parent bugs and parent daffy

By smg34crew

3.4K 57 7

oneshots of parent bugs and daffy More

i was made for lovin' you, baby
welcome back 1
welcome back 2
welcome back 3
let me take care of you
I don't want to remove the part of me that reminds me of you
Rebule without a pants

a day out, ("but i'm mad")

1.4K 10 2
By smg34crew

Do you know how hard it is to deal with kids? Especially, when these children are Yakko, Wakko and Dot, a brother, a sibling and a sister. Now, add that with their adopted fathers, Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, and you have a recipe for disaster. Or well, a recipe for Looney and Wacky.

Anyway, Daffy had the great idea to "have a day out", and of course, the kids were delighted, as was Bugs, but Bugs was also realistic.

Once they got the kids into their room for an early sleep, Bugs took the plates from their dinner and gave Daffy a look. He set the plates down, tapping his large foot.

"What?" Daffy asked, shrugging, his hand wet and soapy. Although Daffy liked being clean, he also liked the plates being clean, so didn't clean with gloves.

"Ya know, I'm gonna be the one who'll have to make sure they get up, and I'm gonna have to stop them from fighting -"

"I'll drive, Bugsy," Daffy assured, waving a dismissive hand.

Bugs hummed, and grabbed the cleaning supplies for the table, and raised an eyebrow, "you're going to drive?"

"Yep," assured Daffy, setting the plates down on the drying rack.

Spraying soap on the table, and cleaning the table, Bugs said, "okay. I'll wake 'em up then."

Daffy huffed a laugh, as if he won the jackpot, "good luck with that."

Bugs, who knew he had the easiest job, said, "good luck with the driving, Daff."

Bugs and Daffy woke up at six in the morning. They yawned, and dragged their feet against the floor, and immediately headed to the coffee machine; they needed to wake up. Yawning, they took a seat, staring blankly at their dark brown, nearing blank, hot drinks, their hands cupping around the drinks, warming up from the cold morning.

"I should probably make breakfast," Daffy said, eyeing the eggs distastefully. He loved cooking, and he was good at it, but he hated doing breakfasts. In his opinion, it was the worst thing, so he usually let Bugs do it, while he woke the kids up. But, with Bugs waking the kids, he had to make breakfast. Wakko was always the first out, so... he better start.

"Make pancakes," Bugs said suddenly. Wakko likes pancakes, feels funny if they eat scrambled eggs.

"Nope, scrambled eggs and toast, it's easy and rather light, I'll also make bacon," Daffy said, standing up, and grabbing the bacon from the refrigerator.

"Extra crispy," Bugs said, knowing Yakko only ate next to burnt. "But, take out a few early," as Wakko didn't like it burnt. Dot was the easiest, she didn't care.

"Right," grumbled Daffy, annoyed already. He hated breakfast due to conflicting times, and things taking ages, though he always enjoyed breakfasts. Bugs didn't for the longest of times, but soon began getting indifferent about it. He pulled out a tray.

Bugs finished off his coffee, and rolled his shoulders. He got up, and pressed a kiss to Daffy's cheek, "I'm going to wash, and then wake up the kids."

"They should be up soon," said Daffy, eyeing the clock (7:30 in the morning), and smiling.

Laughing, Bugs said, "yeah should." He walked off, and jumped, feel a pinch on his backside, and turned with a bright red blush, seeing an "innocent" whistling Daffy, more focused on the bacon.

"What?" Daffy asked, fluttering his long lashes.

"I'm watching you, Duck," teased Bugs, before walking off with a playful smirk.

Daffy just laughed.

By the time Bugs was finished, it was eight, and Daffy went in to wash too, telling Bugs to take a few pieces of bacon out. Bugs did so, eyeing the clock, and noting there was no kids, no Yakko, Wakko or Dot to be seen. He could hear the toilet flushing, he could hear the tap running, and the bacon sizzling, he could hear the footfalls of his boyfriend walking around - Daffy was a shower at night type of person, doing a quick body wash in the morning.

