COTE: What If - Alternative

By c0mplex_

11.3K 417 149

1. What if Ayanokoji was placed in Class A? (15k words) 2. A different chess match with Sakayanagi and a chec... More

Average Student vs Class A (1/?)
Average student vs Class A (2/?)
Average student vs Class A(4/?) Trial (1/2)
Average student vs Class A(5/?) Trial (2/2)
Kushida was expelled and Tsukishiro never interfered in chess
Ryueen changed leaders

Average Student vs Class A (3/?)

1.3K 65 29
By c0mplex_

A/N: I know I said I'd take longer, but I finally got an idea for the trial, so I quickly decided to start setting it up while filling in the gaps. After all, Class A isn't the only class in this school.


"Congratulations on a perfect score in the midterms, Ayanokouji-kun and Sakayanagi-san!" Our homeroom teacher smiled warmly at both of us. I could feel gazes of respect from every directi- Ouch. Nobody was looking at me. It would seem that my classmates had gotten used to my top scores.

"5000 private points should have been deposited to each of your numbers just minutes ago."

I opened my phone and nodded in confirmation. It showed 183,235 pp as expected, considering the 94,000 we had received 3 weeks ago. I was mystified as to how our class had lost 60 points. Every single student had paid, or at least pretended to pay attention to every lesson, taken, or at least pretended to take notes, and even answered when called upon.

Perhaps somebody had sneaking peeks at their phone and the camera had caught it? Well, it wasn't like the camera had some sentient AI, it must have been an employee. I really couldn't imagine watching students carefully for hours a day every weekday just to tally disciplinary behaviour. Their life story would end up being even sadder than mine.

What about the person or people in charge of monitoring Class D? Was he looking on in pity at the 'most defective class of ANHS'? Was he snickering? Did he find it amusing? Did he stop tallying their absences, tardies, etc. once their class points hit the magical number of zero? Was it even a he?

"Congratulations on being the only person in this grade to score as much as me, Kiyotaka-kun!" Arisu smiled at me and then smirked at Katsuragi for a second. Of course, she wouldn't miss a chance to rub it in. Especially because he had mentioned his academics during his introduction. Some people are going to change sides.

Her 100 was rather impressive in comparison to Katsuragi's 94. Both of them must have attempted the difficult questions, and Arisu got two of them fully correct.

Katsuragi looked at her like he had swallowed a lemon, then cleared his expression and turned to me "I agree, you truly are impressive seeing as you managed to finish it first by a large margin."

Easily? He had probably finished earlier than most and noticed me staring out of the window. These tests were easier than the quiz last month, so I went for the 100 again. When the results were announced most people saw my name first, looked at me, shrugged, and moved on to searching for their own. Nobody had gone below the red line of expulsions, as expected.

I wondered what was happening in Class D, where 7 names had been below the red line last time. And apparently my seatmate felt the same.

"Mashima-sensei, I'd like to see the results of Class D."

"You know the procedure."

She pulled out her phone and with a flurry of quick taps, made the transaction and then nodded. Our teacher unfolded the second scroll he had brought with him. So, he predicted this, huh? Not bad. It was reasonable, since Arisu had asked for the same on May 1st.

The scroll revealed 5 names below the red line. Apparently Yosuke Hirata's study group idea had saved two people from having to leave the school. Not bad at all. The infamous 'idiot trio' were unsurprisingly candidates for expulsion, since they were known to hate 'that damn ikemen' Hirata.

I didn't know the other two, nor did I care.

Well, it wasn't like I cared about the trio either, though I did feel sad for Sudo. Unlike the others, he had already lost most of his points just about an hour after the entrance ceremony. Luckily for him, the average was so low that he could still be saved if someone from a higher class tried.

And I suspected that my lilac haired friend would do just that.

The Katsuragi move here would be: Let the defect be expelled. After all, he deserves it for not studying even after being warned explicitly, and refusing the opportunity to join his leader's study group out of sheer pettiness. In addition, he could be a danger to our class in case we have a competition based on athletics. Spending our points here would be the height of insanity.

