Divine. | Countryhumans rusame

By Junoisnotok

39.7K 955 2.8K

Soviet Collapsed, Soviet's kids kept his death a secret until the organizations accidentally found out. After... More

Soviet's Children (Prologue)
A usual day
At the store
The states
Going to the park
Fighting in bed
Russia's memory zone
Bloody Gift
All powers activated
groceries before plans
"Is this not a date?"
Flowers for you
The lady
In different places
SPECIAL CH: blue + red = purple
Bailing out of jail, forcefully
Japan, the mastermind
Handmade gift
Overwhelming emotions
A lot can happen in two days
(Almost) forgotten memories
Thrown into it all

The two main Families

2.4K 50 181
By Junoisnotok

Sorry to say that Russia and America will not meet just yet, but in the Next chapter, they will.


EDITED: Oct 10, 2023

(...) means time skip.
(__) means flashback.


^ The Russian family (Third POV) ^

The sun was shining brightly and the cold air of winter started to breeze in the Russian family's house. The cold air made only one Russian awake from their 'hibernation' and it was the one and only, Russia.

Russia stayed in his bed for a few minutes until he had to get up, Russia was never a morning person and never will be. It took him at least 20 minutes to get up and take a shower.

His outfit Choice was a thin white turtleneck Long-sleeved shirt and a black V-neck sweater to go on top of it and then some black pants and of course undergarments.

When he was done picking out the outfit he took a towel and headed to the bathroom. Russia turned on the shower to the perfect temperature and then undressed Himself to get in.

Today will be a long day, the organizations finally found out Soviet died. Russia and his other siblings told nobody and a few even agreed to pretend to be Soviet just so no one would find out he passed away.

Of course, the organizations were a tad bit mad about this since it had been way more than one week of the Russians doing this, however, the organizations told them if they came to introduce themselves they would be forgiven.

And since this is the Russian family we're talking about, they had a debate on it like they always do.


"WHAT?! What did we do to give it away?" Belarus seethed. They were doing so well about hiding this huge secret of theirs, how did the organizations know?

Russia narrowed his eyes, "Calm down Беларусь (Belarus), don't yell so loud, you know this house echoes and you also know how Украина (Ukraine) feels about that," He warned her calmly.

The Russian family doesn't yell that often, it reminds them of past nights that were filled with screaming, fighting, and sounds of glass shattering.

"Sorry Raine, I'm just a little shocked," Belarus grumbled and attempted to keep her cool as best as she could.

Ukraine grinned at the little nickname Belarus used and said, "It's fine, I know you didn't mean to yell so loudly."

"Well, do we go to the meeting?" Kazakhstan asked, making all of them wonder, and since they didn't know.. they turned to their eldest sibling, Russia.

Russia bit his lip in thought. if they did go, could end horribly like countries walking up to them with not-so-good intentions. If they didn't go, the organizations would forcefully come and get them.

He sighs defeatedly, "Mhm, it's best if we go. We don't want to be in more trouble than we already are." The siblings nodded and agreed, it was the best and technically the only 'good' option they had.

It was best not to anger the organizations.

"Then it's set, we will all go to the meeting tomorrow and Introduce ourselves." Once Kazakhstan said that, they all went to their rooms, they had to make sure they had everything they needed for the meeting tomorrow.

Such things as pepper spray, for protection reasons only.


Russia sighed and turned the water off. He wrapped the towel around his waist and hurried to get himself dry. Ukraine will probably want to use his bathroom soon since Belarus always takes way too long just to get out of their shared bathroom.

You would think their house would have more bathrooms considering it was a mansion, but it only had 3 bathrooms.

Now, imagine having 15 countries and a father sharing all three of them. But luckily for them, most siblings moved out as soon as Soviet died to explore the world while Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus stayed.

Why did they stay? Because Russia was the only one who agreed to pretend to be Soviet and Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus couldn't stand to leave Russia alone to work 24/7 and so they stayed and split the paperwork to make it easier.

Just as Russia was done dressing he heard a knock, "Are you almost done, Rus?" It was Ukraine.

