I need to find Todoroki," I say then Benelli starts pulling me down the hall towards the bathroom. I quickly realize that Benelli has probably picked up on Todoroki's scent. I open the bathroom door.

"Hey Todoroki, are you in here?" I ask quietly.

I hear a quick sniffle. I let go of Benelli's leash. She trots over to the last stall. She flops under the door, the only thing I could see is her tail. Then I heard Todoroki voice.

"Hey, Benelli," he sniffles.

Then I heard the stall door click and open.

I walk over to the stall and sit down in front of Todoroki.

"Hey, are you okay," I ask keeping my voice soft.

Todoroki didn't say anything, he just shook his head. He looks up and I notice that his right cheek was red.

"Could you maybe tell me a bit of what happened?" I ask.

"The girl with pink cheeks came up to me and told me I was just a burden on you," he replies wiping his nose with some Kleenex I offered him.

"Is that true. Am I a burden on you?" he asks looking down at Benelli who was licking his hand.

"Of course, it's not true," I smile, "I think of you as a friend not a burden Todoroki," I continue.

"Really," he asks with tears running down his face.

"Of course," I smile "Why don't we head too class now," I suggest.

"My brother is actually coming to pick me up," he says looking down.

"Oh, then why don't Benelli and I walk you to the door," I say standing up.

He nods in agreement standing up. He tries to hand me the leash, but I decline.

"You can walk her," I smile leading the way out of the bathroom.

When we got to the front of the school, I notice a male with white hair outside the gate.

"That's my brother over there. I really must go," he said handing the leash and walking away.

I call out to him, "Benelli will be here tomorrow waiting for you".

He turns around and I thought I saw a small smile on his face.

Todoroki POV

I look back at Benelli and Midoriya, it puts a slight smile on my face, but it quickly fades when I feel the pain from my cheek. I am NOT going to school tomorrow. I couldn't hold back my tears any longer. Tears started forming in the corner of my right eye. Natsuo pulls me into a hug. I began to cry into my brother's chest.

"Hey, it's okay," Natsuo whispers.

I sniffled, "can we go?" I ask.

"Of course, Fuyumi should be there by the time we get home,"

I nod and pull away from the hug.

"Are you ready?" Natsuo asks.

I nod.

"Okay let's go," he says taking my hand leading me to the train station.

When we got onto the train, I let my head rest on Natsuo's shoulder. I let my eyes drift shut and go into a darkness I have been craving.

The next time I open my eyes is when Natsuo is shaking me awake because we are at our stop.

"Shoto come on," He said reaching out his hand for me to grab.

I nod and grab his hand. He guides me off the busy train then let's go of my hand. When we got home, I head straight to my room to get changed. After I am done changing, I grab Bun-Bun and lay down under my blanket. After a couple minutes I heard footsteps enter my room. I took the blankets off my head to find Natsuo coming over to me.

"Did I wake you," he asks.

I shook my head. He came over and sat next to me on my futon.

"Hey Sho, why was your cheek all red when I picked you up?" He asks.

"I'm fine Natsuo," I say back.

"That's not what I asked. Why was your cheek red?" he asks again.

I sigh "A girl with pink cheeks smacked me today, that's why I asked you to come and get me," I explain.

"What!" He screams.

After he screamed, I heard footsteps coming towards my room. My door opens to reveal Fuyumi still in her work clothes.

"What happened?" asks Fuyumi worried.

"Some girl smacked Shoto today," Natsuo says sounding angry.

"Oh my, are you already Shoto," Fuyumi questions stepping closer.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Benelli and Midoriya helped me," I say trying to smile.

"Even if your fine now what if it happens again," Natsuo says looking at Fuyumi "We have to do something".

"Natsuo I know your upset right now but Shoto has someone at school that is looking out for him. I'm only guessing but I don't think Midoriya knew this was happening or he wouldn't have left Shoto," Fuyumi explains.

"I guess you're right," Natsuo sighs.

"I am always right. Now go do your homework," Fuyumi smirks.

Natsuo nods leaving my room. When my door closes again Fuyumi takes over Natsuo's spot.

"I'm going to warm up some milk for you. Do you think you could come down to come get it," she asks.

