>>A demons servant<< [DISCONT...

By The_Strawhat

11.8K 172 557

Angels and demons live in this world...both so very close...yet so far still. The angel yashiro, is a sweet... More

♡⚠︎ Introduction⚠︎♡
◇Important News!◇
♤♡Demons and Angels♡♤
>>Magic and Spells<<
♡>>Chapter 1<<♡
♡>>Chapter 2<<♡
♡>>Chapter 3<<♡
♡>>Chapter 4<<♡
♡>>Chapter 5<<♡
♡>>Chapter 6<<♡
Succubus and the Angel Pt.1
>>Chapter 8<<

>>Chapter 7<<

526 14 27
By The_Strawhat

The Days she's spent in the Lust Circle of Hell have been... interesting to say the least.

Ever since that one Incident in his Room... it's been quite- well weird. Neither of them talked about it- which was unusual knowing how much he liked to tease her about things. Yet, she was still glad he was the same- for the most part. He still flirted with her, gave the occasional tease or dirty reference to mess with her- but sometimes...when she's alone she can't help but look back at that moment...

The moment when he looked like as if he would devour her whole.

The way he touched her, pushed her down against the bed, bold and lustful...so intense...it still sent a shiver down her spine sometimes.

The look in his eyes still boggled her mind, so lustful- desperate even...

It was as if he was starved- a starved animal craving prey to feed on. She had been the pray...he the hungry wolf.

Would she ever see the look again, she wondered. Alas...it stood as a maybe for now.
Another thing that she has noticed is his sudden disappearances. How he would be there one moment- and gone the next. Sometimes, she wondered if it was her presence that caused it, if she was at fault...alas it was something else.

He returned did he not? He always came back, he'll just leave...be gone and then back again. Most times, she'd find him snoozing off in his bed- or at a table in the library...even his office (she had been surprised he even possessed such thing)

She could only guess he was tired, although aware of the reason she could only guess it was because of "lustful endeavors". Still, it was strange, since he had seemed so energetic the first few days she has been with him.
He truly had an interesting duty indeed, so she discovered after just weeks of staying with him.

Duties of the ruler of this realm- like any other- was to keep order. Rogue demons must be taken care of- and if needed...eliminated.

He had to see to it that those who have passed into this realm are welcomed properly and that all businesses run smoothly. Of course, he also hired staff and took care of other potential candidates for jobs.

It was like a normal society here, not like she had imagined. There was no chaos, no distruction...and most unforseen there was kind behaviour. Most souls may have sinned but they see their wrongs...and many aren't that bad- like the succubi and other maids she works alongside.
Nene sighed as she sat in the Library, she read and read for hours now, that's all she ever did nowadays in her freetime. If she wasn't in the lab studying potions or exploring the Demons estate, having the demon bother her sometimes, she was here, alone.

It was so strange, but oh well. What can she do? She had no friends here, and she did not desire to bother. Besides, Hanako had made it clear just yesterday that he would not be present. To take care of things as he had told her.

She rummaged through more books, juts for any kind of information her curiosity filled mind hadn't devoured already. The girl rarely found things she found new, nor interesting...not even of the History of Hanako himself. Nothing.

The only interesting article she found...was a sort of...self insert fanfiction by some girl who must have stayed in the Manor and had definitely been in the library. It was...interest, just by this...she read a few pages only to discover this was...a quite unholy written fiction book indeed. Who knows if even holy water can cleanse the mind of whomever wrote this...about themselves and the demon of lust.

It sent a shiver down her spine to think that flirt of a guy got this sort of attention aswell... the book was put away immediately. And for the sake of others, there where none would hopefully come to find it.

It somehow reminded her of her past self, the innocent 15 year old girl so innocent and pure- just asking for affection and love in her life. She used to write aswell, not dirty of course, and did sweet little things to get a boys attention. Still, she was a fool, way to young to know when to love- or how.

Once she had stopped to reminisce about such things...she got back to her previous activity ; looking for info on the demon she served under.
It was a lot of work, there were so many shelves and so many books to find and put back once she had not found what she had searched for.

In the end she had given up on her quest to find more info on the demon, instead settling for a few books from the Erotica section of the library. She was such a sucker for romance.

As she began to read, she took note of the writing...the story telling-the development of character and relationship and the slow burn with a bit of heat at the end. Oh...how she longed for this sort of firey passion to be used on her...

Yet only, she sighed and dropped her head on the book, a groan leaving her lips as she finds herself utterly tired and exhausted. She should honestly stop trying to occupy her time with reading...she'll get bored in no time.

"So you're curious about ni-chan huh?",

A voice called from infront of her, of course her head shot up in an instant and yet to her surprise- infront of her on the table lay...Hanako? Huh..? Wasn't he supposed to be busy?


She asked warily, somehow nene wasn't sure it was him...something about him was...different. Like his voice, he sounded more curious- childlike and playful...and did his eyes always look like that...like a cat's?

