Another Lost Cause

By londonxfever

613 87 15

Lost words. Lost cares. Lost memories. Lost smiles. Lost tears. Lost feelings. Lost worries. Lost bliss. Fore... More

Another Lost Cause
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

17 3 2
By londonxfever

Charlotte's P.O.V.

--Later that night--

When I finished getting dressed and brushing my teeth I went to my room.

I screamed with a hand clutching my chest.

"Angel what are you doing in here, you almost gave me a heart attack dude!"

"I gotta talk to you." He said ignoring what I said.

"Sure. What's up?" I said while taking a seat next to him on my bed.

"I was cleaning your room since your such a little pig." He said messing up my hair.

"You went through my things?!" I said ignoring the pig comment.

"Hey, no one else here cleans up the house. Someone has to do it." He said raising his hands in defense.

"There was no need for you to clean my room, that's my job not yours or anyone elses." I said getting mad.

Wait could he be the one who found my razor that I was looking for earlier? SHIT!!!

"Charlotte just cut the crap, can you explain why I found this in your nightstand?" he said pulling out something wrapped in paper and handed it to me. I opened it and I literally stopped breathing.

"I had a project last week and I had to cut out letters. It's hard to explain." I said lying smoothly.

"Are you sure it was that? Nothing else?" He said looking confused.

"Why can't you just trust me. I don't need you to be on my tip every single day." I said a little bit to harshly.

"Oh wow okay I'm sorry for caring then." he said getting up.

"No I'm sorry I just had a really bad day and I guess I just let my anger out on you. I'm sorry." I said looking at my shoes.

He comes up to me and hugs me tight.

"Is everything okay?" he asked still hugging me.

"It's fine."

"No Char. No it's obviously not if you come home crying and screaming"

I pull away from him and stare at him.

"I didn't come home crying what are you talking about?" Hopefully it'll sound real.

"Charlotte, I'm seriously tired of you always saying 'I'm fine' or 'I'm okay' when things aren't okay. I'm tired of you pretending that your fine. I'm tired that you think I don't know what you go through every damn day. I'm especially tired of you taking your anger, and sadness out on yourself. You think I didn't know that you hurt yourself? Yeah I might not be around you to be your brother but I'm not stupid ..... I know when your sad, or happy. I know that you take it out on yourself. I even know that Aiden is a total asshole to you, but I don't let him be an asshole to you because I go beat the shit out that kid because he's in my gang. I care about you Charlotte and I know a lot of things you probably think I don't know. It seriously hurts that you don't trust me but I also know why you don't. I'm never here because you know how I go to work in the morning? Yeah, I don't actually work I'm dealing with gang things that's why I'm never around. I'm sorry that I haven't been around for you but I'm trying to be around you more because your growing up on your own. Dad left with some slut and mom's never here she always 'working' but she really isn't she's just getting drunk at random bars and hooking up with strangers. I know you don't deserve these kinds of parents who abandoned us but I want to be the brother that looks after you and is always around you. I'm gonna try baby sis, even though it'll be hard but I will move us out if this hell hole because we need a new start." He said walking out of the room.

The only thing I can processes in that moment was:

What? My mom's a lier and a slut? My brothers in a gang? Aiden's part of his gang? My brother knew that Aiden. messed with me? He knew that I self-harmed??? Those were the only questions I can processes.

"Angel wait!" I said rushing out my room and going after Angel.

"What?" he says before opening his door.

"I'm sorry. You don't deserve this life either and I'm sorry I shut you out all the time. I'll try and stop myself for you because I know we can make it out together with no one only you and me. Screw our parents they were never there for us when we needed them the most. I'm sorry big bro." I said hugging him.

"Don't be sorry baby sis because we'll get through this together. Just know that I'll be here for you whenever you need me. We're still teenagers and we got to live on our own and make money on our own because our parents don't give us shit." He said hugging me back and for once I actually see that things are going to get better. I'm not alone in this. I have my big brother back in my life.

I pull away and look at him.

"Angel, I know you told me not to go to dad's house but I did and I totally regret it. But thats not the point I went there because dad told me he was getting married with his girlfriend. I started yelling and we started arguing and he ended up hitting me like two time and then I pushed him back and ran out of the house and while I was running down the drive way I ran into someone, it turned out to be Aiden and he brought me home. Dad always used to abuse me whenever you didn't go to his house for the weekend." I saw him tense when I told him that dad hit me.

"Just wait until I get my hands on that basterd." he says.

"Well goodnight." I said hugging him and pulling away.

"Goodnight baby sis." he says and went into his room.

I made my way to my room and laid down.

Maybe everything will be okay ..... I have my brother and his gang to protect me now. I have Aiden and we might not be anything but I hope we can at least be friends or for him to stop hating me.

