Chapter 4

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Charlotte's P.O.V.

After a minute I finally came back to the real world and started walking towards the back doors.

Why would he call me Lottie?

He's probably just wants to play around with you my subconscious tells me.

No he doesn't why would he look so hurt when he saw my wrist?

I dig through my bag searching for my phone and see that my dad is calling.




"Can you come over after school?"

"Um why?"

"Please just do I have to tell you something important."

"Ughh okay. Your house or where?"

"Yeah I got to go now sweety. Bye"

What could my dad want? He barley called me like I mean ever. The last time he called was to tell me to come home that him and my mom were getting divorced but other than that he has never called me and that was over 4 years ago.

Yeah, I mean I had seen him over the years since I have to but whenever I have to go to his house he's always busy with his girlfriend's but I don't really like them or he's busy with work. I always end up alone for the weekend when I'm at his house.

When I look up from the floor I was outside Dunkin Donuts and heading inside.

"Hello, how may I help you?" A lady with blonde hair in a pony tail asked behind the cash register.

"Hi, can I get a medium ice coffee?" I asked shyly.

"Will that be all?" She asked while typing it in.


"Okay your total will be a $1.99"

I handed her the money and she told me to wait for my order to the side.

I finally got my order and started walking home.


"Angel?" I called out walking into the house.

"In the living room." He called back.

"Hey" I said noticing Rebecca, his girlfriend, was with him.

"Hey." They both said and smiled.

"Angel I'm going to dad's house I thought you might want to come since he has to tell us something important." I said.

"Your not going and neither am I okay?" He said strictly.

"Okay but I'm going to the mall with Gabby bye!" I said lying to him and walking back out without waiting for his response and I started walking to my dad's house.


I was finally outside my dad's house standing in the drive way.

I've been standing here for the past 5 minutes refusing to go up to the door and knock. I'm actually surprise he hasn't noticed I was here since he's always looking out the window.

I have a bad feeling in my stomach about this. Ughh why am I so nervous?

I took a deep breath and finally got the courage to walk up to the door and knock. A few seconds later the door swings open relieving my dad.

"Hey sweety come in" he said nervously stepping aside so I could come in.

I just nodded and headed towards the living room sitting down on the couch.

"Do you want something to eat? or drink?" He starts off casually. I shake my head no and he looks around waiting for me to talk.

"What's so important?" I start getting straight to the point why I'm here. Call me rude but I just want to get out of here, go home and spend time watching T.V. with Gabby.

"Ummm well you see you know Katie right?" My dad askes sitting across from me making eye contact.

"Yeah I know your girlfriend she's always here" I said getting annoyed that were talking about Katie.

"Isn't she nice? She's a really fun person, and she co-" he started but I cut him off.

"Dad if we're going to talk about Katie then I'm leaving now." I said getting up from the couch and walking out the living room to the door.

"Charlotte wait" my dad says when I'm halfway out the living room.

I spin around and turn to face him giving him a face telling him to continue.

"I'm getting married with Katie" he says breaking eye contact.

"WHAT!?!" I screamed to him.

"Can you please tone it down I have neighbors you know. I know this is hard sweety but I just lov-"he said reaching out to grab my hand but I backed away and cut him off.

"DON'T TOUCH ME. I DON'T CARE IF YOU HAVE NEIGHBORS OR NOT YOU BARELLY KNOW HER DAD!!! YOU JUST MEET HER WHAT LIKE 3 MONTHS AGO!!! Don't you think its a bit early." My voice getting softer toward the end.

"DON'T YELL AT ME I AM YOUR FATHER I DESERVE RESPECT!!!" he said yelling at me and coming near me but I kept walking away.


"JUST SHUT UP!!!" my dad yelled and his fist made contact with my jaw sending me falling to the floor crying out in pain. I grabbed my lip and saw it bleeding.

I thought we were past this already. I knew I should of never came back.

Next thing I know my dad's pulling me up by my hair and twisting my arm behind my back making me cry out in even more pain.

"NOW WHAT? SCARED? WELL YOU SHOULD BE." he said spinning me around and slapping my cheek even harder making me stumble backwards but I caught my balance.

"YOUR FUCKING SICK! I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M RELATED TO YOU!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!" I scream and shoved him, catching him off guard. I took this chance to run to the door and pull it open and run down the drive way.

I was almost at the end of the drive way when I bumped into a hard chect making me stumble backwards but two hands came around my arms to keep me from falling making me crash into his chest and look up to see who it was but I couldn't make out his face in the dark.

"Charlotte?" The person who was holding me let go and cupped my cheeks causing me to hiss in pain. I finally recognize the voice!

"Aiden." I breathed out hugging him and crying into his shirt. I could tell this caught him off guard but then he hugged me back.

"Aiden please take me away from here please I beg you" I said while sobbing.

"Why what's wrong?" He asked confused.

"Please Aiden just take me away from here and I'll explain later" I said to which he nodded.

He took my hand and started running down the drive way.

"CHARLOTTE COME BACK HERE I'M NOT DONE YET!!"my dad screamed making me turn my head around to see him making his way to the car.

Aiden was leading me to his car which was across the street.

"Get in" he said getting into the car and I started running to the other side and when I got in he took off. Once I closed the door I started crying and sobbing uncontrollably,

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