"Eh? No! Wrong! I'm not my ni-chan!",

The boy who was appearantly not Hanako told her with a smile- despite sounding maybe just a little offened. She stared at this, the way his canines so sharp like a predators showed...so sharp they could probably tear flesh easily.

They looked so alike, the brownish- black choppy hair...amber golden eyes...they looked much alike- aside from the horns...that's where they differ slightly.

Perhaps, he was a sort of...twin? He said ni-chan right? So was this his identical twin brother then?

"I...You look just like him...apologies. You just look so similar-identical even. May I guess that you are twins perhaps- brothers?"

She could only say so much from just taking guesses and info she had at hand. She'd never known he had a sibling before...there was so much to discover still huh...?

The eyes showed delight, his smile turning wide and happy as she clasped his hands together.

"You're right! What a smart girl you are!"

This boy told her, giving her a soft little pat on the head-perhaps to tell her she had done a good job...even if it made her feel like a little kid. How embarrassing...

"Uh...well, then who exactly are you...mister? Boy?"

Her curiosity caught her again, she never ha a opportunity like this...he was related to the demon she served...it made her quite curious indeed. Was he the same as his brother? Or not?

"Ehh? Ni-chan never told you about me? How mean~"

Nene only nodded cautiously in response, the boy only sighing before he smiled bright again.

"Really? Well, should've know! That's my brother for you. Anyways! I'm Tsukasa, ni-chans younger brother"

The boy told her. Ah, so he was the younger twin...? Interesting. The Name also weirdly fit him- despite looking alike to another with a different name.

The boy- Tsukasa sat up on the table and some key differences hadn't noticed before now became gravely obvious.

Hanako as she knew him usually wore clothes that revealed parts of his body in ways that seemed alluring or may get those he wishes to seek out interested in him. It was purely for deductions sake, and because as he says it's more comfortable.

Nene wasn't sure she like that part about him or not.

Tsukasa on the other side seemed to be dressed more casually, purple horns (in contrast to his brothers pink ones), his pointed tail the she felt like could definetly be used as a weapon and well-the clothes themselves. He seemed to wear some more popular fashion, a purple and black hoodie, army pants and well- for once she had ro say she may like this demon more than hanko already.

At lest this guy seemed much different from Hanako...wich she honestly preffered.

"Aren't cha gona introduce yourself too? Or will you just keep staring at me?"

Nene would've definetly expected some flirt, but she remembered that this wasn't Hanako...he wouldn't be like him-even if they looked alike. She of course gave an embarrassed flush and scrambled for words for a moment.

"Ah yes! Of course! It's very nice to meet you Tsukasa, I'm Yashiro Nene.

The girl quickly introduced and the demon only gave an amused smile and chuckle. He was happy huh? He did smile a lot too, didn't he?

"You have a pretty Name Nene-chan! Suits and angel like you! It's so cute!"

The boy complimented, nene flushing and nearly letting a certain fact fly right on by over her head. Awh- he called her cute, he sounded so sincere too! Hanako definetly wasn't like too, that's 2 for Tsukasa and well-hm... 1 for Hanako.

Although, when Nene realized that Tsukasa had noticed she was of angel blood...she froze...just staring.

"Thank...you. How sweet."

She managed.

"But...how'd you know I'm...I'm an angel?"

She asked, not even denying it
She could've lied or do anything else- but she didn't... she was just to honest of a girl...even when faced with a demon.

She was wary of him, most definetly...but Tsukasa only blinked, and then laughed in response. How was this funny?

"Oh you're so silly Nene-chan! It's adorable~ It's your aura and smell, didn't cha know? You're very very bad at hiding what you are, I'm surprised you've even survived down here! You're soooo lucky no one killed or devoured you yet!"

The boy sounded to excited for what horrible thing he said, it was kind of scary...alas he also was as kind enough to explain why he knew what she was.

"Smell...? You can smell what type of creature i am?"

Nene asked, her curiosity deginetly piqued by this boy. Huh...Hanako had mentioned something like that-how she smelled so innocent. Was that how he found her? Could he smell innocence?

"Well-Yeah! Demons like me have a really really good sense of smell! It isn't just your actual smell though, wich is pretty sweet like a strawberry, but more of part of you yourself- your innocence! You're a Virgin, and that's probably why nii- chan found you!"

The guy explained, nene of course flushing furiously. He knew she was a Virgin- and that she was as innocent as can be?  How embarrassing...

She only nodded in response, managing a shy kind of smile.

"A-Ah...I see... thank you"

The guy just smiled, and she smiled back. It almost seemed normal, but alas it wasn't.

"What about my Aura then- are you one of those who can sense it, smell it or just see it?"

The girl asked thee to question after that awkward length of silence and Tsukasa seemed just as happy as before to answer her question.

"You wanna know a lot don't you! So curious Nene-chan! Wellll, since you've been so good and nice I'll tell you kay? Nii-chan can see them, so he's really special! And I more of sense them! It's like a 6th sense to me! But you really really gotta focus to tell it all apart."

