World's Apart (Tokyo Revenger...

By SeenaJ

767K 25.8K 11.5K

(Y/n) is apart of the Umbrella Academy. Born with the same ability as Allison Hargreeves, she is accidentally... More

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Bonten Arc Part 2 🎴
Bonten Arc Part 3 🎴
Bonten Arc Part 4 🎴
Bonten Arc Part 5 🎴
Bonten Arc Part 6 🎴
Bonten Arc Part 7 🎴
Bonten Arc Part 8 🎴
Bonten Arc Part 9 🎴
Bonten Arc Part 10 🎴
Bonten Arc Part 11 🎴
Bonten Arc Part 12 🎴
Bonten Arc Part 13 🎴
Bonten Arc Part 14 🎴
Bonten Arc Part 15 🎴
Bonten Arc Part 16 (Final) 🎴
Kantou Manji Arc Part 1
Kantou Manji Arc Part 2
Kantou Manji Arc Part 3
Kantou Manji Arc Part 4
Kantou Manji Arc Part 5
Kantou Manji Arc Part 6
Kantou Manji Arc Part 7
Kantou Manji Arc Part 8
Kantou Manji Arc Part 9
Kantou Manji Arc Part 10
Kantou Manji Arc Part 11
Kantou Manji Arc Part 12
Kantou Manji Arc Part 13
Kantou Manji Arc Part 14
Kantou Manji Arc Part 15 (Final + Epilogue)
Mikey Ending
Draken Ending
Baji Ending
Kazutora Ending
Mitsuya Ending
Chifuyu Ending
Izana Ending
Kakucho Ending
Ran Ending
Rindou Ending
Kokonoi Ending
Sanzu Ending
Hanma Ending
Wakasa Ending
Shinichiro Ending
Taiju Ending
Extra 1
Extra 2
Extra 3
Extra 4
Extra 5
Extra 6
Bonten Extra 2
Extra 7
Extra 8
Author Note
Bonten Arc News

Bonten Extra 1

3.8K 83 39
By SeenaJ

"I don't like this." Rindou continuously shook his head in disapproval. "Is she fucking insane? She could get hurt!"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes at the younger Haitani's complains through her ear-microphone. She was heading into the interrogation room to find out information from Bonten's enemies. She was going solo of course, not after making them agree to do it in the first place.

Ever since she was 'kidnapped' Mikey nor the others have ever let her do anything strenuous or dangerous. In fact, they preferred to keep her in their penthouse where they can see her monotone and blank face staring right back at them before she demanded to leave and do something. They just ignored her and peppered her with kisses...which she shoved their faces away.

"I could hear you, ya know." The (h/c)-ette piped in, exasperatedly sighing, "I'm not as weak as you portray me as."

"I didn't say you were," The younger Haitani sighed, "I just don't want to see you get hurt if he breaks out of his restraints—which I highly doubt—and attack you!"

Sanzu scoffed, eyeing him distastefully, "are you saying my specially made handcuffs are breakable?!" An irk mark appeared on his head, "I had it built for torture alone!!"

Mikey silenced them with a look immediately, eyes narrowing dangerously, "shut the fuck up, bastards." He threatened.

Sanzu instantly straightened up while the other guys—minus kakucho—rolled their eyes at the pinkette's sudden obedience.

The Bonten boys turned back to the cameras where (y/n) now entered the room.

The (h/c)-ette blinked at the sight of a chained up man all bloodied up and half-dead. She remained quiet when he suddenly bust out laughing, "so this is what the great Bonten resorts to? A whore? What're you gonna do? Suck my dick?! Ha! Even then I wouldn't tell you shit!" He spat.

In the control room where Mikey and the other executives were, their faces held thunderous expressions as the urge to mutilate the guy was itching at their chest.

How dare this filth speak to her in such a disgusting way. It was unacceptable! "Can I fucking kill him?!" Sanzu spoke with gritted teeth.

"Go ahead, we'll be right behind you." Kakucho growled out, his protective instinct for the girl coming out.

"As long as I get to bash his face in first." Ran reached for his baton, the cold metal grazing his finger tips.

Before Mikey can utter a command, the men heard (y/n) mumble something inaudibly. Their brows furrowed in confusion and mild shock when the man started telling her everything that they needed to know.

"Wha..? What the fuck just happened!?" Rindou clicked his tongue in confusion, peering at the monitors to see if he missed something.

"Didn't he say he wasn't gonna tell her anything? Did his heart suddenly change or what?" Takeomi scratched his head with mild confusion.

Mikey and the others were so caught up with trying to figure out what just transpired in those five seconds till the door opened, revealing the (h/c)-ette with a smile, "satisfied?"

"Um...babe, that's great and all, but how the fuck did you convince him to tell you?" Kokonoi scratched his head in confusion.

Mikey and the executives watched in silence as (y/n) put a finger to her lips, "it's just a rumor." She smirked, causing their hearts to thump at the look she was giving them. Holy fuck!


