Slowly Shining (Book Two of T...

By WritersBlock039

154K 4.1K 3.4K

The Alchemist has saved Rose from the fate of the Bad Wolf, but the Doctor gave up his life to save her in re... More

Slowly Shining (Book Two of The Creators Saga)
The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
The Girl in the Fireplace
Rise of the Cybermen
The Age of Steel
The Idiot's Lantern
The Impossible Planet
The Satan Pit
New New Alchemist
Love and Monsters
Fear Her
Army of Ghosts


5.9K 199 175
By WritersBlock039

All right, guys. Ready for the finale? How are the Doctor and Alice going to react when Rose is gone?

Enjoy "Doomsday!"


"Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!"

Rose shook her head. "Daleks!" she shouted, making them halt and turn to her. Rose's gaze flicked to the Alchemist, but she nodded silently and turned her back, working with her blaster on her wristwatch. "You're called the Daleks," Rose continued, turning back around. "I know your name. Think about it. How can I know that? A human who knows about the Daleks . . . and the Time War. If you want to know how, then keep us alive. That's all I'm asking. Me, and my friends."

"Yeah, Daleks," Mickey nodded, remembering the Alchemist telling him about them. "Time War. Me, too."

"Yeah," Rajesh nodded. "And me."

"You will be necessary," the black Dalek said as the Alchemist turned back around. Its eyestalk gazed at her for a moment before it turned around, not seeming to register her. "Report. What is the status of the Genesis Ark?"

"Status, hibernation," one of the other Daleks answered as a Dalek-shaped contraption landed behind them.

"Commence awakening. The Genesis Ark must be protected above all else."

"The Daleks," Mickey turned to the Alchemist. "You said they were all dead."

"Apparently, I was wrong," she said flatly.

"Never mind that," Rose shook her head. "How do they not know who you are?"

"Perception filter," the Alchemist answered, holding up her watch. "Hides that I'm a Time Lady. They just think I'm human."

Rose nodded. "And what the hell's a Genesis Ark?"

That, the Alchemist did not answer.


"What's down there?" Jackie asked worriedly. "She was in that room with the sphere. What's happened to Rose?"

"You think I'm not worried since Alice is down there?" the Doctor asked. "I don't know, but I'll find them. I brought you here, and I'll get you all out, you and your daughter, and my Bonded." Jackie just looked down. "Jackie, look at me. Look at me!" Jackie raised her head, eyes red. "I promise you," he vowed gently. "I give you my word."

Jackie swallowed, then nodded. "You will talk to your central world authority and order global surrender," the CyberLeader said.

"Oh, do some research!" Yvonne glared. "We haven't got a central world authority!"

"You have now," the CyberLeader said. "I will speak on all global wavelengths." The CyberLeader clamped its fist over the Cyber symbol on its chest, and its eyes glowed. "This broadcast is for humankind," it announced as the Doctor put on his 3D glasses. "Cybermen now occupy every land mass on this planet, but you need not fear. Cybermen will remove fear. Cybermen will remove sex and class and color and creed. You will become identical. You will become like us."

Within moments, the Doctor saw smoke rising past the window. He took a look, and his eyes narrowed, seeing London engulfed in flames. "I ordered surrender," the CyberLeader said, something like confusion in its voice.

"They're not taking instructions," the Doctor glared. "Don't you understand? You're on every street! You're in their homes! You've got their children! Of course they're going to fight!"


"Which of you is least important?" the black Dalek asked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rose frowned.

"Which of you is least important?" it repeated.

"No, we don't work like that. None of us."

"Designate the least important!"

Rajesh swallowed. "This is my responsibility," he said.

"Don't you dare," the Alchemist warned.

Rajesh just pushed past her. "I, er . . . " He gulped. "I represent the Torchwood Institute. Anyting you need, you come through me. Leave these three alone."

"You will kneel," the black Dalek ordered.

"What for?"

"Kneel!" Rajesh slowly did, his back to the Dalek. "The Daleks need information about current Earth history."

"Yaeh, well, I can give you a certain amount of inteligence, but nothing that will compromise Homeland Security - "

"Speech is not necessary. We will extract brainwaves."

"Don't look," the Alchemist warned softly as the Daleks approached, putting their sink plungers on his head.

"Don't!" Rajesh shouted. "I - I'll tell you everything you need! No! No!"

The Alchemist turned her back and covered Rose's and Mickey's eyes so they wouldn't see Rajesh's body slowly disintegrate as he screamed.


The CyberLeader straightened. "Scans detect unknown technology active within Sphere Chamber."

"Cybermen will investigate."

"Units ten six five and ten six six will investigate Sphere Chamber."

