Reality of Vosh

By ImBatman370

344 28 6

"So this is my story description in the mind of this person?" he thinks to himself, looking the page up and d... More

So this is a chapter?
Vosh the Woman Beater
Serpent Understands.
Nuclear Explosion and Sexual Delusions
Insubordination, Needles and Dead Bodies
Amanda Might Be Evil
Being Human and Info Dumping
Aight No More Info Dumps
A Good Morning
S I K E!! More Info dumps (Dale is here too)
Dreadful [Job]
Got Soul?
Tired, Injured and Frustrated in Various ways
Committing All Of The Genocides
New Level
Soulful Stagnance

Concepts in a Library, Beginnings.

9 2 0
By ImBatman370

He stands in the corridor where the lights were still on and saw the door to the library a few meters away from him.

He opens the door to find a huge room rising up dozens of meters into the area lined with bookshelves and stairs leading to them.

"Isn't this room too tall for a building this size?" Vosh thinks to himself while looking around.

Bridges extending like webs from each floor obscuring the light from the top, dimming the light in the area except for one particular spot in the centre of the room.

Amanda wearing a white and loose fitting robe sits on a floating white blob of fluid like material, lays on her back with her glasses on while reading a book at the centre of the room.

"It looks rather squishy and comfortable doesn't it?" Vosh thinks to himself.

Amanda turns her head to look at him, "Oh you're here" she closes the book she was reading. "Welcome to my library that I've been building for three thousand years. It has knowledge that dates all the way back to when civilization itself was created and I add to it every week."

The blob suddenly spins to put her in a standing position then lowers itself onto the ground, allowing her to walk off towards Vosh.

She stands in front of him and pushes a book onto his chest and says, "I was rereading this basic physics book to see if it would be appropriate for beginners in physics. Because while I do think you possess some form of high tier knowledge of that.... [Void] I believe you called it? You're apparently still unknowing of the common sense of this [Reality], after all you didn't utter a single number or calculation in your explanation. Then it occurred to me, you said you only started existing in this reality a few days ago, implying you existed elsewhere..... Your last name which is "Void" correct? You were born within this very [Void] you explained, which explains why you seem to understand it so well. But I imagine that we perceive things differently between your human...... avatar(?) and your main body right?"

Vosh takes the book then asks, "How did you know?"

Amanda goes to retrieve another book as she gloats, "You underestimate our civilization it seems. Have you not realized we MADE this floating isle? I was on the team of Magi-Scientists that designed the [Autonomous Atlatude Engine] though I only worked on the [Alchemical Interface], I did pick up a couple things on neuroscience and particle physics. One of the things I learnt is that the way how we perceive things is quite limited. We see light that reflects off objects and not the objects itself, we can't imagine colors we've never seen before or higher dimensional objects. You, who has made and piloted a humanoid body have likely also realized this, right?" She finds another book, walks to him, places it on top of the first book in his hands. She leaves to retrieve another book.

Vosh while watching her replies, "Right. On my main body I perceive objects as they are and not just the light that reflects off of them, also [Causality] is rather vague in that perception and only through the limited [Common Sense] I was made with has allowed me to come this far in creating a proper avatar. As a result, there's still a large discrepancy on the information I know and the information I can use. As you said, a perception discrepancy."

Amanda gloats confidently once again, this time placing four books in his hands, "Well you're in luck! The way how humanity has been able to discover things outside of our perception (like higher dimensions) is through the science of numbers! In other words! Philosophy!"

Vosh pauses for a second thinking, "That.... Rubs my [Common Sense] the wrong way. Philosophy is the science of numbers? I thought that was math and physics?"

Amanda lectures, "Numbers are [Symbolic] representations of [Value]. The number "1" one can change in definition depending on what it symbolizes. For example; one cow and one band may be referred to with the [Number] "one" but they are not the same thing. The number "one" is a [Symbol] for an [Individual Value] but [Value] in itself is only determined by what's being perceived. For example; while I may count one cow someone may perceive it in a [Value] that isn't a cow, like one cow being seen as 400lbs of edible flesh and then another completely different person percieved it as a deformed bear with horns. Of course, that doesn't mean everyone is correct in their own way or anything, because while [Value] is [Subjective] to perception, there are some values that are [Objective] in nature where you'd be just plain incorrect to call them anything else. Those types of [Values] tend to be from measured quantities. Measured quantities are created when one records an object with an appropriate measuring instrument, they are not from random biased thoughts and exist outside of [Subjective Perception], tho not completely. But best not to think about that last part. Its rather irrelevant. But you get my point right?" She places even more books in his hands.

Vosh says, "So you mean I should use the [Symbols] to translate the [Value]s I perceive in my main body so my avatar can obtain the knowledge in a perceivable way. But how tho?"

Amanda suggests, "By learning [Math] and [Physics] already here in this world, after all, to translate those perceived [Values] from your main body into [Knowledge] that can be perceived by your [Avatar], you'll need to know more about how [Reality] works here from the perception of a species that evolved here. What better way to do that by studying what they've investigated about the world around them?" She places even more books in his hands, now unable to see properly and stumbling to keep them balanced.

