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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 | Betrothals

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 | Betrothals

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{ Rhaenyra }


"𝕴 am quite certain that Lord Hightower despises me." Rhaenyra looked up from the book she was reading, a small smile forming as she spotted Malkym walking towards her. He was, for once, not dressed in his usual armour but instead a dark doublet that matched her own dress, complete with his house sigil. "Every lesson, he gets more and more infuriated with me."

"Does he not like your charm?"

"I can not understand why. I am perfectly pleasant to be around." Malkym grinned, slumping down beside her after a half-hearted bow that Rhaenyra had ignored. She knew what he was like. "Your father likes me, at least that is some consolation."

"He thinks you are funny."

"I am funny. I make you laugh all the time, which is no small feat, let me tell you." Malkym snarked back, leaning to look up at her. Rhaenyra admired his face for a moment, taking in the way his lips were pursed in a very fake scowl, and his eyes flashed with mischief. It wasn't hard to see why Lord Hightower despised him, because Malkym looked the picture of impish mischief. 

Three years had passed since their fateful conversation under that very same Weirwood tree, and after a lot of pleading, bargaining, begging and general annoyance, Rhaenyra had finally convinced her father that being betrothed to Malkym was a brilliant idea. However, it had not been him that he'd had to convince, but instead Lord Hightower, who suggested she then marry a man three times her age. But, her father had spoken with Malkym's father, who had been mightily shocked, and an agreement had been reached that Rhaenyra and Malkym were to be married when the princess reached ten and seven summers old. 

That time was fast approaching.

"We are betrothed. I have to laugh at your poor attempts at jokes, someone needs to stroke your ego." Rhaenyra grinned as Malkym laughed, seemingly unoffended in the slightest. "Maybe I should stop though. Being married to the heir to the Iron Throne might go straight to your head."

"It already has. I brag whenever I meet people."

"Should I be worried that you are attempting to be killed?" Rhaenyra stared down at him, an eyebrow cocked as Malkym winked. "You are truly terrible."

"Yet, you are the one who told your father that you would fling yourself off of the highest tower if you could not get your way." Rhaenyra huffed at Malkym's words, turning to look away as the man laughed. "I jest."

"You better be."

"You look most beautiful today, Rhaenyra." Malkym squeezed her hand gently, before bringing it to his lips for him to press a kiss to. Rhaenyra smiled at that, faintly blushing as she attempted to look away from his entrancing eyes and maintain her composure. "I thought you were supposed to be with your father. I was somewhat surprised to find you here."

Donna ────── R. TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now