"We obey."


The Alchemist only let Rose and Mickey see again when Rajesh fell dead on the floor. "His mind spoke of a second species invading Earth infected by the superstition of ghosts," the black Dalek said.

Rose stared in horror at Rajesh. "You didn't need to kill him!"

"Neither did we need him alive," one of the Daleks countered.

"Dalek Thay, investigate outside," the black Dalek ordered.

"I obey," one of the other Daleks answered, heading out the door.

The Alchemist started. Dalek Thay?


"Units open visual link," the CyberLeader ordered, and one of the Cybermen's view came up on Yvonne's laptop. "Visual contact established."


"Establish visual contact," the black Dalek ordered. "Lower communications barrier."

The Alchemist looked up as a viewscreen appeared where the sphere had been, and she stiffened when Cybermen marched into view. "Identify yourselves," Thay ordered.

"You will identify first," one countered.

"State your identity."

"You will identify first."


"It's like Stephen Hawkins meets the Speaking Clock," Mickey grinned.

"It's worse than that," the Alchemist muttered.

" . . . and illogical," the Cyberman continued. "You will modify."

"Daleks do not take orders!" Thay shouted.

"You have identified as Daleks."

"Outline resembles the inferior species known as Cybermen," the black Dalek said.


The Doctor stared at the Dalek on screen as Jackie whispered. "Rose said about the Daleks. She was terrified of them. What have they done to them, Doctor? Are they dead?"

"Phone," the Doctor whispered.


"Phone!" he hissed.

Jackie pulled out her cell phone and handed it over to him. "We followed in the wake of your sphere," the Cyberman continued as the Doctor dialed.


"Long range scans confirm the presence of crude cybernetic constructs on worldwide scale," the black Dalek said as Rose hid her phone behind her leg and answered.


"She's answered," the Doctor sighed in relief. "They're alive." He frowned. "Why haven't they killed them?"

"Well, don't complain!" Jackie hissed.

"They must need them for something."

"We must protect the Genesis Ark!" one Dalek shouted.

The Doctor frowned. "The Genesis Ark?"

"Our species are similar, though your design is inelegant," the Cyberman on screen said, and the Doctor put on his 3D glasses to look.

"Daleks have no concept of elegance."

"This is obvious. But consider, our technologies are compatible. Cybermen plus Daleks. Together, we could upgrade the universe."

"You propose an alliance?"

"This is correct."

The Doctor held his breath, thinking about how doomed Earth was if the Daleks accepted - 

"Request denied!"

He blew out his breath in relief, and the Cybermen raised their arms. "Hostile elements will be deleted!"

They fired, but the Dalek's shield held. "Exterminate!" it shouted, firing, and the line went dead.

"Open visual link," the CyberLeader ordered, and soon, they received a view of a black Dalek. "Daleks, be warned. You have declared war upon the Cybermen."

"This is not war," the black Dalek countered. "This is pest control!"

"We have five million Cybermen. How may are you?"


"You would destroy the Cybermen with four Daleks?"

"We would destroy the Cybermen with one Dalek! You are superior in one respect."

"What is that?"

"You are better at dying. Raise communications barrier!"

The Doctor cursed when the dial tone hit. "Lost her," he grumbled.

"Wait!" the CyberLeader ordered. "Rewind image." The Doctor frowned as the tape rewound, and his eyes widened when he saw the Alchemist walk past, her eyes glaring at the screen. "Identify female."

"You want identification?" the Doctor asked with a smirk. "That is the Alchemist." All of the Cybermen turned to look at him; some even stepped back. "Oh, you're fine when it's me, the Doctor. Four Daleks? Easy. One mention of the Alchemist's name?" He chuckled. "Oho, now you're scared!"


"Wait!" one of the Daleks shouted as the screen shut down. "Rewind image by nine rells. Identify grid seven gamma frame." The Alchemist grinned as the Doctor appeared. "This male registers as enemy."

The black Dalek turned to the Alchemist. "The female's core temperature has increased."

"Oh, has it, now?" Mickey smirked at her.

The Alchemist blushed. "Shut it."

"Identify him," the black Dalek ordered.

"Do you really want to know?" the Alchemist raised an eyebrow. "That's the Doctor." The Daleks all rolled back. She laughed. "Five million Cybermen? Easy. One Doctor? Now you're scared."


"Quarantine the Sphere Chamber," the CyberLeader ordered. "Start emergency upgrading. Begin with these personnel."

"No, you can't do this!" Yvonne screamed as she and Jackie were grabbed. "We surrendered! We surrendered!"

"This one," the Cyberman looked at the Doctor. "His increased adrenaline suggests that he has vital Dalek information."