Vosh asks, "That makes sense but I'm still confused about something. How does philosophy and numbers relate?"

Amanda starts to suddenly get annoyed, "That's something you'll have to learn about from the book. No more questions. I still have a headache whenever I try to understand that [Void] stuff and I just can't be bothered to speak anymore for now. As for how philosophy plays into this.... [Value] is a philosophical concept originally. It links deeply into philosophical themes such as the objective truth and perception of the world around us and the true nature of it. It's a long story and I've done enough lecturing today." Amanda turns him around with books still piled up past his vision and pushes him past the door.

Vosh asks, "Aren't you afraid of me tripping when you push me with my vision obscured?"

Amanda rolls her eyes, "You have the [Multivision] skill as a [Passive Skill] don't you? Your eyes can perceive more than just light that enters your eyes, if you focus hard enough. With that you can see through the books.

Vosh focuses his eyes and realizes that though it's dim he can in fact see beyond the books. He turns around to face her to test if it works on people as a test to find out it's usefulness, since he's only tried using it to look at two things at once. But is immediately surprised at what he sees.

"Uh. Amanda...." He asks timidly.

Amanda, suddenly feeling a chill run down her spine asks, "Yes Vosh?"

"I can see what's under your clothes." Vosh says, still staring at her chest.

Amanda glows for a second and suddenly Vosh can't see her naked anymore which confuses him. "Is it broken?" He thinks as he tries harder.

Amanda slaps him in the back of the head in anger, "Don't try harder you pervert!!! Seriously, only a few days old and you're already sexually harassing women!"

Vosh stops using the skill now that he realizes it only stopped working because of outside interference. He asks quizzically, "But didn't you say nudity is normal here?"

She sighs exhaustedly, "Yes! But we live together. You see, it's different from simply just showing your skin to a bunch of random strangers."

Vosh asks confusingly asks, "But stranger or not.... I'm still naked aren't I? Why is it ok if you were a stranger but not ok when we live together? And haven't you seen me naked already? Why can't I see you naked then?"

Amanda clarifies, "Because two people living together being familiar with each other's bodies only happens with people who have sexual relations!"

A pause of silence arrives, "What's sexual relations?" Vosh asks.

Amanda, doesn't bother answering and instead pushes him out the door in silence.

However she thinks to herself, "Like hell I'm explaining the birds and the bees to a child. I avoided having children for the exact reason of avoiding talks like this!"

Vosh hears the lock behind him and suddenly he's out in the hallway in silence. "Well, I better get to reading all this stuff I guess." He suddenly realized, he has an early morning.

And like that, he spends the night reading in his room.

"So the laws of physics remain consistent with my inherent knowledge in this [Reality]. The force of [Magicity] seems rather vague in its definition. But how could they make something as advanced as a floating city, space cloaking force barrier, automatic climate control and automatic monster management with only a relatively vague understanding of magic? It's either they discovered something a more advanced civilization made or this city is hiding something." Vosh was confused which was the correct theory and couldn't decide. He however decides to put those thoughts away and focus on what he was studying because he's read the same paragraph 4 times now because he wasn't focusing. "Such limited brain functions are quite troublesome."

A few minutes passed and Vosh asks himself, "Thinking about it, how do I attach the concept of [Value] as it's percieved in this [Reality] to something non existent like [Void] that has no [Form]? From what I've read, the idea of an equation is to describe interactions between [Values]. But [Thing] doesn't have a [Value]. Oh, should I put question marks like in my status? No, that isn't in the list of symbols I can use. Oh wait, isn't that a [Variable Value] and can be represented with "x" or some small letter? But does that really work for [Void] that isn't defined until it has [Value]? No, I have to try at least."

He hears his stomach rumbling, he thinks to himself, "Now? Didn't I already eat? Can't you wait?" It grumbles again but louder, "Man, being human is quite annoying." he says as he gets up and head to the kitchen.

The kitchen was a rather regular sized place, smaller than his bedroom but big enough to move in. It also has two of everything in opposite position to each other, it's almost like the room is mirror reflective.

"She lives alone so why does she need two of everything?" Vosh thinks to himself.

Two stoves, two fridges, two sinks, two sets of plates and utensils, two dish washers, two toasters, two microwaves, two blenders, two lemon squeezers, two cupboards and four garbage bins. The only singular items were the table like concrete structure at the exact centre of the room, the window and the door which simultaneously was the only thing that made it easy to differentiate the sides seeing as they were on different sides of the rooms.

"No wait, that's two exits and the table is a perfect square." Vosh says to himself. He honestly didn't notice when he came inside earlier how mirror like the whole place is.

"I just thought it'd be a funny design." Amanda says, suddenly appearing behind him.

Vosh however already sensed she was near. But nonetheless decides to pretend to be surprised, "If you suddenly appear like that I might attack you by accident."

"Oh please, child, I know you sensed my presence since I opened my door to come here." She says with an arrogant smirk. She walks over to the fridge then take out a covered bowl. "Since you came to the kitchen, I take it that you're hungry right? Let me show you how to use the microwave. Observation is all that will be needed so take note of my actions."

