Unhinged | S. Harrington| B...

By cupids_quill003

43.9K 1.3K 203

In which Steve 'the hair' Harrington falls in love with Charlie ' the Psycho' Hopper. Or In which the Billy... More

Are You Okay?
New Kid, Same Drama
Cigarettes And Kisses
Drifting Apart
Boy Kisses
Author's Note
Lose You
It Got Me
Monster Hunting
It's Always Been You
It's Over
Come Back
Season Three
Summer Nights
Back To Square One
All In Your Head
He's Back.


1.4K 53 6
By cupids_quill003

A/N : yeah this is a repost. Sorry.

"Be my messenger, Charlie." an omnious voice spoke.

Charlie was standing in the school ground, only that it wasn't his school ground. It looked the same but it was darker, colder and it reeked. Despite the cold, he was sweating. He legs were glued to the ground and he stared at the giant shadow that loomed over him.

He didn't understand what was happening. He couldn't bring himself to turn around and run. He couldn't speak.

"Be my messenger, Charlie. Let them know the end is near." the voice repeated and his lips quivered.

He was filled with terror and the air got colder around him. Vines of smoke emerged from the monster. They wrapped around Charlie's neck and tightened. He couldn't breathe.

Charlie shot up with a gasp. He breathed heavily, his eyes failed to adjust to anything. He was sweating profusely, cold sweat. He placed a hand on his naked chest, trying to calm himself.

He was still in his room and it was a quarter past six. He sighed. It was just a dream. He wiped his face and looked down at his hand. There was blood smeared all over it. He got up and went to the bathroom. His nose bleeding again.

Charlie washed his face thoroughly for a couple of times. He took a long bath, trying to wash away the cold and stink of the rotten place from his dream. By the time he came out, El was up and his dad was in the kitchen making breakfast. Without a word he went and sat at the table.

The silence lingered and Charlie didn't dare to break it. He was consumed with the thoughts of the shadow monster and its smoke vines that tried to choke the life out of him. It felt way too real.

He looked at El who was munching at her breakfast. Somehow everything led back to her, will and the upside-down. But the upside down was destroyed and will was suffering from ptsd. Nothing else. El was safe and Charlie's dream were just dreams.

"Alright, what's wrong?"

Charlie's eyes shot up to meet Jim Hopper's steady ones.

"What?" he asked, confused.

"You haven't touched your food. And you have that I'm a million miles away look on your face."

"I'm fine." Charlie responded with a shrug. He immediately started to eat and didn't look at his dad.

The food didn't feel like food at all to him. It was bland. But Charlie still ate as much as he could, fighting the urge to throw up. He didn't want his dad to suspect anything and worry about him.

As usual, Charlie parked his jeep in its usual spot. He got out and looked around for Jonathan or Nancy. He really needed to know how Will was doing. If the boy was seeing anything vaguely similar to his dreams, they were screwed.

He was extremely jumpy that day. He couldn't find Jonathan or Nancy. Or Steve. The one person he did see was Billy, which only made things worse. The blonde didn't look at Charlie even by accident. He purposely avoided every class they had together.

Another lengthy class of history was going on. Charlie glanced at the empty seat beside him that Billy used to occupy. He knee was bouncing up and down. And he couldn't stop fidgeting.

Horrifying images of the shadow monster, demogorgon and the upside down crowded his mind. He rubbed his tired eyes and tried to squeeze out the horror from his head.
It was no use.

"Mr. Hopper, are you paying attention?"
The teacher's sharp question startled him.


"I see you're not. If you're not interested in my class then please, feel free to leave."
He pointed to the door.

"I never said that, sir." Charlie frowned.

"Then you wouldn't mind answering this question. Which year did the civil war start?"

Charlie thought for a second. He knew the answer but before he could say it, a sharp pain shot through his head. He wobbled a little and red liquid dripped from his nose.

Charlie immediately brought his hand to his nose. The teacher looked a bit concerned now.

"Are you okay Mr. Hopper?" he asked.

Charlie grabbed his bag and notebook. He muttered on his way out,

"It's 1861."

He walked into the restroom to clean the blood under his nose and that was smeared on his fingers. This wasn't normal and it definitely wasn't a side affect of drinking.

He had to get answers. Why was this happening to him?