By the time Daffy walked back, it was late.

"They're still not out?" Daffy asked, eyebrows raised.

"Probably not even awake," sighed Bugs, kissing Daffy's cheek. "Be back soon."

Meanwhile, the trio was asleep.

They slept in bunk bends, Yakko on the bottom, Dot in the middle, and Wakko on the top. They were snoring, and Yakko accidentally blew a feather, that escaped from his pillow, up, and as did Dot, but Wakko inhaled it first, before blowing it out.

Bugs knocked on the door, bang, bang, bang!, before opening the door in mild panic, because how can they still be asleep?! He rushed in, and called, "wake up! It's late!" He took hold of the alarm clock that didn't go off, maybe they need a knew one? "It's twenty minutes after eight," he said, reading it. He gripped the beds, and gently shook it, "everyone get up; it's time to go! Up and at 'em now!" He picked up a dazed Wakko, setting them down, and gently pushed them to the door.

Wakko, tongue out, wobbled on their feet, before stumbling off to the kitchen.

"Come on; shake a leg," called Bugs, watching as Wakko slouched. "Have some juice and scrambled egg!"

Dot sat up and stretched tiredly, fixing her pretty flower.

Bugs gently took Yakko's shoulders and gently shook his limp shoulders, the boys eyes closed. "On the floor and out the door, let's get on our way." He pressed a soft kiss to the boys head, since it was the only time he could do so, as Yakko is "a man!", and he "doesn't like being treated like a baby".

Dot climbed down the ladder, and Yakko, his eyes still pretty much closed, turned, sitting up. He foot kicked the ladder, and Dot nearly slipped, gripping the ladder tighter in panic.

"Hey, watch out!" Dot said, stressed.

Yakko frowned, "what's the matter?"

"You almost knocked me off the ladder!"

Yakko shook his head, eyes squinting tiredly, "no I didn't"

Dot shoved her finger in his face, "yes you did; I almost fell!" She gestured to the floor, voice nearing nears.

"Oh, don't exaggerate," Yakko said, tiredly.

"I'm not," whined Dot.

Yakko got out, and waved a dismissive hand, laughing, "yeah, right."

Dot scowled, and jumped from the ladder, jabbing his back with her finger, "are you trying to pick a fight?"

Yakko immediately turned, and shoved his face into hers, "will you get out of my face?!"

"Well, you're always in my space!" Dot snapped back, waving her arms around.

Bugs ran his fingers through his ears, stressed already, "hey get off each other's case, because we're trying to get along."

And the two looked over shocked, having completely forgotten Bugs was standing there.

Wakko sat at the table, half asleep, with eggs and bacon in front of them. They had greeted Daffy with a tired, "morning Dadoo," before silently taking a seat.

Daffy had greeted them back, "morning Wakko." He fixed their red hat, before setting the plate down, and of course, pressing a kiss to his child's cheek, before continuing on.

Wakko didn't eat much when they first woke up, feeling sick as usual. But, they also felt sick if the food wasn't good, or what they wanted. Scooping up a forkful of eggs, they ate it, and their eyes went wide in disgust, and swallowed thickly.

Daffy saw the look from the corner of his eyes, and looked over in shock. Was eggs really that upsetting for their stomach?

"I want pancakes," shrugged Wakko, "or a waffle." They picked up the sticky, goopy mess, "this tastes awful! Is that all we've got?" They asked, looking to Daffy with a grimace.

Meanwhile, Daffy just looked a bit forlorn. He should have listened to Bugs who dealt with breakfast, no wonder he suggested pancakes.

Wakko stood, and rushed to the drawers, and began throwing out different coloured clothes, as if they changed their outfit. "Can't find my clothes!" They gripped their old white shirt, and wiped their red nose, "and I need to blow my nose." They picked up a white, red patched up, reused, and frayed sock with holes in, "and my socks are full holes, and my shoelace has a knot!" They said, holding up a black shoe by the lace, the two ends tied together in an tangled up knot.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Yakko and Dot stood together, getting ready.