Vosh replies, "Microwave?"

She carries the bowl of food to the microwave, puts it in the microwave and then closes it. She gestures for him to come closer then she presses a few buttons to make it start up. "It uses [Microwave Radiation Crystal] taken from a [Microwave Dragon]. They're quite dangerous."

Vosh for some reason couldn't help but want to laugh at hearing the name of the dragon.

Amanda continues, "They're some of the most terrifying dragons out there. Without insulating armor you'd explode violently just being in their presence, not even accounting for their actually attacks. The crystal grows out of their skin and they send electrical impulses to them via their nerves so they passively can emit [Microwave Radiation]. It functions as a mana costless, passive and high damage AOE."

Vosh grimaces at the thought of fighting it. "That sounds really dangerous."

"Yeah, it's really not that dangerous if you prepare properly. But anyway, we take the crystal, grind it up and put it into a lightweight metal conductor during the metal's smelting process. Add some weak electricity, surround it with an insulators, add some circuitry and we have a microwave." She leans back on the table across from the microwave and Vosh follows her lead.

"Thinking about it. We do not know much of each other. So let me tell you about myself." She clears her throat, "I am Amanda the top top Alchemist in this city. I was born before the [Era of Concepts], fought with [God] to win against the [Conceptuals], revolutionized medicine, chemistry, fluid dynamics and magichemistry. I am a pursuer of knowledge above all else, [Variant Humanoid] secondly, thirdly a business woman, fourthly an adventurer and fifth a woman. I have no children and never had or adopted any, about 3 lovers in the far past, I have had few close friends and all that i know as family are dead. I have lived for 30,000 years and seen the birth and death of multiple civilizations. I have seen rulers rise and fall from all areas of the world. I have witnessed the greatest dragons turn to dust and I've met many truly powerful beings. Your turn."

Vosh says, "I am Vosh Void. I was born in the [Void]. I don't experience [Causality] in the same way anyone in this [Reality] so I really don't know how old I am. I guess since I made this body's entire genetic coding from scratch and don't descend from any race I don't really have a [Species] despite being human like. As for what I've seen.... As this avatar? Not much but my main body has already seen a decent amount."

Amanda raises an eyebrow in curiosity, "hOh? Tell me more."

"I've witnessed this entire [Reality] form and vanish from start to begin, observing everything that [Exists] on every dimensional plane in various detail but I can't make use of that knowledge due to already mentioned reasons. I have also gazed into other [Realities] and seen fates that go beyond your understanding. [Realities] forming from nothing and forming from other beings of the [Void]. I've seen [Realities] collide with each other and separate. Beings of the [Void] fighting each other and the clashes creating [Realities] on contact. Beings transcending the [Laws] on their [Existence] to revert to [Thing]. I've seen much more but I feel like you wouldn't be able to really get what I'm saying since you don't understand [Void] as much as I do."

Amanda, feeling a slight lingering headache in her head listening to him decides to change the topic. "It sounds like you've experienced far more grand things than I ever imagine, you've described witnessing something that could've only happened over an unfathomable amount of time. But no lovers? Friends? Family?"

Vosh thinks for a moment then answers, "No. I've never had a lover or a family before. Though, you are the first and only friend I've ever had. In fact, I don't think I've ever properly interacted with anyone but you come to think of."

Amanda, seeing him speak about something so seemingly depressing so easily asks, "While I am honored to be the first friend a being of your stature has, doesn't it feel depressing saying that?"

This question confuses Vosh, "Why would that be depressing?"

Amanda's eyes widen in surprise, "Well you were created and bypassed all the experiences a normal human usually has. They are quite joyful you know? You're missing out a lot in fact."

Vosh, still confused asks, "Missing out on what?"

Amanda replies, "Happy memories of course! Even I, as old as i am still remembers playing hopscotch with my grandfather and singing sea shanties with my grandmother in the kitchen waiting for father to come home. Joyful memories are quite the fun things to have...... But from what you've told me, you don't have any at all. Wait, could you tell me what you've done since existing here?"

Vosh tells her what he did since existing. How since the very moment he came to this world he had to fight for his life, talk to [God], fight for his life for days on end, get punched into the clouds, colliding with the floating island and finally ending up here.

For a moment she's speechless then she says, "Wow. You really have it rough don't you?" She sips her coffee, worried for his mind that's been on edge since he started existing. She figures that's why he constantly keeps up defensive skills and always seems ready to defend against anything despite seeming to not have his guard up. She realizes he must be under a lot of mental stress, but too ignorant to even realize it.

"Even if he's a transcendental being, as he is now he's no different than a human being. And the mind as inexperienced as a child it seems." She thinks to herself. "Ok Vosh. I don't know what you came to this universe for, but I'll make sure you leave with some good memories. Do you like the sound of that?"

Vosh shrugs his shoulders, "Maybe?"

Amanda nods her head, "Good enough. Its a promise from me to you then. Take pride in that you've gotten a promise from me, it's a rare occurrence."

Vosh replies, "Ok?" As he hears the sound of the microwave finishing.

After eating they both returned to their rooms and prepared for the next day.

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