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𝖫𝖺𝗌 𝗏𝖾𝗀𝖺𝗌, 𝗇𝖾𝗏𝖺𝖽𝖺

𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐒 𝐇𝐄 entered the shared apartment, his eyes roamed around as many flash backs came to him.

The place he once felt safe in was now nothing but serious trauma to him.

As his eyes roamed around his stomach turned bile, he slowly begun to walk past the kitchen remembering the exact events that had went down.

He slowly walked towards his room, he grasped the gold door handle before turning it.

He slowly pushed his door open peaking his head in, he seen that Nau'jour had cleaned up his room which caused him to smile a bit.

Thought there was a small reddish - brown stain on the floor beside his bed, a frown slowly appeared knowing that was from the night he was stabbed.

Sighing once more he continued to stalk towards his bed which was now covered in an all black comforter instead of his white one.

He sat softly onto his bed, leaning slightly, and hissing in pain over the stitches at the bottom of his stomach.

he paused bring his right hand towards his stomach to hold it lightly, he rubbed it a bit attempting to soothe the pain.

He sat like that for a few seconds before going back to take off of his shoes, he was originally supposed to be cater to at the moment.

But kentrell being kentrell, on his way home he cursed Nau'jour out telling him he didn't need to be babied.

So nau'jour was going to leave the male alone for the time being, he was still going to pop in and help him but only when he knew kentrell didn't know.

once kentrell had tooken his shoes off, he stood up from the bed once again walking towards the head of the bed.

He stretched a bit before pulling the black comforter back, he slowly leaned down trying to lay onto his bed.

The more he moved the more pain his body endured, he knew he said he didn't need help but he kinda did someone was there to help him.

Once he laid down onto his back, he pulled the comforter over his body feeling his body instantly begin to warm up.

He slightly moved over a bit in discomfort, not liking that he had to lay on his back due to doctors orders.

Which he didn't quite understand why it had to be his back, he understood the not laying on his stomach cause of the stitches but not being able to lay on his side.

He didn't quite understand it but he wasn't going to question if it was going to help him heal better.

After shuffling around a bit, he finally got into a comfortable position still laying on his back.

He turned his head towards his night stand seeing his remote sitting beside his phone which he hadn't had at all while at the hospital.

Slithering his arm from under the blanket, leaning a tad before grabbing his remote so he could watch some TV.

he slowly felt his eyes get heavy, which caused him to shut them.

probably was from all the medicine.


"𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐄 to the middle of the bed folks" kentrell heard someone mumble, he didn't know whom it was cause the talking was all muffled up.

He kept his eyes close not wanting anyone to know he was awake, he already knew everyone was about to bother him.

"and you need to leave but you don't hear me fuckin complaining" Nau'jour spoke with irritation laced in his voice.

"im not going no where lil' folks, I can't let shit happen to him again" The Chicago native muttered, leaning over the bed a bit.

"you think he want you here ? cause he don't, if any thing you finna stress him out more than he already is" Nau'jour replied, he was growing more agitated with the other male.

Dayvon stayed quiet deciding not to reply to nau'jour, he already had a lot going on and the last thing he wanted was for him to add onto it.

Dayvon slowly begun to scoot kentrell legs over a bit, he was attempting to slowly move the male to the middle.

Something about him being towards the edge of the bed was wrecking his nerves badly.

He slowly moved up, slowly moving Kentrell's upper body over to the middle of the bed.

Once he had Kentrell's body in the center, he grabbed the extra pillows that kentrell wasn't using beginning to move them around his body.

In this moment Kentrell had almost blew his cover as he felt a small smile grow on his face.

Though he wasn't the happiest with Dayvon in this moment, the way the taller was acting was so cute to him.

"i really am sorry trell, im not gon keep saying it though my actions are gonna speak for me" Dayvon muttered grabbing a few more pillows to put on the other side of kentrell.

"the shit i did was never meant to hurt you, i just let the drugs take my actions" Von continued to talk as Kentrell silently listened to him.

Dayvon paused his words for a minute, taking a seat at the very end of kentrell's bed.

He was almost off of the bed, he wanted to respect kentrell's wishes in a way so he wasn't going to be to close to him.

