God of War:Berenice's Adventu...

By ThefMaria

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Berenice is the first born daughter of Kratos and Laufey, also the elder sister to Atreus, a gentle soul and... More

~Characters and their connection to Berenice~
Chapter One - The Funeral and the hunting
Chapter Two - The journey begins
Chapter Three - Adventures and new paths
Chapter Four - The witch of the woods
Chapter Five - New faces to remember
Chapter Six - A new mission
Chapter Seven - Alfheim
Chapter Eight - The way to the Light
Chapter Nine - The way out of the realm
Chapter Ten - Mysteries growing anew
Chapter Eleven - The Mountain
Chapter Twelve - The False Destination
Chapter Fourteen - Thamur's Body
Chapter Fifteen - The Children of Thor
Chapter Sixteen - The Sickness
Chapter Seventeen - Confessions
Chapter Eighteen - Reach of Godhood
Chapter Nineteen - Tyr's Crypt
Chapter Twenty - Valkyries and New friends
Chapter Twenty One - Helheim
Chapter Twenty Two - The Escape
Chapter Twenty Three - Fight between two goddesses
Chapter Twenty Four - The Realm of the Giants
Chapter Twenty Five - The Fall
Chapter Twenty Six - After The Fall
~ My Thanks & The Sequel ~
~ Memes ~
~ Artworks ~

Chapter Thirteen - A goddess and a serpent

861 24 22
By ThefMaria

No Ragnarok Spoilers allowed in the comments section! Any spoiler comment will be banned!

It was heard then. The sound of the ax falling on poor Mimir's neck after the word "Fair Enough!" When this sound is heard, Berenice turns away, hoping that she will not dry up when she sees the severed head. Having a slowly rotting head and carrying it around is sick...
Berenice really hopes the witch resurrects Mimir. He seemed such a good man and so wise. He deserved better than this...

And Berenice and the boy turn from the other side and see with horror the severed head of the old man, being held by their father by his horns. The children hesitate to look at Mimir, whom head their father places and ties in his belt.

Berenice:So, we have a new destination, we are being chased by the children of Thor and Odin and we have a chopped off head with us...
Atreus:And Jotunheim! We're going to Jotunheim! We are going to find the lost kingdom of giants! You Berrie should be thrilled!

Berenice still wonders to herself why her mother wanted her ashes taken to Jotunheim but at the same time she is excited that this journey will reveal yet another hidden realm. The Kingdom of the Giants. Maybe this trip won't open the doors she wants to open, but some new doors elsewhere.

Berenice:Yes. I.. still wonder why would she asked us to do this but I'm still glad!

Atreus and his sister approach the bridge to Jotunheim and together they gently place their hands on the rock where the rune should be placed.

Atreus:Is this the bridge to Jotunheim? It looks like those weird doors we saw!
Berenice:Yes. Maybe that's why Odin guarded this place... no one wanted to reach the realm of the giants after the genocide even if they knew the rune for it...
Atreus:Mimir will help us figure it all out! If we bring him back to life...

On their way, they also find another silver chest with a broken piece inside, which will translate the runes of Muspelheim.

Atreus:We will be translating the runes of Muspelheim soon!
Berenice:I can't wait!

Everyone looks from the edge of the rocks and ground full of snow to the lands full of forests, the magnificent view and the forest of the witch full of trees and red leaves.

Kratos:Do you remember the path to the witch's house?
Atreus:Yes! The forest with crimson trees, south of the lake!
Berenice:Perfect! I will be very happy to see her again!
Atreus:I hope she came back from Alfheim and brought Mimir back... he looked nice... before father beheaded him.

Berenice then sees a pile of stones with some blue lights emerging from the stones and broken wood.
She remembers what Brok had told them about the bypass doors through the Yggdrasil tree and knows it's time to test those magical doors. She had been curious all this time to see what she could do and now they finally found one.

Berenice:I know where we have to go!
Atreus:Through the gate?
Berenice:Yes! Brok gave us the key, that blue stone! You still have it, right father?

Her father pulls out of the bag in his pocket the magical glowing blue stone that Brock gave him earlier and walks over to the pile of stones.
When he picks up and lays the stone on the blue glow, the rocks and wood magically transform into a medium-sized wooden door full of glitter and sparks with a glowing symbol in the middle on the wood.

Berenice:We're going back to the Lake of the Nine!

And then when their father touches the door a bunch of blue lights appear from the ground, rising to the size of the door and so Berenice and Atreus walk slowly and carefully through the gate.
When they step into the lights, they all appear in a strange, admirable place. They walk up the branches of Yggdrasil's tree which roots jut out crystals and blue lights along with blue glowing sparks everywhere.
It's a place that makes her feel strange, and there's no temperature anywhere... just... balance and confidence in the atmosphere.
She can't believe she's walking and standing on the world tree...
The first poem she wants to write when she gets home is something about the Yggdrasil Tree and its mysterious beauty.

The path is indeed a direction and a way to their destination so it is definitely a straight direction to the end.
A path, from which the boy goes out and goes to an edge of where is a hill to doom.

Atreus:Whoa... look over here! This must be a branch from the tree of the world!
Berenice:Baby boy, not there!

Berenice pulls the boy away from the lip, panicked and worried.

Kratos:Kids!! Stay on the path!
Atreus:Right... right I know...

Berenice is relieved and stays as far away from the edge as she can keeping Atreus away as well, as they follow the path straight to this place, which fills their curiosity as well as their gaze...
It is like paradise but also like a fairy tale lost in the ages. What is the first thing to admire over here? Aside from the bypass which definitely helps...