Charlie walked out into the school ground, feeling nauseous and dizzy. He could feel the chill that ran down his spine. He looked at the sky and the giant shadow was still looming over him. He blinked couple of times to see if it was real or just a figment of his imagination. But it was there and it was watching him.

"Why are running away from me, Charlie?" the eerie voice said, it made Charlie's skin crawl.

"This is not real." Charlie said feeling himself grow tired and his breathing quicken.

"It is real. The end is near, Charlie."

Charlie shook his head.

"This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real."

Charlie chanted over and over, walking backwards. He could see the smoke vines growing out of the monster. They were coming for him.

Charlie harshly bumped into someone and went tumbling down.

"Oh my God, are you okay?"


Steve Harrington was kneeling beside him, with a hand on his knee. He was frowning with either confusion or worry. Charlie couldn't tell because he could hardly catch his breath. He was panting as he looked at Steve and then back at the sky. Now clear and blue.

"Hey.." Steve said slowly, placing a gentle hand on one side of Charlie's face. The taller boys eyes immediately met his.

"It's okay." Steve said calmly. Charlie nodded, not quiet believing it.

He stood up hastily. He was still very jumpy and hyper vigilant. Quickly glancing at the a sky every now and then, they walked to the parking lot.

Charlie had made up his mind to go and see the party when school was over. If there was anything wrong they would know. The quicker he found out the better. He didn't want Will to go through anything like that ever again. He also didn't want El in anymore danger.

"You don't look well, are you sure you're okay?" Steve asked and Charlie sighed.

"Everything is fine, Steve." Charlie lied. He didn't look at the other boy, just stared ahead. His eyes fixed on the sky. He was waiting for a giant shadow to appear and strangle him.

"You can talk to me." Steve tried again. He was getting more and more worried. Charlie looked terrified. He was pale and shaken up.

"There's nothing to talk about. I'm fine, everything....everything is fine."

Steve sighed visibly giving up. Charlie leaned against his jeep and breathed in. He was feeling extremely tired and hot. But it didn't make sense, it was autumn and freezing cold. He took off his jacket and wiped the beeds of sweat from his forehead. He glanced at his watch and saw that class was long over and he had to hurry if he wanted to catch the party before they left.

"Steve...um... I should. I mean I have to go now. I have something to do." Charlie said almost hurriedly.

Steve looked at him with concern but didn't object.

"Just give me a call of you need anything, yeah?"

"Yeah sure." Charlie replied hastily and got into his jeep.

He parked his car at the Hawkins middle parking lot and walked inside to find any members of the party. A kid crashed into him. It was Lucas, looking extremely.

"Hey buddy, easy! What happened?" Charlie asked, firmly holding the boy by his shoulders.

"It's Will, we can't find him."
Lucas answered.

"Okay...let's look for him together. Have you checked the backyard yet?"
Charlie asked leading Lucas towards the back of the school.

Charlie's heart was nearly beating out of his chest. The terrible feeling in his gut got worse by every passing second. If his intuition was right, the upside was back. Or it wasn't destroyed in the first place.

"Charlie, look!" Lucas exclaimed, pointing at Will and Mike standing in the middle of the ground.

They both rushed towards the boys. Will was standing still. His eyes were rolled back into his head. Charlie kneeled in front of the boy. He wasn't sure if he should shake the boy or not.

"Will, hey!" Charlie clapped his hands in front the boy's face.

"Hey buddy. Wake up. Will?"

They all called out to him but it was no use. Suddenly Joyce Byers came running out of the school, with Max and Dustin not far behind. Charlie stood up and heaved a sigh.

"Ms. Byers, we just found him like this."
Charlie said.

Joyce immediately got on her knees and called out to her son. Her hands firmly on his shoulder as she shook him.

"Will, baby, it's me. Wake up, I'm here."

Charlie stood behind Mike and held the boy's shoulders. He carefully outstretched a hand and placed it on Will's shoulder. He didn't know why he did that, it just happened.

Will woke up with a gasp and an agonizing pain shot through Charlie's head. He withdrew his hand and paced it on the side of his head. He felt blood drip from his nose. He immediately turned around and wiped it off with the sleep of his shirt.

Joyce hugged her son and kissed his head. He looked at Charlie over his shoulder and gave a small nod. The older boy breathed a sigh of relief.