Nor was he going to touch him, he looked down at his sneakers as his eyes watered.

Though he was apologizing to kentrell, this was also helping him.

He had so badly needed to get this off of his chest and this had seemed like the perfect time for him to do so.

"Ima fix this for you and our son, i promise i hate that i even did this shit to you" Von muttered as tears slowly ran down his face.

The more he spoke the more it felt like a weight was being lifted off of his heart and shoulders.

"i don't want our son to grow up in an broken home, ima fix this i promise to you i am" Von ranted lowly.

"i promise to never let this shit happen again or anything close to this situation happen" Kentrell simply nodded which went unnoticed by Dayvon.

Kentrell could tell this was also taking a toll on Dayvon just as much as it was on him, in his mind he felt this should be a lesson towards Dayvon.

But not only a lesson to Dayvon, It was also a lesson to himself.

Dayvon stood up from the bed making his way over towards kentrell, which caused kentrell to shut his eyes fully.

"i promise ima change for you and my child, im not gon keep saying it ima just show it. I love you" he continued.

he placed a small kiss onto kentrell forehead before making his way out the room.

𝙛𝙚𝙬 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧
𝟷𝟷:𝟸𝟹 𝙰𝙼

𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 window as Dayvon pulled into the hospital parking lot.

Though kentrell was supposed to be ignoring Dayvon in this moment, he couldn't seem to bring himself to it.

That didn't mean that he was letting the male flirt with him, definitely not he shut it down every time Von would start.

He just simply needed Von's presence and comfort in this moment, he had been more sad than he had ever been.

He hadn't trust himself to be alone, so with nau'jour being extra busy with his photo shoots and promos he couldn't ask him.

Then Nardo was currently on his tour and he didn't want to stop the male from what he was doing, so he asked Dayvon to stay with him for a little bit until this would blow over.

Which Dayvon immediately agreed to, he was trying to prove himself to Kentrell and took this as the best opportunity.

He also had noticed Kentrell's behavior, it was odd and he hadn't liked it.

So Dayvon decided to bring kentrell up here, since he noticed the smaller had been feeling down these past few days.

He thought seeing there child would cheer kentrell up in many ways, definitely since every time kentrell saw the incubated child his face would light up.

Dayvon parked in an handicap spot before he quickly turned the engine off, Kentrell sighed as his eyes roamed around the establishment.

Dayvon looked over at the smaller, sighing as he felt nothing but sadness overshadow him.

He so badly hated seeing the smaller in this condition, the thought of him being in this position due to his actions sadden him.

Dayvon quickly opened up his door as he stepped out of the car, feeling the cold winter breeze instantly hit his skin.

He blew out a small breath before he shut the door behind himself, he walked over towards the passenger side before opening the door for kentrell.

Kentrell eyes darted up towards Dayvon, feeling the tears well up in his eyes.

Dayvon frowned at the smaller watching his eyes water, bending down into the car he unbuckled kentrell seatbelt for him.

He then grabbed Kentrell's hand helping the small male step from out of the car.

Though kentrell looked sad like he hadn't wanted to be here, he was bringing him knowing this was the only thing that could give him the least bit of joy.

he knew how much the baby meant to him, so he knew this would cheer the smaller male up in many ways.

Kentrell slowly stepped out of the car, wincing every now and then at the sharp pain from his stomach.

once out the car, him and Von looped their arms together before he shut the car door.

The two begun to make their way towards the hospital slowly, not wanting to move to fast since kentrell was still healing.

Once they made it towards the door, the two walked in letting the cold breeze instantly hit their faces.

"hold up" Dayon mumbled, slowly guided kentrell to the wall before letting go of him "hold onto the wall right quick pretty".

Kentrell nodded simply, leaning all his body onto the plaster wall watching as dayvon walked over towards the hospital wheel chairs.

He grabbed the wheel chair before fastly pushing it over towards kentrell, stopping right infront of the smaller male.

Kentrell sighed before taking a seat onto the wheel chair, hissing at the pain from his lower abdomen.

Von pushed the arm rest of the chair down so kentrell could sit back comfortably.

Once kentrell was seated comfortably, he begun to push kentrell up towards the receptionist desk.

"hi sweet pea" the short brownskin women spoke with an small teeth smile.

