One Shot Scenario 》| Rosé x...

By Co-3-morse

12K 402 33

Wouldn't it feel nice to be in someone else's shoes to experience what it feels like to be loved and adored b... More

Mask Charming
You're beautiful
I will never do that, love.
Love, R. [M]
For How Long?
First Kiss
Helpless [M]
Secret Admirer

Do you love him, madam?

784 30 3
By Co-3-morse

For the context of the story, the setting begins in the Victorian Era.

F4F/ WlW

Forbidden Love

Horses clucked their horseshoes as they pulled the carriage on the rough road. Inside the carriage is one powerful woman named Park Roseanne. She wishes to visit a special someone that she has not seen in a while.

She moved the window's curtain to see the trees and the citizens walking on the side of the road. Roseanne smiled as she stared at the clear blue sky blazing by the bright yellow sun.

"We have arrived, madam." Her coachman announced. She thanked the man as the door opened by the staff.

"Welcome to the Brown family manor, madam Park." The head butler greeted as he bowed out of respect. The rest of the workers stood in a row as they also bowed in respect.

"Thank you for your warm welcome, Sir Benson. It has been a while since the last time I visited." Roseanne said. She handed her hat to a maid as she entered the manor.

She observes the main hall; she always notices how clean the marble floor is and how the light reflects. The owner of the house is known for being tedious about cleanliness. If a speck of dirt were to be seen in his sight, the workers would have to suffer the consequences.

"Is Monsieur Brown in the premisis?" She wondered.

"Nay, madam, he is out for a business visit this morning. But he will return later in the afternoon. Do you wish to inform him of your visits, Mademoiselle?" The butler asked.

The maid returned carrying a tray with an alcoholic beverage which Roseanne accepted.

"No need. I shall wait for his return." She answered.

"Is the daughter at home?" Roseanne asked as her eyes lingered on a room where the daughter could be.

"Ah, Miss Y/n Brown is in the library. Would you like me to escort you there?" He asked.

Roseanne raised her hand, indicating her refusal. "No, thank you, I have memorized these halls from my frequent visits."

"Very well, I shall leave you to your own devices. If you wish for any assistance, you can summon the maids, but if you wish to call me, do not hesitate to tell the maids that you are in need of my assistance." He bows before leaving for his duties.

Roseanne made her way toward the hallway where the library was located. The sound of her heels clicking echoed on the marble floor. Her footsteps halted once she arrived at the door. She gently knocked and patiently waited for the woman inside to permit her entry.

"Come in," The woman softly spoke.

Roseanne then entered to see such beauty. The room was bright due to the sun piercing the window. All the windows have their curtains opened to let the bright light expose every shelf. Y/n was known to enjoy bathing herself in the sun. It was to the point where in every room she entered, the windows must always be open to feel its nature from the inside.

It fitted her from what Roseanne thought; Y/n's innocence and gentleness are like nature's ways of blooming its flower. The tone of her skin radiates well from the sun, and her voice is as tender as the wind. She was a goddess in Roseanne's eyes.

The young woman didn't seem to notice Roseanne's presence as she continued reading the book by the window.

"What is it that you're reading that you cannot take your eyes off it?" Roseanne began.

Y/n jumped in surprise after hearing the familiar voice. Her body turned to see Roseanne greeting her with a warm grin.

"M'lady! I was not told you will be visiting." She blushed. "I do apologize for not greeting you. I assumed you were one of my maids." Y/n bowed as she expressed her embarrassment.

Roseanne chuckled at the adorable response.

"No worries, I came to visit your father. However, he happens to not be in the vicinity." She explained. "Also, will you be answering my inquiry?" Roseanne implied the book Y/n was holding.

"Oh! right." Y/n said. She then stared at the book cover, admiring the leathery texture.

"It is a romance novel that I found at the local library. It was an interesting story, so I purchased it." Y/n explained.

"And what is this book called?" Roseanne asked.

"It's Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare." She answered.

Roseanne chuckled through her nose before setting her beverage down on the table.

"I do say. I knew you well enough that you are not much into romance novels. What causes you to change such heart?" Roseanne suspected.

Roseanne notices a piece of paper resting on the table. While Y/n was looking ahead from the window, she picked it up in her hand and began reading what was written.

It was a marriage contract for two individuals to sign their agreement. One had already signed, but the other was still left blank. With this information, Roseanne has confirmed her inner queries.

"Well, I have chosen to attempt a new genre, that is all. There is nothing wrong with doing a new thing." Y/n excused.

