It's You | Harry Potter

By malfoysho

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Harry Potter love story. Years 4-7. Mature content. Ruby & Harry swore up and down they would never develop... More

Year 4: 01
Year 5: 31


2.3K 44 46
By malfoysho

"Come on, kids. We're playing suck and blow."

Dobby, who had been working for Dumbledore in the castle— with pay— made an appearance early in the morning and gifted each of us a pair of socks (that he had made himself) in the common room. Hermione gave me a new pair of earrings that I had spotted in Hogsmeade a few weeks ago, and Ron gifted me a new copy of my Christmas cd that he had stored away back at the Burrow.

"Can I please sing Jingle Bells now? I've held it in for 3 months." He pleaded with his hands clasped together.

"No." We all warned him in unison.

Most of the lot was flexing their new sweaters from Molly, except for Harry and I. I had taken— once again— a special liking to his quidditch jumper that fit loosener than my own and smelled like a piece of my home, and he wore a sweatshirt that I would probably steal within a few weeks time...

"Here you are, Ruby Jade." Harry placed a silver box in my lap, and I furrowed my brows at it. "Did Danny-boy and Trish purposely name you after Christmas colors?" He jokingly asked with a serious face and then quickly apologized when I slapped his shoulder aggressively.

I had already gifted him his present— a new jumper so I could keep his old ones that I collected, a polishing set for his broom, and a blush colored bowtie and vest to wear under his dress robes that would match my dress for tonight— and he seemed to have put a lot of thought into this one for me. He was always more of a quality in gift over quantity in gifts kind of guy.

"I thought you could wear it tonight with your dress." He smiled generously, and my heart melted in an instant. I pulled the lid off and revealed a diamond charm shaped like a heart on a gold chain necklace, accompanied by a gold charm shaped like a lightning bolt. My eyes widened and I looked at him to see if this necklace, that probably cost him way too much money, was truly meant for me. "I hope you like it." He gave me a crooked smile that seemed a bit worried. I laid the box down on the couch next to me and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love it, Harry. You didn't need to spend so much money on me." I leaned back for a moment to look at him, and he just stared at me with a subtle curve to his light pink lips. Messy hair, grey jumper, and glasses perched on the bridge of his nose— just the way I loved him.

"I'd sell my left kidney to buy you the best gift in the room. Shut up, idiot." He teased. I held in my grin and laid my chin on his shoulder again.

"Thank you, H." I squeezed him, and he rubbed my back softly in response.

"Merry Christmas, Rubes." He whispered in my ear while he squeezed me back.


"I think it's hilarious that you won't tell anyone else who your date is— especially Ron. That's what he gets." I snickered as I used my wand to curl Hermione's hair into place. She gave me a devious smirk in the mirror that showed how much she was enjoying this. Despite it all, she claimed numerous times that she felt nothing for Ron and that she didn't want to go with him anyway.

"Have you been practicing for our big dance?" She asked with a laugh, and I furrowed my brows. "It's probably best that Harry changed his mind and asked you to join him— anyone else, and he'd have made an awful embarrassment out of himself." She shook her head while she imagined the sight.

"What dance?" I pinned another curl to her head.

"The champions' dance... The traditional dance to start the ball... Don't tell me he didn't mention it." She didn't look surprised, but she did look like she wanted to kill him for always forgetting to plan ahead accordingly. "You are to dance with Harry, I'm with Krum, Cho is apparently appearing with Diggory, and... I don't know who Blondie's date is." Hermione listed off her information. I wasn't bothered by the sound of it as I finished my work and grabbed my handbag.

"I've dealt with things much worse than messing up a dance recently to care." I chuckled. My half-blonde half-brunette hair was twisted back into a loose, but elegant, bun with curls hanging around my face. I had done my makeup in a bronze and shimmery look, and tried to keep it as natural as I could.

"Yeah, it's safe to say your Veela powers are coming in. Even I feel swooned by them— you look stunning." Hermione giggled before she linked our arms together. "Now, we must get going. Doors open at 8 o'clock, and we have a very... mediocre performance to put on." I don't think even Ron's shitty attitude could bring down her mood tonight. Hopefully.

