The Wedding Affair

By SaeemaMadhiya

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"And for the record, next time if.." "If I act like a jerk you will never speak to me again." he cut her mid... More

The Hooker
The Best Friends
The Bachelorette
No Strings Attached
The Stalker
The Beginning
The Runaway Bride.
Always on my mind.
Just Friends.
Please Fall in love with me.
Falling in love with him.
In love with him.
Star of my dreams.


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By SaeemaMadhiya

This was the first time she stepped foot inside her house since it was vandalized.

Her emotions were a cluster of happiness, anxiety, nostalgia and maybe a hint of loneliness.

Ryan had taken care of restoring her house and when she looked around, it felt like not a single thing was out of place. He replicated it to the last detail. It was as if her precious haven had never been tainted at the hands of evil.

From the exact shade of her drapes to her picture wall mounted with pictures of her clicked by Liam.

It was all beautifully restored and yet it felt like something was missing.

'Him.'  Her inner voice stated.

Scarlette shook that thought aside and took one last look around her house before she began to unpack. She had got very little back, even though Ryan insisted everything belonged to her.

It just did not feel right.

It was past midnight when she finished unpacking her belongings and she was itching to go back to her usual routine.

A cold shower after a long day followed by a book snuggled up in her favourite blanket on her reading lounge.

It had been thirty minutes and she couldn't concentrate on her reading.

It was a historical romance, her favourite kind; she always wanted to run down the elegant stairs of a Victorian castle in a ruffled gown trailing behind her.

These books always took her mind far away from the reality of the here and now.

But today she just kept browsing unable to pick the one book that could make her forget about her terrible morning.

She decided to give up reading and get some sleep.

William's wedding was a few weeks away and she had a pretty long day ahead of her tomorrow especially since she hadn't gone to work today because she was shifting houses.

Sleep is what she needed to calm her nerves but sleep was what decided to abandon her.

She was twisting and turning in her bed trying to channel some magical powers that could send her off in slumber but the quiet of the house and her cold bed were making her restless.

Since she stepped foot in her house, the nagging feeling that something was missing was eating away at her heart.

She tried to keep herself busy to get rid of it but it was still there like a persistent sales manager.

She did not want to acknowledge what her heart already knew.She wasn't some weak woman who felt incomplete without the presence of her partner.

She wanted space and she got it, the fact that Ryan hadn't called or messaged her even once since she came back should not bother her.

She did not message either.

But he should have.

She wondered whether walking out of his house meant he was walking out of her life.

Her heart sunk at that thought.

She did not want to break up. She just did not want to get too attached.

Was it all or nothing with him?

He did not say it in words, but what if that was how relationships worked.

She couldn't know, it had been a decade since she was in one.

She was getting restless with each passing minute.

Every time she shut her eyes she could see the red paint tainting her walls.

It was her first night back and she should have asked her friends to stay over but Mila and Sophie weren't in town and Ryan would literally flip his shit if she called Liam to stay over with her.

That should not have held her back. Liam was her best friend!

But some part of her knew it would hurt Ryan and that was the last thing she wanted to do.

Pride demanded she put on her big girl pants and tough it out alone but her heart wanted to hear his voice.

Maybe talking to him would calm her down? She wondered.

She considered video calling him but she could not gather enough courage to face him.

What if he did not want to see her face?

Audio calling should do, she thought to herself but chickened out.

How the fuck are people in relationships!

She wanted to tear her hair out in frustration.

She was pacing around her living room, anxious and annoyed.


'I Miss You.'

'I can't sleep.'

She kept typing and discarding text after text.

She was confused.

It was thirty minutes passed two.

It was the middle of the freaking night.

What if he was sleeping?

What if he did not reply back to her?

What if he was with someone else?

A million thoughts ran through her mind but her heart was team Ryan.

"Traitor!" She hissed.

She was tired.

She just wanted to be in his arms and let sleep take over and have his warmth engulf her.

How could she ask him that when she walked out this morning after he practically begged her to stay?

Her feelings for him were a paradox.

She wanted to be as close to him as possible but she also wanted to be as far away as possible.

It was driving her crazy.

