Can We Keep Her?

By AvengersCompound

185K 6.4K 899

~ 18+ ONLY! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!! ~ After an accident outside the Avengers Tower, Bucky and Steve take yo... More

Author's Note
The Accident
What's Inside That Counts
Everything They're Not
The Perfect Spring Day
Rounding the Bases
The Feeling of Family
Moving In
Can We Keep Her? - All the Things You Can Have (and the One Thing You Can't)
The Best Man
Whiskey and Mead
What Happens in Vegas
Bon Appétit
The Binding of Three
Finding Things to Do
A First Family Christmas: Part 1
A First Family Christmas: Part 2
Practice Makes Perfect
The Big News
x Two
Baby Names
Little Super Soldiers
Welcome Home
Grown Up Time
First Day Nerves
The Trouble with Time
Bringing Them Home to Dads
The First Mission
In Memoriam
The Graduation
Worth It
New Beginnings
Someone Unexpected
When We Were Beautiful

Giving Away, Coming Together

1.2K 74 4
By AvengersCompound

Steve straightened Bucky's tie, his hands shaking a little. He thought he'd been nervous at their own wedding, but it was nothing like how he felt now. Bucky's hand closed on his, holding it against his chest as he tilted Steve's jaw up, so their blue eyes met. A smile played over Bucky's lips. "Such a worrier," he said, his voice deep and gentle. He leaned in and Steve closed his eyes savoring the feel of Bucky's soft lips brushing against his. He'd shaved this morning and the familiar scruff was missing, letting him feel the softness of his lips, and the small hint of his tongue flicking out to taste him.

He gently pulled back and rested his forehead on Bucky's. "I can remember being in intensive care with her after she was born like it was yesterday. How can she be getting married?" Steve asked.

Bucky smiled and ruffled the back of Steve's hair. "Because that happened twenty-four years ago," he joked. "Now she's an all-grown-up Avenger who wants to start her own family. It's time that we let her go."

Twenty-four years. Twenty-four years of watching his children grow. From changing diapers to lullabies. Scratches and bruises. First days of school. Graduation ceremonies and Avenging. They weren't little kids anymore. He had never wanted to turn back the clocks as much as he did right now. It had seemed like the blink of an eye and he hadn't had the chance to appreciate them enough.

Not that he wasn't proud. He was so proud. Of Rebecca. Of all of them. Anthony had managed to work his way through both an undergraduate degree and a mechanical engineering postdoctorate. All while still working for the Avengers. He had moved out of the tower and taken up residence with the California Avengers.  He was working with the West Coast Avengers team and in research and development for Stark Industries. Sarah had studied business management and fine arts and had even spent four months in France studying chocolate making. She was still living at home and had started working in the chocolate shop. Rebecca had studied politics at Columbia while she also worked as an Avenger. She now had taken on Avenging full-time when she graduated. During all of this, she stayed both faithful and close to Alex. They both had been living together in their own place in the Tower since she'd graduated.

Today they were getting married and Steve wasn't sure he was ready.

"We'll still be her dad you know?" Bucky said, running his hands along the top of Steve's jacket. "She lives two floors down. You can go give her a dad speech whenever you want."

"I know. I just..." Steve said and shook his head.

"Don't wanna let your little precocious girl go?" Bucky said. "But it already happened. This is just the party. And we love Alex."

Steve sighed. "You're right."

"For a change," Bucky said. "Let's go see our girl in her dress."

You slid the zip of Rebecca's dress up and smoothed down the black tulle overlay on the back of her skirt. "Turn around. Let me see."

Rebecca spun around and you took a step back and took her in. Her dress was black with intricate black lace embroidery making the bodice, and black tulle over an eggshell ball gown skirt. Her hair was up, and her makeup was done so her eyes were smoky and her lips are dark red.

You felt tears prick your eyes and you waved your hands helplessly. "Oh my god, Becca."

"No. No, mom," Rebecca said, coming over and hugging you. "No crying. You're banned."

"I don't know that I can promise that," you sniffed.