He explained, sorta childish but it was still nice of him to even do so. Seems like not all demons were like Hanako not like in the stories told. They didn't seem bloodthirsty- or all bad, or dishonest- they were like normal people...

Tsukasa had it 3 to 1 against Hanako.

"Thank you for telling me, I appreciate it."

Nene thanked him, giving a small headbow as she would usually do. It was just out of respect, she'd never do it with Hanako though...he didn't have the points for it.

A moment, Tsukasa was silent, seeming stunned before he was grinning wide and seemed to have something come to mind.

"You're so nice Nene-chan! Do you wanna be friieennddss?"

The guy asked- just like that, happy, smiling but serious about is offer.

Friends? Friends with a demon. Friends with the boy that was brother to the guy she was bound to because of her stupid curiosity.

Neither knew eachother for 5 or less 10 minutes and he seemed this fond of her already? Well...he's been nice...there won't be any harm in it....right?

"Well...you're nice too so...I guess I wouldn't mind"

Nene said quietly, and Tsukasa of course went all exited. He cheered and got really close to Nene, surprising her. Seems like him and Hanako have one thing in common afterall, no sense of personal space.

"Great! Then we're friends now!"

He declared proudly to her, not backing and even taking her hands to throw em up and down with his before letting go. So excited, sheesh.

"Since we're friends now!I'll do you a favor and give you this, kay?"

He said happily, nene of course confused until out of nowhere he konjoured up a black paper with the word "seal" painted on it in red ink.


He nodded.

"What do I do with it?"

Carefully she took the paper and examined it from all sides, it didn't seem dangerous, there was no incantation nor other spell circle on it...so...what was this?

"Didn't I say you're bad at hiding what you are?"

The boy pointed out bluntly, nene of course feeling ashamed, but nodded anyway.

"Put that somewhere on your body, and it'll stick to you like it's always been part of you! It'll never come off unless you want it too. It hides your angelic presence with some of mine- i enchanted it y'know. As a gift for you!Since we're friends now!"

The boy explained and something seemed to click. Oh...that made sense. So it acted as a sort of seal to her presence by covering it with his...ah...

She looked at him, and then back at Tsukasa, was this safe...? Well...he seemed nice and her curiosity had her but...

"Thank you, thank you very much. I...appreciate it. I'll think about putting it on. But well...if your brother can sense my aura...wouldn't he notice if something changed?"

Tsukasa blinked and seemed to consider it, it was right to think so. They were different, but it didn't mean Hanako would notice unless he saw the seal or he actually focused on her aura.

"Well your right about that! But he'd only notice if he really really looked and focused on your aura. But well! I don't want you to die if you ever go out, people who are more innocent down here tend to die quickest!"

Ah...well...she definetly did not want her soul to perish forever...that would be....bad.

"Well, I can try and enchant it so maybe he wouldn't notice! Okay? But you'll have to do me a favor in return!"

He told her, Nene looking at him and sighing. It was either the easy and safe option or dangerous.

"...Fine...what's this favor you want?"

Nene said in defeat, she clearly chose the safest option, getting caught and maybe getting in trouble would suck. She didn't want to start some sort of fight between them.


Tsukasa clasped his hands together.

"You'll have to meet up with me whenever you're free to, I'll tell you when I can be there and where we meet every new day. Okay! Friends are supposed to spend time together right?"

Ah...that...didn't sound to bad...it was just spending time with him. That wasn't that bad of a deal...and this time around it was for her safety...it sounded reasonable enough. With a few moments of thought the girl looked at him and held out her hand.

"Welll...okay, I'll do that favor you. It's a deal"

Nene said, the demon in seponse stunned for a moment before he took her hand and they shook in agreement.

Tsukasa looked at her, then the seal. He gave a smile before holding out his hand and chanting something. This went on for...maybe what- 10 minutes?

Eventually, he stopped, looking at her.

"There! I messed with it a little. This should fo the trick. Okay? Apply it anywhere on your body and it should start working"

Tsukasa said, and eventually he gave her a book on the nose. He leaned close to her face before black smoke started to form, his form soon disintegrated into it, the only words she was left with was.

"See you soon"

And then he was gone.

That night, nene laid in bed with the seal in hand, wondering just what to do with this and how strange everything had been. Sure, she had made a friend but...this was still most unusual. Huh...


I am so sorry for not having published in weeks-even months!

I was honestly exhausted, and really tired.

School has been stress for me, one project after another and one assignment after another. The weekends I usually post on i took time on to relax.

I was also planning a new fanfiction for you guys to read, featuring a love triangle between nene and the twins.

This chapter is a sort of twist, since I'm throwing someone in competition to Hanako into the mix. So who will have nene like them more first? Will a battle of love begin?

I plan to post the next chapter as soon as possible, gotta get back that top spot again ( lol).

- Yours truly the Author

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