With that final thought I fell into a deep sleep.

----Next Morning----

"Angel stop!!!" I heard laughing and screaming downstairs.

Ughhh! Who dares to wake me up from my peaceful sleep?

11:32 a.m. says my phone

Guess I have to get up now.

I get up and pull on some dark colored blue jean shorts and a black tank top. I put my hair up in a messy bun, slipped on my flip flops, put on some mascara and went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth.

I really wish I didn't walk into the kitchen at that time. I really have bad timing. I walked in on my brother and his girlfriend in a heated makeout session and his girlfriend was only wearing his shirt!!

"AHHH!!! MY EYES, THEY BURN!!!" I said covering my eyes dramatically.

I heard laughing so I removed on hand from one eye and then the other slowly.

"Why do I always have bad timing?" I asked myself and walked to the living room.

"Are you not going to eat? We're going out to Dunkin Donuts." Becca (my brothers girlfriend) says coming out dressed in a cute yellow summer dress.

I look up from my episode of Gossip Girl at her and shake my head no.

"No thanks. I don't trust anything in this house anymore thanks to you guys. Like how do I know if you guys didn't infect my food? How am I so sure??" I joke raising my eyebrow.

"Oh god Charlie, your something else." she said laughing. "But I'm pretty sure we didn't infect your food." she said playing along and sitting down next to me on the couch. "The only place that's probably infected is your brothers room if ya know what I mean." she says with a straight face.

"Oh my god!!! Gross I did NOT need to know that Becca!!!!" I said covering my face and falling on the side of the couch leaning away from her. She just burst out laughing.

"T-t-th-that was h-hilarious! Y-y-you should've seen your-r face!!!" she said clutching her stomach. I give in and start laughing with her.

"Why is my girlfriend dying of laughter?" Angel says looking amused.

"Just take her away from me she's disgusting. She said something that my poor virgin ears shouldn't be hearing."

Becca gets up giggling. "Shall we go?"

"Yeah hold on. Charlie we're going to be out for a while we're going to probably be back by maybe 4ish? Call us if you need anything." he said walking out of the door. I just answer with a 'yep'.

I guess I have the house to myself today. I paused my episode of Gossip Girl and headed to the kitchen in search for something to eat but ended up finding nothing.

Guess I should go out today!

I unplugged my phone from my charger and grabbed my money, sunglasses, keys, and headed out the door to Dunkin Donuts.

I put on my sunglasses, plug in my phone and start the car.

History by One Direction started playing and I started yelling out the lyrics and dancing to it.

Half way through the song my phone started ringing cutting off my music.

I checked the caller ID and saw it's an unknown number. I answered it anyways.


"Charlotte?" the voice sounds familiar and manly?


"Yeah. Are you busy?"

"Nope, I'm just driving to Dunkin. Why?"

"Your driving? Call me when your not driving, yeah?"

"Oh no it's fine, I have you on speaker."

"Are you with anyone?"

"Nope just me."

"Good. I was just calling you to see if you wanted to hang out today?" he said a bit uneasy.

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea right now... Maybe tomorrow? I already have plans today." I said turning into the parking lot of Dunkin Donuts.

"Oh. Okay I'll call you tomorrow then." He said sounding a bit disappointed but I doubt he'll be disappointed by that.

"Hold on a bit." I said disconnecting my phone, killing the engine, and making my way inside.

"Okay what were you saying?" I asked seeing that there's a line.

"Just that I'll call you tomorrow to see if you want to hang out?"

"Sure. Um.... Hey are you busy later?"

"I don't think so, why?"

"Hold on" I put the phone down when it was my turn to order.

"Hey, what can I get for you?" a cute boy around my age asked with a cute smile.

"Hey can I get a medium ice coffee? Please." I say smiling at him.

"Sure. Hold on" he says getting my drink ready. "Here" he says handing it to me.

"How much?" I asked taking my wallet out.

"It's on the house and can I get your number?" he said with that cute smile. He looks like a really nice guy.

I blush "Oh you don't have to and how do I know that your not a murder or something, huh?" I said joking making him laugh.

"I can assure you I'm no murder and I insist."

"Well I guess I could believe you since you look honest." I said grabbing a napkin and a pen and hand it to him.

"Thanks again" I said walking out.

Noticing that I was still on the phone with Aiden.

"You still there?"

"Yeah and who was that?"


"That guy you were flirting with."

"A guy. And I was wondering if you wanted to come to this party later at Ricky's house?"

"Sure. Text me the address?"

"Got it. I guess I'll see you later then?"

"Yeah. Drive safe." he says and hangs up.

I feel like something changed between us since last night when he found me at my dads house. I feel like we can be friends again. I have a little voice in my head that keeps saying that everything will be okay with letting him back in.

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