"Stop them!" Jackie cried. "I don't want to go! You promised me! You gave me your word!"

"I demand you leave that woman alone!" the Doctor shouted. "I won't help you if you hurt her!" The Cybermen, predictably, ignored him, so he turned to Jackie and called. "Jackie, don't fight! I'll think of something!"

Jackie swallowed hard and nodded.


"Cyber threat irrelevant," Dalek Thay said as it entered. "Concentrate on the Genesis Ark."

"Why are we being kept alive?" Mickey asked.

"They need us," the Alchemist answered.

"Why? What is it?"


The CyberLeader turned to the Doctor. "You are proof."

"Of what?" the Doctor asked darkly.

"That emotions destroy you."

"Yeah, I am," the Doctor admitted, then started to smile. "Mind you . . . I quite like hope. Hope's a good emotion. And here it comes."

Black-clad commandos popped in from nowhere, and blasts of guns took out the Cybermen in the room. The CyberLeader's head exploded, and the commando in question took his helmet off. "Doctor!" the blonde man grinned. "Good to see you again."

The Doctor gaped. "Jake?!"

"The Cybermen came through from one world to another, and so did we," Jake smirked, then turned to his men as the Doctor fumbled with his 3D glasses and put them on. "Defend this room," he ordered. "Chrissie, monitor communications. Kill one CyberLeader, and they just download into another. Move!"

"You can't just, just - " the Doctor sputtered as they all obeyed. "Just hop from one world to another! You can't!"

"We just did," Jake snarked. "With these." He pulled out a yellow button on a chain and tossed it to the Doctor.

"But that's impossible! You can't have this sort of technology!"

"We've got our own version of Torchwood. They developed it. Do you want to come and see?"


But Jake pressed his button, and the two vanished. The Doctor looked around to see Torchwood again, but dark and dreary and utterly wrecked. "Parallel Earth, parallel Torchwood," Jake said. "Except we found out what the Institute was doing, and the People's Republic took control."

"I've got to get back," the Doctor panicked. "Alice and Rose are in danger, and Rose's other."

"That'd be Jackie," Pete's voice said as he entered the room, still in his suit, with a few more commandos behind him. "My wife in a parallel universe. And as for you, Doctor, at least this time I know who you are."

"Right, yes, fine, hooray!" the Doctor rolled his eyes. "But I've got to get back, right now!"

"No," Pete snapped. "You're not in charge here. This is our world, not yours. And you're going to listen for once."



The Alchemist winced and rubbed her chest, feeling her hearts skip for a moment. "You all right?" Rose asked quietly.

"Think so, yeah," the Alchemist nodded, swallowing. "Just a cramp."

"I could transport out of here," Mickey said, showing them a yellow button on a chain. "But it only carries one, and I'm not leaving either of you."

"You'd follow me anywhere," Rose rolled her eyes. "What did I do to you all those years ago?"

"I'd follow both of you anywhere," Mickey corrected, making the Alchemist smile. "And I guess I'm just stupid."

She punched him in the arm for that. "Mickey the Magnificent, you are not stupid!"

Rose giggled. "You're the bravest man I've ever met!"

"What about the Doctor?" Mickey raised an eyebrow.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, all right. Bravest human."

Mickey shrugged. "Well, I can't think what the Daleks need with me. I'm nothing to them."

"No, you aren't," the Alchemist shook her head. "There's something inside the Ark, and it's waking up. Like in Utah, when we met the Dalek there, it was broken. It was dying. Rose touched it, and the moment she did that, it was brought back to life. When you travel in time, you soak up background radiation. It's harmless, it's just there, but in the Time War, the Daleks evolved so they could use it as a power supply."

Mickey smiled at her. "Why do you make it sound so easy when you talk technical?"

"Because I'm just that good," the Alchemist winked, making him laugh. "But the Daleks have something inside that thing, and it needs waking up."

"It needs you two."

"We've all traveled in time," Rose pointed out. "Any one of us would do."

"But why would they build something they can't open themselves?"

"The technology was stolen," the black Dalek answered. "The Ark is not of Dalek design."

"Then who built it?" Rose asked.

"The Time Lords." Surprised, Rose turned to the Alchemist, who just shook her head. "This is all that survives of their Home World."

"What's inside?"

"The future."


"When you left this world, you warned us there'd be more Cybermen," Pete told the Doctor as he examined the blank wall at the end. "So we sealed them inside the factories."

"Except people argued," Jake took up the tale. "Said they were living. We should help them."

"And the debate went on. But all that time, the Cybermen made plans. Infiltrated this version of Torchwood, mapped themselves onto your world, and then vanished."