Russia chuckled and opened the door "It's all yours, brother." He said smiling lightly as Ukraine's face lit up. "Thanks," he thanked his older brother before sprinting into the bathroom.

It brightens Russia's day to see any of his siblings happy in the slightest, he'd do anything for them, even though they do get on his nerves sometimes.

Although, don't all siblings get on one another's nerves quite a bit?

Russia made his way downstairs. He will be making breakfast, they will also leave for the meeting at 9:00 AM (09:00) so that would give them enough time to get there at 9:20 AM (09:20), It is currently 7:12 (07:12) in the morning, they had enough time.


Russia had finally finished making breakfast. he made sausage, Eggs, and buttered bread to go with it. It was simple and not a Russian-style breakfast but he knew his siblings would like it, they absolutely loved his cooking.

And speaking of the demon siblings, here they came, down the stairs. Ukraine came down dressed nicely, while Kazakhstan and Belarus were still in their pajamas and rubbing their eyes tiredly.

'It's like every time I'm done cooking, they come at that exact time, I guess that's what happens when you're a good cook,' Russia thought to himself with a smile and placed the plates full of food on the table.

Ukraine took a seat calmly, Kazakhstan sat down slowly, and Belarus quickly sat down and started to shove the food down her throat, making Russia laugh.

He didn't bother to tell her to slow down since she wouldn't listen anyway. If she chokes it's her fault, not his.

Russia didn't get any food, he wasn't so much of a breakfast person. Russia poured himself some coffee and turned to see his siblings who had confused looks, "I will eat lunch, you guys know I do not like breakfast that much."

This still did not help their confusion but they nodded anyway. Russia used to always eat breakfast but now he doesn't which confuses the 3 siblings a lot.

After some minutes of eating and chatting, the siblings put their plates into the sink. Kazakhstan and Belarus went to get dressed while Ukraine stayed with Russia in the kitchen.

Ukraine and Russia decided to talk for a bit until their siblings were finally walking down the stairs.

Kazakhstan was in comfy clothes, not caring about looking formal but rather if he felt comfortable or not. And Belarus wore a short black dress.

If her dress was any shorter, Russia would have said something about it, but it thankfully covered her enough so it was fine. Russia was not about to have anyone simp over his little sister.

"Everyone is ready, yes?" Russia inquired and they all nodded. "Go get in the car then," He said, grabbing the keys.

"I call shotgun!" Ukraine ran to the car and sat in the passenger seat before Belarus could push him out. "Ты мудак (You're an asshole)..." Belarus grunted as she got in the back seat.

As Belarus and Ukraine were bickering in the car, Kazakhstan was trying to convince Russia to let him fly while following the car. Russia wasn't having it.




"Come onnnn!"

"Нет!! (No)"

"I promise I won't make a scene!"

"You flying above a car would already make a scene. Пожалуйста, просто сядьте в машину (Please, get in the car), Kaz.."

Kazakhstan grumbled and reluctantly got in the car.

Russia got in the driver's seat after he made sure nothing was left behind. Russia was in the driver's seat, Ukraine was in the passenger seat, Belarus was behind Ukraine's seat, and Kazakhstan was behind Russia's seat. What could go wrong?

"Перестаньте пытаться выпрыгнуть из окна, вы поранитесь! (Stop trying to jump out of the window, you'll hurt yourself)"


Canada groaned before his eyes shot wide open and he snapped his head towards the clock, 7:45 AM (07:45). "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck-" he tripped over some papers but he didn't bother to pick them up.

Canada was hurrying to pick out some nice clothes Meanwhile America was in the kitchen casually eating some burnt toast he made.

'They better hurry up or I'm leaving them,' The American thought to himself as he got his keys, getting ready to leave.

Britain was swiftly getting ready as well as France, they both forgot to turn their alarm on. Britain hated waking up to his son screaming at them to "get the fuck up," It was not pleasant waking up to that at all.

Sometimes, Britain just wanted to smash the American's head Into a wall but he wasn't strong enough for that anymore, nor did he want to get killed by his wife, France.

Australia and New Zealand were also rushing to get ready, however, they already picked out their clothes the day before so they didn't have to hurry to find clothes.