"Are you ready, Becca?" Sarah asked. She and Anthony were being her bridal attendants. She wore a navy blue A-line dress with a full skirt that ended just over her knees and had a black lace overlay and ribbon belt.

Rebecca took a deep breath in and let it out. "Yeah. Let's do this."

The three of you made your way into the living room to find Steve, Bucky, and Anthony waiting for you. Steve was wearing a medium grey three-piece suit and Bucky a black two-piece. Anthony stood out the most. He wore a Navy blue brocade suit. The pattern shimmered a little in the light. They all stood as you stepped into the room. You could see the love radiating out of Steve and Bucky as they looked over their daughter.

"Becca, you look so beautiful, honey," Bucky said, coming over and kissing her cheek.

"Thank you, dad," she whispered.

Steve approached her and wrapped her in his arms tightly. "I am so proud of you," he said.

"Okay, dad. I'm just getting married. Chill out," Rebecca choked out. "And you're gonna break my ribs."

He chuckled and let her go. "Okay. Sorry, sorry."

Your group went downstairs and got into the two vintage cars waiting for you that drove you to the Morningside Castle on the Upper West Side. When you made your way into the internal courtyard you took your seat next to Sam and Rachel, while Steve and Bucky stood back with Rebecca, Sarah, and Anthony.

There was a large group of people seated and standing around the stairs where Thor was standing. Alex stood just in front of him wearing a white brocade suit with chunky heels. Their black hair hung over their eye and they wore thick black eye makeup. Standing beside them were two of their friends, one dressed in a blue suit that matched Anthony's and the other in a dress that matched Sarah's.

As you took your seat the string trio started playing 'Marry You,' by Bruno Mars. Anthony walked down the aisle first followed by Sarah. When they were standing in place to the right of Thor, Rebecca began walking down the aisle, arms linked with Bucky and Steve. Alex's eyes lit up as soon as they saw her. When you turned to see Rebecca you could see the same joy and love reflected in hers and it made your heart feel so full it hurt a little. They were so in love and they were going to face the exact same issues you, Steve and Bucky had faced.

Rebecca came to a stop in front of Thor and she and Alex faced each other, unable to hide the smiles on their faces.

"Friends!" Thor bellowed. "Out of affection and honor for Alex and Rebecca, we are here today to witness their vows, which will unite them in marriage. To this moment they bring the fullness of their hearts as a treasure to share with one another. They bring the spark and spirit which is uniquely their own, and out of which has grown for some time, and will continue to grow, deepen, and strengthen, the precious reality of their life together.

"We share joy with them on this special day in their lives. This day they affirm and declare each other as life partners in a celebration of love, which will bring empowerment to their life's path together.

"Let us all give our love to Rebecca and Alex during this ceremony as they pledge their love to one another. May the wisdom and spirit of all-giving and all-understanding Love pervade the words spoken and the love given here today, that these vows offered will remain strong and true in the presence of love all the days of their lives.

"May all of us present feel the strength and depth of Alex and Rebecca's love and experience a rebirth of the power of love in our own lives."

Thor stopped and moved to a table to the right of the stairs where three candles stood. One large white one and two small blue candles. "Today Rebecca and Alex come here from two different families, two different heritages. We are especially grateful for the values which have flowed into them from those who have loved and nurtured them and pointed them along life's way," he said.

"The Heritage each brings to this marriage will continue to be an important element in their lives, but now will be shared between them. Out of these two families, a new family will be created," he explained.

"A beautiful way to symbolize the two who become one is to invite the mothers of Alex and Rebecca to come forward and light the individual candles which represent the two separate families." He paused and held out his hands toward you and Alex's mother. You both stood and approached the table each picking up a candle.

"When the two individual flames are merged as one, it will symbolize the union of their two families in this marriage and the rich heritage each brings to it," he said as you and Alex's mother lit the large candle using the flames from the smaller tapered ones.

"From now on Rebecca and Alex will grow together as unique persons who will together create a rich heritage all of their own."

Thor pulled out a silver cord and Alex and Rebecca crossed their wrists and held each other's hands. He began to bind them together as each spoke.