"When was this?" the Doctor asked.

"Three years ago."

The Doctor rubbed his face. "It's taken them three years to cross the Void, but we can pop to and fro in a second. Must be the sheer mass of five million Cybermen crossing all at once."

"Yeah, Mickey said you'd rattle off that sort of stuff," Pete muttered.

"Oh?" The Doctor looked around. "Where is the Mickey boy?"

"He went ahead first. Any chance to go and find Miss Rose Tyler and your dear Alchemist."

The Doctor glared at him for the snipe. "She's your daughter," he pointed out. "You do know that? Did Mickey explain?"

"She's not mine," Pete shook his head. "She's the child of a dead man." He walked over to the window and looked out at the city. "Look at it. A world of peace. They're calling this the Golden Age."

The Doctor looked at him as he stepped over as well. "Who's the President now?"

"A woman called Harriet Jones."

The Doctor grimaced. "Oof. I'd keep an eye on her."

"But it's a lie," Pete shook his head. "Temperatures have risen by two degrees in the past six months. The ice caps are melting. They're saying all this is going to be flooded. That's not just global warming, is it?"


"It's the breach."

The Doctor huffed. "I've been trying to tell you, travel between parallel worlds is impossible! Then the Daleks break down the walls with a Sphere - "


He ignored Pete. "Then the Cybermen traveled across, then you lot. Those discs, every time you jump from one reality to another, you rip a hole in the universe. This planet is starting to boil. Keep going, and both worlds will fall into the Void."

"But you can stop it?" Pete asked. "The famous Doctor. You can seal the breach?"

"Leaving five million Cybermen stranded on my Earth?"

"That's your problem. I'm protecting this world, and this world only."

The Doctor glared. "Hmm. Pete Tyler. I knew you when you were dead. Now here you are, fighting the fight alone. There is a chance, back on my world, Jackie Tyler might still be alive."

He shook his head. "My wife died."

"Her husband died," the Doctor countered. "Good match."

"There's more important things at stake," Pete said. "Doctor, help us!"

"What, close the breach?" he raised an eyebrow. "Stop the Cybermen? Defeat the Daleks? Do you believe I can do that?"

"With the Alchemist?" Pete nodded. "Yes."

He grinned. "Maybe that's all I need. Off we go, then!"


When they reappeared in the lever room, the Doctor headed for the office. "First of all, I need to make a phone call. You don't mind?"

"You two, guard the door," Jake ordered, pointing to the entrance.

The Doctor dialed Jackie's number, and the woman herself picked up in moments. "Oh, my God, help me!" she shrieked, and Pete's eyes widened, stunned.

"Jackie, you're alive!" the Doctor grinned. "Listen - "

"They tried to download me, but I ran away!"

"Shush! Listen, tell me, where are you?"

"I don't know! Staircase!"

"Yeah, which one? Is there any sort of sign? Anything to identify it?"

"Yes! A fire extinguisher!"

The Doctor rolled his eyes. "Yeah, that helps."

"Oh, wait a minute! It says N3."

"North corner, staircase three," the Doctor evaluated. "Just keep low. We're trying our best."

"No, don't leave me - !"

"I've got to go. I'm sorry." The Doctor hung up, then smirked expectantly at a stunned Pete. "Jacqueline Andrea Suzette Tyler."

"She's not my wife," he tried to say.

"I was at the wedding. You got her name wrong." Pete gawked at him, but the Doctor headed to Jake. "Now, then, Jakey boy, if I can open up the bonding chamber on this thing, it'll work on polycarbite."

"What's polycarbite?" Jake asked as the Doctor worked on his gun.

"Skin of a Dalek," the Doctor answered casually.


A piece of white A4 paper was waved on a stick like a flag around the corner, and the Doctor poked his head out into the corridor, looking at the Cybermen approaching. "Sorry," he apologized. "No white flag. I only had a sheet of A4. Same difference."

"Do you surrender?" the Cyberman in the lead asked.

"I surrender unto you . . . " He grinned. "A very good idea."


"Final stage of awakening," one of the Daleks said.

The black Dalek turned to Rose. "Your handprint will open the Ark."

Rose snorted. "Well, tough, because I'm not doing it."

"Obey, or the male dies," the Dalek said, aiming at Mickey.

The Alchemist stepped forward, but Rose shook her head. "I can't let them."

"Rose, don't," Mickey shook his head.

"Place your hand upon the casket," the black Dalek ordered.

"All right!" Rose shouted, fed up. "You're going to kill us anyway, so what the hell?" She fumed, stepping forward -

When the Alchemist spoke up. "You all escaped the Time War. Don't you want to know what happened?"