"Hm," Roseanne grunted as she set down the paper. "Could it be that you are looking for an inspiration to be in love?"

Y/n could only stand silent. Roseanne observed the young woman whose back was still turned. She wondered what Y/n's expression portrayed. Could her expression be a smile resulting butterflies in her stomach or a frown due to the need of having an idea of being in love?

"Shall we change the subject, madam?" Y/n spoke in a low tone. Like it was a painful whisper.

"As you wish," Roseanne said. "I apologize if I may have caused you to be tense. It has been long since the last time we met."

"Certainly, you have been working from across the sea," Y/n expressed.

"Yes, I have. After I returned from my voyage, I heard you are getting married." Roseanne began.

"Indeed I am, m'lady." Y/n smiled. Roseanne knew the smile was fake.

"May I ask who you will be getting married to?" Roseanne asked.

"It's the eldest son of the Barringtons. The heir." Y/n answered.

"Is that so?" Roseanne said. "How did you meet the heir of the Barringtons?"

"Through my father. It was the party that the Barringtons held, and my family was invited to attend. That is how I met him." She explained.

"I see." Roseanne simply spoke, to which Y/n returned with a nod.

There was silence in the room, with only the sound of flipping papers.

"Mademoiselle, do you love him?" Roseanne wondered.

"I beg your pardon?" Y/n said with her brow creased, offended by the woman's question.

"I must confess, the reason why I am here was because of you," Roseanne started. "With the rumours spreading that you will be getting married by an heir, I could not help but wonder if he treats you well. After all, you will be marrying this man in a few days."

She began to approach the woman who was standing beside the window sill.

"Does this man treats you like a flower instead of a gem?" Roseanne takes a step in every question.

"Did he ever court you truly that he made your cheek flush in red that it made its way from your neck all the way down to your shoulders?" Roseanne's eyes panned down to the woman's exposed shoulder.

Y/n could not answer the simple question. The reason why she accepted the man's proposal was because of her father. He wanted nothing but the fortune of Barrington's riches; it could increase his business reputation even further if his daughter were to marry the heir.

"It seems that you are having trouble answering," Roseanne declared.

"Though, it is enough for me to know the response." Her hands travelled towards Y/n's waist. Where she then pulled Y/n closer to her chest.

Y/n gasped from the woman's firm grasp; how can such roughness be so gentle from a woman?

"I must apologize to you in advance, madam, but I cannot help but wonder about the taste of your lips." Roseanne placed her finger under Y/n's chin to gaze into her eyes.

"That spittle would taste like the sweetness of your delicacy."

Those poetic whispers caused Y/n's cheek to flush with red as Roseanne stared hungrily at her luscious lips.

"Protest if you must by pushing me away. But for now, I must savour the taste." Roseanne's lips came crashing down to Y/n's ajar mouth.

It was rough. Like Roseanne was frustrated but also desperate, it was hard to determine what was causing her superior to act in such demeanour. Y/n loses her grip on the book, causing it to drop on the floor.

Roseanne grabbed Y/n's jaw to slightly opened her mouth. Her soft tongue slides in and clashes with Y/n's tongue, relishing the spit. Despite all, Y/n did not dare to oppose the superior's dominance.

Roseanne pulled herself away, breathing out her satisfaction.

"Oh, how I miss the taste of your lips on mine." She breathed.

Y/n also took a moment to take a breath after the intensity of the kiss, resting her hand on Roseanne's chest.

"But mistress, what has caused you such roughness? I have done nothing wrong but act good." Y/n wondered as she whimpered and stared into the woman's eyes with her eyes glinting.

Roseanne's eyes softened from the sight. Seeing such an innocent woman being taken away from her grasp, she could not help but expresses her anger further.

"I cannot help but disbelieve that you will be getting married while I was an ocean away. So I sailed back quickly to find you, just to discover that it was true." Roseanne spoke.

She then rested her head on Y/n's shoulder as Roseanne took a long sigh. Smelling Y/n's natural scent filled her nose, Roseanne could not help but croak her voice.

"I could not accept that you will no longer be in my grasp." She whispered.

Y/n's eyes widened after hearing her superior's confession. She could not believe what she had heard. She looked down to see Roseanne's expression to confirm if it was indeed true.

But suddenly, Roseanne lifted her head, grabbing a handful of Y/n's hair on the back of her head. It was painful but painfully good.

"Now tell me, would you dare to leave him if I were to tell you to run away with me?" Roseanne calmly asked.

Y/n groaned from the pain but bravely, she answered.

"No." Y/n refused.