Atreus:I can't believe that Baldur came to our house! Baldur! God of the Aesir! And you father, you fought him! And you won!

Berenice had momentarily forgotten that the impenetrable man she humiliated a long time ago was actually an Aesir god...
Berenice herself before her father even defeated a god the Aesir. She, a common mortal of the woods...

Good thing Baldur is only looking for her father and not her, otherwise this would mean her putting her family in danger as well and that was the last thing she would want.
The burden of her actions long ago has already been borne. She cannot impose the same on her brother, nor on her father.
She had already imposed it on her mother while she was alive and tormented her at night when she had nightmares and cried. Her mother would wake up at night, make her soothing drinks, soothe her and tell her stories and even leave her brother who might have a fever when she had nightmares.
She will not burden anyone else with this...

But even if she's not to blame she doesn't want to imagine what will happen if Baldur recognizes her when he sees her with her father. He might not recognize her because when she did what she did she didn't have her mother's tattoos. Now she has them, so maybe she looks different. From what she remembers of that day and what she saw when they got to that mountain Baldur is either dumb and doesn't understand right away or he's just stupid. Both will be very convenient for her if she sees him again...

Berenice:What do you, remember about Baldur?
Atreus:Don't you remember anything that mom used to tell us?
Berenice:Um... all I know is that he's one of Odin's sons and Thor's brother. He doesn't feel pain and walks around without shoes or shirt.
Atreus:And now he's hunting us with his nephews? Why is this happening?
Berenice:That's a very good question baby boy.
Atreus:When will you stop calling me a baby?!

Berenice smiles and the boy growls in irritation as they walk together on the path.

Kratos:If we bring back the head you can ask.
Atreus:Okay! You know Berrie... it's dumb, but I was hoping we'd find a giant in this mine! The giants have all left Midgard except the Serpent! He may be the last of his kind...
Berenice:Yes. Besides, would we never have heard of a second giant serpent?
Atreus:Father, are you the last of your kind too? Is this why you don't want to talk about...
Kratos:My kind?
Atreus:I mean... your family! Before our mother and the two of us! Where did you come from? Who was your mother? Your Father?

Their father stops walking for a while in the middle of their one way route and takes on a look of despair and if not sadness, utter misery and lost will to answer the boy's question.

Indeed, Berenice has no idea about her father's past. All she knew about him since he was a child was discipline and that required both the harsh lessons of war and survival and nothing else. Even when she asked him about the few times she went hunting with him, he answered her without complete answers. And he never opened up and told stories about his past.
Berenice over the years has accepted it and will just stay with the curiosity forever.
Even now Berenice is very curious to know but if he doesn't want to tell her anything then she has to respect that. After all, even she keeps secrets and her father doesn't ask her about them.
All she has to do is show understanding.

Kratos:Now is not the time for these.

The conversation ends along with the path when the same intense blue glow appears in front of them and the three of them step inside. As they enter their bodies switch positions and appear in an even bigger white glow in Brok's shop where Brok is sitting eating a piece of meat, alone not working - probably taking a break from his work.
Berenice slowly approaches the counter and Atreus runs over excitedly as well.

Berenice:Hello Brok!
Atreus:Brok? Brok! Brok!!

Brok angrily reacts like a five year old still holding the piece of meat in his hand and yelling at them.

Brok:What?! I'm on a fucking break! Don't hear me screeching at ya' whenever ya girl put flowers in ya hair and when you, boy, tweetling your short and curlies!
Kratos:Leave him kids...

The kids go to the other counter a bit embarrassed and uncomfortable with the bullshit Brok said as he still holds the meat in his hands and eats like he hasn't eaten in ages.

Brok:Ooooh... for fuck's shake! Ya already spoiled my solitude so you may as well join me!

Berenice sees the meats on the table and immediately has the urge to run and bite into one of them...
After so many battles and so many sufferings he wants to eat so much, that he had forgotten what a wonderful pleasure food is. She feels her drool running from her lips.

Kratos:We are not hungry.
Berenice:Father... we've come so far already... we deserve a little reward, don't we?

Her father takes one look at the meat and although he seems very commanding at first he lets his daughter eat. He is suspicious about the animal this meat came from but he sees how persistent his daughter is. If he needs strength he must get it.

Berenice:Brok... could I...
Brok:Hmm... it's not what I was offering but... fine ya may take some!

Brok hands the girl a piece of meat, and Berenice immediately takes it and starts taking huge bites, sitting at the left counter where Brock continues to eat and bake.
The taste of the meat is strange but delicious at the same time... she could easily eat this whenever ehe had the chance. As she devours it with great appetite, she feels her strength returning with each bite.

Atreus:We saw your brother again!
Brok:Congratulations... and you sure let him rogue on my ax again! Hmm! Let's see the damage!

Kratos tosses the ax to the dwarf, who catches it and pecks at it as Berenice next door continues to devote herself to the meat. In order to eat without fearing that she does not look elegant and decent, she kneels and sits down, secretly.

Brok:Little canker - throat has no idea about scales and balance even if it was digging from his chut!

Brok is silent for a moment, pulls out his hammer and speaks again with a tone of nostalgia.

Brok:Is he eating well enough?
Atreus:I guess...

Brok makes the ax and gives it back to Kratos, in the same way, throwing it away. Berenice continues to eat slowly this time standing up.

Brok:Whoa... look at the lass... you're not feeding her at all? If ya' don't feed her, how will she learn to feed her babies when she grows up? Sometimes, Sindri gets so lost in his work that sometimes he forgets to eat or drink. And if he remembers, good luck to bae able to cook his own meat! I guess I got the stomach in the family... hehehe... along with the smarts!

