Young & Reckless

By KevinaOyatedor

401 29 37

In a socialite town, money and beauty get you anywhere. A sea of decadence, secrets and deceit. Nine stranger... More

Playlist & Aesthetics
Before You Read
Chapter 1- Jennette
Chapter 2- Talia
Chapter 3- Dennis
Chapter 4 - Samuel
Chapter 5 - Damon
Chapter 6 - Terry
Chapter 7 - Hannah
Chapter 8 - Bennett
Chapter 9 - Amina
Chapter 10 - Damon
Chapter 11 -Jennette
Chapter 12-Talia
Chapter 13- Damon
Chapter 15-Jennette
Chapter 16- Talia
Chapter 17- Bennett
Chapter 18-Damon

Chapter 14- Dennis

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By KevinaOyatedor

Chapter 14- Dennis

Day of Photoshoot

One click was all it took to capture each of their faces. Talia was a natural, of course. The camera loves her. She blew her kisses at me, flipped her lustrous hair, and posed how she was supposed to. I saw Jennette at the side, talking to the same guy from the party. What was he doing here? "Dennis," I heard Amina's assistant say. She handed me another round of films. "We're ready."

"Great. Jennette?" I announced her name, walking to them.

"Yes," she stood, pulling down her shirt and wearing her jeans.


"As I'll ever be." She chuckled, walking on the set. She flashed me a smile and stood at her position next to Talia. The dude in the suit was on the phone, whispering harshly. No time for that, I had to take these pictures. Another guy joined, making the women sandwich between them. "This okay?" Jennette asked the guy as she laid her forearm on him. She arched her back a little, giving her best natural look.

She wasn't much of a professional like Talia, however she could take a good picture. "Talia, move your chin up slightly," I directed. The movement made her face hit the light. "Jen, relax your neck." She shook her shoulders, doing what I told her. I could see her face light up. Her eyes were bright. I saw a glint of flirting. Was she flirting with me? I smirked, click after click each picture had a story to tell. A theme to use. Hopefully, Amina would love and use it for her spread or social media. "Beautiful."

"Okay, second outfits!" Amina announced. Talia grabbed Hannah's hand to the dressing curtain to change.

"Hey, what's your name again?" The guy in the suit tapped on my shoulder and asked me.

"Excuse me?" I wondered, changing the film.

"You don't remember me?" He shook his head, scoffing and smiling.

"We met at the party," I stated.

"Yeah, right. With Talia and Jennette. I'm Damon."

"Oh, nice to meet you. Dennis." We shook our hands, his grip was tighter than mine. A little hostile, isn't he? He reeked of gin. I let go, putting my camera on the tripod.

"Dennis. I think I've seen you before the party. Maybe somewhere in New York?" He squinted.

"I don't think so." I shook my head, refilling the chamber. No one knew me here, except Talia and Jennette. And I tend to keep it that way.

"So how do you know Talia and Jennette?" He drank from his flask. Of course.

"We went to high school together," I answered.

"No shit," he said with a nod. "Were they always hot?"

"How do you know them?" I changed the subject before I risked my job knocking his ass out.

"I met Talia a few weeks ago. Jennette was last week. The party"

"Oh." I was ready for the next shoot, the two girls were now changed in different clothes. I should ask if he was interrogated by the cops but that was for another time.

"They're gorgeous, aren't they?"

"Yeah, they are," I agreed. Seeing Jennette smile and scratch her cheek, she had a charm to her. She's beautiful, she's always been beautiful.

"You got a thing going on with Jennette?" He pointed, spotting that she smiled and waved at me.

"We just reconnected at the party. We're friends." The models regrouped in front of me.

"Right. Shit. I'll see ya." He rushed out of there like a criminal. I shook my head, taking the rest of the pictures. When it was over, I clicked on the pics which Amina could keep.

"How'd they come out?" Jennette asked, wrapping her arms around my pelvis.

"Good. I didn't think you'd be photogenic," I joked.

"Haha. Can I see?"

"Later," I turned over to her. She just changed out of her outfit.

"Please?" she pouted her full bottom lip. I can't resist, she was cute.

"It's up to Amina." I nodded behind her when she approached us.

"You are a prodigy, Dennis," Amina gushed, giving me two kisses on the cheek. "You must come to the release party."

"Release party?" I asked.

"Yes, it's gonna be a classy get together. You're all invited." She clapped three times. "You, you and Talia were beautiful." She held Jennette's cheeks.

"Thank you." Jennette muffled between her hands.

"Again, thank you so much." Amina walked off, to the suited guy Alejandro.