"What have you got to lose?" She stood in front of the mirror and asked herself.

"My pride and my dignity!" She threw up her hands in frustration.

"I am talking to my fucking self! Great!" She started pacing again.

"Screw it!" She said to herself.

'I miss you.' She typed and this time gathered all her courage and hit send.

She had sex dreams while sleeping next to him. She moaned his damn name in her sleep. A mere text could not do any more damage than she had already done to her pride. She justified to herself.

He hadn't read it yet.

There was a double tick.

But it wasn't turning blue.

Maybe he was already asleep or maybe he was busy.

Her heart sank at the idea of him with another woman.

She had considered the possibility of that before, since she couldn't offer sex and he was a hot blooded man with an army of women at his disposal, it would just be a matter of time before he fulfilled his needs.

But it hurt.

Her heart hurt.

It was so fucking painful and nothing like what she experienced a decade back.

Her feelings from before paled in comparison to what she felt for Ryan.

She was staring at the message, willing the ticks to turn blue but they did not and the thought of him laughing at her desperation later was too much to handle.

So she deleted that message.

This way she could just pretend she typed in the wrong chat box and save whatever is left of her respect.

She was lying on the floor and staring at the ceiling, feeling pathetic when the door bell chimed.

Who the fuck was at the door?

Her heart started racing like it had to win a damn marathon.

It was pretty fucking late.

Her friends did not know she had shifted back.

It wasn't them for sure.

Ryan had not replied so maybe he was asleep or otherwise occupied. So that ruled his presence out too.

She stood paralyzed.

A soft knock followed the door bell again.

Her phone rang in her hand and she nearly jumped out of her skin.

"Hello." Scarlette stared at the door skeptically and answered without checking the caller id.

"Please open the door. It's me." It was the voice she had been longing to hear all day.

She practically ran towards the door.

What she saw made her heart skip a million beats.

Ryan stood before her in what looked like his workout attire.

His hair messed up, eyes never leaving hers.

"I miss you." He whispered softly.

If her heart felt like it was running a marathon before, it now felt like it was on a bloody roller coaster without the safety belt.

She wanted to fling herself at him and hug him but all she did was opened the door wider.

She was subtly inviting him inside her house.

He stepped inside, his eyes still not breaking the eye contact.

He was waiting for a hint of anything that could mean that he could take her in his arms like he had been dying to all day.

He had been dying to hear her voice, to touch her, to hold her.

He watched her bite her bottom lip nervously, "Can I get you something to drink? water? juice?"

She had come back to a completely stocked fridge and pantry, courtesy to the best boyfriend in the whole damn world.

"Can I get a hug first?" He asked softly and watched her sigh in relief.

It was like she was holding her breath and she did not even know.

Her heart jumped with joy!

Her eyes took him in, scared if she looked away he would disappear and that is when she noticed the bruises on his knuckles.

She took his hands in hers, "What happened?"


"Haven't you heard of gloves?"

"You weren't there. I couldn't think straight."

"Ryan! You have to stop hurting yourself."

"Shh..." He pulled her in his arms. 

The nagging feeling she had all day was suddenly not there anymore.

The missing piece of the puzzle was him.

She was finally home.


Scarlette's days were filled with her excess work load thanks to William's short notice wedding but her nights were the best.

Every night Ryan came over after work and spent the night over.

They would watch movies and eat and talk and there were zero traces of sexual tension.

It was like living at his penthouse in their earlier days.

It was surreal.

They were back to being them, so space she thought was definitely a great idea.

They could be together without her feeling like she was taking advantage of him being a gentleman.

Time flew when you were happy and content and before she knew it, it was Saturday.

Her friends were all finally in town and she told them she was back.

Sophie obviously did not know she ever shifted to Ryan's because that news could circle back to her family real quick thanks to her big broadcasting mouth.

She had a knack for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time always.

Scarlette suggested that Ryan continue his Saturday night tradition with his friends too.

Ryan did not seem particularly happy but he agreed nonetheless.

There was no point in sitting at home and sulking.

Scarlette hadn't invited him over; he couldn't just crash her friend's night so he went to the race tracks to watch Dean.

