From Knives to Pens

By ciara666

47.4K 1.4K 173

Willow is a seventeen year old girl who is struggling her way through life. Her Dad's accident sent her Mothe... More

From Knives to Pens - Chapter 1
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 2
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 3
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 4
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 5
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 6
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 7
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 8
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 9
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 11
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 12
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 13
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 14
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 15
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 16
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 17
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 18
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 19
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 20
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 21
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 22
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 23
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 24
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 25
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 26
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 27
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 28
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 29
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 30
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 31
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 32
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 33
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 34
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 35
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 36
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 37
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 38
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 39
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 40
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 41
From Knives to Pens - Chapter 42
Sequel Update!

From Knives to Pens - Chapter 10

1.4K 44 1
By ciara666

A/N: Here's the next chapter, it's a longish one so I hope it's ok. Please tell me if you find any mistakes or inaccuracies and please tell me your thoughts on what I've written, I would really appreciate it. :) I hope you enjoy reading it. Ciara x

Chapter 10 Andy’s POV:

I walk back to the tour bus in a complete daze. All I can think about is Willow, her smile, her laugh, her eyes.  I must look like a complete weirdo, walking down the street with such a big grin on my face.

I can’t wait to see her again. Just being in her presence makes me feel better and happier than I have felt since me and Juliet. For the first time in a while it doesn’t hurt when I think of Juliet. Maybe I’m getting over her better than I think I am.

When I get to the bus I hear the band laughing. I walk on board and see them all with beers in hand listening to something CC is saying. I open the fridge and get a beer out for myself. I take the top off and sit on the sofa next to Ashley. They’re so immersed in what CC’s saying I don’t think they have even noticed I’ve arrived.

I take a long swig of beer and take out my phone. I hover over Willow’s contact debating whether to call her or not. I just want to hear her voice and know that she’s ok and happy.

My phone’s taken from my hand before I can call her. I look over and see Ashley holding it, staring at the screen. He laughs and passes the phone to Jinxx who’s sat next to him and there begins the pass the phone game. I just sigh and take another gulp of beer, bracing myself for the teasing.

Once they’ve all viewed it I snatch the phone from Jake’s hands and shove it back in my pocket.

“So you’ve talked to her?” Ash says wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive way. “Get in there Andy!” Ashley punches my shoulder and I just ignore him. He doesn’t really see how a guy can be friends with a girl. It’s always got to be more with him. It’s useless trying to argue with him.

“Did you tell her about tomorrow?” Jinxx says, always the thoughtful one. I nod and elbow Ashley. He rubs his arm and sends a glare my way. I just laugh.

“Yeah I told her that I’ll meet her tomorrow but I didn’t tell her what we’re doing.” I say and smile. “I want it to be a surprise.”

Jinxx nods and smiles. I just hope she likes it.

After a while I begin to yawn. I gulp down the rest of my beer and stand up stretching my arms above my head.

“I’m going to bed. See you later.” I say as I leave the room. Ashley makes kissy noises as I leave the room and I just stick my tongue out childishly at him.

I strip down to my boxers and climb into bed. I lie there just thinking. I remember Willow’s laugh and the way her eyes glinted when she did. I smile at the thought.

I fall asleep with that image in my head.


 Willow’s pov:

I wake up at the sound of a knock on my door. I look at the time and see its half past seven. Oh shoot. I hastily get out of bed and make my way to the door. I open it slightly so I can see who is outside.

Mum stands there and she doesn’t look happy. Oh dear.

“I’ll be down in a minute I promise. I’m sorry I overslept.” I say and grimace. I’m so dead.

“I’ll talk to you when you’re ready.” She says tightly and walks away. I shut the door as soon as she starts retreating and rush to my wardrobe. I pull out a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I don’t even look to see what they are and just pull them on. I run from my room and down the stairs. I’m in such a rush that I run into Zack who’s at the bottom of the stairs. We crash to the floor and I yelp in pain as I fall onto my ribs.

“I’m so sorry Willow! I didn’t see you!” Zack apologises getting up from the floor. I push myself up onto my elbows and shake my head.

“Don’t worry Zack, it’s my fault. Just carry on with what you were doing.” I gasp out. Ow my ribs.  Zack looks worried but he carries on up the stairs.

I stand up and slowly make my way to the kitchen. Mum’s sat at the table with a cup of coffee. I go to the cupboard and get out a cup. I make myself a drink and make my way to the table.

I sit opposite Mum and for a minute we both drink in silence.

“Hadn’t you better be getting ready for school?” Mum asks.