The rest of the party, Max and Charlie watched Will and Joyce drive. Max who was new to all this was visibly uncomfortable.

"That totally freaked me out. Didn't it freak you out?" Max asked the boys, none of them looked at her. They were looking at the car driving away.

"Two episodes in two days, it's getting worse." Lucas concluded.

"Do you think it's true sight?" Dustin asked.

"What's true sight?" Max looked at Charlie, who shrugged.

"Alright, all of you should go home." Charlie instructed. The boys nodded.

"That applies to you too, Max. Your brother must be waiting for you."
Charlie outstretched his hand, gesturing the girl to come along.

They walked together.

"What happened to him?" the redhead asked looking up Charlie.

"He's been through some stuff last year.... It's complicated."
Charlie replied. His head was throbbing. He squeezed his eyes shut and opened them. He saw Billy leaning against his beautiful camaro, obviously waiting for Max.

The Hopper had to look away. Max looked at him and her step brother.

"Well off you go now." Charlie said.

"What happened to you two?"
She asked.

Charlie didn't reply, just patted the girl's shoulder and nodded for her to go. He could feel Billy's eyes on him. Burning into his skin.

Max sighed and sketed across the road to the camaro. He saw Billy ask the girl something, looking angry. The blondes eyes came back to meet the Hopper's, who looked away and walked to his jeep.


"Where the hell have you been?" Billy glared at Max.

She got into the car without bothering to reply. Once they were on the road, he asked again.

"Do not be late again, Max. What was Charlie Hopper doing there?"

Max looked at him. His jaw was tight but something on his voice was different. He wanted to sound angry but Charlie's name on his lips would never sound like that.

"He came to see the Byers kid." Max said, she didn't know why he was there.

"Then what was he doing with you?"

"Nothing. He just walked with me."
Max replied, growing frustrated with the interrogation.

"And what did you tell him?" Billy asked through gritted teeth.

Max held back an eye roll and kept quiet.

"Did you not hear me?"

Max glared at him. Then slowly, deliberately said

"He got a nosebleed and looked a little pale, so I asked to go see a doctor."

She watched him carefully. He face went from anger to something else and back to anger again.

"And why are you so concerned about a stranger's health?"

"Because he is not a stranger and he's nice." Max shrugged. "Something he clearly didn't rub off on you" she added quietly.

Billy didn't seem to hear her, thank the heavens. He was lost in thoughts. A hint of vulnerability on his face.

"Just a little longer...." a tired Charlie whispered into Billy's chest.

"We have to go..." Billy said, kissing the dark and messy locks.

Charlie didn't seem to hear him. He snuggled into Billy's embrace and sighed. The blonde sighed too, giving up.

"....Don't leave me..." Charlie said, sleepy and foolish. Billy stroked his hair.

"Shh, just go back to sleep."

He had made no promise to Charlie of never leaving. It was rather inevitable. But he could've handled things better. He could've told Charlie the truth and avoided hurting him.

Now he hated how Charlie didn't even look at him. And when he ever so rarely did, it was cold. He hated that Steve Harrington was the one who comforted Charlie after the party and seizing the opportunity, was slowly growing on him. He hated seeing Charlie sleepless and tired all the time. He hated that he couldn't be there for him.


Charlie went home, feeling sick and nauseous. The first thing he did was throw up in the toilet. He opened all the windows because it was so damn hot, it burned. He lied on the couch trying to control his erratic breathing.

Suddenly realization hit him. He hadn't heard a single sound in the house. El was nowhere. She didn't open the door for him. Charlie jumped up and called out to her couple of times. He went out and walked around a bit. Then he called his dad, his heart beating out of his chest.

"Hey, can you please give the phone to Jim Hopper. It's Charlie."

"Sure thing, honey. Are you okay?"

Charlie couldn't answer, he could hardly breathe. Jim Hopper came to the phone and Charlie told him El was missing. He told how he came home and how he went out looking for her.

Hopper reassured his son and came home an hour later. Charlie was lying on the couch, he had no energy.

"Why are all the windows open? You'll freeze to death."
Hopper exclaimed.

Charlie sat and replied as he wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"Did you find her?"

"She was seen by a woman and her daughter. She snuck out. She broke a rule." Hopper said harshly.