It was all fun and games until he opened Instagram on his phone and saw stories of Scarlette with her friends and in every story Liam fucking Maxwell was glued to her side.

Nate saw Ryan's good mood turn sour and peaked into his phone.

"He is her best friend. Wipe that look from your face; you cannot cause him bodily harm."

"Just once." Ryan's jaw ticked with annoyance.

He imagined beating the crap out of Liam on a million occasions but he knew that would be a deal breaker for Scarlette so he held back.

"He does seem to have a hard time trying to keep his hands off her." Nate remarked looking at the stories uploaded by Scarlette and her friends, particularly Liam's story where he is hugging Scarlette and kissing her cheek.

Nate noticed Ryan's free hand clench into a fist.

"I don't think he is even trying." Dean walked in behind them and joked.

"He is just her best friend. Relax!" Nate took Ryan's phone out of his hand and placed it on the table.

Dean had yet again won the race, there was hardly any if ever that he lost.

Champagnes were popped open, girls were surrounding them blatantly offering themselves up on a silver platter but Ryan wasn't interested.

Hooking up with groupies was never his style or Nathaniel's.

But Dean thrived on that attention.

He had never once caught feelings and Ryan remembered a time when he was the same.

He did not miss the procession of women readily waiting to sacrifice them at his altar.

He would give it all up again and again for Scarlette.

He just missed having a non complicated life, he missed not having to fear that he was going to lose someone he loves more than he ever thought was possible, he missed the carefree days but he knew if all this meant he could have Scarlette then he was willing to face this a thousand times over.

Scarlette on the other hand was having the time of her life.

They were watching their top three favourite movies.

To everyone's shock Liam was still awake and they were on their third movie.

He could barely make it through one before.

"Who are you and what have you done to my Liam?" Scarlette snuggled up closer to him on the couch and whispered.

"Too many nights away from you, I have to make up for lost time." Liam chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"I missed you Lee, so fucking much."

"Not more than I missed you."

"Omg! You two! I am going to choke on all that sweetness. I wasn't in town! You guys should be saying those endearing sweet nothings to me!" Sophie threw a cushion at them.

"Ouch! Sophie that hurt!" Scarlette threw the cushion back at her head.

The popcorn bowl in Sophie's hand toppled over and she narrowed her eyes at Scarlette and then a mischievous grin broke onto her face.

"Pillow fight!!!!" Sophie screeched like a banshee and attacked.


The aftermath of the pillow fight made her once organized living room look like a war zone.

As the fight escalated and enough cushions weren't around, the army took over bags of chips and popcorn's and it turned into a food fight.

Standing over looking at her living room in the morning light gave her chills.

How the fuck was she going to clean this mess? She wondered.

"Oh God! Help me." She sent a silent prayer up to heaven.

She wouldn't know where to begin but her prayers were answered in the form of a gorgeous looking man that walked out of her utility room shirtless with only his grey joggers on and a vacuum cleaner in his hand and abs to die for.

"Good morning beautiful." Liam walked over to her and kissed her cheeks.

"You are all I have ever prayed for Liam Maxwell." Scarlette joked and kissed his cheek back.

"I am going to start cleaning up, Mila has gone for a quick grocery run and then I am making you pancakes."

"What can I do to help?"

"Go wake Sophie up and make her lazy ass move around to help, she started the riot."

"Yes sir."

Waking up Sophie was the biggest task.

She always pulled the person into bed with her and started weirdly snuggling them.

It happened with Liam once and he has been scarred for life, so he has never stepped foot inside a room where Sophie was asleep.

On her way to her room Scarlette picked Liam's sweatshirt from the night before and pulled it over her head.

It had been months since she stole one and the minute Liam walked in last night she had decided it was hers.

Scarlette entered the room and pulled the covers off Sophie's body.

"Get up!" Scarlette nudged her but Sophie did not budge.

"Sophieeee we need to clean up, my house looks like a dump."

"Go away! Let me sleep." Sophie mumbled.

"No no no no! Come on! Get up."

"It's too early.

Go away!!"

"If you don't get up until I finish counting till five, I am throwing water on you."

Sophie was soundly asleep.



No response.


No response.


No response.