We scurried through the corridors quickly to beat the clock and arrive in time. Just as we sprinted into the entrance way of the Great Hall, I nearly crashed into Harry's back as he stood in front of Professor McGonagall and waited for me.

"Sorry," I apologized quickly while I tripped. He turned and caught me from stumbling any further by my elbows. Stupid seeker reflexes. "'Mione and I lost track of time. I didn't mean to keep you waiting, H." I breathed out while I gripped his biceps and stared into his eyes.

This was the moment that the world had stopped.

"You-" He scanned my appearance up and down with his wild eyes while he straightened me back up on my feet. "You-" He tried again as he stared at my blush colored dress. "You're-" He kept his lips parted and shook his head ever so slightly as he met my nervous stare again. His thumbs rubbed the skin on my arms as he loosened his grasp and his lips gave me their familiar smile. "Hey, you." He said quietly. It seemed that meeting my eyes was relaxing enough to help him form words.

My heart fluttered wildly from his adoring expression, and my hands released his biceps while I studied him just as intently. He was the most precious person I had ever come to know. His black robes were decorated with the slightest details of pink to match me, his rings were in a perfect order on a few fingers, his hair was flopping lazily over his forehead, but it was all in perfect Harry fashion. He was a touch of heaven on Earth, and I was blessed enough to feel it every day.

"Hi, handsome." I greeted him. I carried a genuine smile that no one could wipe from my lips tonight.

"Potter, Evans— my word, I get déjà vú every time I yell that." McGonagall stood by the main door and waited for us to join the other champions. "Get over here."

"What can I say, Minnie? There's something about us Potter boys— I must get it from my dad," he chuckled, placing my hand on his arm and preparing to escort us in with the others. "We've got a thing for pretty girls named Evans." He gave her a wink that wasn't very appropriate. Normally, I think she would have given him a smart comment about getting in line or to stop calling her that name, but instead she gave us a far-off look with a weak smile and nodded in agreement.

"Indeed you do." She bowed her head.

The students cheered and clapped as we made our entrance and walked to the dance floor. The walls of the hall were covered in a sparkling silver frost with garlands of mistletoe and ivy crossing the starry black ceiling over our heads. Small tables scattered the room for dozens to sit at, and I felt my nerves increasing when Harry curled our fingers together and pulled me as close as he could.

"You're easily the most beautiful girl I know, Ruby Evans." He snapped the anxious tension I had brewing around us while I focused on my steps to the music.

"Are you trying to make me blush right now, Potter?" I challenged with a raised brow. He knew how to give me the most confidence, but also make me feel like the shyest person in the room.

"Always." He promised with a cocky smirk.

When our opening routine— which Harry and I had managed to giggle and chuckle our way through and survive— came to an end, we seated ourselves at one of the round tables to get ready for the feast.

"I'm starving." I whined with my hands over my stomach and my head thrown back in a tired fashion. Harry shook his head at me and my goofiness as he pulled one of my hands from my stomach so it could sit in his lap with his own.

"Hello, Starving. I'm the famous Harry Potter— it's a pleasure." He pretended to give me an introduction. I rolled my eyes in his direction from his annoying antics, but I couldn't stay mad for long. He brought my knuckles to his lips and apologized with a subtle kiss and gleaming eyes that lured me in. 

As we placed our orders for dinner and started to eat, Harry and I continued to find entertainment in how Ron was scowling at Viktor who sat across the table from us.

"I don't understand his anger. He was his biggest fan." I laughed at the brutal image of Ron's misery. "If he would've just asked Hermione, he could've avoided his jealousy altogether." I chuckled, shoving another piece of chicken into my mouth and chewing slowly. "When do you think they'll just admit their feelings for one another?" I asked him through the corner of my mouth. Poor Parvati looked like she would strangle Ron at any second for not giving her a lick of attention.