However, Arisu had a video of him getting violent with 3 seniors. Moreover, she didn't care about graduating in Class A. She was looking for an exciting school life. With me, her 'childhood friend' sitting next to her, her new desire was for me to experience the same. 

I didn't really care, either way, as long as she didn't reveal the details of the chess matches we played once a week. She was really good, but my win-rate was still higher.

All this had confirmed to me that Sakayanagi liked making risky moves. The same move would allow people to transfer to her faction without feeling embarrassed or singled out. So, the Sakayanagi move would be:

"All members supporting my leadership, I request you to contribute to saving Ken Sudo of Class D. I know some short-sighted leaders," she gave her rival a side-eye, "would call this insanity. 

However, I assure you this will benefit us long term without making a huge dent in your balance." She received many nods. Nobody doubted her intelligence. She turned back towards our homeroom teacher.

"Sensei, how many private points would it take to overturn Sudo-kun's expulsion?"

"20 million." Mashima-sensei stared at her stoically.

"Pfft," Yahiko snickered, "Good luck!"

"Let me rephrase, for the benefit of outspoken troublemakers. How many private points do we need to buy test points for Sudo-kun to cross half the average?"

"100,000 each." Such certainty. I'm almost sure now that there's a registry or manual with possible purchases that teachers have access to.

Also, 20 million? Ideally, we should have borrowed Class B's idea of making a class bank and prepared an Expulsion Fund. There's no doubt that losing a member causes a significant penalty in class points.

However, the division of our class prevents this. If we wanted, I'd be the only possible candidate, as a self-declared neutral. However, I really don't want the responsibility of being our treasurer. The two leaders must have realized this and let me be. 

Hmm, I really need this faction war to end soon. An expulsion fund would be a great safety blanket for me, especially if Arisu remains in charge. I don't know what she feels towards me but I'm confident that she won't betray me for the foreseeable future.

"Done." Interestingly, 24 people, including herself, had each contributed 20,833 points. I, feeling generous, contributed the remaining 8 points.

This means Katsuragi's faction was now down to just 15 people. His face now looked stricter than Chabashira-sensei's, which was a commendable accomplishment. 

"I'll go inform Chabashira-sensei that an expulsion has been overturned. I'm glad to see such a wholesome act. Usually, the higher classes act rather arrogantly. Oh, and this wraps up our homeroom" 

He clapped his hands, smiled briefly at all of us and walked out after collecting his belongings.

"Fufu, yes. I'm just so wholesome, Katsuragi-kun. You should take notes." She smiled smugly at him.

He looked at her suspiciously. "What are you plotting, Sakayanagi? Everyone knows how caustic you truly are."

"Plotting? I simply saved a lost soul. Please don't make excuses for your selfishness and arrogance." 

She didn't let any information slip at all. I agreed with her about the arrogance part, Katsuragi had already begun looking down at the lower classes.

"Then why not the other 4?"

"Well~ Sudo-kun's exceptional talent at basketball would surely bring glory to our school in inter-high tournaments. Besides, we had enough money to spare. Doesn't it seem like a sensible decision compared to saving one of the perverts?"

That shut him up. The class competition only existed because a Class-A degree from ANHS itself was prestigious. Sudo could definitely get us a higher rank in the inter-high or at least, prevent humiliation in case the other members of the team were incompetent.

I wasn't sure exactly what Sakayanagi was planning, but I already had a rough idea.

I just hoped I wouldn't be dragged into it.


"Well, that's all~ for today. Class dismissed~!" Hoshinomiya-sensei winked at us and walked out in a lazy stride. As soon as class timings ended, our class burst into action.

"Seriously? That moron gets saved and then goes and does this?" Right, Sudo got into another fight and delayed the arrival of the entire grade's private points. Just another day at ANHS.

"It's not like I needed the points badly or anything but it's still a huge comfort, you know?"

"I get you. It's probably Ryuen. I heard he was targeting Class B before but they were smart enough to not fall for it." Right, Class C's infamous dictator. Whenever I bemoan my placement here, I remember I could have been placed in Class C instead. Thanks a lot, government.

"Oh, the magenta haired guy. How'd a delinquent like him get admitted here anyway?" Good question. Seeing Class D's results, the entrance procedure is clearly a smokescreen. But how do they actually admit people? I really have no idea.