"I swear to God Sophie.." Scarlette halted mid sentence when she heard a doorbell.

"That must be Mila with the grocery. Get up!"

"Go away!!" Sophie yelled.


I asked nicely." Scarlette picked a vase from her dresser removed the flowers and emptied all its liquid content on Sophie's face.

Sophie jolted upright and gasped.

"You bitch!!!" She narrowed her eyes at Scarlette.

"Good Morning to you too sweetie.

Freshen up and come on out." Scarlette gave her air kisses and ran out of her bedroom.

"Who is at the door?" Scarlette asked Liam and walked towards the entrance.

Liam opened the door wider and Scarlette stopped in her tracks.

"Hey! What are you doing here?"

Ryan looked between a shirtless Liam and Scarlette in Liam's clothes from the night before and his blood was boiling.

He clenched and unclenched his fists at his side.

He was enraged.

Liam Maxwell stayed over.

Liam fucking Maxwell had a death wish, Ryan seethed.

Ryan looked at Scarlette and his jaw ticked in annoyance.

She was wearing Liam's sweatshirt that ended mid thigh and he had no way of knowing whether she wore shorts underneath or no.

He wanted to carry her back to his penthouse and lock her up there.

"I came by to surprise you. I did not know Saturday nights ended with sleep over's here."

Ryan gave her a tight smile.

"Oh actually.." Her explanation was cut short when a super annoyed Sophie barged out of the room.

"Scarlette Brown! I am going to fucking kill you." She stomped towards them and stopped her attack when she saw Ryan.

"Oh look what the cat dragged in." Sophie eyed Ryan who was dressed in casual black joggers, a black t-shirt and a black jacket.

Her eyes then shifted to Liam who was standing shirtless in only his joggers and she whistled.

"Scarlette you should really start sharing. It's not good manners to keep the candies and eat them too."

Scarlette walked over to Ryan, held his hand in one hand and Liam's in another and pasted a sarcastic smile on her face.

"Sorry, I hate sharing.

Now stop drooling over my men." Scarlette joked and Sophie rolled her eyes.

"Who is drooling over whom?" Mila entered from the open doorway with grocery bags in her hand.

Liam walked over to help her take the grocery bags in the kitchen and left Scarlette standing in the doorway with Ryan.

"Come on in, Liam makes the best pancakes in the world." Scarlette dragged Ryan inside the house and stopped in the middle of her living room.

"OK this place is a mess. Find yourself a seat wherever there is no food and we will clean up real quick." Scarlette went on her tip toes and kissed his cheek.

He inhaled Liam's perfume because she was wearing his damn sweatshirt and she smelled like him and he wanted to punch something real damn hard.

Preferably Liam Maxwell's face.

"I'll help." Ryan replied curtly and walked over to where Mila had started the vacuum.

Liam was picking up bowls of melted chocolate that they used last night for the fondue when Sophie walked up behind him and took a handful and smeared it across his chest.

Liam shuddered at her touch.

He hated when she touched him inappropriately, and as much as he tried to get away from her, she was always around and in his space.

"What the hell Sophie!"

"What? You did not mind when Scarlette smeared it on you, last night." Sophie looked at Ryan from the corner of her eyes and saw the nerve pop on his forehead.

She loved stirring drama.

"You are not Scarlette, are you?" Liam jerked her hand off his chest and went to clean up.

"Ryan you should see our Polaroid's from last night.

They are so fucking adorable." Sophie picked the Polaroid's that were kept near Scarlette's picture wall and walked towards Ryan.

There were pictures of the three girls and some were of Scarlette and Mila and then there were pictures of all four of them, Ryan kept flipping them nonchalantly until his hand froze and he could only see red.

There was Scarlette smiling her brightest smile and smearing chocolate on Liam's cheek while he looked like the happiest man on planet.

Then there was another picture of Scarlette kissing his cheek and his hands around her waist.

And the last one was of them hugging and Liam's face buried in her neck and she was looking at the camera laughing and her eyes were twinkling.

Ryan wanted to burn the pictures down.

He wanted to burn Liam fucking Maxwell down.

He wanted to take Scarlette far away so Liam could never see her or breathe the same air as her ever again.