"Oh, long after we do." Harry told me without hesitation. My shocked eyes traveled over to him from his bold statement, but he continued to stare at Ron and smirk into his bottle of Butterbeer from what he had said.

"What are you plotting, Hazza?" I accused him with a playful glare. He said nothing to my question while his wink did all the talking.

"Will you dance with me, love? If I sit here and stare at Ron any longer, I think I'll start feeling bitter." He joked. He extended his hand for me to take while he stood from his seat, and I nodded along and accepted his gesture. We weren't the only two to jump up from the table as Hermione took Viktor's hand and followed after us.

I could have described this as one of the best nights of my life. Harry twirled me around like a doofus and his smile and laughter were contagious for me. I couldn't resist the urges to lay my head on his shoulder to catch my breath, giggle at his stupidity, or make fun of him when he'd step on my foot repeatedly.

"I'm so thankful you wore your Converses and not heels." He laughed in a carefree fashion as he caught me for the twentieth time. My clumsiness wasn't even my fault. It was a result of Harry tripping me once again.

"We should check on Ron." I finally tried to slow my laughter down while I held on to Harry with my arms around his neck. We were in the midst of swaying to the Twisted Sisters' song now that we were no longer focused on our motions. Harry's chuckling face turned towards the table we had previously left and he found his best friend seated alone while Parvati danced with some random boy on the dance floor. A sigh dragged itself out past his lips.

"I suppose we should..." He sounded upset as he stopped dancing and a let his arms linger around my waist for a moment.

"Well, don't sound so glum. It's not like I decided to ditch you for someone else or anything." I tugged him back towards me by his jacket. "We have to save some energy for the afterparty anyway. I hope you know that by bringing me tonight, it meant you'd have entertainment planned until at least 4 o'clock in the morning." I mocked him, and his lips started to smile again as he looked back down at me and gave a soft chuckle.

"I love you, Rubes." He beamed like he always did when he was radiating happiness. My reaction copied the same sweet look on his face before I leaned forward and pecked his cheek.

"I love you the most, H." I grinned. I unlocked my arms from his neck and skipped over in Ron's direction before his angry eyes finally met mine.

"You knew all along, I bet." He narrowed his stare on me and crossed his arms over his chest. I gave a shrug of denial before I felt Harry's presence slip past me and sit on the chair next to Ron in front of me. "Don't you dare lie to me, Ruby. I can't believe you'd sit here and come to this ball with Harry, claim you care so much about him, and then you'd allow Hermione to do something... so... diabolical!" He spit at me while he glared at her and Krum and waved his hand in their direction. I ignored the fire I felt brewing in my chest because I knew it would only lead to negative outcomes.

"She told me who her date was, but why was it my business to tell everyone?" I asked calmly. "There's no need for you to bring my thoughts and feelings about Harry into question over this. We're happy and getting along tonight, so don't ruin our moods with your sour one." I told him in an innocent tone.

"You should've told her it was wrong!" Ron shouted towards me.

"Ron, quit yelling at her." Harry threatened as soon as Ron's mouth had shut. Bless his golden heart...

I stuck my tongue out at Ron before I pulled up a seat against Harry. I rested my head on his shoulder and watched Hermione laugh and swing herself around the center of the dance floor with Viktor. I would call her a lucky gal for being partnered up with the Bulgarian Seeker, but I was enjoying my own seeker far too much to give two shits about Krum. Harry placed his head over mine to take a break while we all watched her, and my hand reached out to find one of his and lace our fingers.

"Hi," Harry smiled as Hermione came over and sat herself down in the empty seat next to Ron.

"Hot in here, isn't it?" She couldn't stop smiling as she faced us. "Viktor's gone to get drinks." She started fanning herself with her hand. I let out a soft chuckle as I peeked over at her from Harry's shoulder.

"Psh, shocked he hasn't asked you to call him Vicky yet." Ron said with a withering look. "Icky Vicky, is even better yet." He seethed.

"What's up with you?" She was surprised as she stared at him.