The black Dalek ignored her. "Place your hand - "

"What happened to the Emperor?"

The Dalek paused, then turned to the Alchemist as Rose froze. "The Emperor survived?"

"Till he met me," the Alchemist grinned, taking her watch off.

The Daleks spun to her, and Rose ran out of the way. "Sensors indicate Time Lady!" one of them shouted.

"If these are my last words, then I'm going to make them count," the Alchemist glared, her eyes glowing gold, though only the Daleks saw. "And you'd better listen, you lot. I met the Emperor, and I took the Time Vortex, and I pulled it into his head, and disintegrated him into atoms. You go that? The God of All Daleks, and I destroyed him. Ha!"

"You will be exterminated!" the black Dalek shouted, aiming.

"I've got chills," the Doctor's voice said as he leaned against the door, his 3D glasses on. "Seriously, that was amazing."

"You like that voice?" the Alchemist grinned.

"Love that voice," he winked, walking up.

"Alert! Alert!" the black Dalek shouted. "You are the Doctor!"

"Sensors report he is unarmed," another said.

"That's me," the Doctor nodded, hugging the Alchemist tightly. "Always."

"Then you are powerless," the black Dalek gloated.

"With this girl?" the Doctor smirked. "Not me. Never." He pulled back and looked at her worriedly. "You all right?"

"Peachy," she grinned.

The Doctor turned to Rose. "How are you?"

"Oh, same old, you know," she shrugged.

"Good." The Doctor turned to Mickey with a grin. "And Mickity McMickey! Nice to see you!"

"And you, boss!" Mickey laughed, giving him a fist bump.

"Social interactions will cease!" one of the Daleks shouted.

"How did you survive the Time War?" the black Dalek asked as the Time Lords turned.

"By fighting on the front lines," the Alchemist answered. "We were there, at the fall of Arcadia."

"Someday, I might even come to terms with that," the Doctor mused. "But you lot ran away."

"We had to survive."

"The last four Daleks in existence, so what's so special about you?"

"They've got names," the Alchemist answered. "And only four Daleks that I know of have names."

"I am Dalek Thay," Thay said.

"Dalek Sec," the black Dalek offered.

"Dalek Jast," another said.

"Dalek Caan."

"So that's it!" the Doctor grinned. "At last, the Cult of Skaro. I thought you were just a legend."

"Who are they?" Rose asked.

"A secret order above and beyond the Emperor himself. Their job was to imagine, think as the enemy thinks. Even dared to have names. All to find new ways of killing."

"But that thing, they said it was yours," Mickey frowned. "I mean, Time Lords. They built it. What does it do?"

The Doctor looked at the Alchemist, who was staring at the Genesis Ark with pursed lips. "I don't know," he finally answered. "Never seen it before."

Rose frowned. That had to be a lie, given how long it took for him to answer. "But it's Time Lord."

"Both sides had secrets," the Doctor shrugged. "What is it?" he asked the Daleks. "What have you done?"

"Time Lord science will restore Dalek supremacy," Sec answered.

"What does that mean? What sort of Time Lord science? What do you mean?"

"They said one touch from a time traveler will wake it up," Rose answered.

"Technology using one thing a Dalek can't do," the Alchemist sneered. "Touch."

The Doctor stared into Sec's eyestalk. "Sealed inside your casing, not feeling anything ever, from birth to death, locked inside a cold metal cage. Completely alone. That explains your voice. No wonder you scream."

"The Doctor will open the Ark!" Sec shouted.

The Doctor snorted loudly. "The Doctor will not," he mocked, backing away.

"You have no way of resisting."

The Alchemist coughed meaningfully. "Well, without her, you got me there," the Doctor admitted, clapping her on the shoulder. "Although, there is always this," he pulled out his sonic screwdriver.

"A sonic probe?"

He glared. "That's screwdriver!"

"Don't diss the sonics," the Alchemist warned.

"It is harmless," Sec evaluated.

"Oh, yes, harmless is just the word," the Doctor agreed, nodding. "That's why I like it. Doesn't kill, doesn't wound, doesn't maim, but I'll tell you what it does do." He smirked. "It is very good at opening doors."

He pointed it at the doors, and they exploded inwards. Jake burst in, firing away, with the Cybermen marching behind him. "Delete!" they shouted. "Delete! Delete! Delete!"

"Alert!" Jast shouted. "Casing impaired! Casing impaired!"

"Rose, get out!" the Doctor shouted.

The Alchemist stood shoulder to shoulder with Jake and Mickey, the three of them an unbreakable force as they fired repeatedly. Jake looked at her out of the corner of his eye and asked, "Alchemist?"

"New face," was all she offered. "Keep going!"