He pauses for a while and the boy speaks as Berenice finishes her piece and wipes her hands.

Atreus:You miss him...
Brok:What? That spit faster? What do you know?
Berenice:If you really miss him, you don't need to prove otherwise, you know. You have nothing to gain.
Brok:Hmmm... your lass is really noisy. Watch out for her, before she shows up at your door with the unknown groom when you least expect it! If you don't mind... I'm trying to concentrate! I'm already taking a break from my break!

Berenice eats a little more of what is left as the boy is still talking and even at the moment when Berenice is not happy when she hears what he says...

Atreus:Hey! Where's your beast of burden?
Brok:What do you mean? I ate it. Your sister is right now. Crapped bits of her out just a while ago.

As soon as Berenice hears this, her eyes are wide open. Her stomach feels churned and her throat seems to churn at the thought of eating Brok's previously petting and cuddling animal.

Atreus:What is wrong with you?!
Brok:What? Her milk run out.
Atreus:She was your friend!
Brok:Then he'll be glad I'm so well fed.

Berenice lets down everything that's left and feels her whole guts churning and spinning as well as her head spinning around.

Kratos:I told you not to eat that.
Berenice:Would you excuse me...

Berenice scurries to a far corner where she won't be heard and begins to take everything out as quietly and discreetly as she can.
She feels all her guts come out on the floor as she thinks that what she ate is Brok's pet. She didn't know and her father had warned her.

Brock:Shit boy, you're a very emotional guy like your sissy, you know that? Don't get confused out there. Back to work...

When Berenice is done throwing up she takes a deep breath and reaches back to them all, exhausted and still disgusted.

Atreus:I didn't even hear you! You're alright? Berenice:I'm fine... Ohhh...
Atreus:Come on! Back to the witch!

Everyone now exits the temple and proceeds towards the wharf, the boat. They all sit inside and their father paddles them as they head to the witch's cave to resurrect Mimir.
As the boy sits next to his sister with the deep blue waters sailing beneath them, the two remember how beautiful it was when they and their mother used to go on boat rides and she would tell them stories.
Their mother's stories were so beautiful, different from each other and so fascinating. Atreus can almost see his mother through his sister's eyes, her blue tattoos bringing back even more memories.

Atreus:Berrie... will you tell me a story?
Berenice:I know many stories , baby boy. Which one do you want to hear?
Atreus:Um... I really liked that story you were telling me along with that beautiful song!
Berenice:Again, I tell many stories from songs.
Atreus:That story about the hunter and the willow girl! Of course father won't let you sing it, but at least say it!

The story of the "Willow Maid" was a story her mother told her when she was little.

Berenice:Alright, so once upon a time there was a hunter who was walking in a forest. There when he was walking in the deep forest he found a tall willow in which lived a tall beautiful maiden, with red hair and green eyes. The man immediately fell in love with the girl and wanted to make her his wife. But the girl politely said that she should not part with her tree. And despite the man's efforts to make the girl his, the girl refused to marry him. One day he came with an ax to the forest and decided to cut down the tree in which the beautiful girl lived! Indeed he cut down the tree and took her with him. On the road ahead, however, the girl fell down and cooled down. She could not survive without the tree. And so she turned a flower that would only grow on full moon nights. Then the man realized that he should not take things from the forest that do not belong to him.
Kratos:Does this story make any sense?
Berenice:Yes, it does! If the man wasn't greedy he could just be seeing the girl and didn't end up taking her life for his own needs.

Her father responds with a small moan and seems to agree with the story the girl just told. He didn't expect to know so many nice stories and even remember all the stories their mother used to tell them.

Faye was always a wise woman so the stories she told the children had educational messages. The children seem to have mastered these messages and made them their own. They have a lot to learn, yes, but in time everything they didn't have time to do will be done. Faye really did an amazing job of raising the kids while he was away hunting.

And even if all of their mother's stories were wonderful, their father never told them stories. What were the stories he knew?

Berenice:Father, what stories do you know? Do you want to tell us one?
Kratos:Very well...

Both children, excited and curious that their father agrees to tell them a story, for the first time sit with their eyes open.

Kratos:There was once a horse. He wanted to take revenge on his enemy, the deer. But he couldn't kill the deer by himself. The horse met a hunter and they made a deal. The horse accepted his bridle and let the man mount him in a saddle. Together they killed the deer. And the horse tasted victory. But the hunter did not free the horse, and enslaved it.

Berenice listens carefully to her father's story and, impressed by the lesson she learns, the inspiration for her next poem comes to her head.
The poem will be called "The horse and the revenge". And she will tell exactly this story of her father. She never expected to be inspired by this story, let alone one of her father's.

Atreus:For revenge he lost his freedom
of. I hope it was worth it...
Kratos:No. It wasn't.
Berenice:Of course it wasn't worth it. Enslavement is sometimes much worse than death. And maybe I'll turn this into a poem when we get home! "The Horse and Revenge!"
Atreus:What a dump title!
Berenice:Oh come on now... my inspiration isn't so good when I throw up! But maybe not a good idea for a poem, eh?
Kratos:I find this good enough.
Berenice:Oh! Really?! Thanks! After my poem about Yggdrasil I will write this!

Berenice, excited about her new ideas, sees that the boat is now sailing under the witch's cave, into the canal. This means they will see her very soon...
As the boat reaches the wooden pier and the father and children get out and walk towards the path that will lead them to her house.
They reach an elevator that will lead up after Atreus with his electric arrows removes the crystallized juice and their father turns the lever to go up.