"This could end badly." Harry groaned quietly while he sunk into his seat further. Perhaps Ron would find a way to ruin her evening after all.

"He's from Durmstrang, Hermione! He's competing against Harry and Hogwarts! You're fraternizing with the enemy!" He spat at her. Harry just shrugged like he didn't care, and I worried about how far Ron would take this.

"Honestly, Ronald! You were the one who was so excited when he arrived!"

"I said the same thing." I confirmed for her.

"You wanted his autograph!" She shouted at him. "You have a fucking model of him up in your dorm room!" She grew more upset.

"Yes, Hermione! Let the curse words fly for once!" I cheered like a proud mother. Harry bit his bottom lip and turned so his chin pressed against my head, allowing him to hide his laughter into my hair.

"I'm sure he asked you to the ball while you two spent so much time together up in the library. He's Karkaroff's student, and he probably just wants to get information out of you about Harry! He wants your brains to solve that egg-"Hermione looked as though Ron had punched her in the face.

"He hasn't asked one thing about Harry! And I would never help him solve the egg! I would only help Harry because he's my friend!" She started to turn a dark pink as her anger grew.

"Harry, maybe we should stop them." I whispered, but he was too busy listening to the argument.

"You have a funny way of showing your friend that you care about him. You and Ruby both! You're on the same team! I'm the only one-"

"Don't even start with that bullshit around me, Ron Weasley, because I am the one who has been there for Harry for weeks while you ignored him, and Hermione helped him solve the first task! You're the last person to tell us how to treat him!" I jumped into the fight now, and Harry rubbed the spine of my hand with his thumb to keep me relaxed.

"Ron, that's enough bickering for one night. We're all supposed to be having fun. I don't care if she came here with him. You're riling them up for nothing." Harry put his two cents in, but Ron completely ignored him.

"If you care so much about who I'm here with, then take a page from Harry's book! He gave up his original plans because he'd rather come with Ruby himself than watch her go with someone else!" She shouted as she stood from her seat. Ron looked like a fish out of water as he floundered for an answer.

I peeked up at Harry who held an awkward look from being dragged into the middle of the argument. He glanced down at my uneasy face before he gave me a reassuring smile and kissed my head.

"I'd say that will do it for tonight." Harry sighed before he disconnected our hands and wrapped his arm over my shoulder instead. "It's nearing 11:30 now. The party's starting soon, and as ravishing as you look, I'd like us to be more comfortable while we go act like drunk fools all night." He chuckled. "Let's go get changed, my darling wife." Harry mocked dramatically as he stood us from our chairs.

"Your wish is my command, dashing husband." I gave him a sarcastic grin while he pulled me towards the door. Ron was muttering to himself as he dragged his feet and followed close behind.


The music was blasting through the air while I poured a fourth round of whiskey and challenged the red and raven haired boys to take it with me. Down to the table, up for a cheers, down to the table, throw the liquid down my throat. A routine I had grown fond of recently. I let out a sigh and shut my eyes before I grabbed Harry's warm hands in mine and danced in front of him to the music.

"Wait— this is the best part." I slurred out in a drunken giggle. Harry smiled down at me while he moved his arms with mine and let me have my fun. "THIS NIGHT IS FLAWLESS, DON'T YOU LET IT GO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs with the other girls in the common room before my laughs started to cut off my obnoxious singing to Taylor Swift. "I'M WONDERSTRUCK, DANCING 'ROUND ALL ALONE! I'LL SPEND FOREVER WONDERING IF YOU KNEEEEWWWWW-"

"Knew what, baby? Let me hear it." Harry played along in a deeper voice with his flirtatious smirk, and my blushing face pushed into his shoulder.

"I WAS ENCHANTED TO MEET YOUUUUU!" I belly laughed into his shoulder while he held me steady on my wobbly feet.

This was the best example of what a good boy he was. He danced along willingly and encouraged me to sing my favorite songs, instead of telling me how stupid I looked... because he'd do anything to see me smile at him.