"Fire power insufficient!" Sec sputtered. "Fire power insufficient!"

Rose fell to the ground, and Pete hurried to get her up. "Come on!"

"Daleks will be deleted," the Cybermen said. "Delete! Delete!"

"Alice, come on!" the Doctor shouted.

"Adapt to weaponry," Jast said.

"Fire power restored!" Sec answered, shooting one of the Cybermen dead.

The Alchemist pulled Jake back, but Mickey stumbled, and his hand shot out and landed on the Genesis Ark. The Alchemist pulled him back as well, and they ran for the doors. "Alice, Jake, check the stairwell," the Doctor ordered as he closed the doors. "The rest of you, come on!"

"Here we go!" the Alchemist cheered, running off with Jake on her heels.

"I just fell," Mickey tried to say as they ran down the corridor. "I didn't mean it!"

"Mickey, without us, they'd have opened it by force. To do that, they'd have blown up the sun. You've done us a favor." The Doctor kissed the top of his head, then took off again. "Now, run!"


They passed by one corridor, then hurried to a stop when they heard a Cyberman speak. "You will be upgraded."

"No, but you can't!" Jackie's voice whimpered, and they all looked at each other before running back. "Please!"

The Doctor tossed Mickey's huge gun to Pete, who without hesitation shot the Cybermen down. Jackie stared at the remains, then gawked at Pete. "Pete?" she asked in shock.

Pete swallowed. "Hello, Jacks."

Jackie shook her head. "I said there were ghosts, but that's not fair! Why him?"

"I'm not a ghost," Pete answered simply.

"It's Pete from a different universe," the Doctor tried to explain. Dear God, how was his Bonded so good with words? The minute she spoke, anyone would do what she said. Well, he would, at least. "There are parallel worlds, Jackie. Every single decision we make creates a parallel existence, a different dimension, where - "

"Oh, you can shut up," Jackie pointed at him. The Doctor gulped and stepped down, giving Mickey a look when he snickered, Rose watching her mother and "father" with hope in her eyes. Jackie turned back to Pete and tilted her head. "Oh, you look old."

"You don't," Pete answered.

"How can you be standing there?"

"I just got lucky. Lived my life. You were left on your own." He hesitated, then asked tentatively, "you didn't marry again, or - ?"

"There was never anyone else," Jackie said with a smile, making the Doctor and Mickey exchange smiles. "Twenty years, though. Look at me. I never left that flat. Did nothing with myself."

"You brought her up," Pete nodded to Rose, who started. "Rose Tyler. That's not bad."

Jackie smiled. "Yeah . . . "

"In my world, it worked. All those daft little plans of mine. They worked. Made me rich."

"I don't care about that." Pause. "How rich?"


"I don't care about that." Pause. "How very?"

The Doctor snorted, and Mickey chuckled under his breath. "Women," the Doctor mumbled.

"The Alchemist's already rich enough," Mickey answered. "She's got you."

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "Mickey Smith, did you just say something positive about me for once?"

"Technically, it was about her," Mickey pointed out. "But take it how you'd like."

"Thing is, though, Jacks, you're not my wife," Pete tried to say. "I'm sorry, but, you're not . . . I mean, we both . . . you know, it's just sort of . . . " He sighed, then gave up. "Oh, come here!"

Jackie ran towards him, and he hugged her tightly, lifting her into the air.


"Emergency. All units will converge on the Torchwood Tower. Repeat, all Cybermen to Torchwood."

The Doctor peeked through the doors leading to the warehouse and looked at the firefight, the Daleks winning against the Cybermen and remaining Torchwood soldiers. He crawled on the ground, heading for the Magnaclamps, then grabbed them.

"Come on, please," Rose whispered nervously.

The Doctor crawled back and was about to go when he took one last look with his 3D glasses. "Elevate!" Sec ordered, and the warehouse roof slid back.

"What're they doing?" Rose asked. "Why do they need to get outside?"

"Time Lord science," the Doctor mumbled, running back. "What Time Lord science? What is it? We've got to see what it's doing. We've got to go back up. Come on, all of you, top floor!"

"That's forty five floors up!" Jackie protested as they ran. "Believe me, I've done them all!"

There was a ding behind them, and they whirled around. Two blonde heads poked out of the elevator doors that had just opened. Jake was grinning, like he'd just had the time of his life. The Alchemist looked breathless and stupidly gleeful, she was smiling so big. "Lift for the top floor?" she asked cheekily.

"Blimey, I love you," the Doctor declared, getting in.


The Doctor ran to the window, the Alchemist bolting after him, and they arrived in time to see Daleks shooting out of the Genesis Ark as it spun around. "Time Lord science," the Doctor whispered. "It's bigger on the inside."