"These two are bloody endgame! Don't you think?" Sophie batted her eye lashes innocently at him and before Ryan could respond Mila stepped in.

"Pro tip, Sophie loves drama." Mila took the pictures out of Ryan's hand and went to clean up the rest of the apartment.

Once the war zone looked like a living room again, they all moved towards the kitchen for breakfast.

Liam was flipping pancakes and Mila and Scarlette were setting the table and the breakfast basket Ryan had got to surprise Scarlette.

Once the breakfast table was set and everyone took their places Liam placed a separate plate of pancake topped with Nutella and Strawberries in front of Scarlette.

Scarlette smiled from ear to ear like a child on Christmas morning, she was eating Liam's pancakes after weeks and she was beyond excited.

She cut a bite of the pancake and turned towards Ryan. "You have to try these, they are the best."

"It's alright love, you go ahead." Ryan replied politely when all he wanted to do was throw the pancakes in the trash.

Scarlette shrugged and took a bite, her eyes closed and she moaned.

"Omg! Liam Maxwell! Marry me!"

She opened her eyes and hugged Liam.

"Anytime baby." Liam placed a quick kiss on her cheek and Ryan lost his shit.

His fist clenched under the table and he was about to get up and tear Liam apart when Mila's hand on his, stopped him.

He looked at her and her eyes were pleading with him to not lose it.

Was she insane?

He wanted to make a fucking pancake out of Liam after beating him down to pulp and then feed it to the strays.

Scarlette on the other hand was oblivious.

And Sophie was clearly enjoying the drama.

"I have to be somewhere." Ryan announced and got up to leave.

"You haven't even eaten." Scarlette looked at him confused.

Ryan pulled her chair closer to his, snaked his hand around her neck and kissed her passionately in front of all her friends.

There were other more interesting ways of making her moan, and Liam fucking Maxwell could sit and bloody watch.


It was exactly ten in the morning and Scarlette was putting her shoes on when she heard the door bell.

She got up and opened the door and almost drooled.

Ryan Whitmore was standing there looking absolutely breath taking in his navy blue suit that screamed perfection.

Ryan in a navy blue suit was the only Monday blue's she ever wanted in life.

"Should I turn around so you can get a better overall look to drool?" Ryan raised a cocky eyebrow up and smiled at her.

"Why are you freakishly always on time?"

"Why should I not be when it's you I get to see?"

"You have a fair point there." Scarlette winked at him gathered her things and walked out the door with him.

She had a meeting with the decorators for William's wedding post lunch and Ryan offered to drive her to his country house for the same.

The entire drive to the manor both of them were on their respective work calls since it was a Monday and they were both away from their desk.

They reached the country house a little before one in the afternoon and were welcomed by a wide spread of luncheon.

"Ryan you did not have to, we could have just picked juice from the local market or some snack." Scarlette politely whispered to him as his butler ushered them into the dining room.

Every time she stepped foot in his country house, it was like seeing it for the first time all over again and it left her in awe of its majestic beauty.

The dining room was big enough to seat thirty people and today it looked like there was food for an army.

"Are we expecting more company?" She whispered again.


It's just us." Ryan smiled at her and nodded at the butler who then started serving the food.

"Us and what army?" Scarlette joked.

"This house hasn't seen a formal event like this since my mother passed away. So my guess is the cook is trying to subtly let you know they can cater like they used to during the seasonal balls my mother held here."

"Oh! But the cuisine is French, and we have chefs coming in from Paris."

"You're going to break their hearts."

"Ryan! William will break my bones and chew on them if those chefs from Paris don't cook for his wedding."

"My brother is smart enough to know not to lay a damn finger on you." Ryan said in a matter of fact tone and began to eat.

"Caveman." Scarlette mumbled under her breath.

Lunch went smoothly and soon enough the decorators were there for the meeting.

Ryan sat in on the meeting as the best man and saw Scarlette lead the entire show.

He loved watching her work.

Her eyes sparkled, and there was power in her stride.

This company was her baby, no wonder she was burning with rage when he threatened her assistant that he would ruin the business.

In truth, he would never ever do anything to hurt her or the things she loved.