Atreus:I know she's powerful but do you think the witch can bring a head back to life?
Kratos:She seems good at her craft. And we have nothing to lose.
Atreus:If she doesn't bring the head back to life, can we keep it?

Berenice when she hears this immediately freaks out especially since she had vomited before.

Berenice:Uh... what?! I hope you are not being serious!
Kratos:No. We can not. But you can throw it at the fish.
Berenice:Oooh... please no more disgusting conversations!

Despite the bad state of her stomach Berenice is still very happy to see the witch again. She hopes in herself that they will be well and help them on their way.
As the elevator reaches the top again they see that the witch's house is currently towards the top of the ground. At some point Berenice finds a silver chest which when opened they find the now completed rune to travel to Muspelheim.

Atreus:Well... not only does it decode the runes of Muspelheim! It also has the travel rune!
Berenice:So... shall we visit the realm of the flames?
Kratos:Only when we finish our journey.
Berenice:Hm... fair enough!

The kids proceed following their father who finds an exit from the cave to the witch's house through a well.
They climb as usual into the well and on the stones they find a runic inscription that reads "Go away Aesir".

Atreus:I guess the gods aren't welcome here!

When they get out of the well they come across this beautiful colorful witch's garden full of trees and flowers, and of course the huge turtle that stabilizes the witch's house. The little boy is very excited to see the garden animal and Berenice is very happy to see the beautiful plants again.

Berenice:I could spend a lifetime in this garden!
Atreus:Oh! There he is! I hope he remembers us! How's it going Caurlie? Is your friend, the witch here?
Kratos:What is this name?
Atreus:That's what he told me it is! At least that's what I heard! Caurlie...
Berenice:Um... anyway. He's still very sweet anyway!

And on the way they meet a few more draugr which this time they get out of the way without a single injury, as when the children work together with their father they do a wonderful job.
They have almost become a mechanical team working together involuntarily. Their father is the strong guide and protector, she is the right solution and the silent victorious warrior, and the boy is the last good solution. They have become a great trio.

Berenice:We have become a good team!
Atreus:Indeed we have!

Then in front of them they meet the house of the witch under the turtle-mountain into which the kids rush in full of excitement and anxiety as to whether they will find her here.
The kids enter the house and are filled with excitement to see the witch, apparently safe and sound, standing on a staircase, looking for some things on the shelf. Berenice is overjoyed to see her and a wonderful smile appears on her face.

Atreus:Father she is here!
Berenice:Yes!! It's so nice to see you again! I told you! She didn't die, she was just trapped in Midgard!

The witch comes down the stairs, sees the kids happily approaching her, and shares the same feeling with them, when she comes and hugs them both together tightly and warmly.

Berenice:We went to Alfheim and took the light with us! There.

Berenice points the Byfrost light at her father's belt excitedly and continues to speak.

Berenice:But when we reached the top of the mountain we discovered that we had been looking for the wrong destination for so long. Now we have a new destination.
Witch:Oh... you did it! Great!
Berenice:We almost made it. I missed your garden!

The witch gently holds her shoulder and smiles as the girl reciprocates.

Witch:You're welcome to come whenever you want, and you know it. You can always feel safe here.
Berenice:Yes... now I remembered! Do you know if there is access...
Kratos:Now is not the time for that, girl.

Berenice realises that now is indeed not the time to ask about her access to Vanaheim...

Berenice:Oh... yes. Sorry.
Atreus:Can you resurrect a head?

The witch is initially confused and does not wonder what the boy meant.

Witch:Um... I'm not sure I understand...

Then the witch, while before she seemed calm when she focuses her gaze on the boy starts to become anxious and panicky, as if she is agitated when she sees something on his back.

Witch:Wait... where did you get these?

The witch stands up and addresses the boy much more sternly and persistently than usual.

Witch:The arrows! Give them to me! Now!
Atreus:But it was a gift...
Kratos:Do what she says, boy.

When Atreus takes them out of his quiver the witch immediately grabs them and takes them to the fireplace where she throws them into the fire.
Berenice sees the fire and the green arrows in wonder and can't help but notice the way the witch is worried and stern.

Berenice:Is something wrong?
Witch:These arrows are wicked! Evil! If you find more you destroy them, do you understand?

The children do not answer when the witch addresses them until she stands up and raises her voice to them, agitated and very stern.

Witch:Do you understand?! Say it!

Berenice holds the boy back and wonders why the witch reacted like that with those arrows. After all, even her green amulet of the same material was said to be protection from a spell, and Sindri never lies, as far as he can remember.

Atreus:We understand! If we see them we will destroy them!
Berenice:But why are they wicked? I do not understand.

The witch calms down, takes a deep breath and addresses them again this time with her usual calm gaze.

Witch:This is all I ask... forgive me. Please take mine instead. I don't need them anymore.

The boy goes to where the witch left some of her arrows and he picks them up and puts them in his quiver.
Berenice continues to wonder about the reason for the witch's sudden behavior and confides in her.

Berenice:Dud the mistletoe ever hurt you?
Witch:No, not exactly. I just... I just know they're dangerous. Now... you said something about a head.

Kratos pulls Mimir's dead head from his belt, and upon seeing it the witch get  unpleasantly surprised and in disbelief. She glares at their father as she retorts sternly.

Witch:Do you have any idea who this is? Did you kill him?
Kratos:He asked for it. He said you would resurrect him.

The witch still reacts in disbelief at seeing Mimir's head.