"Did the Time Lords put those Daleks in there?" Mickey asked. "What for?"

"It's a prison ship," the Alchemist shook her head. "I submitted the design."

Rose looked at her. "How many Daleks?"


Pete shook his head. "I'm sorry, but you've had it. This world's going to crash and burn. There's nothing we can do. We're going home." He took a button from a commando and handed it to Jackie. "Jacks, take this. You're coming with us."

"But they're destroying the city!" Jackie protested.

His lips quirked up in a smile. "I'd forgotten you could argue. It's not just London, it's the whole world. But there's another world just waiting for you, Jacks, and it's safe as long as the Doctor closes the breach . . . " He faltered, seeing the Doctor investigating more. "Doctor?"

"Oh, I'm ready!" he grinned, turning around, his 3D glasses on as the Alchemist put her shades back on as she worked at a computer terminal. "We've got the equipment right here. Thank you, Torchwood! Slam it down, and close off both universes."

"Reboot systems."

"But we can't just leave," Rose shook her head. "What about the Daleks, and the Cybermen?"

"They're part of the problem, ,which makes them part of the solution," the Alchemist smiled. "You know, Rose, I'm rather disappointed in you. There's something my Bonded really wants you to ask, and you're not asking it."

Mickey smirked. "What's with the glasses, boss?" he asked.

"Thank you, Mickey," the Doctor grinned. "We can see, that's what!"

"There are two separate worlds, but in between, there's the Void, where the Daleks were hiding," the Alchemist explained, slipping hers off. "The Cybermen traveled through it to get here. And all of you, via the Void."

"Oh, I like that!" the Doctor grinned. "Via the Void!"

"Here." The Alchemist handed her shades to Mickey. "Put them on. We've been through it, too. See?" She ducked and dipped.

Mickey nodded, seeing speckles surrounding her, moving with her. "I can see it."

"Reboot in three minutes."

He handed the shades to Rose, who looked through. "What is it?" she asked.

"Void stuff," the Doctor answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

The Alchemist rolled her eyes. "It's like background radiation," she sighed. "Look at the others, and the only one who hasn't been through the Void, Jackie."

"First time she's looked normal all in her life," the Doctor quipped.

Jackie glared at him. "Oi!"

"But the Daleks lived inside the Void," the Doctor continued. "They're bristling with it. Cybermen, all of them. We just open the Void and reverse. The Void stuff gets sucked back inside."

"Pulling them all in!" Rose grinned.

"Pulling them all in!" he nodded.

"Sorry, remind me, what's the Void?" Mickey asked.

"Hell," the Alchemist answered simply.

Mickey blinked. "So you're sending the Daleks and Cybermen to hell?" He turned to Jake with a grin. "Man, I told you she was good."

"Oi!" the Doctor whined.

"And he is, too," Mickey was quick to correct as the Alchemist blushed at her companion's praise.

Rose frowned. "But it's like you said, we've all got Void stuff. Me, too, because we went to that parallel world. We're all contaminated. We'll get pulled in."

"That's why you've got to go," the Doctor told her.

"Reboot in two minutes."

"Back to Pete's world." He smiled as Rose looked at him, stunned. "Hey, we should call it that! Pete's World!" He turned back to Rose. "We're opening the Void, but only on this side. You'll be safe on that side."

"And then you close it, for good?" Pete prompted.

"The breach itself is soaked in Void stuff," the Doctor nodded. "In the end, it'll close itself, and that's it. Kaput."

"But you stay on this side?" Rose frowned.

"But you'll get pulled in!" Mickey protested.

"Da da da!" The Alchemist held up the magnaclamps. "That's why we've got these. We've just got to hold on tight."

"Been doing it all my life," the Doctor added.

Rose held up a hand. "I'm supposed to go."

"Yeah," he nodded.

"To another world, and then it gets sealed off."


"Forever." Rose shook her head. "That's not going to happen."

The building shook from the force of the fight outside, and Pete shook his head. "We haven't got time to argue. The plan works. We're going, you, too. All of us."

"No!" Rose shouted, turning. "I'm not leaving here!"

"I'm not going without her," Jackie added.

"Oh, my God, we're going!" Pete groaned.

"I've had twenty years without you, so button it!" Jackie snapped. "I'm not leaving her!"

"You've got to," Rose said.

"Well, that's tough."

Rose sighed. "Mum, I've had a life with you for nineteen years, but then I met the Doctor, met the Alchemist, and all the things I've seen them do for me, for you, for all of us, for the whole stupid planet, and ever planet out there! They do it alone, mum, but not anymore, because now they've got me - " She cut off when a button suddenly fell over her head and around her neck. She turned, eyes wide, seeing the Alchemist back off, an apologetic look on her face. "What're you - ?!"