(Y/n) laid limp on Kakucho's bare chest. The male was resting on the couch with the girl while the others were discussing their meeting in the living room, taking advantage of the (h/c)-ette being there so they can ask for advice if they need any.

The girl's eyes were weary and occasionally blinking as she snuggled closer to her lover. She closed her eyes when she felt a big hand rub her back, "you okay, baby?"

"mmm." She answered with a hum. He pecked her head gently.

Before any of the men said anything else, their door to the penthouse they were currently occupying was slammed open and a blonde woman with provocative clothing and an arrogant attitude waltzed in, "Mikey, baby! I missed you!!!" She whined obnoxiously.

Mikey didn't even know who she was, so he simply ignored her. She must have confused him with someone else.

Sanzu scowled at her, standing up with one hand on his hip, "chlowe? (Sh—lo—ee) What the hell are you doing barging in here!? Didn't we tell you to scram?"

The blonde woman rolled her eyes but kept her flirty attitude, "It's Chloe, baby." She paused when her eyes caught sight of (h/c) hair and a feminine body laying on Kakucho's muscular chest, "Um, who's this?!" She pointed at (y/n), who blinked in her direction.

"Tch, disrespectful bitch," Rindou scoffed under his breath, "this is our lover, idiot." He insulted the busty blonde.

Chloe had an offensive look on her face, "excuse me?! Lover?! Since when?! You can't be serious! Ran, baby?"

The older haitani rolled his eyes, rolling his sleeves up so it exposed his forearms, "don't call me that ridiculous nickname, it's disgusting, and since you need someone to clarify for you again...(y/n) is our lover." He stated with narrowed eyes.

"(Y/n)?" Chloe spat her name with venom and hatred, her eyes glaring daggers at the (h/c)-ette. She was supposed to be their lover! She was supposed to live a lavish lifestyle and enjoy all the great sex the bonten men can give her. Now it's all ruined because of this bitch!

"Oi," The sound of gun cocking was heard, "I suggest you move your eyes from our queen before I resort to other means." Sanzu threatened, seeing the look of hatred in Chloe's eyes. He does not forgive anyone who looks at (y/n) with disrespect lest they be killed.

"Mochi." Mikey simply called out. The buff man nodded with serious eyes and in an instant, Chloe was grabbed by her arm and dragged out the penthouse with her kicking and screaming. They'll make sure to end her life soon.

Kokonoi took hold of (y/n)'s hand, kneeling beside the large sofa to look into her soft eyes, kissing the palm, "sorry, baby. We didn't know this would happen." He says.

(Y/n) chuckled, holding his hand reassuringly, "it's okay, koko, I'm not mad at all. Besides, I can handle myself if she ever does something."

Takeomi sighed, "see? Your girl got everything under control." He chuckled lightly, smoking a cigarette.


A/n: This will be before Takemichi time-leaped which means (Y/n) has already given birth to her first child!

Wails. High-pitched wails could be heard in the penthouse of Bonten and the men who were present in their bedrooms trying to catch some sleep for work tomorrow were sighing almost in sync. It was the nth time Mariko has cried.

Koko, the long white haired male, yawned into the palm of his hand as he sat up on the bed he was sharing with his fiancée, watching as the (h/c)-ette patted and rubbed their daughter's small back. He glanced at the clock, blinking wearily. It was three AM. "Baby, why don't you rest? You're still healing from labor pains." His sultry voice was husky from sleep. "I'll take care of Mari."

(Y/n) glanced at him worriedly, "are you sure?" He nodded, getting up from the bed and approaching his two most precious girls. His lean yet strong upper body was exposed as he reached his arms to take his little princess, caressing her head as she continued to wail, "shh, baby." He cooed in her ear.

The door to their bedroom was soon opened was the other Bonten members including Mikey piled in the room with their pajama pants and messy hairs. They were enamored by the baby and very protective. Koko's baby was also their child too!

This was a routine that happened almost anytime the baby would cry or just in general. The Bonten men would come in a circle arguing about who gets to take turns spending time with Mari until Koko, being the father, would roll his eyes and grab his child and walk away while muttering 'nobody is spending time with my princess but me!'

"Mari's crying?" Entering the bedroom, Mikey mindlessly approached them, looking at the wailing infant who soon begun to quiet down at the sight of her father figures. His obsidian eyes softened that the men present in the room barely caught it.

It surprised them how much their boss has changed now that a new member, a new light, has arrived in the family. The others couldn't blame him, they too felt the same.

(Y/n) sighed, wincing as she slowly sat on the bed, her body heavy and tired, "not anymore, apparently." Mari has completely stopped crying now and instead was biting her fist. She was a month old now.

Ran cooed at the (h/c)-ette, coming to gently pull her into his chest as he rubbed his big hand on her back, kissing her lips sweetly and murmuring against them, "baby, relax. We got this." He reassured. He meant, he and the others will take care of everything while she recovers from labor and childbirth.