"What do you think, Arisu?" I posed her a question out of boredom. She was the one responsible for his survival, after all.

"I couldn't be happier, Kiyotaka-kun. Oh, Hashimoto-kun, please carry out the instructions I sent you. Take Kito-kun with you."

The blonde looked at his phone and snickered. "Right. Hayato, let's go. Princess' orders." The two left immediately.

I ignored the obvious bait. "Why are you so happy? Class D's midterm marks were all lost due to 4 students being expelled, so it's not like you'll get to observe the effects of a suspension anyway."

Apparently Kikyo Kushida had urged some of the richer ones to distribute some of their points after the quadruple expulsion. Kushida and Hirata, seems like Class D wasn't lacking in messiahs.

Teruhiko Yukimura had refused to reveal how many private points he had, and Suzune Horikita had shown hers but refused to share any because they 'deserved it for wasting 20 times the average high-schooler's monthly allowance in a single month'. I couldn't fault her logic, but this had made her enemy #1 inside Class D.

"Just wait, you'll see something entertaining. Why didn't you ask about the instructions I gave Hashimoto?"

"I'm sure I'll see soon." Her eyes glinted in amusement at this.

At that moment, the door opened suddenly and two people walked in like they owned the school.

Everyone fell silent, just like nearly 2 months ago at the club fair. What is the Student Council President doing here? 

Perhaps he's checking for eyewitnesses?

"Arisu Sakayanagi and Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, could you please come forward?" Apparently not.

We looked at each other, my constantly-bored expression meeting her excited one, and approached him.

"Do you need something, president?" I began.

"Your presence at the trial today. Will that be possible? Sakayanagi-san has already confirmed hers."

"I understand the need to call her. But why me? Katsuragi is our other leader."

"This is a special circumstance, because none of the Student Council applicants have displayed the qualities necessary to join. I've personally invited the two of you from Class A, Ryuen from Class C, and Koenji from Class D as potential talents, apart from those involved in the trial. Based on my observations, I'll finalise my decision."

"Why not Class B?" A deliberate hint?

"Ichinose Honami has already had her application rejected. Though the Vice-President has decided to invite her anyway."

Can't exactly refuse the President in front of the entire class, can I? That's probably his intention. Unfortunately, he wins this one. And the part about the Vice-President disobeying him... Curious. Does he want someone on his side to oppose the VP? He must be desperate, to invite a delinquent and well known narcissist of all people.

"Sure, if you think so. I'm not really interested in joining, though. I like my free time"

"That's fine, for now. Don't disappoint me, Ayanokouji." He spoke the last sentence such that only Arisu and I could hear. He nodded to his secretary. "Then let's go." "Wait, when is it?" He never did tell us.

"In 30 minutes. Please wear your school uniform and maintain decorum!" Secretary Tachibana spoke to me for the first time with a slight smile. She seemed really energetic in person, though the way she kept throwing looks at Manabu Horikita while he was speaking... Maybe she had a crush? I wasn't experienced in matters of romance so I couldn't really tell.

"Right, I'll be there." I sighed. There goes my day. Still, this was a good opportunity. I was curious about Koenji. He had gotten a 95 on the difficult quiz, 100 on midterms and supposedly took 23 seconds on the 50m swimming race, which was, in his words, only 'a mere glimpse' of his 'perfection'.

He was definitely one of the most talented students in school, yet placed in the class of 'the Defects among Defects'.

Everyone who met him said his attitude was unbearable, but really, how bad could it be?


A/N: Class points at the moment (post midterms):

1A - 1004
1B - 663
1C - 492
1D - 0 (35/40 people. Yamauchi and Ike are gone so Sudo's down and more emotional than ever)

Offscreen, Horikita's in pain because Kiyo here wasn't thirsty that night and didn't go to the vending machine. Poor her.

Manabu also didn't get to see some insane reflexes, drop a cryptic line and walk away like a badass. Poor him.

Next chapter is the trial, with some major figures in attendance. I've never seen it done before, so I hope it doesn't turn out too messy.

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