But he could not see straight the other day, he always lost it when he couldn't talk to her.

That was also one of the main reasons he accompanied her today, because the last time she had an out of town meeting, she left without informing and was caught up in the middle of a fucking storm and came home drenched.

The only thing that kept her from catching a bad cold was her anger which warmed her enough.

He followed her around when they were discussing the decor on sight and he could see those men were hanging onto her every word.

He felt pride blossoming in his chest.

She really was utterly dedicated and truly the best because she poured her heart into every wedding.

His people were still looking for the majestic ivory horse she wanted to ride down the aisle for her wedding.

He was going to make her dream wedding come true.

Every minute detail of it would come to life; he would make sure of it.

He could feel the weight of the tiny box in his coat pocket, it was the first step in making her his completely.

Sunday morning just sped up the process.

He did not want to leave any space for anyone else to be her endgame.

He was going to make her his, as soon as bloody possible.

Scarlette walked over to him with a bright smile on her face.

"That went well! I am so excited to see how it turns out."

"I am sure it's going to be beautiful." Ryan caressed her cheek and leaned in for a soft kiss.

He pulled back and tucked a wayward strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Are we leaving now?" Scarlette inquired.

"How about we check the local market you wanted to, then come back here for dinner and leave tomorrow morning?"

"What about your meetings?"

"I cancelled them."

"Ryan you did not have to on my account."

"I did not do it for you, I did it for me, the last time I wanted you here alone for myself, but everyone tagged along. This time it's just us. So I am not letting a few meetings get in my way."

Scarlette was confused.

She wanted to stay back here more than anything, she loved the house and she wanted to spend time with Ryan but she also did not want to be in a position where she couldn't leave immediately if she wanted to.

She wanted to be as close to him as possible but she also wanted space between them.

Ryan saw the confusion in her eyes and his resolve to make her his solidified even more.

He was going to end her confusion once and for all.

She was going to belong to him.

She said she loved him, he could see she loved him.

He wanted to know why she was holding herself back.

Every time she was close to him, he wanted to rip her clothes off but he did not want to scare her.

Even though she confessed her love for him, her touch was still hesitant and his unexpected touch always made her jump.

He had noticed on countless occasions that Liam's touch did not make her jumpy.

She was at ease when she was around him.

She wasn't unsure or nervous.

She relaxed in his touch and that killed Ryan.

"Let's go freshen up and then we can go into town, yes?" Ryan asked.

"Yes, I would love that." Scarlette smiled at him and he could see her trying to suppress her doubts in her head.

She was trying, he could see she was.

He was going to wait patiently for her, as long as it took.


Scarlette was like a little girl in her first local market, trying things and buying produce from mostly every vendor.

She got little souvenirs for all her friends and her parents.

She knew exactly who liked what and her gifts were so thoughtful, it made him love her even more.

She even bought gifts for his family.

When they returned back to the country house, she insisted to drop in the kitchen and thank the staff for the amazing food served.

He could see his staff look at her with admiration, the same admiration he saw in their eyes when they looked at his mother.

"She is an admirable young lady, master Ryan." Carson looked at him with approval shining in his eyes.

These people had worked for his parents for years, some of them were here even before he was born, like Carson.

To have them accept her as the lady of the house was a big deal, he did not even realize it until all the old ones looked at him with a faint shy smile and approval in the eyes.

His chest swelled with pride and he knew somewhere up in the heaven, his mother would have approved too.


After a hearty dinner, as requested their dessert was packed in a picnic basket and Ryan took her out near the lake.

It was a beautiful night to star gaze.

They were laying down on the blanket, gazing up at the sky, as per Ryan's instructions, Carson was to switch of most of the lights of the estate after Ryan's text message.

She had mentioned she wanted to see stars and he was going to show them to her.

The stars appeared brighter once the lights were off and he heard her gasp.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it! It's beautiful Ryan." She couldn't tear her eyes away from the sky.

"You're beautiful."

"This feels like a movie." She whispered so softly he could barely hear her.

"And this is my favourite part." He turned around to face her, tipped her chin towards him and kissed her.

He slid his hand into her hair slowly and pulled her closer, he deepened the kiss and she shivered.