Charlie sighed both relieved and frustrated.
He was scared to death. Hopper knelt sat near his son.

"But what happened to you?"

"I don't know, I'm not feeling well." Charlie swallowed thickly.

Hopper placed the back of his hand on Charlie's forhead and cheeks.

"You're cold. A bit too cold. How long have the windows been open?"

Charlie didn't reply. Hopper was about to get up and close them. But Charlie grabbed his forearm

"Dad, please. Just leave them open." he almost begged. Hopper looked at his son concerned.

"Fine, lie down."

The older Hopper brought the younger one some pill his headache and placed a wet cloth on his forehead.

"I'll be just outside, yeah?" Hopper asked and Charlie weakly nodded.

Jim Hopper sat on his front porch, waiting for El to come back. He smoked about three cigarettes but the time she came back. The little girl walked in without a word. She saw Charlie on the couch and stopped.

Charlie sat up and was about to speak when Hopper came in, asking loudly.

"Friends don't lie. Isn't that your bullshit saying?"

Charlie winced.

"Dad, give her a break." Charlie tried but to no avail.

There was a lot of yelling. He went to his room, locked the door and slid down on the cold floor. He heard El scream and the windows shatter. But he couldn't move or utter a sound. He felt like his head was splitting in half. He felt liquid flow from his nose and then darkness.

Charlie woke up in cold sweat. But it was freezing outside. His headache was considerably less and he managed to get up and take a cold shower. He came out to his dad nailing wood to the broken windows.

"Just talk to her. She's a kid."
Charlie said to his father and walked out. He was not in the mood for another quarrel. They had to settle it between themselves. He had a lot more to think about. His nightmares to begin with.

They were all connected to Will. And if he was correct then the boy was in terrible danger. The upside down still had a strong grip on him.

Apparently just like people, his jeep was also letting him down. The thing just wasn't starting. Charlie slammed his hand on the steering wheel in frustration. He sighed miserably.

"You want a ride?" Hopper asked, standing outside.

Charlie huffed as he got out and went to Hopper's car. He sat with the window down. He was under dressed for the weather. Hopper took the radio said something, the reply made Charlie look at him

"It's Joyce Byers. She called 8 times this morning. Eight times!! For my sake, deal with her." Hopper sighed and put the radio back.

"Do you think something happened?" Charlie asked.

"I will deal with it." Hopper said, dismissively.
"Are you sure, you want to go to school today? You don't look well."

Charlie looked out of the window and swallowed.

"I'm fine."

Classic lie.

Hopper dropped him off and Charlie left without a goodbye. He wasnt registering anything that was happening around him. He tried to find Nancy or Jonathan but couldn't.

Steve. He needed Steve.

They had basketball practice, which means Billy was also there. But Charlie decided to rusk it anyway.

It was skins versus shirts once again. And like every time, Billy was owning the shirts. Both the boys saw Charlie and got more aggressive at the game.

"King Steve! King steve, everyone!" Billy mocked.

"Do you ever stop talking?" Steve asked annoyed.

And Billy scored again. He had tackled Steve to the floor. Steve met Charlie's eyes with a sorry look. Charlie managed a half smile and a nod.

Billy also looked at Charlie, his brows knit in concern. Charlie looked worse than yesterday. Steve got up and walked towards the Hopper.

"Hey, you okay?" Steve the asked concerned, his hand coming halfway to hold Charlie's face and realizing they have an audience.

"Let's go somewhere else." Charlie suggested. Steve nodded and they walked out.

They went to the exact spot where Nancy had dumped him. Steve pushed the memories out of his head and focused on Charlie.

"You Okay?"

"No... Yeah.." Charlie said dismissively and slumped his head on Steve's shoulder.

Steve hesitated.

"Charlie I'm all sweaty..."

Charlie only wrapped his arms around him and squeezed. Steve rubbed his back comfortingly. The hug was warm. Warmer than Charlie liked at the point but he didn't pull away. They stayed like that for a while.

"Thank you." Charlie muttered, pulling away.

"Don't. Just...what happened?"

"Just family stuff." Charlie shrugged.

Steve examined the other boy. His face was pale with a tinge of gray, the only spot of color being his red nose. His eyes were clouded, blurry. He was sweating despite the cold weather.

