COTE: Reincarnated as Kiyotak...

By HyperSecure123

221K 6.5K 1.3K

A normal girl dies due to Truck-sama, and gets reincarnated into the Classroom Of The Elite universe. Unfort... More

Entering the School
Last Concert
A normal day in the life of Ayanokoji Kiyotaka
Class A leadership
A normal day in the life of our MC
Class Transfer
Killing Everyone in Class D
Class Positions
Trouble- 1
Lemon Ice Cream
Extra Chapter 1: Reactions 1
Not a chapter
Acquiring Tool 1: Kushida (Prologue)
A Strange Precognition
Kushida's Monologue
Class B's downfall-1
First blow on Class B
YamaGod of Class A Arrives
Promotion: I have become Villainess's Dad
Start of Island Exam
Kiyo taking charge.


16K 488 207
By HyperSecure123

Kiyotaka's PoV

Is the society really equal?
(Imma skip this stuff)

Currently, I am heading towards our first school, Advanced Nurturing High School in our limo.

When I said our, I meant me and my girlfriend, Fukubi Sakura.

It's been about an year since we left that place, White Room. But it is now neither White nor Room. As Sakura burned down the whole facility while we were escaping.

My father was also burnt alive. I thanked Sakura several times for that. As a gift, she asked me to give half of the assets and money that I was going to inherit from my father to her.

That man was really rich, giving away half of his money meant nothing. And I think she should have atleast that much since she contributed so much to the society. We are going to be married anyway.

Though the legal procedures were a pain, we were able to get that man's money and assets.

We have only each other for nearly 7 years. In our generation of White Room, the two of us were the only ones left in the end. With no one else to interact to, Sakura was slowly losing her sanity.

Even though I was indifferent to everyone who died along the way, I didn't want to be left alone in that hell. And she was the only one who came close to my level.

To save her, I told her a lie. It was a gamble. I was aware that it may cost her life because that man deemed it unnecessary for me. But if I didn't do anything, she may as well have gone crazy and disposed off.

'I love you.'

These three words kept her from losing it. She knew that I didn't mean it, but it was the only thing she could cling to.

She became completely obsessed with me. I became her whole world and her will to live through that hell skyrocketed. And I acquired an invaluable tool.

Of course that man didn't like it for some reason and increased Sakura's training. Acting, singing, dancing, assassination, and many more things got added to her course only.

She would go on rampage occassionally by beating up her instructors, occassionally killing them. But that man didn't pay any mind and continued torturing her.

'Kiyotaka, she will be your perfect tool in ruling Japan. I am making her perfect for you. Use her well.'
These were the words that man said to me one time.

I had no intention of going along with his wishes to rule Japan or whatever, but it was true that she has become an invaluable tool for me.

She was taken outside and adopted on paper by some powerful politician. Her image was being created as a genius actress, musician and dancer. She was trained to control the hearts of the people. Even I would have broken by the amount of training she was being going through. She was worked almost twice or thrice as me. But she held her obsession towards me as a way to go through the life.

She came to train and compete with me 2 or 3 times a week. I also wanted to go to the outside world with her.

'Kiyo, I finally remember! I always had strange dreams of previous life, but I finally got my whole memories back! I am a reincarnated person! And I read a novel with you as the protagonist!'

She once said that to me when we went to US to showcase our progress to the investors. Of course, I didn't believe her one bit. She was already half-crazy.

When I just became 15, she said to me.
'Kiyo! I am going to give you the best birthday gift ever!'
Birthday? Do people give gifts on birthdays?

She grabbed my hand and we sneaked out of the facility, Sakura killing everyone on our path with the guns she somehow got and managed to enter with.

'Kiyo! Do you want to see fireworks?'
'What's that?'

She innocently smiled and pulled some remote's button. The facility we were in blew up with a boom. That man was inside the facility.

After blowing up White Room, she smiled with stars in her eyes, like she didn't just kill hundreds of people in a terrorist kind of way. Of course the facility in itself was a terrorist like organisation.

That day, I felt scared for the first time in my life and saw her as a person rather than a tool. Because who knows, she may be pissed and kill me in the same way?

As a return gift, she asked me headpats and half of the money and assets that man had. Of course I complied. Not knowing what refusing may end up in.

She somehow assassinated her adopted parents and got their property, and framed the man backing my father.

She is a true assassin. She relentlessly killed all of her instructors, even her assassin instructor. She killed a fifth generation kid named Takuya because he had ill intention towards me. She took in other White Room kids who worshipped her for freeing them from hell and disposed the ones who were jealous or hated me.

You know, she scares me sometimes. But all boyfriends are scared of their girlfriends, right? And even though our situation maybe a little crazy to others, we are known as masterpiece couple for nothing.

In the end, am I even able to use her? Yes. But I have to pay the price like satisfy that beast in bed and give her headpats time to time.

All according to the plan.

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