"You're not planning on getting sick tonight, are you?" Harry chuckled softly as he pulled me closer to him and let me keep dancing. He wore a pair of grey sweatpants with a worn down Hogwarts t-shirt on his upper body. I was dressed in comfortable attire, but still looked cute in my small cropped tank top and black leggings.

"No, I didn't plan on it." I giggled. He gave me a single nod of approval before he twirled me around to the music and pressed my back against his chest with our arms tangled around me and our hands braided together.

"This is my favorite part of the song." He whispered into my ear while we rocked back and forth at the pace he had set. "Please don't be in love with some- someone else." Harry laughed against the side of my neck as he sang to me off-key. I pulled my shoulder up to my ear to stop the ticklish feeling of his warm breath, but my reaction forced Harry to do it even more. "Please don't have somebody waiting on youuuu." He kissed my skin slowly in the exact spot he knew would drive me crazy while I laughed in his hold.

"Stop-" I giggled.

"You don't like my singing?" He pretended to be hurt as he asked in my ear.


"I think it's lovely-"


"I mean, I am a huge Swiftie, y'know-"

"You two need to get a room." Ron's groaning interrupted us while he still leaned against the high table on his elbows. Harry flipped him off as my intoxicated giggles continued and we swayed back and forth.

"I mean, did she find it necessary to bring him here?" Ron scoffed, but his eyes were no longer on us. "Probably did it just to piss me off."Hermione sat on the couch with Viktor and Seamus while the three of them talked away.

"Jealousy doesn't look good on you, Ronnie." I laughed, and Harry smirked over at him.

"Yeah, Ronnie." He teased.

"I'm not jealous of anything!" He barked at me defensively.

"Ahh, so you're in denial, and you're a liar." I snickered.

"Come on, kids. We're playing suck and blow." Fred broke it up and collected the three of us without protest before he shoved us towards a group in the center of the room.

"Suck and what?" Ron looked at his brother like he had three heads.

"Blow. It's a card game, Ron. Get your head out of the gutter. It's actually very simple. You suck on the card to get it off the person to your left, blow to pass it off to the person on your right. No hands. You drop the card, you kiss. So I suggest sitting between two people you're fond of— not including me." I warned with a deadly serious look. "H, come on." I pulled him next to me and waited for the others to participate.

"Ah, so we're going to kiss now, are we?" He laughed at my enthusiasm for him to be next to me. "We don't have to play a silly card game. You could ask nicely-" I crossed my arms and gave him a drunk look of frustration.

"No, we are not! Because I'm not dropping the card." I shook my head. He gave me a fake nod of his head like he agreed, and his smile dropped when he flickered his eyes over my shoulder.

"Not a chance in hell." Harry's voice took me by surprise from the protective tone it suddenly took on. He pulled my body closer to his by my upper arm until I was pressed against his chest and he staked a claim over me.

"Come on, Potter. It's just a game. You love playing them any other time." Cormac smirked on the opposite side of me with a cup in his hand. "What's another little kiss going to do? Kill her?" He mocked with a bitter laugh. I slowly circled around Harry to get out of the middle and held on to the back of his shirt in my fists to keep him back.

"McLaggen, I'm seriously giving you another 30 seconds to move somewhere else, or I'll show you a blow to the face worse than the ones you're getting in this game." Harry tested him with a locked jaw. Cormac smirked as he stepped closer, and I felt Harry's back flex under my fingers.

"Harry, don't." I begged quietly.

"I'm not moving." Cormac defied with a humorous chuckle. "It all makes sense, you know. You played off the orphan card as long as you could, the attention from the competition is dying between tasks, so why not give Rita Skeeter a production out of her claims about Ruby? Why not take Ruby to the ball?" He shrugged as he sipped on his drink.

"You don't know the first thing about Ruby and I." Harry told him lowly. "You're just bitter that no matter how hard you tried, I was always the guy she's wanted." My cheeks were starting to flush as those surrounding us listened in.