"That's my toothbrush," Dot said, pointing at Yakko, as she stood on the stool to reach the sink.

Yakko, who was picking up the red toothbrush, dropped it back in it's holder, and leaned on the sink with an at ease grin. "No it's not."

"Well, it's sitting in my slot," Dot said, hands down at her sides, annoyed.

"No it isn't;" he pointed to the green the toothbrush, "this is mine and that one's yours," he pointed to the red one. At this point, he was just winding his sister up, and it was working perfectly!

"Well, you're standing in my way!" Yelled Dot, shoving her face into his.

Yakko pushed back with a scowl, "yeah, that's tough"

Bugs stepped into the bathroom, and sighed, "alright now that's enough!" He called, pushing the two back gently, but made sure Dot didn't fall off the stool. "Everybody get your stuff, because we're going out the door!" He called, ushering the two outside.

Bugs stood to the side, watching as Daffy chased the siblings around their family car. He munched on a carrot, and took some dark, domestic, delight in seeing Daffy already looking as if he regretted agreeing to drive. Usually, chasing the kids around the car, and getting them in fell onto the shoulders of Bugs, as did the driving, and it was fun to just watch the madness.

Daffy skidded to a stop, panting, out of breath and leaning on the car.

"Every time we get into the car, it's so much work," Bugs said, and grinned, seeing Daffy jump out of the way, and the kids rushed around the car once more, Yakko, Wakko then Dot.

"It takes us twenty minutes, while you're driving me berserk," grinned Bugs, arms crossed.

Daffy pushed open the sliding door, seeing the kids rushing back around.

"With your playing and your jumping, and your running all about," Bugs said, as the kids jumped into the back seat, closing the door. "When I finally get you inside," Bugs said, grinning, as Daffy took hold of the front handle and pulled, and pulled again, frowning. "You always lock me out!"

The kids flashed the two a big cheesy smile.

Daffy scowled at Bugs, who continued to munch on a carrot.

"What's up, doc?"

"You could help!"


Now in the car, driving down the freeway, the mood hadn't shifted.

Daffy was gripping the wheel, stressed, and Bugs was able to zone out, and relax... well, okay not zone out, as he kept his ears up, but he didn't need to be on edge as much as he usually was. Wakko was in their own world, watching the landscape speed passed, and the cars dive on wards.

Dot and Yakko weren't talking. Yakko was facing the window, looking outside, and Dot was scowling in the middle, her arms crossed.

"I'm mad, I'm mad," called Dot, making Bugs' ears perk up. "I'm really, really, really mad!" She jabbed her finger harshly into Yakko's back, "you poked me with your elbow in my side!"

Yakko rubbed his side and scowled, "no I didn't!"

"Yes you did!" Snapped Dot, pointing at him.

Yakko shook his head, "nuh-uh!"

"You did!" She pressed a hand over her chest, "and I'm just a little kid!" She waved her finger at him, squinting with one eye, "you're lying; don't deny it!"

Yakko shoved his face into her space, scowling, "oh, I'm gonna hit you!"

"Yeah, just try it!" Challenged Dot.

Daffy gripped the wheel, now understanding why Bugs hated driving with their kids in the back. "Will both of you be quiet, 'cause we're driving in a car!" He called looking over, and Bugs turned his face forward.

"Face forward love cup," Bugs said, watching the cars.

"Ow, he hit me!" Screeched Dot, rubbing her arms.

"Ow, she bit me!" Yakko retaliated, rubbing his arm too.

"He said he's gonna "get me"," Dot called, pointing to him.

Yakko glared, and leaned into her, "no I didn't!"

"Yes you did!" Dot yelled back, pressing their noses together in anger.

"Alright that's it; now I forbid either one of you to say another word!" Called Daffy, looking into the rear view mirror.

Wakko, surrounded by toys and comic books rested their chin on their hands.