"Hey, how do you know that guy? I saw you talking to him earlier."

"Oh he came to my job. He knows my manager."

"And that Damon dude?"

"I met him at the party. He seems..."

"Creepy," he stated.

"Yes. Seriously creepy." She scoffed. At least I wasn't the only one. Tugging the end of her shirt, she looked left and right.

"Is he still here?"

"No, he left."

"Oh. Have you seen Talia?" she asked.

"No." I shook my head. She lifted her head up to the sky, groaning out loud.

"I'll be back." She stepped off, walking to the back of the room. My phone vibrated in my pocket. It was my dad. I have to talk to him sometime.

I opened and answered calmly, "hello?"

"Son?" Dad's voice was grating. My teeth started to grind.

"Hi, dad."

"Dennis. Where have you been for the past week?"

"Work?" I questioned, not knowing what else to say.

"Are you asking me or answering me?"

"Work." I packed my camera in the black briefcase diligently.

"Taking pictures is not work. That's stalking."

"I don't get paid to stalk. That's paparazzi." I shoved my notebook in my bag. Not this shit again. "I'm a professional for magazines. Models. You remember models, dad."

"Oh, so my son betrayed me to work for TMZ?"

"Dad, what do you want?" I changed the subject.

"Your mom's birthday is on Tuesday. What time are you coming?"

I pondered, pouting my lip out. I remembered, of course. I'm going. I bought something for her. I'm risking my mentality being pulled back to my parents treacherous web of manipulation.

"Um dad-"

"Is there something more important than family?" Besides being there to get criticized by my parents about why I should be more like my sister who took over the company.

"No, no. I'll be there. I'm figuring out the timeframe and traffic."

"She expects you to be there. She hasn't seen you in months."

"I know." I let out an exasperated sigh. My parents lived far off the North. It's hell of a drive, they did most of their business there if they can't travel in the east. I saw Jennette and Talia come out of the dressing room, she wore her bag over her shoulder. Talia wore her hair up in a ponytail. Maybe if Jennette or Talia came, it could be less troubling.

"Can I bring a guest?" I stared at Jennette. She bumped Talia's shoulder to whatever she said. She shook her head and then spotted me. Sje grinned, and I smiled back.

"Not one of your one-night stands," dad said in a groan.

"A friend," I made a face at the end of my phone. "A really good friend."

"I'll ask your mother. She just wants it to be family. But she could make an exception."

"Ok." I hung up, licking my lips and pocketing my phone. "Hey." I strolled to Jennette's side.

"Hey, I thought you left." Jennette tucked a strand behind her ear.

"Not yet. I want to ask you a favor. What are you doing next Saturday?"

"Another photoshoot?" she frowned.

"Not exactly." I winced thinking of the idea of spending a whole day with my parents, but I hoped she said yes.


I squeezed my hands on the wheel as I drove on the road. I stuck my tongue out the side of my mouth. I was on my way to pick up Jennette. It was gonna be an afternoon party. I've been dreading this day for weeks, hoping it could get canceled and we video chatted instead. I didn't want to step in that house. Lord, give me strength. I pulled up to the address that she gave me. I parked, holding my face in my hands. I tapped my fingers on the wheel, let me turn the radio on. The top 40 played. I saw Jennette come out from her apartment building in a red dress with black stockings and flats, holding a wrapped gift. Her hair was down in curls, her black peacoat jacket was open. She wore dangling gold earrings. Wow. When she shows out, she shows out. I wind down my window, smiling up at her.

"Hi!" she waved.

"Hey! You look stunning," I complimented.

"Thanks!" She walked to the passenger side. "You look handsome."

"Thank you." I grinned again."

"I didn't know you wore ties still," she pointed at my collarbone. The black and blue tie rested on my chest.

"Just to keep appearances," I replied. She flipped it up and laughed.

"Very dashing. Men in suits are always hot. I got a present. I didn't want to be rude." She held the colorful and decorative box she was holding. "I don't know what she likes. It was kind of last minute. My dad says as a guest, don't come empty handed.

"It's good that you did." I shifted the gear to drive, turning up the radio to the song.

"Oh, I love this song." She turned up the dial a little louder.

"What song is this?"

"Ed Sheeran's Shape of You." She bopped her head to the beat.

"Oh." The upbeat tempo made her move her shoulders. "Should I know anything beforehand?"

"What do you mean?" I asked her, not removing my eyes off the road.

"Like what should I expect when coming in?" Jennette asked.

"Talk less and nod more."

"Are you saying I talk too much?" She frowned.