"I didn't want her either. Did you not hear about why she called it off with me?" Cormac laughed like he was proud of himself. His pride should have put him in Slytherin all those years ago... "Hope your parents have missed you, Potter. I reckon you'll be getting a family reunion after the second task-"

It was the seeker reflexes I had already mentioned earlier in the night that had allowed him to pull it off before it could be broken apart. Harry had Cormac's shirt in one fist while the other had collided with the dirty blonde's jaw... multiple times. I had lost my hold on him in the force, and I wasn't sure what to do.

George had pulled Cormac away while Harry's new friend— I suppose— Cedric grabbed ahold of him. The situation had deescalated as quickly as it had started. Apparently, Neville's punch was nothing compared to those from Harry, because Cormac already appeared much worse as his preppy brunette Beauxbaton bitch lead him off to a couch.

"Christ, Potter. You just get better and better the more I get to know you." Cedric patted his shoulder and the twins laughed along with him. "Ice that bad boy, and I'll catch you tomorrow so we can discuss the second task." He laughed. He was very obviously drunk as he and Ernie held each other up and could hardly open their eyes past slits.

"Does it hurt?" I shoved through quickly and grabbed Harry's hand that he was flexing and shaking it out to ease the pain.

"Oh, yeah." He exaggerated while I examined his knuckles. "So bad. I think you need to kiss it." He gave a fake wince and forced his hand right in front of my face.

"You're so stupid." I laughed breathlessly as I released his hand and turned back towards the game where I stood between Harry and George.

"Now, if we drop that card, please kiss me on the cheek. I might barf up all the vodka if we really snogged." George almost gagged from the thought.

"Alright, party people!" Fred cheered with a playing card on his hand. "Suck and blow!" He pressed the card against his lips and started passing it around the circle. I couldn't stop my laughter as everyone had to share kisses with random people.

Ron and Katie Bell got caught in the line of fire once, and both of them looked disturbed before they shared the quickest kiss I had ever seen. George and I did end up having to share a cheek kiss at one point, and we were followed up by Lavender and Dean pecking each other quickly. Cedric and Angelina. Ernie and Cho. The list kept growing.

"Last round. Losers this time have to finish us off with a game of 7 minutes in the storage closet." Fred laughed loudly over the pulsing music before we all started passing the card again. Now I really didn't want to lose.

I waited anxiously for the card to get to me before I collected it off of George and turned towards Harry. I blew too soon, and my eyes widened with fear when I was staring at him with puckered lips and felt the card flutter to the floor between us.

So many people burst into laughs and "ooo's" to tease us, but suddenly my heart was pounding a million miles a minute, and I couldn't even remember his name or how to properly give a kiss.

Harry's lips smirked at me before he collected my cheeks in the palms of his hands and gently pressed his mouth against mine like he had numerous times in the past for a quick and simple kiss like every one else had shared during the game. I felt the fireworks in my heart explode and now more than ever, I craved more from the childish peck.

"Looks like you love birds get a trip to the closet!" George slapped his hands on top of both my shoulders, and everyone started shouting a million different things at us. 

"Who's got a watch?" Harry asked around the group before Dean tossed one to him. "Alright." Harry said with sudden nerves in his voice. "7 minutes." He chuckled awkwardly.

It was suffocating, the amount of hands that shoved the two of us across the common room in the loud shouts of laughter and the music that could deafen you. The door slammed shut behind us, and suddenly the world around us drowned out like it had in his bathroom a few weeks ago.

"Hey, you." Harry whispered the same phrase he had greeted me with at the beginning of the night while our crammed bodies barely touched one another.

"Hi, handsome." My dry throat gave him the same response I previously had. Suddenly, those few drinks we had taken made my head feel like it was spinning around the dark room. The typical dizziness I got from Harry didn't help either.

I gripped his wrist in one of my hands to steady myself, and he twisted it gently to interlock his fingers with mine in a comforting manner instead. I let myself lean back against the wall as he soothed me by drawing patterns in my palm with his fingers in my free hand.

"I can't believe you just punched Cormac— or that we just kissed." I giggled out of no where, and his intoxicating smile greeted me back.