"hey we're here to see baby Bennett, he was recently moved to room 306" Dayvon spoke as he tilted over the desk a bit.

"first name?" the receptionist asked, as she typed the keyboard fastly.

"mines? or his" Dayvon questioned in a serious tone.

"the child's" she responded.

"he doesn't exactly have one yet, mine name is Dayvon Bennett though" he replied honestly.

Though the child was going on three weeks now they still had yet to give him a name. Kentrell had blocked dayvon and had him on the do not visit list.

So the two didn't have a way to contact each other, which is simply why the baby didn't have a first nor middle name.

At first kentrell was going to name him without any thought of asking Dayvon but he felt he was going to end up regretting it later on in the future.

So he just went against that, which was hard since Nau'jour told him every day that Dayvon didn't deserve the chance to have an input on the child's name.

But kentrell unfortunately felt he did.

"okay you are correct, i just need you two to sign this sheet and then I'll have a nurse send y'all back there" The receptionist spoke.

Dayvon simply nodded before grabbing the clip board from the small women.

The two signed it, then sat quietly for about ten minutes before a women came up there to get them.

"hey, Bennett? Correct?" She spoke softly, Dayvon nodded.

She hummed nodding her head looking over at kentrell whom head was down, she simply frowned.

She turned around beginning to walk towards the back, Dayvon started to push the wheel chair following right behind her.

The trio slowly made their way towards the elevator and with each step kentrell heart begun to race and pound even harder.

he was highly nervous, he was worried about something being wrong or something happening while they where here.

making it towards the elevator, the trio got onto it silently.

Halle pressed the third button before pressing the closed button, she was patient sometimes but this time she didn't feel the need to be.

The elevator begun to move, which caused kentrell heart drop.

"what if the baby grow up hating him?"

"what if this is all a act from Von and he end up leaving him to raise the child by himself?"

"is he going to be able to make it?"

many thoughts clouded his mind, he was so stuck in his thoughts he hadn't even noticed that they had made it to the nicu area.

"here we are" Halle mumbled lowly, with an small smile on her face.

She looked down at kentrell still seeing the smaller male head down, she felt terrible.

She knew this feelings was probably one of the worse feeling ever and she couldn't even imagine what was going through his mind.

They slowly walked into the room being met with a small incubator in the middle of room. Plenty of cords going into the incubator.

Kentrell lifted his head, instantly frowning at the sight. he hated it.

he wished that he could of held the child longer so this wouldn't have had happend.

Dayvon smiled at the sight, he wasn't the happiest about his child having to use an incubator but he decided to look at the bright side.

The child had made it two weeks, which was very rare for kids who would come out this early.

"I'll be at the desk if y'all need me" Halle spoke breaking the silence in the room, Dayvon nodded.

Dayvon slowly walked over towards the incubator, looking directly at his child, he couldn't see his eyes but the rest of his face looked exactly like him.

Which caused him to smile, he had his own little "mini me".

"you handsome already son" he mumbled, watching the smile slowly form onto his child's face.

"you look just like me, you gon be takin all the bitches" he continued to talk to the child.

kentrell sat quietly watching the interaction with a small smile on his face, he liked to see things like this.

it made him happy.

"c'mere kentrell" Dayvon muttered, his eyes fixating onto kentrell whom only sighed at the words.

Kentrell took a deep breath before pushing himself with all of his strength that he had.

Once he stood up he slowly made his way towards Dayvon side, once making it over towards there he looked down at the child.

An huge smile spreading across his face, the child did in fact look just like Dayvon unfortunately.

"hi damari" kentrell muttered lowly, rubbing the glass that was around the child.

"Damari?" Dayvon questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

Kentrell simply nodded at the male, Dayvon shrugged accepting it.

he liked the name so he didn't mind it, wasn't like he was going to be able to change kentrell's mind anyhow.

"damari dayvon Daquan Bennett" kentrell added still not taking his eyes off their child. Dayvon smiled ear to ear hearing that. 

the name was perfect.

ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀs ɴᴏᴛᴇ
how y'all feel bout this chapter lol ?
hope y'all enjoyed this 💙 . 
𝟲𝟬+ 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗻 𝘂𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲

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