When Andy said we would see each other today I didn’t think about school. I still can’t believe last night wasn’t a dream. It felt too good to be real. This is why I can’t miss out on any more time with Andy, he made me feel happy and I forgot everything. And soon he’ll be back in America and I won’t see him again.

I shake my head. “I don’t feel up to it.” I say, knowing it’s not a lie but not the full truth either.

“What’s wrong?” She asks looking slightly doubtful. I look down into my cup.

“My ribs are still sore.” I say. I see Mum nod out of the corner of my eye and I lift my head.

“I guess going to that concert didn’t help last night.” She mumbles. I nod although I don’t regret going to the concert in the slightest. It was the best night of my life.

“I think I’ll go back to bed.” I say and rise from the table. Mum nods and takes a sip of her coffee. I put my cup in the sink and leave the room.

I stop halfway to the stairs when I hear my name being called. Mum emerges from the kitchen. I turn fully to face her.

“I’ll be going out later job hunting so if you need anything you’ll have to do it yourself. Sorry.” Mum says and I nod. My head starts to spin with thoughts. Maybe I could meet Andy while she’s out.

I turn back around and head up the stairs. I stop at the door of Zack’s room and I knock.

“Come in.” His voice calls from within and I enter. I see him stuffing books into his backpack aggressively.

“Woah Zack! What’s wrong?” I say, concerned. I step closer to him. He looks up, still stuffing things into his bag.

“Nothing. I’m fine.” He says and looks back down. Satisfied that he’s packed everything, he zips up the bag and hoists it onto his shoulder.  He walks past me and out of the room.

“Zack!” I call after him and he stops to face me. “I’m not feeling great so I’m staying home today. Are you ok on your own?”

He looks worried but nods. My heart goes out to him and I feel so guilty. I hate myself for being so selfish. I watch as he walks down the stairs.

I make my way to my room and I lie on my bed. I look at my phone and see I have a new message. I take it from my bedside table and look at the message.

I’ll be at your house in an hour. If last night wasn’t the best night of your life then tonight will be! Be prepared! ;) Andy

I smile as I read it. Both nerves and excitement begin to swirl around my stomach. Then what he said really kicks in. I have an hour to get ready for a day with Andy Biersack! I jump off of my bed and look down at what I’m wearing. I’m wearing a pair of faded black jeans and an Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt. The shirt can stay but the jeans need changing. I grab my jeans from last night off the floor and pull them on.

Once happy with what I’m wearing, I apply eyeliner rather generously. I don’t try to hide the cuts; Andy knows they are there so there’s no point in hiding them. I quickly run a brush through my hair, not bothering to do anything fancy to it. Finally I pull on my knee high boots and wait.

I put one earphone in so I can listen to music and hear for the sound of Mum leaving. If she doesn’t leave in the next forty-five minutes I’m screwed.

About fifteen minutes before Andy’s supposed to be here, I hear the front door shut. I pull out my earphone and grab my phone and wallet (that is virtually free of money) from my bedside table. I leave the room with a final glance at my reflection. I look more like myself than I have done for a while and I smile at the thought.

I cautiously walk down the stairs, in case Mum has decided to stay home. When I see the house is Mum free like I hoped, I breathe a sigh of relief. I sit down on the sofa and nerves settle in my stomach.  I still have no idea what Andy has planned and I don’t know what to expect. I still can’t believe this is happening. Something good might actually be happening to me!

My hands toy with my shirt and my palms begin to sweat in nervousness. I should be excited rather than nervous!

It’s then I hear the knock at the door and my heart begins to pound. I look at the clock. He’s five minutes early. I get up from the sofa wiping my sweaty palms on my trousers. I open the door and see him standing there, minus the makeup. His hair is all over the place in its usual style. He’s wearing his ‘I am human let me live’ jeans and a ripped black top. My eyes eventually make their way up to his face and see him smiling. His blue eyes meet mine and my heart skips a beat.

Before I can register what’s happening he’s got me in a warm hug. My arms automatically go around him and my head to his shoulder. It fits perfectly. I smile at the thought.

“Good morning!” He says in a cheery voice once we’ve left the hug. I laugh and smile.

“You’re happy this morning!” I laugh, all nerves disappearing. He’s treating me like a good friend and I feel so at ease with him.

“Why wouldn’t I be? We have a great day ahead of us!” Andy says with a secretive smile. He grabs my hand and pulls me down the path. I laugh but pull back.

“I’ve got to grab some stuff before we go.” I say and head back to the house. He follows.