"These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love for you, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever," Rebecca said as Thor wound the cord over their hands.

"These are the hands that will work alongside yours, as together you build your future," Alex replied.

"These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, and with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other," Rebecca said.

Alex took a steadying breath before speaking again. "These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief fills your mind."

"These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes; tears of sorrow, and tears of joy," Rebecca said.

"These are the hands that will help you to hold your family as one," Alex replied.

"These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it," Rebecca said

"And lastly these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch," Alex finished.

"And so the binding is made," Thor said and a spark passed along the cord.

The ceremony continued with the exchanging of rings and when they kissed they giggled as their faces came close before Rebecca wrapped her arms around Alex's neck and kissed them deeply.

The reception was held inside. A long table was set at the front of the room above the others where Alex and Rebecca sat with their bridal attendants. The rest of the room was set in three long tables. You, Steve, and Bucky sat at the end of one, and down the rest of the table were your brother and sister's family and people they considered their family. Sam and Rachel, Pepper, Maria and Edwin, Wanda, Vision, Billy and Teddy, and any other Avengers they had just grown up knowing and loving. The table on the far side was set up similarly with Alex's family. The table in the middle was friends. People from school and the Young Avengers.

All the food was vegan and just before they got to the cake-cutting, came the speeches. Steve was the first to get up to talk.

"I just want to thank you all for coming here to share in this big day," he said looking around the room. "As most of you know, Rebecca is one of a trio. I remember when they were born, they were so tiny I could hold them just in the palm of my hand. All I could see was what could go wrong. Now, I see her here looking so happy and I look back on her life and see how much went right.

"Rebecca has always been so loving and friendly. On her first day of school, she happily introduced herself to her teacher while her siblings hid behind her. She's always known who she was. She never let other people's opinions hold her back. She was the kid who would always step in when someone was being bullied. In high school, I would get calls saying she had gotten into an argument with a teacher over some injustice. I remember once she told her grade four teacher she couldn't punish the class for something one person did because it was considered a war crime. She is such an inspiration to me."

He took a breath and looked over at her. "Then one day she started talking about Alex. For about three months she had two topics of conversation. The Avengers training and Alex. When she brought them home to meet us, I could see exactly why she loved them so much. Alex is so sweet and loving. They are kind and artistic. Quiet and supportive. They complement each other. They met while they were so young and I thought, even though I married my childhood love, that they couldn't possibly last. The odds are never there, are they? Yet they did. They are two sides of the same coin and I can't wait to see how their lives unfold. So if you could raise your glasses with me and toast to true love and to Alex and Rebecca."

Alex and Rebecca cut the cake. It was one you had made with Sarah using swirls of vegan chocolate art to decorate the outside and different flavors for each tier. The top was a chocolate mousse layer cake, the middle was choc mint crunch and the bottom was chocolate with a cannoli filling.

"Oh man, I forgot how good your cakes were," Sam said through a mouthful of cake. Rachel hit him in the arm. "Hey baby, you know I love you. And you make the best cup of coffee, but cake is not where your skill lies." She hit him again and he rubbed his arm. "I better shut up or I'll be sleeping on the couch for a week.

"Yeah, you better," Rachel agreed.

You took a bite of your cake. You'd been given the one with the cannoli filling. The tang of the filling blended with the sweetness of the cake in your mouth. Bucky nudged you and pointed at Sarah who was giggling in the corner with America and Kate.

"I'm starting to wonder if they're more than just friends," he said.

You looked over at them. They were talking very closely and there was a lot of touching. "Why wouldn't she have told us? They've been like that for what? Six years now?"

Bucky shrugged. "Not ready to come out maybe? Maybe I'm reading too much into it. But she stopped dating when they started showing up all the time."

You whistled. "She does take after me, doesn't she."

Bucky laughed. "She's definitely yours."

"She'll come to us when she's ready," Steve said, watching them.  He turned back to the two of you and sighed. "They're all grown up."

"They are," you said, rubbing his back. "You can't stop it, Steve. You just have to appreciate it."

He nodded and kissed the top of your head. "I can't even begin to tell you how much I do."

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