Alas, before New Zealand could move out the door, Australia put a snake on her back so she could "hold it" for him and she freaked out.

New Zealand through the snake off her and on Australia, causing him to get upset and start chasing her with the snake, yelling at her to apologize.

Britain, France, and Canada were about to walk down the stairs before they were knocked down by Australia and New Zealand.


There came the rest of the English family falling downstairs. "About time, I was about to leave you all," America hissed, opening the house door. He was not a very happy-go-lucky person at the moment.

Especially since he has to wake his family up almost every day, though sometimes Britain wakes up at the same time as America but that's not often.

America wakes up at 5:00 AM (05:00) and Britain usually wakes up at 6:00 AM (06:00).

America occasionally gets called "early bird" by his family and friends because of how early he wakes up. America does not mind it and has no shame in being the early bird of the family.

In fact, he loves it, it's very calming in the morning with the wind traveling around the house and the birds chirping, along with the sway of trees, It is his favorite part of his day.

Once they got in Australia's car, Britain immediately started bickering with America, "If you left us I would've beaten the bloody hell out of you!" The British man started to scold his son some more as America kept driving. France on the other hand was trying to calm Britain down.

America hadn't listened at all to what his father was saying, why would he listen to an old man who can't drive but can still sail a boat and fly a plane but just cannot drive a car?

Honestly, everything about Britain confused America.

Meanwhile, New Zealand was talking Australia's ears off and telling him never to put a snake on her, he wasn't listening to her but he was instead focusing on his father and brother up front.

He was kinda hoping for them to start fighting. It was interesting to Australia when they fought, Australia always liked the way they both would have amazing yet harsh comebacks, and not one of them would win an argument and the only reason why It would end was because of France stopping them.

France was the only one in the house who kept things peaceful in the family.

And Poor Canada, he had to get the trunk because there was no more room in the car.

Thankfully, the trunk was connected to the back seat so it wasn't like Canada was isolated or suffocating.


The English family finally got there around 9:30 AM (09:30). Late indeed. How? Well, the car broke down halfway there.


"I told you guys we should've left with my car, not Australia's," America told them in a rather calm tone which made Canada want to rip off his head even though he didn't have the heart for that. "How are you so calm?! The car literally stopped working!"

"Seems like you're a bit stressed, Canada," America smirked, he knew he was getting on his brother's nerves but he didn't care.

"A bit? A BIT?! YES, I'M STRESSED, we are going to miss half the meeting!"

"Well how 'bout y'all stop yelling— err I mean, Canada stop yelling so we can start walkin'," said the Australian who was already walking on the sidewalk.

Britain frowned and decided to start walking as well, and soon France, then America, Canada, and New Zealand went along as well.

The car would probably get taken away soon so they did not bother to try and move it.


France was quiet the whole day, except when she had to stop Britain and America from fighting more.

America was starting to get greatly concerned about her so he slowed down and soon started walking beside France.

"Are you okay, mama?" France snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her son who had just spoken to her. "Oh oui, I am fine! I just am thinking of the new countries... I wonder what they will look like!" America giggled and opened the door for her, "We'll see when we get into the meeting room, I'm sure they're already there since we are all late."

Both America and France heard Canada groan in the distance, it seemed like Australia started teasing him about something.

America and France looked at each other and laughed. France wasn't the one to pick favorites but if Britain and America were over hot lava, France would help America first.

France and America always had this wonderful bond, If one was feeling down the other would try and make their day better. They loved to have mother-and-son bonding time as well.

Soon enough, the English family got to a door, the slightly small meeting room, the countries in the room were talking loudly.

Maybe talking to the new countries? Asking them how they were able to keep Soviet's death a secret? Asking how they feel? The English family wasn't sure so they went in to figure it out themselves.

═══════ 2305 words ═══════

Wow, this one chapter took a longer time than I expected it would. Never knew I would work my blood, sweat, and tears on one chapter but here I am. It's harder than you think to give them all a unique personality.

Spell check: 3/3
(If you see any mistakes please point them out nicely).

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