The Bonten members gazed lovingly at their fiancée as she slowly fluttered her eyes shut from exhaustion, falling asleep on Ran's chest while the male held her protectively all while soothing her aching body.

It was funny to see them acting this way considering they were dangerous criminals who didn't give a damn about anyone but themselves.

"Our poor baby." Rindou cooed, rubbing her legs comfortingly. The others nodded in agreement. "Remember when we thought she was gonna die because she wouldn't stop bleeding so much from down there? Turns out, it was completely normal!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah! I never seen so much blood in my life." Sanzu held wide eyes as he recalled that traumatic event. Kokonoi rolled his eyes at the pinkette.

"I'm just happy (y/n) is slowly recovering. I don't think I want another child after seeing that." Koko murmured in exasperation.

For now, Mikey and the others decided to hold back on impregnating her for a second time till she fully recovered or she feels like it. No pressure. (Y/n)'s health comes first.


Three Years Later...

"Clean my room!!!!" A high pitched voice belonging to Rindou's child screamed, the little girl glaring at her father.

Silence ensued. The bonten men stared at the child with raised brows. The younger Haitani stood up, his face stern and with a frown, "don't be a spoiled brat, Sheila. Your mother is tired and I'm busy with work. It is your responsibility to clean up after yourself. We taught you a week ago."

The stern route did not go as planned. Sheila threw a children's book at her father—which landed on his Louis Vuitton shoes—her pout growing.

Kokonoi lowly whistled, exchanging glances with the men, "is it wrong to say I'm glad (y/n) didn't spoil the rest of our children?"

"What the fuck are you talking about? You're the one that wanted to spoil your daughter with all the riches in the world and she's barely five! Luckily we have our beautiful wife to keep us on our toes!" Sanzu berated, scoffing at the money-maker.

Kokonoi chuckled nervously. The pinkette was right. Each of them wanted to spoil their kid but (y/n) didn't allow them to.

Rindou begun to regret secretly spoiling their daughter cause now he has to deal with this little headache. Sigh. "Sheil... Clean your room, now!" He rose his voice, glaring at her.

The guys, including Mikey, flinched when the small blonde's eyes begun to water and her lips trembled. *sniffle*

"Uh oh." Ran covered his mouth with a hand.

"No, no, no, no! Don't cry! Please! You're mother will kill me!!" Rindou began to beg his daughter and cringed when she suddenly let out a loud wail, tears streaming down her pink face.

"WAH!!!!! Mommy!!!"

Footsteps were instantly heard rushing from the hallway and a flash of (h/c) hair appeared, "what happened?" The girl looked around in confusion, seeing her and Rindou's daughter sobbing her little heart out, causing her soften up. "Aww...what happened?" She reached the Bonten men and picked up her daughter, patting her bum gently.

Five little heads popped out from behind the wall before small feet reached the commotion and the kids begun climbing onto their father's lap.

"Shiloh." Ran softened his eyes at his son, who had his lazy eyes, rubbing his head with his big hand. "Papa!" The small boy snuggled into his strong arms.

"Mari." Koko heaved a sigh, picking up his pouty daughter and running his slender fingers through her hair. "Pay attention to mommy." He instructed gently. She nodded wordlessly.

Kakucho held his son carefully in his arms, putting away the pen and anything sharp. "Sora, don't touch that." He lightly warned when he saw the small toddler reaching for Sanzu's katana that was peeking out from behind him.

"Juno," Sanzu grinned widely, "I hope daddy's girl didn't cause mommy too much problems, hm?" The small girl beamed back, replying with a no. She was a carbon copy of him.'

Mikey stared at his daughter, Kana, who silently returned it. The small baby girl giggled innocently as she reached to take her father's dorayaki. He smiled faintly, breaking a small piece and feeding it to her in small portions so she won't choke. His cute little family.

Meanwhile, (y/n) and Rindou were off to the side consoling their daughter, whose sobs died down. The younger Haitani caressed her small head, apologizing.

"Sorry, baby. But you won't learn responsibility if we continue to spoil you. You wanna be a big girl, right?" Sheila shyly nodded, sucking on her thumb, "then you gotta help momma and papa out, kay?"

(Y/n) sighed, kissing her daughter's head, "try not to be too harsh on her, she's a little sensitive." She told her husband.

"Aren't all kids are?" Rindou chuckled, wrapping an arm around her waist as the two look back where the others are, seeing the rarest sight of them playing with their children and laughing with them. It was a breathtaking view to witness firsthand.

Info on kids in order.

Kokonoi's child
—Mariko aka Mari
—4 years old

Ran and Rindou's child
—Shiloh (boy) fathered by Ran
— Sheila (girl) fathered by Rindou
—3 years old

Kakucho and Sanzu's child
—Sora (boy) fathered by Kakucho
—Juno (girl) fathered by Sanzu
—2 years old

—1 year old



Anyways, I need you all to answer. Do you want me to delete my previous Bonten extra chapter?



I'll decide based on the amount of decisions. You guys are so precious i hate to upset you over a chapter. So let me know.

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