Return Of Deadlock

By Knockout-Starscream

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When Drift and Starscream lose their memories and Airachnid takes advantage of the situation can their friend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

208 10 6
By Knockout-Starscream

Later at the scrapyard everyone was waiting outside the medbay while Ratchet and Knock Out were both working to save Starscream who had been just barely functioning when they got him there.

"He's lost a dangerous amount of energon." Said Knock Out. "He's gonna need a transfusion."

"But we're running low on energon, I don't know if we have enough." Ratchet added concerned.

"Then we can get someone to donate some of their's." Knock Out suggested.

"Good idea I just hope we can find a match." Ratchet agreed, Then the two medics got to work asking the others about it and all of them agreed to be tested wanting to help Starscream.

While they were waiting for the results Arcee was feeling bad about the way she treated Starscream and how she had attacked the seeker back at the cave before Airachnid hurt him.

Then Megatron came through a ground bridge and immediately got tested wanting to make up for the abuse he put Starscream through in the past by possibly saving the seeker's life.

Then everyone continued to wait outside the medbay for what seemed like forever all worried about their friend.

Drift who had apologized for everything he did while thinking he was Deadlock was sitting next to Slipstream and Jetstorm who had both assured him none of it was his fault because he didn't remember and wasn't himself.

And the rest of the team had no hard feelings against him either.

Meanwhile Ratchet was testing one of the samples to see if it matched Starscream's, and was glad to see that it was a perfect match.

Then Knock Out took a look at it.

"Wow it's a perfect match right down to the CNA looks like Starscream has a sibling he didn't know about, Who's sample is this?" Knock Out asked thrilled that they could save his best friend.

"Your's." Ratchet replied.

"My.." Knock Out started to say but fainted mid sentence from the shock.

Ratchet had to chuckle at that, then when Knock Out came too he donated some of his energon to save Starscream still shocked that they were brothers without knowing it.

Ratchet told the others while both mechs were recovering.

Awhile later Starscream woke up in the medbay and saw Knock Out recovering from donating some of his energon to him on another berth across the room from him.

"Welcome back Screamer glad your gonna be ok." Knock Out said to the seeker.

Then explained to Starscream about how he and Ratchet found out that they we're brothers.

"But how is this possible?" Starscream asked wondering how Knock Out was his brother to spite not even being a seeker.

"Well I never met my Sire growing up because things didn't work out and he and my Carrier spilt up." Knock Out explained.

"Oh really I never met my Carrier because she and my Sire left each other." Starscream added.

"So I'm guessing our parents divorced and each took one of us." Knock Out told his brother as they put it together.

"So I probably took after our Sire and ended up being a seeker and you ended up being a grounder like our Carrier which is probably why they each took the one of us they did." Starscream agreed.

"Thanks for donating some of your energon to save me." Starscream thanked the red medic.

"Well you saved me earlier so I'm glad I could return the favor and we're family." Knock Out smiled.

"And I couldn't ask for a better brother." Starscream smiled back.

"Oh what a sweet family reunion too bad you only found each other too be torn apart again." Said Airachnid who was standing in the doorway and before either mech could respond she webbed both of them to the berths they were laying on and put more webs over each of their mouths to keep them from calling for help.

Both Starscream and Knock Out were terrified they didn't know how Airachnid had gotten free or where the others were or most frightening of all what she was planning to do to them.

To Be Continued.

Hope this chapter turned out ok, It was hard to come up with so sorry if it was kind of slow, Starscream and Knock Out being brothers was a request by my friend hannahconkle be sure to check out her work it's really great, I'll try to get the next chapter up soon, In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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