Donna โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ R. Targaryen

By Imaginebooks

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โ If there was ever two people who deserved a happy ending, it would have been us. โž The Fates were against M... More

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4.9K 317 80
By Imaginebooks


{ Rhaenyra }


𝕽haenyra believed herself to be a patient woman. It took a lot to get her annoyed. But now, she was in pain, her body ached and she was being made to sit through the most mind numbing Small Council meeting in existence.

If Malkym had been by her side then perhaps this would have been acceptable, but he was with their boys and she was alone. Alicent refused to have the man in here, especially after Malkym had beaten Ser Criston into unconsciousness. He had not been forced to apologise, for most were well aware of the animosity between the two.

"...and put their horses to graze in his field." Rhaenyra let her head fall against the back of her chair, trying to soothe the aching of her breasts. Childbirth was truly not kind to women. She wished to be back in Alterwoode, where she was surrounded by her true family in her comfortable bed and with none of these useless meetings that they ignored her through.

"Why was this issue not brought before Lord Grover?" Alicent also seemed bored, so that was comforting. "Has he grown so feeble he can not settle a quarrel over rocks?"

"I've heard tale that Lord Grover's son now rules Riverrun and all its names."

"Well, he's also a Tully." Rhaenyra was so fed up with all of this. She wanted to go back to her chambers and sleep or find her husband and her children. "This remains a Tully problem."

"I would agree." Her father smiled at his wife, causing Rhaenyra to roll her eyes further.

"If we may move on..." Rhaenyra had enough.

"And yet, the Brackens and the Blackwoods will use any excuse to spill each other's blood. So, this dispute bares looking into." She rolled the pearl around ahead of her, admiring it before turning to her father. "There will be country folk who know where the lines have been drawn for generations."

"That is easy enough." Alicent scoffed.

"Ser Tylan, we should address the latest developments in the Stepstones war."

"I thought we were shot of the bastard place." Her father looked tired, like a corpse about to keel over. Rhaenyra huffed, trying not to think on it.

"Personally, I think the Blackwell's have the upper hand."

"We've moved onto the stepstones, Lord Beesbury."

"And the triarchy's new alliance with Dorne." Rhaenyra forced down a grin, watching Lord Beesbury. He was growing old, forgetting things much quicker but he was easily one of the kinder people in this Small Council.

"I was hoping our negotiations with Sunspeare might persuade them to see reason." Viserys coughed. "Trust the Martell's to be disappointed."

Everyone stayed silent.

"And where I wonder is our Prince Daemon?" Once, long before she had married Malkym, and before her uncle had forced himself on her, Rhaenyra's heart might have fluttered at the name but she had walked into the back of a teenager and had been smitten ever since with her now husband. She could not imagine loving anyone else. "I suppose I should call him king as he styled himself on a battlefield."


"It was a decade ago and he has since left the region undefended." Rhaenyra rolled her eyes at Alicent's words.

"We have left it undefended." She corrected, not in the mood for anymore facts to be twisted into something different. "There should have been fortifications built, watchtowers, a fleet of ships, a garrison of soldiers sent to hold our ground!"

"We can not afford it." Alicent rolled her eyes. "Our coffers are great but not infinite. We must consider the cost to our subjects."

"I must agree–" Lord Beesbury was cut off.

"Cost of war is greater." Rhaenyra was letting all of her anger towards the woman out, furious with both the rumours and Alicent's demand for power. "But we have been lax and the old monster now lifts its head."

"Let us be finished." Alicent's only response was to end the conversation as Rhaenyra took a deep breath and stayed sitting.

"Wait, I wish to speak." She took a deep breath.

"Be seated." Rhaenyra forced herself to stand, despite the pain wracking her body.

"I have felt the strife between our families of late, my Queen and for any offence given by mine, I apologise." Rhaenyra had to remind herself that she was doing this for her sons. "But we are one house and long before that, we were friends. My son, Jacaerys will inherit the Iron Throne after me, I propose we betroth him to your daughter, Helaena."

Malkym would have many a choice word to say about this, knowing that they were aunt and nephew, but Rhaenyra was trying to keep the peace. This was the Targaryen way, and though Malkym found it bizarre, it was something that they would have to accept if they wished for peace.

"Ally ourselves once and for all. Let them rule together."

"A most judicious proposition." Her father seemed to agree with her, so Rhaenyra continued.

"Additionally, if Syrax brings forth another clutch of eggs, your son Aemond will have his choice of them. A symbol of our good will." Rhaenyra smiled at Alicent, waiting for her to say something.

"Rhaenyra..." Alicent looked down, and Rhaenyra was mightily embarrassed to see that her milk had leaked through her dress. She winced.

"Oh seven hells." She slumped again, covering herself.

"My dear, a dragon's egg is a handsome gift." Viserys beamed.

"The King and I thank you for your offer and we will consider it, duly. You must rest now, husband." Alicent stood, her hand on Viserys shoulder as Rhaenyra tried not to let her embarrassment race through her. Everyone else stood, and prepared to leave as Rhaenyra sat still.

"Rhae, I see I am just in time." Malkym appeared as if having realised she was in pain, bowing to the king as he brushed past and pulled his cloak off his shoulders. "Here, my darling dragon."

She smiled, sighing in relief as Malkym pulled the cloak around her, helping her up.

"There, are you alright?" He brushed her hair back, taking notice of her flushed cheeks and furrowed eyebrows.