She couldn't, for her father expected the success of their marriage. If Y/n were to change her mind, she would not only lose her father out of disappointment, it would most certainly cause his business into bankrupt.

"Why, your bosoms heaved when I spoke such a rebellious act for you to obey. Are you lying through your teeth, Mademoiselle?" Roseanne asserted.

Roseanne pushed the woman onto the bookshelf as they both returned brushing their lips from one another. Her hands then lifted Y/n's skirt for her to slide her fingers to Y/n's thigh.

"Your breath hitches to my touch that its lace loosens your corset. How I wish to strip you down to your socks." Roseanne stared hungrily at the woman's breast.

Her touch continued to hypnotize Mr. Brown's daughter as Roseanne's lips kissed her neck. She would bite or nibble the neck but not enough to leave a bruise.

"Now tell me, does his touch makes you melt? Like how I caress my digits to your flower?" Roseanne teases by circling her third digit around the woman's button.

Y/n held Roseanne's cloth tightly as her superior continued to pleasure her from below.

"No." She whimpered.

"No, the heir only cares about the speed and roughness of his desire." She then travelled her mouth to Y/n's ear. "Only I can make you into this satisfaction."

"Not even a man can make you as blissful as I am currently giving." 

Every part of Y/n's body shakes from the sensuality she has been receiving. She moaned quietly, for they might get caught by one of the maids passing by the library. Y/n leaned her head on Roseanne's shoulder as they held each other close.

"Such delicate touch makes you forget about your father, your sisters and even the riches of the heir," Roseanne spoke elegantly as the words tickled the woman's ear.

"I shall ask you one last time. Would you dare to leave him if I were to tell you to run away with me?"

Roseanne's tone shifted like she was hopeless, but not enough to make it sound like she was.

Y/n wondered how Roseanne would react if she were to refuse one last time. Will Roseanne leave the room, never to be seen again? Y/n will get married to a man she barely met, while Roseanne is nowhere to be seen in the cathedral. The thought of never seeing Roseanne again has caused her to be anxious.

"Yes, I will." Y/n moaned. "I will do anything to be in your arms."

Roseanne smiled after hearing the truth. She then rested her hand on Y/n's cheek, to which Y/n leaned to the touch.

"Good," She praised. Instead of a rough kiss, Roseanne went for a much gentler approach. Something Roseanne has never done to Y/n Brown. It was as if she was relieved to hear the expected response.

"Oh, how I wish to resume this, but I must resist. Your father would most likely return from his business. We do not want you getting into a scandal now, do we?" Roseanne whispered.

They continued to embrace and kiss before Roseanne pulled herself back to stare into the loving eyes of Y/n.

"You cannot marry him. Not after what we have bloomed together. I will talk to your father about my permission to court you." Roseanne spoke as she wiped her damp finger with a handkerchief. "Adding a suitor will halt your marriage."

"But, how? My father only cares about the Barringtons." Y/n argued.

"Indeed, but he works for me. Perhaps he can see me as a worthy suitor. If I were to be one of your suitors along with the business I possess, he would most certainly change his mind to let me court you for the time being." Roseanne explained. "Despite all your fathers doing, you still have the power to choose who you wish to marry. After all, it is still a win-win for him on who you choose."

"I appreciate your efforts, madam, but are you certain we're to reveal what we have behind my father's back just because I am getting married to a man?" Y/n asked.

Those words had struck Roseanne deeply. In the society they are currently living, a slight brush of a woman's finger into another woman could ruin a person's life.

"Darling, for you, I will do anything to have you for myself."

Y/n could not help but blush intensely at Roseanne's powerful statement. For someone who only cared about pleasure has stated that she would sacrifice anything for a woman like her.

"I must go. If you wish to continue the drive of bliss, come visit my home where you can scream your utmost pleasure." Roseanne made her way toward the door before stopping.

"I will be waiting for your visit."

Author Synopsis Time:

Okay, for a full explanation of the story. Y/n and Roseanne have been bed buddies ever since Mr. Brown (Y/n's father) has been tying business with the Park empire (Roseanne's business). There was nothing more other than achieving their desire from another. Y/n and Roseanne are not lovers, just two people who wanted nothing but pleasure (like friends with benefits). After Roseanne discovered that Y/n was getting married, it had come to a realization that Roseanne had fallen in love with Y/n and could not accept that she will be losing her. It's the same goes for Y/n. She could not admit her feeling to Roseanne since she was well aware that she was nothing but an object of pleasure to Roseanne.

So, that is why Roseanne wishes to court Y/n to halt the marriage. 

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