"Why not?" He asked with a laugh. "I've been waiting to hit him since the first night we arrived. And the other— it's nothing we've never done before." He reminded me with a quirked brow. I shook my head before I planted a hand on his shoulder and continued my giggling.

Our eyes never disconnected as our silent laughters eased some of the awkward tension we both felt swarming us. Harry snaked his arms around my waist like he needed to steady my buzzing body, and I ran my fingers through the back of his hair with a content sigh.

"We don't have to do anything but talk in here if you don't want to." Harry said with more seriousness. I cleared my throat to compose myself before I let out a deep breath through my nostrils and hummed in response.

"Just like we didn't do anything in your bathroom?" I teased quietly.

"Oh, I disagree. We did do something in my bathroom that night." He argued sarcastically.

"Then why do you pretend we didn't?" I chuckled while my arms linked behind his neck and pulled him against me. Thank Merlin for liquid courage.

"I don't pretend— I think of it quite often." He said lowly. His traces of humor were absent even with his glamorous smile on his lips. "How long do you think we've been in here?" He questioned, not wanting his eyes to leave mine and check for himself.

"Not long enough." I told him quietly. My arms dragged him further in on their own and our noses grazed one another.

Harry was the one that forced the moment to shift. He did something that flipped my stomach and made the room grow hotter suddenly. His eyes left mine for the faintest second and flickered to my lips. I knew what he was thinking, and that's all it took.

Maybe it was the drinks. It could've been the tension we had let spark between us tonight. Or it was the fact that we hadn't been able to keep our hands to ourselves since we got to the ball.

Both of us took action as our lips connected to the other's passionately. There felt like there was no time to waste while we tightened our holds, and morphed ourselves into one.

It felt like it always had— butterflies and sparks. Except, there was more to it now— and much more to both of us. Our lips molded together like the perfect puzzle pieces that finally clicked in harmony, and his hands held me steady while they roamed across my back and gripped onto my top.

It was a sweet moment at first. The burning in my stomach continued to grow the longer he gave me the attention I had been begging for. When Harry had pinned me against the wall and dragged my bottom lip in between his teeth, it forced a labored and breathy moan to escape, and everything got heavier.

The fingers I had laced through his hair had tugged roughly on the locks, and Harry retaliated by sweeping my legs up around his waist so we were finally level. We kissed each other deeper and with more force as our hungers and wants continued to grow. Tongues were battling to see who could gain control over the other as hands gripped on to skin to feel more. Hums and quiet moans welcomed the other and enticed us to keep making this feel so good for the one we were doing it to.

Everything was always a competition with the two of us... and now we competed to satisfy our own pleasures while finding new ways to show our affections to the one we wanted desperately.

A hum of contentment left my throat when he trailed his sloppy kisses over my jaw and moved them down to my neck. He could only explore the familiar area for a few seconds before he found his way back up to my swollen lips that he missed already. My stomach was dancing as his hands squeezed the backs of my thighs, and my hands clawed at his shoulders to fan out some of the flames of passion I couldn't control.

If I thought the feeling in the bathroom was new and exciting, this one beat it by a mile and I could tell he felt just the same by his actions. We had transpired from puppy love in the past and had finally developed something that felt real.

Then came a dreadful pound on the door. Harry broke away and glanced towards it, forcing us to come back down to reality. Our cheeks were flushed, and our breathing was heavy as we clung on. Harry looked back in my direction before he placed our foreheads together and tried to collect himself.

"Do we have to stop?" I whispered while I ran my fingers through his hair.

It would be easy for anyone to tell what had gone down with how messy our hair and clothes appeared, or how Harry's lips resembled a dark crimson color from overuse.

Harry placed me down gently as we both caught our breath and he rubbed my cheeks with his thumbs one last time.

"Just because we're leaving the closet doesn't mean I'm finished with what we started." Harry joked breathlessly. I bit my lips between my teeth and nodded along as he pulled the door open and stepped us out.

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