By harwin-strong

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❝i'm merely protecting my family. both wolves and dragons.❞ [HOUSE OF THE DRAGON AU] [NON-CANON COMPLIANT] More

a song of ice and fire: intro


2.2K 80 2
By harwin-strong


"Introducing, Lord Cregan Stark! Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North!"

As the North men and women dismounted their rides, the Targaryen-Velaryon pack stood regally. They were all in a mixture of Targaryen red and black, as well as Velaryon blue. Rhaenyra and Jalyssa wore pitch black dresses, with accents of red decorating the elder's dress and grey the younger. Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffery matched their father with Velaryon blue and Daemon, little Aegon and Viserys wore Targaryen red proudly.

Lord Cregan Stark cut an imposing figure. He was a strong young man, black stubble already adorning his face. His stormy grey eyes seemed to stare into a persons soul. He had the ancestral sword, Ice, at his side as he wore his family's crest in his armors.

Stopping a good five feat before the royals, Lord Cregan gave a respectful bow, his people following suit. "Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen."

"Lord Cregan Stark," Rhaenyra greets back, giving the Warden of the North a deep nod of her own. "It is a pleasure to house you and your peoples, I hope your stay is a comfortable one."

"Thank you, Princess."

Lord Cregan then turns to the rest of the royals and gives them respectful nods. "Princes, Princess."

"Hello, Lord Cregan. How were your travels?" Jalyssa asks, taking the initiative. Cregan's lips twitch in amusement, but he answers in kind.

"They went well, I thank the Princess for her concern." Their gazes stay locked for a moment, before it is broken by Daemon.

"Come, let us let our guests settle. There is a feast waiting for them, lots of good food and wine."

Cregan chuckles slightly at that but nods his agreement. "My thanks, Prince Daemon. It has been a long journey, and my people are certainly... hungry!"

"We fucking are!"

Jalyssa lets out a delighted laugh. The North will always be the North, no matter where they are. Cregan's eyes veer to her once more, a small smirk on his face. "I do hope the wine is to your tastes, surely far sweeter than whatever you deem acceptable."

The people behind Cregan chuckle in amusement, knowing their wine and ale have a reputation. A group of servants guide the guests to their assigned living quarters, leaving the royal family alone once more. Jalyssa's eyes follow the retreating form of Cregan, only to snap her gaze back to her family when her twin lets out a huff of indignation. She gives him an apologetic smile then turns to her mother. "Shall we?"


The room had a happy ambiance, laughter and music ringing about. The Targaryen-Velaryon clan are seated in one table, with Lord Cregan as a guest of honor. The rest of their guests are further from them, intermingling amongst themselves.

Jalyssa and Lucerys are engaged in conversation, the elder telling her brother more stories about her adventures in Winterfell. Lucerys listens with rapt attention, voicing his reaction at the appropriate times. Jacaerys and Daemon seem to be arguing about something, causing Laenor to laugh. Joffery is entertaining his younger siblings. That leaves Cregan and Rhaenyra, both of whom are staring at Jalyssa. Rhaenyra then turned to the Northern Lord, clearing her throat to get his attention.

"Yes, your Grace?"

"I must inquire fully about the nature of your visit, Lord Cregan. Not that I am not happy to host you, gods know Dragonstone could sometimes use more visitors. My daughter mentioned a... proposal, of sorts?"

Cregan lets out a small chuckle, turning his attention fully on Rhaenyra. "I'm sure of what your daughter has alluded to, and I must confirm it. I come seeking approval for our betrothal. I've taken the initiative in gifting her a courting gift, though it shall still be considered a gift shall our betrothal be rejected."

A pause.

"Surely I won't have to mention the merits such union will have for both our houses, your Grace?"

He doesn't. Rhaenyra knows that with Jalyssa as the Lady of Winterfell, the North will back her claim to the throne tenfold when the time comes. She knows that a lot of the Lords have been doubting her, and she was slowly making allies, but not enough for her liking. With the North on her side, other Lords would be more inclined to support her, not wanting to risk the wrath of the North. Not to mention, her daughter seems to hold the Lord Cregan dear to her heart, and her in his as well. That is more than she could ask for.

"Very well," Rhaenyra starts, "I approve of this betrothal. Break fast with us tomorrow, Lord Cregan, and I shall have a written contract ready to be signed."

Cregan gives Rhaenyra a deep nod before standing up. He walks towards Jalyssa and offers her a hand. "May I have this dance, Princess?"

Jalyssa raises a brow, lips pursed in amusement before relenting. "You flatter me, my Lord." She places her hand in his and follows the Stark to the middle of the floor, where the spectators whoop in joy. As the music turns more lively, the Lord and the Princess dance accordingly, gazes only for each other.

"Huff once more and you will put even the great Balerion to shame, boy," Daemon says to Jacaerys, who was looking at the scene with a stormy expression. That causes Laenor to let out a choked laugh, causing Rhaenyra to look at them questionly. Lucerys giggles as his brother blushes deeply.

"Whatever," Jacaerys mumbled, glaring at this goblet of wine. Lucerys and Laenor let out twin cackles and Daemon smirks in amusement, shaking his head as Rhaenyra once more gives them a questioning look.


As the night ended, guests and royals alike trickled back to their rooms. Jalyssa walked outside, with Lord Cregan trailing after her. The Velaryon Princess had required his presence, eager to show him something.

That something was in the shape of the Bronze Fury, who stared at the newcomers with intelligent molten eyes. "Hey, boy." Vermithor let out a pleased huff as Jalyssa rubbed at his snout, the air blowing at her hair.

"Get closer," She said, motioning for Cregan to walk towards her. The Lord obliges, cautiously walking up to them. Jalyssa takes his hand and gently places it on Vermithor's snout. The young Lord was in awe of the beast, always hearing stories of dragons well in his childhood but never meeting them in such a close distance.

"Lykiri, Vermithor. valzȳrys. Ñuha valzȳrys."

It wasn't exactly true, but there was no clear word for betrothed in High Valyrian, so husband would have to make due. The beast huffed again and nosed at Cregan's hand, urging the Lord to pet him. Jalyssa let out a small laugh. "He likes you." Vermithor then shifted to his side so the two could mount him.

"Come," says Jalyssa, "he isn't fitted with a saddle, so you will have to sit behind me and grab onto me. Wouldn't want you to fall and I be blamed for the Lord of Winterfell's death."

Cregan huffs in amusement but does as he is told, gripping tightly onto his new betrothed as they took the skies.


Once they're comfortably in the skies, with Vermithor doing lazy circles around Dragonstone, Cregan shares what has been on his mind ever since he arrived.

"It is good to see you happy with your family, Princess," he says into Jalyssa's hair. "I must admit, your brother doesn't seem to like me very much. If looks could kill, I'd be dead twice over."

"Jacaerys is... It's complicated."

"Doesn't seem complicated to me. I know what a man smitten with a lady looks like, I look at his face in the mirror every once in a while."

Jalyssa huffs out a laugh. "Jacaerys needs to know duty. He is to be Heir to the throne once mother inherits it, he must make a suitable match. Two Strong bastards cannot seat the throne without the people rebelling."

"Mm," Cregan starts, "perhaps we can come to an agreement of sorts."

"Let's get married first, we'll talk about agreements later," Jalyssa murmurs, turning her head to give Cregan a kiss on the cheek before directing Vermithor to land.

was able to write chapter fifteen of this story so i decided to post <3 updates will slow down after this, i think. we'll see.

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