"Are you sick or something?"
Steve asked.

"I guess. I will be though. Get back to practice. I'm sorry, I pulled you away so suddenly." Charlie responded looking at his feat.

"Don't be. Wasn't my greatest match anyway. And besides you're far more important."

Charlie looked up at Steve. He was gazing sincerely at the Hopper. It made Charlie's heart flutter. He felt comfortated for the first time in last 48 hours. Or longer. He was important to someone. He wanted to believe it, against all the voices in his head that told him otherwise.

"Thanks. I'll see you later."

"Yeah. See you." They parted ways.

Charlie didn't go to his class, he stayed at front yard. He stood gazing at the sky, waiting for the giant shadow monster to appear. He could feel it. He was trembling with cold. He couldn't feel his fingertips anymore. He might just freeze to death at this point.

A sudden pain in his head made Charlie wince. The eerie voice spoke again.

"Aren't you going to come and save him, Charlie? If you had become my messenger I wouldve let him go long ago. You can still save him."

Charlie opened his eyes and he was in the dark, cold place that looked like Hawkins. Will Byers stood before, with his eyes rolled back.

"Save me" Charlie. Please." he pleaded.

Charlie woke up with a gasp. He was still at school. It was daylight and much warmer. He rushed inside to the phone booth to call for his dad.

Something terrible was going to happen to Will and he could stop it. He could save him. He needed to let his dad know.

"Hey, it's Charlie. Can you please pass the phone to my dad." Charlie said, barely holding himself together.

"Charlie, sorry. He still isn't back from the Byers."

Charlie put the receiver down without listening any further. He needed to go to the Byers. He sped outside. He had no jeep, so he had to walk. In frantic strides the Hopper tries to cross the road and get almost run over.

A car rushed past him and someone pulled him back by the sleeve. He felt into firm hands. He barely steadied himself and caught his breath when a very familiar voice said.

"Jeez, are you trying to kill yourself?"


Charlie looked up and met his concerned gaze. He breathed out at the sight of the blonde. No matter how much he hated it, he was glad it was Billy.

"I was... I-" Charlie couldn't finish, he was way too shaken up.

"Charlie, hey?" Billy, without even realizing, stroked Charlie's cheekbone with his thumb.

The taller boy pushed himself away. All of a sudden hyper aware of how close they were.
His hands trembled and he looked around.

"I have to go." he croaked and turned around.

"Alright wait."
Billy grabbed his shoulders.

"I will give you a ride. Let me take you, wherever you want to go..."


"Just get in the car, Hopper."

Charlie sighed in defeat and got into the camaro. He opened a third button of his shirt and exhaled.

Billy got in too and noticed the strange behavior of the other boy.

"Can you keep this window open, please?" Charlie asked, feeling the seat form on his forehead.

"It's cold outside."
Billy answered, driving off the school.

"Open it or just let me out." Charlie said with a strained voice.

"God." Billy huffed, opening the window. Charlie breathed out, relieved. The cold wind blew on his face. He was trembling now.

"The Byers. Just take me to the Byers."
Charlie leaned back.

Billy didn't reply. He kept glancing at the boy. Charlie was fiddling with the hairband on his wrist. He looked like a nervous wreck. He face glazed with sweat droplets and his nose tinted red.

Billy's hand twitched to reach out and squeeze the other boys'.

"You're acting crazy, you know that?"
Billy said, trying to mask his worry.

"I'm going crazy." Charlie replied, still looking out of the window. He abruptly wooed a stray tear from his face. The headache was agonizing.

Charlie reached the Byers and got out muttering a half hearted thank you. He rushed to the door and rang the bell. Joyce came to the door in the matter of seconds. Her face fell when she saw the state of the boy.

"Oh my God, Charlie!! Are you alright? Hopper!"

She held the boy's shoulders. Charlie touched her writs with his fingers. They were ice cold. Joyce felt his forehead with the back of her hand.

"You're so cold-"
Hopper came to the door.

"Charlie, what happened?"

"Where's Will?" Charlie asked and walked in.
He walked to the open bedroom and saw Will drawing away frantically. One particular drawing caught his eyes. The same giant shadow monster that haunted his dreams. He took the picture and stared at it. His vision fading in and out. And then.....


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