Witch:Me?! Are you sure you heard that right?
Berenice:Well... that's not exactly what he said it. He said that in order to help us we would have to find someone who would resurrect his head. And we don't know anyone else who can help us...

The witch observes that for the children, and even for their father, this is of great importance, so even though it seems clear that she strongly disagrees with what is being asked of her, she immediately backs down, takes a breath, and, not at all pleased with this decision, heads towards the table and moves her house down.

Witch:Take him to the table. Heimeli!

Their father carries the head to the table and places it on the wood, while the witch gathers glasses, containers and herbs that will be needed for this job.

Witch:It's been a long time since I practiced old magic. Keep him there...

The witch mixes some ingredients from the containers into a plate which takes on some soft pink sparkles and lights as she stirs it all together with a wooden spoon and the kids sit by the table and watch intently and attentively.

Witch:So let's see... nice. Luckily the head hasn't rotted too much and the brain is still intact. Nice... clean cut.

The witch cleans the incision on the head's neck with the salve she just made, then takes a can of worms and feeds it into Mimir's mouth.
It seems that Berenice will not be able to stand the disgusting spectacles today...

Berenice:Ohhh... today is not my day!
Witch:Of all the heads, that's the one you had to cut? I hope you know what you are doing.

The witch ends the process with

Witch:Great. Now keep your head under water and don't let go. I mean it.

Kratos goes with the witch's guidance to the head towards the cauldron above the fire and he bends over and dips it in the water for a long time, until the moment when they have to resurrect it. Meanwhile, Berenice continues her conversation with the witch.

Berenice:Did you know Mimir?
Witch:Unfortunately, yes. I knew him.
Berenice:Oooh... you probably didn't have a good past.

Kratos ends by dipping the head into the water and after the sound of a powerful flash pulls it out.
The moment the head comes out it starts coughing and spitting out the worms the witch fed it.
She did it. The witch resurrected a head and now it can speak to them and guide them.

Atreus:It worked!
Berenice:Oh! Congratulations! You are really very strong!
Witch:Thank you. Let me see him.

Kratos carries the now living head in front of the witch who treats it with utter rudeness, contempt and malice. It seems that this witch really dislikes Mimir a lot.

Berenice:Hello! We finally made it!
Witch:Mimir... are you there?

Mimir seems now to be recovering from the shock of his resurrection.


The witch then spits in Mimir's face in hatred. The head doesn't seem surprised by the witch's reaction, instead perhaps expecting it. And then Mimir, when he recognizes the woman, finally reveals her true identity...

Mimir:Oh! Hello Freya! Long time no see! You look good!
Freya:What I did I did it for them, as for me I'd rather have you dead...
Mimir:If I could, I would bow to your highness... forgive me! If I had known that the witch of the forest was Freya I wouldn't have suggested this...

Freya listens to Mimir's address and acts with complete indignation and indifference. She is not even flattered by the address, she just ignores him exemplary.
And the address was "Highness." So this woman was a Queen, so the Goddess Freya, ex wife of Odin. This wonderful and powerful woman was the Goddess Freya for so long.
Berenice can't believe it as much as she tries to accept that they've been hanging out for so long and being helped by a goddess. And Berenice immediately understands it.

Berenice:He said... Your Highness? You are the Goddess Freya!

Both children react with complete surprise and excitement when they speak and address a true goddess. The little one in particular is very excited when he hears this.
But Freya doesn't seem surprised that they reacted that way, nor does she seem flattered by their surprise. It's like she didn't want to be a goddess for so long.

Atreus:Freya?! The Goddess Freya?!
Mimir:You didn't know that either? Sorry...

Instead of focusing on the fact that Kratos and the children discovered her true identity, her divine identity, Freya focuses on the fact that they freed Mimir. It's like she doesn't care that she's a goddess.

Freya:When it is learned that Mimir has been freed Odin's wrath will follow.

Kratos reacts to this new development in a bad way of course, and irritation now towards Freya.

Kratos:You are a goddess...
Freya:Once a leader of the Vanir yes. But not anymore...
Berenice:That's why you are so strong and powerful! I should have figured it out from the start!
Freya:I don't think it was entirely necessary.
Kratos:And you didn't consider it important to tell me?!

Her father looks really pissed off and angry that Freya kept this a secret. He is known to dislike gods but now he seems really frustrated by it.
Before he trusted her and now he looks at her with complete disbelief and indignation after learning that she is a goddess.

And after Kratos makes his complaint she tells him something secretly, almost confidentially so that the children don't hear her. After seeing her speak to him in secret at the State they also see his inability to respond, let alone speak after that phrase he heard but not her.

Kratos:We're leaving kids...

Kratos walks to the door in exasperation and doesn't say a word to Freya, just walks out and doesn't look back as he slams the door open, rattling the wall next to it, and prepares to leave with the kids.

Berenice of course does not understand why her father behaved like this, she knows that he does not like the gods but Freya helped them a lot. If it wasn't for her they wouldn't have achieved so much. Why would their father be angry with her? Does not make sense. And to prove that Berenice really trusts her, she approaches her one last time and talks to her.

Berenice:I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into him.
Freya:Don't worry. I don't hold a grudge against you.

Freya smiles at her one last time before leaving the house, irritated and resentful in turn.

Freya:You're welcome!

And so after she goes out and Berenice Kratos slams the door closing it in irritation and the kids look at their father, disappointed and confused, full of wonder.

Atreus:Why did you do that?!
Berenice:Yes! It just... it just didn't make sense!
Kratos:We don't know her well.
Berenice:Because she is a goddess?
Kratos:Didn't you kids learn anything from me?
Atreus:But she has helped us a lot!