"Not at all, just my parents are complicated to understand. He changed careers for investments. He retired recently. My mom, as sweet as she is, gets her way. My dad expected to take over. I didn't want to." Mom almost convinced me to take it. She pleaded. I had to stick to my answer. I couldn't do it. No.

"Can I ask why? You don't have to answer if you don't want to." Her shoulders looked tense as she raised it up.

"Because I don't want to be like him. Money hungry with a cold soul." The fact that my father cared more about money than his children's happiness was unbelievable. Actually it wasn't. If he ever apologized, I would think I was dreaming.

"Wow." She nodded. "So is the party gonna be lowkey, or do they party like gatsby?"

I chucked, "less gatsby, more classy. There's a piano."

"So there's beer."

"And white wine, and vodka. A variety of drinks. All at your disposal in a bar."

"Sounds like a rager." She grinned, tapping on her knees and inhaled deeply.

"It can be. Just quiet. Less nachos, more hor d'oeuvres. We arrived at the same old house I grew up in. Memories rushed to my mind: the time I burned mom's letters to her lover. Catching dad in compromising positions in the foyer. Me and my sister hid in the basement listening to dad's conversations. Dad slapped me when I quit. I tugged on my collar. I could do this. Jennette's mouth was open, looking around. Searching and cursing at what she sees.

"Is this a castle?" I chuckled as we exited the car, walking up to the house.

"This is not a house, this is a city. Tell me your dad owns the land," Jennette asked in awe.

"My dad owns the land," I answered with a shrug. "It's an estate."

"Jesus." She shook her head. I knocked on the door, and exhaled. The door opened. One of the butlers introduced himself to Jennette and then he looked at me.

"Mister Sanatorio, welcome," Russel bowed. He hasn't aged a day, the only difference was the gray hair. He barely had any wrinkles.

"Russel, it's been too long." I walked over for a hug, hesitant at first he patted my upper back. We released and I grinned. "This is my best friend, Jennette Mcynityre."

"Hello," she said, holding out her hand for a shake. He met her and bowed again. She did a curtsy.

"Pleasure. Your father and mother are waiting for you in the foyer." He welcomed us in.

"Thank you. And Adriana, is she here?"

"She has arrived as well. With your mother."

"Wonderful." I linked my elbow with hers when we entered.

"May I take your coat, miss?" Russel asked Jenette.

"Yes, please." She unbuttoned her coat, handing it to him. Jennette gasped.

"Wow," her words echoed in the hallway.

"Wow," I said, staring at her curvaceous body. The black dress was doing God's work. She noticed and giggled, adjusting her strap.

"I've been to some mansions, but damn man."

"Yeah," I mumbled, unbuttoning my jacket.

"Sorry, I don't mean to fawn. Have I been to your house before?"

"No. I invited you but you told me you had other plans."

"Oh. I think I remembered that. My dad's party. I had to go." She rolled her eyes.

"How's your parents, anyway?"

"Great, great." She answered, looking away. "Whoa. Davinci!" She pointed to the famous painting.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah. my mom and dad, they work more than they used to. I'm kind of worried. Your house is massive."

"Dennis." Adriana approached us, her red dress flowed as she walked up to us. "You're here." She gave me a quick hug.

"I said I would." I patted her back and we released each other.

"You look tired. But great," Adriana said, the curls in her hair shook when she moved her head.

"Thanks sis." I gave her a blank stare.

"And who is this?" She pointed to Jennette.

"Hi." She waved with a cute smile.

"This is Jennette," I introduced her to Jennette. "Jennette, this is my little sister, Adriana."

"Jennette, nice to meet you," Adriana held out her hand for a greeting.

"Nice to meet you too. I see where you two get your genes. I love your dress," Jennette complimented.

"Thank you. Your dress is divine." She pulled on the hem of her dress and smiled again.

"Thank you." I'm glad she was here, she lowered my anxiety.

"Shall we?" Adriana asked.

"We shall." I held her hand, guiding her into the foyer. Voices grew louder when we approached the door. Adriana opened and announced us.

"Look who I found," Adriana said in a high pitch. Dad turned around, holding a brandy in his hand. Mom was sitting in the lounge chair speaking to one of Dad's former associates. Dad's attention to me, holding a scowl on his face.

"Whoa. Does he look like that all the time?" She whispered to me.

"I grew up with it," I whispered back. He strided over, still holding the glass.

"Son," he said.

"Dad." I said. He cleared his throat, taking a sip of his drink.

"Dennis, I'm glad you came." Mom came over with open arms and a warm smile.

"Happy birthday, mom." I reached over for a hug. She squeezed me tightly. As we let go, I gave her her gift.