"Are we there yet?" Wakko asked for the millionth time, "I'm tired." They stretched, "I'm hungry." They rubbed their stomach. "How far?" They looked out of the window.

"My nose is snotty," Wakko said, leaning up, their face next to Daffy's, as they wiped their nose with their finger.

Bugs reached up with a tissue and wiping their nose, and Wakko grimaced; it was something they didn't like, but more in a "a child finds it annoying because I'm a grown up" - they're not an adult.

"Thanks Poppa," sniffed Wakko. "Need to move my body," they waved their foot around, "gotta use the potty!"

"Better stop the car," Bugs said, turning to Daffy.

Daffy sighed, rubbing his eyes.

Meanwhile, Dot and Yakko were waving their hands, gently hitting each other, but it was those gentle hits with the result of sharp stings.

"Stop it," whined Dot, eyes closed, leaning back from Yakko.

"No, you stop it!" Corrected Yakko, eyes closed, also leaning back.

"Why can't you both just drop it?!" Asked Daffy, stressed, as he looked over.

Immediately, the two stopped, and looked to Daffy.

"Well, he started it!" Dot defended, pointing to Yakko with both her fingers.

Yakko pulled his mouth open, and pulled a face, teeth on show, but stopped the moment Dot accused him. He is not at fault here! "Oh, yeah, I'm really sure, uh-huh," he said sarcastically, arms crossed, his eyes closed.

"Na-ah," Dot nodded, glaring.


"It's your fault," Dot said, pointing at him.

"No it's not," Yakko denied, standing up on the seat, pointing down to his sisters leg, on his side. "Your leg is in my spot!"

Daffy shook in annoyance, yet calmed down, knowing that lashing out wouldn't do anyone any favours. He turned to face them, "Yakko you be quiet!"

Dot gave a smug grin.

"And, that goes for you too, Dot!" Daffy said, looking to his daughter.

"Daff, the road," said Bugs.

"I know!" Screeched Daffy, facing the front.

They weaved through traffic, nearly veering off the road several times, with trucks hocking at them, at cars swerving away from the hazard. The safety hazard never happened with Bugs, next time Bugs' is driving.

"Every time we take a trip, it's always just the same," Bugs said, looking at an annoyed Daffy.

Behind them, the three siblings had began fighting, yelling and screaming, in a puff of dust, arms and legs flying. Daffy went to stop them, but Bugs took his hand, and put it back on the steering wheel. They'd tire themselves out any moment.

"With the fighting and the biting, and the calling all those names."

Daffy ran his fingers through his feathers.

Wakko leaned on the front seat, tongue sticking eye tired. Yakko and Dot were screeching still.

"Then there's pushing and there's shoving," Bugs said, and saw Yakko push Dot, who pushed back with a strain. "And there's scratching on the neck," Bugs continued, just as Wakko began scratching their neck. "When we finally get to where we're going, everyone's a wreck!"

The three siblings leaned on the seat tiredly, while Daffy looked just as stressed as Bugs usually feels on the road trips, while Bugs was for once, at relative ease.

"Yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak!" The kids screamed, as the road over hills.

It split three ways.

"I'm mad, I'm mad!" Dot said, arms crossed, talking over Wakko. "I'm really, really, really mad!"
Wakko had their fists to their cheeks, and elbows on their knees.
"Are we there yet?" They asked again.

Yakko had his cheek on his fist, and elbow on his knee.

I'm tired," they stretched, "I'm hungry," they rubbed their stomach, "how far?" They looked out.
She pointed to Yakko, going through the split. "You poked me with your elbow in my side!"

Yakko recoiled in shock, then glared, his ears going into Dot's side, "no I didn't!"

My nose is snotty," they said, wiping their noses.

Bugs appeared under them, and wiped their nose.

"Thanks Poppa!" They grimaced.
Then, they kicked their leg up, holding it, "need to move my body!"
"Yes you did!" Dot said, waving her hands, "you did!" She held her chest. "And, I'm just a little kid!"
"Gotta use the potty!" Wakko called.