When Kratos turns around and walks forward and as Berenice is standing right behind and following she notices that in his belt her father has tied the now living head of Mimir, who is talking and breathing normally.

Kratos:She lied.
Berenice:She didn't lie. She just didn't reveal everything to us. It's a big difference. And I think it is her right and smarter not to want to say everywhere that she is a goddess.
Mimir:She's right, brother. Privacy is precious to some. Better not judge them.
Kratos:When I need your advice, head I will ask for it.
Mimir:Fair enough!

"Good," thinks Berenice. Another one in the group that their father will treat in the same cruel way.
At least now they have someone with them to guide them properly and answer all their questions.
From the way he talks and advises, he seems to be really wise, enthusiastic and experienced, quite helpful and beneficial.
He could even be a good friend to them.
If she is the smartest man alive, maybe she can reason with her headstrong father.

So with their new friend they go back to the elevator from where they were before and go down, to the boat and to the exit of the cave.

Berenice:Well... you say you need the travel rune for Jotunheim. What are we doing?
Mimir:Take me to the Temple of Tyr at the Lake of Nine and I will take you to Jotunheim as I promised!
Atreus:We know the temple!
Berenice:And why are we going there? What is there?
Mimir:The last living giant in Midgard! Who will show us the rune better?
Berenice:The last living giant...

Everyone knows that the last living giant of Midgard is the World Serpent.

Atreus:The World Serpent?!
Berenice:That huge snake again?! Wait... we don't understand the language it speaks.
Atreus:Do you know how to talk to it?
Mimir:Indeed! He speaks an unknown language more ancient than even these mountains! There is no one left in Midgard who speaks it! Except me of course!
Berenice: I'm not surprised. Who is brave enough to bother talking to him? Talking isn't the first thing you think of when you see it.
Mimir:Don't judge by his looks, lassie! It may not seem like it at first glance but Jormungandr is crazy about conversations!

Berenice understands this and it is her opinion as well. Perhaps he judged the serpent too quickly without knowing much about it. Maybe he was in a hurry to get scared before he thought, and that's not the way he wants to think.
Even her mother had taught her to always judge someone by their character and not their appearance. Now she had forgotten that. But she had to stick to it.
And if the reptile is what will help them then Berenice will make a retreat with her fear and overcome it. Must.
When they all reach the boat, ready to reach the temple of Tyr, right next to them they all get into the places they always sit and the children make the head sit between them.
The boy as always loves the stories on the boat and now with Mimir everything will be even more fun.

Atreus:Mimir, why did Freya spit on you?

But their father refuses to hear this story, especially about Freya, and interrupts.

Kratos:No. Tell us about Baldur. He says he is invulnerable.
Mimir:Oh yes. Baldur is blessed because he is invulnerable to any threat. Physical or magical.
Berenice:And I suppose... that wine doesn't affect him at all? He always sounds drunk. And he doesn't even wear shoes.

Mimir smirks and answers as he sits at the girl's feet.

Mimir:Ahahaha... no, he can't even get drunk, and Baldur isn't known for his wits. But he remains invulnerable and impervious to anything.
Kratos:Divine arrogance... everyone has a weakness.
Mimir:Not him, I'm afraid. Baldur is blessed because no threat touches him. Physical or magical.
Atreus:You just said it Mimir...
Mimir:Did I?
Berenice:Yes, you said it. It must be very difficult for anyone to fight him. But he wants something from us... at least from father. and we can't figure out what. Really, was he born that way or did he become that way along the way?
Mimir:As far as I remember him, he was only blessed after one moment in his life for a long lifetime after this!
Kratos:What is the source of his power?
Mimir:Huh... as I recall... does it have to do with... a spell?

Apparently some parts of Mimir's memory are worn out, and it makes sense, since it's a resurrected head, after a century of torture and imprisonment in a tree.

Mimir:Some parts of my mind are still coming back to life. I need some time to fully wake up...
Atreus:I hope he didn't spit...

Berenice nods confidentially.

Berenice:It is understandable. It is enough for us that you are willing to help.
Mimir:I am honored by this!

Berenice was right after all. Mimir's company is really fun for both kids. Berenice certainly has many unanswered questions to learn from this brilliant head.

The boat now as it sails out of Freya's cave, and arrives outside, in the light of day, and far by the lake of nine, it is almost beside them.

Atreus:Mimir, we are on the lake!
Mimir:Great! Get close to the bridge!

Kratos rows the boat to the wharf of Tyre's temple,
Indeed it didn't take long for them to reach the pier and the great temple, the main grand corridor.

State:Head, how are we going to talk to the serpent?
Mimir:There is a horn on a platform in the middle of the bridge. Take me there.

All three go to a circular platform where their father turns the lever and they all move up, finally finding at the end, the great and long golden horn.

Mimir:Great! Now put my lips on the horn!

Kratos takes the head by the ropes tied to his horns and holds it outstretched, in the mouth of the meat, which Mimir immediately blows. As the horn is blown there is a loud deafening noise and a small hum throughout the land.
Indeed, the call of the meat also catches the huge serpent that has been sitting curled around the mountains for so long, begins to move, open its eyes and turn its serpentine body and muzzle towards the sound of the call.
Berenice had forgotten how much influence his movement had on the ground and water, and that his body has the same weight and influence as that of a mountain, but she knows she must forget her fear and remember that the snake is friendly.

But when the serpent wakes up, it doesn't first focus on the sound, but on the statue of Thor that is opposite them next to the Tower of Muspelheim.
The serpent raises its muzzle in obvious irritation and immediately bites the statue as if it is eating it and the kids watch with wide eyes as the monster bites, chews a statue.