"You didn't have to get me anything." She placed it near her head and shook it lightly.

"You know if I didn't, I wouldn't hear the end of it," I answered.

"It's the thought that counts." She patted my cheek lightly.

"Spending my money?" Dad asked.

"Dennis," mom warned. Yep, I'm Dennis Jr. Dad named me after him, because I was the spitting image. Too bad I was a disappointment. His words. Adriana had a mixture of both my mom and dad. Mom's bone structure and dad's hazel eyes.

"What do you want me to say, Charlotte? He's not making money."

"I bought it with my own money, father. I still have a bank account."

"That's pennies compared to what you would have at the company."

"Stop it. Both of you. It's my birthday. And who is this lovely woman?" Jennette attempted to back away from our conversation, she stayed with her head down.

"This is my friend. Jennette Mcyntire. Jennette, this is my mother and father, Charlotte and Dennis Sanatorio." Jennette held out her hand for both of them. Dad kissed the back of her hand and she smiled. Mom shook her hand, tilting her head to the side.

"Mcyntire. You wouldn't happen to be related to Jolene and Victor Mcyintire? The owners of the banks?" mom asked.

"Yes, ma'am," she answered, nodding her head.

"Wow. And your mom just signed a deal with Ashley Stewart?"

"Yes, ma'am." She nodded.

"Oh my god. You found a good one, Dennis." Mom giggled, I rolled my eyes.

"At least you can pick them. She's beautiful." Dad complimented.

"Thank you, sir." She blushed. "Happy birthday, Mrs Sanatorio. I didn't know what to get. I wasn't sure. It's a necklace. An emerald."

"Aren't you sweet? Thank you." Mom smiled. At least she was happy. Dad walked away before he could say anything else.. I shook my head. That man. Adriana shrugged her shoulders and went to the bar.

I needed a drink. I excused us, pulling her with me. "What are you doing?"

"Pulling you away before dad tries to charm his way with you."

"Ew." She shuddered.

"What are you drinking?" I asked.

"Club soda."

"Soda? Really?"

"Gotta be sober. It seems your parents know my parents," she whispered.

"Seems so. Once I name drop." She shook her head.

I chuckled. "Ah, Jenny. I'm glad you came with me." I moved her hair away from her eye.

"Me too. I missed you." Her cheek tilted on my hand.

"Missed you." Our gaze lingered, she bit her bottom lip. Her hand held onto my wrist. "Um Dennis-"

"Son, may I speak to you please?" Dad came over to interrupt us. I sighed heavily. "Excuse us."

She nodded, grabbed her drink and left us. "Yes, father?"

"All anger aside, It's good to see you," he told me.

"Right. Thank you." Genuine words from him, few from a lifetime.

"I do want to talk to you about your decisions in life like a bum."

"Dad, I'm not a bum."

"You're acting like one. Throwing your life away."

"Throwing my life away? Dad-" I couldn't believe him. This was the same man that spent all of his money on bullshit investments like prostitutes and cocaine.

"I mean it. You can have your hobbies but it's not a career. The company has been making big investments. You want to act like a teenager. Not on my watch. You had your rebellious time. You're a man now. I'm not going to be here on this earth for long."

I frowned. "You always say that to make me feel guilty."

"This time I mean it."

"What?" He rubbed his wrinkled forehead, nodding his head to his office. I followed him, he locked the door behind him. He's starting to scare me.

"I haven't told Adriana yet. Your mom knows. The doctor says I don't have long."

"What is it? What do you have?"

"Years of drinking and pills. It's caught up to me. My brain is not the best. I have another checkup to make sure it's not fatal but I'm not counting on it. That's why I need you."

"Adriana can take over. She wants it more than me." Adriana has been begging dad to take over. She was hungry for it, better with money. She could handle the investments. It was her passion. Not mine.

"She can be CFO. I spoke to her about it. She will take the position as long as you take the CEO position and carry my name. Our legacy. I want it to be in the family. I'm not giving it to my brother where he could waste it and sully my name or some stranger that could tarnish everything I built like Bennett Falls." My uncle Hector wasn't the best with money. Him and dad haven't talked in five years. I sighed. As much as my dad pissed me off, he was still my father at the end of the day.

"Bennett Falls?"

"He's been wedging his way into my business since I left and I haven't given a name yet for CEO. That's where you come in. When we work together, we get things done. You know how to close deals, you're ruthless."

"So is Adriana."

"I need you both. We're a team. La Familia. We always come first."

"Dad, I love you. I want us to be ok. We're family, no matter what. Can I think about it?"