"I proposed a bargain to Alicent, and she all but turned me down." Rhaenyra shook her head. "I am trying my best not to cause issues but she refuses to make peace."

"We will sort it out." Malkym kissed his wife, holding onto her gently as they readied themselves to go to their chambers. "We always do."


"Hush now," Rhaenyra sighed, standing on her own as she rocked her youngest son. Ahead of her, Malkym was holding their other two sons upside down, with Jace in one arm and Luke in the other. The trio were laughing hysterically. "Malkym, you will harm them!"

"Your mother thinks I will drop you." Malkym grinned, before loosening his grip as both boys shrieked and clutched even tighter to their father. Rhaneyra laughed at their antics, shaking her head as Malkym finally set the boys down. Luke stayed by his father, whilst Jace ran to his mother, still laughing.

In that moment, Rhaenyra's mind was made up. It was a mixture of her talk with Malkym a few weeks previously, the Small Council meeting today and seeing her sons so happy. They had to go home.

"Malkym." Rhaenyra called her husband over, before she went quiet. "I think now is the time to leave."

"To leave?" Malkym lowered his voice, all laughter forgotten. His hand hovered by her waist. "Where is this coming from, Rhae? Last time we spoke, you said we could not."

"We should leave, to home" Rhaenyra forced a smile, urging the boys further into the chambers. "They whisper and scorn us here. Alicent has scoffed at our proposition, and I fear that this will only get worse with time. I can manage being in a carriage now, so let us leave."

"What about your position?" Malkym pulled her closer, catching their son's tunics with his other hand and keeping them close as they sprinted past their parents, attempting to run. "If you are not here, she will pour her honey in your father's ear."

"We should leave." Rhaenyra reiterated, her mind set. "I wish not to be here, regardless of the consequences. Let us return home. The boys need their siblings, you need your brothers."

"Of course, Rhae." The man nodded, pressing a kiss to her head as she leant into his touch. "Finally, away from this snake pit."


"Sister!" Rhaenyra laughed as she was greeted by a familiar smiling face. Even after ten years, the Thorne brothers still ignored all form of etiquette to greet the Targaryen woman, much to their wives horror. Neither of the two other women could quite believe that their husband's were embracing the crown princess, calling her sister and refusing to bow. It went against everything that they were taught. "How was the journey?"

"Smooth as ever. We left the dragons by the woods."

"I am sure they will enjoy that." Calym stated, before turning. "Malkym."

"Brother." Malkym embraced his younger brothers tightly, before turning. "Mother."

"My boy." Myra was more frail than ever before, though she did not show if she was in pain, standing as tall as she could manage. She still hugged her son with the same amount of strength as normal, before he hurried to get the children. "Princess."

"Myra." Rhaenyra bowed her head to the woman, before accepting the elderly woman's embrace.

"How are you, my dear?"

"Happy to be back." And Rhaenyra was truly happy to be back in Alterwoode once more. "King's Landing was tedious."

Her two elder children had already disappeared to cause havoc with their cousins as Rhaenyra rocked Camryn gently. 

"Yes, giving birth there was not in the plans, I take it?" Michayl cocked an eyebrow. "Please tell me they were courteous."

"Oh yes, greatly so." Malkym muttered with a role of his eyes. "Not only was I barred from entering, but Alicent made us walk to her to present the baby right after Rhaenyra had given birth."

"It was not the greatest of occasions."

"She's truly a nasty piece of work." Calym sighed as his wife smacked his arm. "What? It is the truth!"

"How much are you hoping this one will look like you?" Lena, Calym's wife, shot her husband one last disapproving glare before turning to Rhaenyra.

"Please, I pray for violet eyes and white hair from one of my children. Unfortunately, it is like looking at their father reincarnated in many smaller forms." Rhaenyra jested, with a shake of her head. "Next time, it would be much more pleasant should you have come with us. The children would enjoy it."

"They would not have lasted long at court." Lena shook her head. "They would have stabbed some knight and been banished."

Calym laughed nervously before nodding.

"I love both of my daughters, but gods knows that they will end up killing someone one day soon." Malkym laughed at that, as Myra rolled her eyes. "I am sure all three of your children are wonderfully behaved."

"Oh yes, it is merely my husband who I worry about." Rhaenyra, Lena and Michayl's wife, Thalia, shared knowing looks. Thorne men seemed to get themselves into a wide array of issues daily.

"What has he done this time?" Myra looked her son up and down, knowing him all too well, as Malkym grinned.

"I have been perfectly behaved."

"Father broke someone's knee." Jace appeared to dob his father in it, before rushing off again as Myra sighed and patted Rhaenyra's hand sympathetically.

"Who?" Michayl questioned.

"Criston Cole." Malkym laughed as both his brothers cheered, smacking him on the back as they lead him inside. 

"Come, let us feed you and bring you into the warmth. I am sure you are all tired, and we have much to catch up on from your weeks away." Michayl urged everyone to move out of the cold as Rhaenyra turned, holding her hand out for Jace.

"You are safe now, back home with your family." Myra's hand found Rhaenyra's squeezing gently, as the Targaryen looked down at the older woman, "Whatever has happened in King's Landing, it will not reach us here."


So, Rhae and Malkym have gone back to Alterwoode to be with the rest of their family, who all have kids that are down to commit manslaughter (which we love to see). I also really enjoy that Rhae, Myra and Calym and Michayl's wives are just long suffering with the stupid things that the Thorne men do. We love that for them.

Let me know what you think,

Love Li xx

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