Berenice:I knew it was big but I never assumed something like that!
Atreus:Why is he doing this?
Mimir:Odin ordered the statue to be made in honor of Thor! And since the World Serpent hates this fat dumper to the core, he probably hated the sight of him!

This is obvious, since the reptile chews the statue with its mouth without caring that it eats and swallows rocks. The serpent must really hate Thor at this point...

Atreus:But... doesn't that hurt?
Mimir:Yes... the serpent and Thor have a bad history with each other! Probably waking up and seeing the statue is worse than swallowing rocks!
Berenice:I knew it! The reptile is Thor's greatest enemy!
Mimir:Shall I ask?
Kratos:No. We only want to lean about Jotunheim.

Then the serpent looks towards them and begins to speak in its trial language a sentence of two syllables, with its own commission and monstrous voice, which raises even winds.

Mimir:Wish me luck!

Mimir then begins to speak in the creature's language, a strange combination of moans and voices of strange syllables and words, as Kratos holds him directly across from the reptile, who treats them friendly.
Mimir says something first, and the creature immediately answers. From what they saw, they probably introduced each other.

Mimir:I still got it guys! He remembers me!

Mimir then says something else in the monster's syllables and language which the reptile however does not recognize as good and reacts more angrily.
The children go behind their father to make sure he won't attack.It seems that the language is difficult enough for anyone to remember, and Mimir probably messed it up.

Mimir:Ah, oh, get it!!

To correct his previous words before the serpent rages he says something as fast as he can and calms it down.
Indeed the serpent is no longer aggressive and continues to speak to Mimir with a few more words.

Mimir:He knows your pain over her loss. He will help you.

Now Berenice can say that she trusts the reptile even more and that she is not afraid of it, even if it is the size of a mountain.

The serpent continues to speak and after saying one last thing it approaches its muzzle and puts it on the base where everyone is standing and now Berenice can clearly see that its skin and scales are shaped like stone and its monstrous eyes are like a real ball of fire when she sees it closer.
But he's friendly. Of all the creatures that would help them, he didn't expect a snake to help them.
At first they are worried about it but then the fear leaves them.

Berenice:What's going on?!
Mimir:Um... nothing to worry about!

And the creature begins to push their base in which they all stand upright, and as steady as they can on the moving base.
Berenice holds the boy steady so he doesn't lose his balance as the reptile pushes harder and leads them somewhere.

Atreus:What is he doing?!
Mimir:He's making sure we're on the right track!
Berenice:Oh... maybe I misunderstood him!Mimir:Listen to me now: Two things we need to enter the land of the giants! First we need to learn the rune that opens the way to the travel rune to Jotunheim, and second, we need to carve that rune into the special portal!
Berenice:Ah... that gate at the top, when we saw you?
Mimir:Right! But the giants, with their infinite wisdom, made sure that he did not work with an ordinary chasel! Only the tip of a magic wand opens the gate! And I know where it is! And it's not far...

So to open the gate they need the rune and a magic wand. New missions that now extend their journey.

And it is a long journey which Berenice though begins to enjoy, and through which she spends useful time with her father and brother, but also a journey in which she risks being recognized and exposed by Baldur.
Deep down all she wants is to fulfill her mother's wish and never see Baldur again. She knows very well what will happen if Baldur recognises her...
But with a bit of luck he didn't follow them and neither will Thor's children.

Berenice:I want to thank him when he leads us. He looked kind of crazy for a moment there!
Mimir:Oh, this? He thought we were Odin's friends! Forgive me, I have never spoken the ancient language without being drunk!

And when the serpent finishes its orientation the children realize that it has just moved its base and the horn to where it is facing the Tower of Svartalheim, instead of the Tower of Muspelheim.
So he gave them a simple spin.
And when it is finished the serpent again moves its muzzle away from them. And then they realise that more water fell when the serpent rose, and so other islands and pieces of the nine towers came to the surface.

Berenice:Look baby boy! Now more water rose up!
Atreus:Oh, yes! It looks like most of the towers and statues! I also see new places to explore along the coast! Oh, what must for us!
Kratos:Where is this chasel?
Mimir:Find me a boat and we go there!
Atreus:So when we get to the boat we can either look for that magic wand now or go do some exploring! I'll love whatever you want to do!

Kratos flips the lever again and the base goes down again, where they then go back to the pier and the boat.
They sit in the boat as they sat before, putting their heads between them.

Mimir:Go to the rowers' statues! Then slide between them!

Berenice now notices that so far between some high rocks and islands there were two huge statues of rowers with two iron oars forming an "X" as one crosses the other, just above the lake.
Thither therefore their father paddles, and on the way they find yet another branch of Yggdrasil's dewdrop, and which each one drinks and obtains a dose of rejuvenation in their bodies.

And as the boat sails through the waters, between the huge metal oars and in a place full of beautiful waterfalls and rock islands, with crystal clear waters Berenice thinks a little more about the situation of the Goddess Freya who helped them a lot but for some reason the father dislikes them.

Berenice:Mimir... you didn't tell us why Freya spat in your face.
Mimir:Well, she accuses me of being largely responsible for her current situation. And not entirely unfairly... it all started with the great war between the Aesir and the Vanir. Before him the Aesir won the wars easily. But the Vanir had proved their equal and inflicted terrible damage. Both sides suffered huge losses, and for many of us frankly the war was not fun, but a reckless waste of precious livestock.
Berenice:Seems like, you're not as rusty as you think, Mimir.
Mimir:Oh... yes! Unfortunately my lass, Aesir and the world in general is made so that destruction takes place every moment and every hour!
Berenice:But all wars are fought for stupid reasons. Our father says that war is often fought for greed. And it is unfair and awful to think that while the victors celebrate their victory in war, and then get drunk and sing, even more civilians and innocents have to suffer and pay the price of some greedy pigs!