Yakko looked at her in shock.

Bugs said, looking to Daffy, "better stop the car."

Suddenly Daffy appeared in the middle, "will both of you be quiet, 'cause we're driving in a car!"

They could hear music, like that of a circus, which promptly made the kids quiet. Suddenly, the looked out of the window. First Yakko, then Dot, then Wakko, their eyes slowly growing in amazement, smiles stretching, and Wakko's eyes swirled, there was rides, and tents and animals...

Suddenly, the car stopped.

"We're here, we're here!" Daffy said, desperate, "doesn't anybody want to give a cheer?" He asked, looking to them all.

Bugs let out a "woo!", and grinned at Daffy.

Yakko pressed his finger to the glass, "you mean this is where we're all gonna spend the day?"

Daffy stuck his head out of the window, and Bugs stuck his out over Daffy's, resting his chin on the ducks head.

"At the circus?!" Smiled Dot.

Wakko's tongue was out, and poked the glass, "hey, guys, look! They got rides!"

Daffy grinned, shrugging, "now you're satisfied?"

They all nodded in delight.

"Alright, everyone inside! And let's have some fun, okay?"

The three jumped out and cheered, they rushed around, hands up, and rushing in, with Bugs and Daffy getting out and holding hands, rushing after them.

"Good luck on the drive back," grinned Bugs.

Daffy let out a huff, "you'll see, they'll be angels when we leave!"

"Sure," Bugs scoffed. The Warner Brothers and Warner Sister angels? Yeah right!

The sun was setting, it was getting darker out, the sky an orange hue, and the kids skipped down the car park.

Wakko held an orange balloon, Yakko held a popcorn bucket and drink, and Dot held popcorn and a teddy. Bugs was behind them, holding cotton candy, while Daffy held a duck Bugs had won him.

"I'm glad, I'm glad, what a really great time we had!" Grinned Dot, looking to a smiling Yakko. "Did you see those lions and those tigers? Weren't they neat?"

"Are you happy now?" Asked Daffy with a knowing look.

"We are; thanks a lot," smiled Dot, and waved a hand. "I'm sorry that we fought, from now on I'll get along!"

"That's alright, Dot; I was wrong," assured Yakko, nodding, hand on his chest.

"Ah that's nice," relaxed Daffy, shooting Bugs a smug look.

Bugs was already counting down the seconds until the next fight, "now come along, let's all get in the car." He pulled open the door for the kids.

Wakko was the first in, and gripped his balloon tighter with a smile.

Yakko bowed to Dot, and held his arm out, gesturing for her to go first.

Dot smiled, and waved her hand, "you can take the seat you like, you're always so gallant!"

"Ah, thank you, Dot, but ladies first," Yakko smiled, gesturing.

Dot did ballet, tip toes, jumping into the car.

"You take the seat you want!" Yakko followed a second later.

"Everybody's happy now," Daffy said, as he climbed into the car, fixing the mirror, and fastening in.

Bugs got in next with a smile.

"We've had a real good day, and now it's time to go back home!" Daffy pushed the gear stick, "so let's be on our way!"

The drove off. It was silent, the sun setting. When suddenly, from the car came a voice.

"You hit me," it was Dot.

"No I didn't," that was Yakko.

"Yes you did. Stop it!"

"No, you stop it!"

The car swerved suddenly.

"Move your leg!"

"No, you move your leg!"

The car swerved again.

"You started it!"

"No I didn't, you did!"

It swerved again.

"No I didn't, you did!"

"So what?"

"You always start it!"

"Don't you cross that line!"

The car swerved again.

"You're not the boss of me!"

"This is where the line is, right here!"

"I told you they'd fight again, doc..."

"Oh yeah? Since when? Get out of my face! I'm the boss here!"

"Dadoo! Poppa, she started it!"

"I did say they would, love cup..."

"Youuu're deththpicable!"

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