"Sure, son. I knew you would come around." He held onto my shoulder and squeezed it. I smiled, trying to assure him. Help him. "That girl, Jennette. Her father and go way back. When you said good friend, I assumed it was a girl you hooked up with and forced her to come."

"I wouldn't do that, father. I wouldn't come then."

"She's grown into a beautiful woman. It's been too long. I remember her when she was a child, she used to call me uncle denny and play with my lapels," he snickered. "I gave her this teddy bear then she lost it. Where has she been?"

"We just reconnected. We went to high school together." Wow, I knew she was cute, she proved it more. It couldn't be the same girl that poured her ice cream cone on my head when we were kids, right?

"Keep a hold onto her. She could be a good asset." He sipped his drink with a curled eyebrow.

"Dad, no. I'm not asking her for an investment check."

"You're not. I'm asking her father. I still have his number." He sipped from his glass.

The office door opened, mom peeked in with a curious face.

"Is everything ok?" She asked.

"Yes, honey. Just a father and son chat. Right, Dennis?" Dad stared at me, trying to lift his mouth to a smile.

"Yes, father," I answered robotically. I felt like I was back in his pocket. At the back of mind, I wanted to say yes. Someone as eager and a reputation like Falls was bad for my dad's business. Sure he made a lot of money, from secret deals and drugs, it was money that funded everything. Now he wanted to ask Jennette's dad for another favor for wiring cash with one of his 'connections.' I clenched my teeth and left the room looking for Jennette. She was sitting with my sister, laughing at something she said. I approached, asking what was so funny.

"Oh big bro. I was telling her about your My Chemical Romance phase," Adriana said while chuckling. "He actually grew out his hair and wore eyeliner.

"It wasn't a phase and they got back together," I shook my head.

"I love them, too." Jennette smiled at me.

"See Adriana? Not everyone is like you." I looked down, swirling my drink and gulped it down with an exhale.

"Hey, you ok?" Adriana asked. "What did dad say?"

"He told me about it," I simply said.

"Oh. Did you give him an answer?" she asked in a hushed voice.

"I said I'll think about it." She nodded, lifting up her shoulders.

"You better. Can't do this without you. Anyone want a refill?" Adriana asked us.

"Please. I'll follow you to the bar." Jennette said, walking with my sister. I followed behind for another brandy.

"Is there food?" Jennette asked, rubbing her stomach.

"Yes. It will be served soon." I poked her nose. She wrinkled it. I'm glad she was here. I looked over to my shoulder where mom and dad were speaking animatedly. She smoothed down his hair and he grinned. After all the shit dad had done, mom stuck by him no matter what. I hated that. I hated that he could make us do anything for him. I hated that my answer was something I might regret.

"So dad told me you used to call him uncle denny," I told her with a laugh.

"What? I did? Wait, that was your dad?" Her eyes widened in thought. "I was like five or seven. It's been so long! I loved coming here with my dad and his meetings. It was bigger when I was younger." Both of us joined everyone in the living room as they chatted along.

"You came around? We didn't meet each other until high school."

"I know! Which is weird. I begged dad to bring me along when he came here. It was like my playground." Huh. it had to be her. "I think I dropped my ice cream on your head."

"More like slammed it on top of my head,"

"I didnt- we were five and you said something that annoyed me."

"What did I say?" I asked with a chuckle.

"I don't remember. I just know it made me mad." We both laughed, I slightly hit his arm.

"Dennis, I want to introduce you to someone." Dad came over to us, I stood up to the man before me. I heard Jennette squeaked when she stood as well. "This is Alejandro Perez. He's a good friend of mine."

"Nice to meet you. Your father has told me so much about you and your family. I see you know Jennette." Alejandro said with a grin.

"Alejandro. Good to see you tonight." She smiled as he kissed the back of her hand.

"You know Jennette?" I asked.

"We're colleagues," he answered, and he massaged her shoulder. She let out an awkward laugh and backed away.

"He's one of our associates at our company," she answered.

"Oh, well. Great! We're all acquainted. Let's head to the dining area." Dad's mood was uplifted. He was smiling more as he introduced this Alejandro guy to mom and adriana.

"You know him?" I whispered to Jennette.

"He was at the photoshoot," she whispered.

"I had no idea." I looked at him again. His hair was gelled back. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I swear I've met him before this. He had this twinkle in his eye when he stared at us. More like stared at Jennette. She gave a little wave. He winked. I put my hand around her waist, moving her closer to me.

"Sit next to me, please?" She asked.

"Of course." I didn't move my eyes from him while he was talking to dad. Adriana patted his shoulder and whispered in his ear. He laughed at what she said, grabbing her hip. What the hell?

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