Mimir indeed admires and applauds Berenice's right and wise, perhaps revolutionary words, and feels that it is a shame that this girl does not know that she is a goddess...
She is wise, confident and fair to take on the world. She would make a good leader, treating her people wisely and fairly just like Freya.

Even Kratos applauds Berenice's thought, even though it rings the bells of reminding him of the past and his bloody crimes in the past and in Greece.
As time passes, Berenice becomes more and more like Faye in her wisdom. Sometimes when he looks into her blue eyes under the blue tattoos he reminds her eerily of Faye, like he's talking directly to her. The problem with his daughter is that she looked like something else to him, she is quite stubborn and reactive. And this often leads her into trouble.
But it was good that he made an effort to open up to her and gain her trust.

Mimir:Yes. War is a useless source of destruction. Don't you agree brother?

Her father doesn't say anything, just responds with a whiny moan, trying to hide everything he remembers about the wars he caused.

Mimir:Exactly. The glass overflowed. And finally Odin's wisest advisor decided to find a brighter path! He made Peace among the gods his goal! It took several negotiations but finally Odin was convinced to marry his deadliest enemy! A Vanir Goddess, legendary not only for her matchless beauty, but also for her genius in Vanir magic, which Odin had long wanted to learn!
Berenice:Oh... so Freya married Odin.
Mimir:You know what? I'll tell you about that later!

Their path past the falls and the oars pointing into the water is apparently blocked by railings.

Berenice:There will be some lever around here.

Their father is forced to leave the boat on the next island, on which they are finally delighted to find a gear.


And right there Berenice spots the corpse of a man, from which corpse also a spirit protrudes, with a transparent appearance and an echo as it speaks to the girl.

Spirit:You who walk among the living! My beloved Gulveig is calling me! I long for peace! But her pile is lying in pieces! I beg you, make Gulveig whole again!

Berenice certainly notices the sadness in the spirit's face even if it is in the form of a transparent soul.

Atreus:You want us to collect her bones?! Gross!
Berenice:Better not to offend spirits...
Spirit:Gulveig's magic knows no bounds! It can reunite you with those you've lost!

The little boy looks clearly surprised and upon hearing the phrase, hopes the spirit is telling the truth. Of course if they had a chance to talk to someone that someone would be their mother...
Berenice isn't sure she wants to believe a desperate spirit has stood here, imprisoned for who knows how many years, but the little one still hopes.
Naturally their father wouldn't even try. He has no hope in him for anything so it goes without saying that he would do no favors to a spirit that is very likely to speculate lies.

Atreus:Really? How?!
Spirit:I smell your sorrow! Rest assured that her magic can create bridges between life and death... if only for a while!
Atreus:Father... shall we search for those bones?
Atreus:Didn't you hear him? We will be able to talk to mom again! If we have our eyes open...
Kratos:If you want, look for it, boy! I will not be distracted by nonsense...

Even if the spirit is telling the truth one cannot be sure of the outcome...
And no one can know if this magic, or this Gulveig will actually grant them their wish when she comes to life.
However, Berenice doesn't believe in it. Spirits, when their souls are afflicted and tormented, reach incredible points of despair.
The thought of seeing her mother one more time is tempting but they cannot subject themselves to such traps.

Their father spots the gear on the edge of the island and as the children walk back and forth, the little boy with a look of despair and sadness talks to his sister.

Atreus:Berrie... what if he is telling the truth?

Berenice understands the feelings of the little one and looks at him with compassion and understanding, as she always treats him.

Berenice:I would as well love to talk to mom. But the spirits are desperate and... let's be real... this doesn't happen very easily.

And then she strokes his hair with tenderness and calmness, as he, though full of hope, decides to listen to his sister.

Atreas:Anyway, I'll look for them...
Berenice:Well... you can search if you want.
Atreas:Besides, the two of us would definitely like to talk to mom again! Isn't that right? I know he wouldn't want to but...
Berenice:No, it doesn't mean that he wouldn't want to. He's just, you know, not so optimistic.

And then the boy bursts into another expression of emotion to his sister, in a way that their father can't hear.

Atreas:He hasn't told us even once that he loves us! He neither taught us nor went hunting with us! And he never cares about how we feel!

Deep down, Berenice still believes these beliefs and still dislikes her father's behavior towards them. Even if Berenice trusts him blindly when she finds herself in a cave infested with monsters, the feeling of absolute trust has not been built between them.
Because she can't tell him what she feels, what she's done, and her guilt.
She may know that he will protect her in every threat she makes but she still can't tell him everything. He doesn't know if he can actually build that bridge of trust. It is clear that not even her father wants to know what the girl really feels. In his eyes Berenice sees only cruelty and she cannot undo that. And it doesn't change so easily...

Even from her childhood Berenice knew this cruelty very well and in her heart it had taken root very well and spread like gangrene...
For several years she had forgotten about it but now that she is with her father more than ever, she remembered something that hurt her more than ever in her childhood. A distant memory from when she was 10 years old that hurt her more than anything as a child.
That was the day she told her father that she hated him...

Yes, that was it!
Please no Ragnarok spoilers! :3

Thank you very very very much for the 3K views!! Love you all! <3

For any questions or if you want to talk about my work, or share a Fanart, find me on Instagram

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