He leaned back, his forehead touching hers, "Are you cold?"

She shook her head lightly and bit her bottom lip.

He could see the blush creeping up; she was turning his favourite shade of pink.

He reached up and softly freed her lip from the assault and ran his thumb across her bottom lip.

Another shiver passed down her spine.

He touched his forehead to hers and kissed it then.

"You will be the death of me Rose."

"Shh...Don't say such things." She put her fingers on his lips so he couldn't utter another foul word like death.

He took her hands and held it close to his chest and leaned forward a fraction more.

"I love you Rose." His warm breath was romancing her lips.

So close yet so far.

With her eyes shut all her other senses were heightened, so when a cold metal was slipping through her finger, she opened her eyes in confusion and that confusion turned into shock when she saw he slipped a ring on her finger.

It was the most beautiful band she had ever come across.

They had seen it in the Harry Winston store where William had dragged them to see designs.

She usually got her jewelry designed by Mila and so did most of her clients, the wedding band designs were always Mila's because she was the best at what she did.

But William was so confused, Mila asked him to look around and see what aesthetic he was looking for and then they could consult.

William had dragged Elle, Ryan and Scarlette with him and that is where Scarlette looked at this band for a little too long.

It was a band made of tiny little solitaire hearts all around.

She wanted to buy it but she always felt hearts should come as gifts.

So she never bought any heart shaped jewelry herself.

Her earrings were a gift by her parents; her necklace was a gift by her brother.

And now this ring, it was gorgeous.

"Do you like it?" Ryan whispered.

"You noticed." Scarlette's voice was thick with emotion.


"Ryan it's beautiful." Scarlette's eyes were shinning with unshed tears.

After she was done admiring the ring, reality hit her.

He made her wear a ring.

A ring!!!


She got up.

Ryan saw fear, confusion, anxiety take turns in her eyes.

He knew this wasn't going to be easy.

It was her, she never made it easy.

She looked at the stars as if pleading them for courage, and shut her eyes briefly.

She exhaled a long breath and then looked at him.

"Ryan I .. this.. its... I don't..." She couldn't complete a sentence.

"Shh.." He placed his finger on her lips.

"I am not asking you to marry me.

Give me some credit Rose, you think I would ask you to be my wife with such a tiny ring?"

The minute he uttered the word wife, he could see alarm sirens going off in her head through her eyes.

"It's not tiny, it's beautiful."

"It's a promise ring my love."

"Ryan, you don't.."

"Shh.. let me complete. I know promise rings were given by men to promise they would eventually marry the woman, but in this case I don't need to promise you a thing. If it was up to me, I would make you mine in this very second. But I know you aren't ready yet. I am willing to wait for as long as it takes but I need you to promise me that whenever you are ready, you will be mine and only mine."

Scarlette wanted to scream with joy but she also wanted to scream in horror.

He put a ring on her hand.

And no matter what he says about waiting, she knew he was getting impatient.

He wanted to claim her as his and she wanted to be his but she also did not want to.

When it came to him, she wanted all of him and then only a little part of him.

She was choking with emotion.

She couldn't utter a word.

"All of my heart belongs to you Rose, but with this band you are promising me all of yours too. Every tiny piece of your heart, every last piece belongs to me. Promise me."

"It's in my ring finger. Everyone will think I am engaged." He was promising her his heart and life and she was saying the stupidest thing that came to her mind.

"Everyone will think you belong to me." He took her face in his hands and touched his forehead to hers.

"Promise me baby, please." He whispered against her lips.

He never gave her time to process ever and her heart made her do stupid things.

"I promise." She whispered softly and even before she could finish that sentence, his lips crashed on hers.

His hold on her tightened like he was never going to let her go and when he finally broke the kiss, a single tear dropped from her eye.

She had taken a massive step without thinking.

A few months back, she did not even do relationships and now she was promising her future to him.

"Dance with me? It's a beautiful night and so far the best night of my life."

"There is no music."

He took her hand and placed her palm on his chest.

"Listen to my heart beating for you. It's the best song in the world."

"Definitely feels like a movie." She chuckled and stepped into his waiting arms.

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