Pete pressed his button, and the group all disappeared. The Alchemist sighed, turning around. "I'm not losing you," she said matter-of-factly before turning to the computer terminal.

The Doctor nodded and went to his own when there was a burst of energy, and Rose was right back where she'd been standing, fiddling with her button. "I think this is the on switch," she mumbled.

The Alchemist stared at her, stunned absolutely speechless, and the Doctor stormed over to her. "Once the breach collapses, that's it," he told her. "You will never be able to see her again, your own mother!"

"I made my choice a long time ago, and I'm never going to leave you, either of you," Rose glared, looking from him to the Alchemist. "So what can I do to help?"

The Alchemist stared at Rose, utterly disappointed her sister was choosing them over her own family, her new chance at a family. "Unbelievable," she couldn't help but say.

Rose's jaw dropped, but the Doctor shook his head. "Those coordinates over there, set them all at six," he ordered, pointing. "And hurry up!"

Rose winced at the anger in his voice and hurried over, taking her button off and putting it down on the desk. The Alchemist shook her head and turned back to her own computer, then paused. "Cybermen on the way," she said.

"How many floors down?" the Doctor asked.

The Alchemist looked up. "One."

"Levers operational."

Rose smiled when the Doctor did, too. "That's more like it," she encouraged. "Bit of a smile. The old team!"

"The Three Musketeers!" the Doctor nodded, hefting a magnaclamp and handing it to Rose. "Press the red button," he told her, going to his side. The Alchemist went with him as Rose went to the opposite wall, the two of them putting the magnaclamps on. "When it starts, just hold on tight. Shouldn't be too bad for us, but the Daleks and the Cybermen are steeped in Void stuff." Rose nodded in understanding as she and the Alchemist went to stand by the levers. "You ready?"

The Alchemist nodded, then Rose looked out the window. "So are they," she said.

They looked to see the Daleks swoop past. "Let's do it!" the Doctor cheered.

The Alchemist and Rose pushed their levers to the on position, then ran for the magnaclamps. "Online."

Rose grabbed on tightly, and the Alchemist grabbed onto the Doctor's, the man gripping her waist to hold her as well.

"Emergency!" Daleks cried as they were sucked through the windows and into the Void.

"The breach is open!" the Doctor shouted gleefully as Cybermen joined the current. "Into the Void! Ha!"

"Whoa!" The Alchemist nearly slipped, but the Doctor was quick to tighten his grip around her, and she got a more firm grip.

Rose smiled softly at the grateful looks they gave the other, but it slid off her face when the computer said, "Offline."

The Alchemist's head whipped around to see the lever on Rose's side shift. Rose took one look, then looked over at the horrified Time Lords. Swallowing, she let go with one hand to try and fix the lever, but she had to let go entirely just to reach the lever. "Rose!" the Alchemist screamed.

Rose whimpered, struggling to get a strong grip. "I've got to get it upright!" she shouted, fighting against the Void to push the lever into the right position.

Somehow, she managed it. "Online and locked."

Rose screamed, her hands turning white with the effort to hang on as the suction increased. "Rose, hold on!" the Doctor shouted, holding onto the Alchemist tightly. "Hold on!"

Rose panted heavily, scrambling for a grip, but her fingers slipped from the lever handle. She flew towards the Void, heart racing -

When Pete suddenly popped into existence and grabbed her around the waist. Rose stumbled, and Pete vanished again. "Systems closed," the computer announced as the Void closed in on itself.

The Alchemist fell to the ground, the suction and the loss of Rose making her feel nothing in her legs. The Doctor caught her before she fell entirely, both of them staring in shock at the place Rose had just vanished.


"Take me back!" Rose screamed, running to the wall and hammering on it, tears streaming from her eyes. "Take me back! Take me back!"

Pete looked down at his button, then shook his head sadly. "It's stopped working," he told her. "They did it. They closed the breach."

"No," Rose sobbed, leaning her forehead against the wall.


The Alchemist laid one hand against the wall, swallowing hard, taking a shaky breath and leaning her forehead against the wall. The Doctor laid his hand on top of hers, his other arm wrapped around her, feeling her shake. First it was Jack, and now it was Rose and Mickey.

Was every companion doomed to be lost to them?


Rose, as if sensing her older sister, lifted her hand to the same spot the Alchemist's was, before she dropped her head and sobbed some more.


The epilogue will be up soon. :( I have a feeling I don't really need to say anything except this:

Poor (insert character of your choice).

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