"Yeah, I actually feel better," I say.

"That's good I will meet you down there." She smiles. Leaving me with my thoughts. I look over at my bookcase where I cleaned off a shelf for all the pictures, I got from Midoriya and of course the yearbook. I get up and walk over to my service dog shelf and pull out my newest edition; Benelli's bandana. I found it in my bag when I got home, it must have fallen off when we were in the bathroom. I took one more deep breath before grabbing my phone and head downstairs. When I enter the kitchen, I notice a glass of milk on the table along with a laptop. Fuyumi was chopping vegetables for dinner when she notices me.

"Oh Shoto, I set up one of our old laptops with your school email so you can talk to Midoriya" she smiles.

"You mean talk to him though my email?" I ask with a little panic in my voice.

"Yeah, I thought it would be nice for you two to talk without the fear of father finding out." She explains, "and also so your sister does not get distracted by puppies when she is trying to work," she said pouting.

I smile. "Thanks for the milk, Fuyumi," I say standing up before grabbing my milk and laptop and head back to my room. I pass Natsuo in the hall. Natsuo went into the kitchen.

"So, I guess it went well," Natsuo declares.

"Yeah, better than expected," Fuyumi smiles.

"I'm glad," Natsuo smiles back.

I put my laptop on my desk. I open a new email and type Midoriya's email address into the receiver portion. I try to think of a good way to start the email, but I couldn't think of any, so I settled with hey. I work on the email for about an hour before my sister came to check of me.

"Hey, how are you doing?" She asks from my doorway.

"Good, just working on an email to send to Midoriya," I say taking a sip of my milk.

"Well enjoy," I heard her say as she closes my door.

I knew my siblings were talking in the hall, but I just focus on the email.

"So how is he?" asks Natsuo.

"Actually, he is sitting at his desk on his laptop," Fuyumi smiles.

"Really?" Natsuo utters shocked.

"Yeah, he said he is writing an email to Midoriya," Fuyumi explains, "come on I need some help with dinner".

After about 45 minutes the email was done. I put my name on the bottom then I erase it. I write my name again and then erase it again. Then I wrote it again but before I could erase it Fuyumi came in.

"Shoto dinner is ready," she says.

"Okay," I reply.

I grab my phone and empty milk glass following Fuyumi downstairs.

The bowls where already on the table. Dinner was good; we had steamed vegetables with fried rice. After dinner I help Fuyumi clean the dishes.

"Hey, Fuyumi can I have some milk to take up to my room?" I ask.

"Oh course. Do you want it warm or cold?" She asks back.

"Cold please," I say.

She nods and grabs a clean cup from the cupboard filling it for me.

"Thanks Fuyumi," I smile heading back upstairs.

"Anytime baby bro," she smiles back.

It has been a long time since she has called me that, but it always puts a smile on my face when she does. I got back to my room and immediately open the email for Midoriya. I read over it finding some mistakes I miss the first five times I read it. I was finally happy with the email. I took a sip of my milk but almost spit it out when I heard the front door opening followed by footsteps that could only belong to one person. I heard the footsteps approaching my room. I quickly hit send on the email and hide the laptop. I barely got my drawer closed before my door came down.


He came into my room grabbing me by my already bruised wrist. I stumble to my feet knocking into my desk shattering the glass I had of milk.

Midoriya POV

I just finished my math homework when I got an email from a new email address. I open my email app and notice it was Todoroki, but it was his student email instead of his sisters. I decide to take a break from my homework to read the email.

Hey, this is my personal student email. I was hoping we could email though here from now on.

I want to start off by saying thank you to both you and Benelli for all you did for me today. I hope we can continue our friendship, I felt very safe with you. I understand that I'm not the most normal person, but I hope you can overlook that. I enjoyed working with you and Benelli today. I wanted you to know that I don't blame you for what happened today I know you were just as caught off guard as I was. I probably won't be at school tomorrow so I will see you when I come back. Best of luck with Benelli and the rest of the service dogs you train.

Shoto Todoroki.

It was such a sweet message. I did feel bad for what happened today, but I am glad he still sees me as a friend. With that I close my computer and start getting ready for bed. Deciding the rest of the homework could wait for another time. 

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