I lead the way through the living room and I see Andy’s eyes widen. Oh shoot. He’s probably noticing all the peeling paint and the tattered furniture. Our house is in a mess, as no one felt like tidying it since Dad. I guess I’m used to the dump that is my house, but to someone who has just entered it must look terrible. I wince, embarrassed.

“I’m sorry it’s horrible…Some stuff happened and it ended up looking like this…It didn’t used to be this way.”  I say feeling the urge to explain. I look down, not wanting to see the horror that is sure to be on his face.

I feel a warm, comforting hand on my shoulder and I look up. Andy looks sympathetic and this time I don’t lash out at him for it. I’m glad he understands.

“What happened?” He says softly, gently. My eyes don’t leave his.

“My Dad died.” I say a few tears coming to my eyes. It’s the first time I’ve said the words aloud. “He was on his way to work on his motorbike and a car collided with him. He landed on the pavement and broke his neck.”

Andy doesn’t say anything but he looks sad. I’m glad he doesn’t apologise or anything like people normally do, it’s not like it’s their fault Dad’s gone. He places his hand around my waist and pulls me into a hug. I place my head on his chest and close my eyes. A few stupid tears slip out. Andy’s hand strokes my hair in a soothing manner and I want things to stay like this forever. But they can’t.

I pull away. “I’ll just grab my things.” I say and wipe away the tears hoping he won’t notice. I look up and I can tell by the look on his face he saw them but he’s pretending he didn’t.

I walk up the stairs and hear him follow. Oh great. He’s going to see all the posters and think I’m a creep.

I walk along to my room and open the door. I step inside and see Andy come in behind me. I go to my wardrobe and pull out a hoodie and walk back to the door, wanting to be in this room for the least amount of time possible. I don’t hear him following so I turn around. I see him looking around my room studying my posters with a smile on his face. I just stand in the doorway watching him.

“Nice!” He says pointing at one of Black Veil Brides. He looks over at me and I blush. His smile grows bigger and he moves on to another poster.

“They’re great guys.” He says pointing at a poster of Avenged Sevenfold. “And I guess you like their music?”

He smiles at me and I nod. “I do too.” He says and walks over to me. I smile up at him liking the fact we share similar music tastes. I haven’t ever had anyone who I could talk to about music and it would be nice to be able to talk to someone who is just as passionate as I am about it.

Andy comes back to my side and I lead the way from the room. I turn to face him. “What exactly do you have planned for today?” I ask with a small smile on my face.

“Surprise.” He says secretively and winks. I laugh at him and continue making my way downstairs.

“Can’t I have a clue?” I whine playfully. I can’t believe me and Andy are acting so naturally around each other, we’ve barely spent any time together! It doesn’t feel weird though, it feels right.

“It involves me and you spending time together.” He says teasingly. My heart skips a beat at his words. It sounds so intimate but I know it’s not. He has a girlfriend. He’s only spending time with me to try to make me feel better about myself. It’s working, slowly.

I just roll my eyes at him. By now we’re at the front door. We leave the house and I lock the door behind us. He offers me his arm and I take it with a smile.

“Can’t I have a better clue?” I laugh. He looks down at me and shakes his head. He makes a ‘my lips are sealed’ motion. I laugh and he smiles.

After a minute of comfortable silence he speaks in that amazingly deep voice of his. “I’ll give you one clue…”I nod for him to go on smiling. “It’s going to be amazing.”

I sigh and he laughs loudly. I elbow him lightly.

“Ow.” He says putting on a fake injured face. I laugh.

“You deserve it! That wasn’t a clue!” I laugh harder. Being with Andy is amazing.

“It was!” He says, pouting.

“Nope, it wasn’t!” I shake my head, still laughing. “I’m owed one.”

“Come on that was a clue!” He says earnestly. I just shake my head. He groans which makes me laugh again. “I can’t give you a clue without giving it away!”

I sigh knowing he’s just trying to get out of it. We continue to walk in comfortable silence until Andy pulls me to a stop. I look up surprised and see him smiling his head off.

“Here we are.” He says. I look around and see we’re stood in a car park. What the hell? Andy’s idea of time together is spending time in a car park?

It’s then I notice the bus. My hand goes to my mouth and I gasp.

“What are you –“ I begin to say but Andy cuts me off.

“You’re coming to the show tonight with us!” He says looking excited. It’s infectious and I begin to get excited. Then realisation sets in. My excitement is instantly extinguished and instead disappointment and sadness sets in. Why can’t anything go right for a change?

“I can’t.” I say sadly looking into Andy’s eyes. Tears prick in my eyes. His smile falls and is replaced with sadness and disappointment, he moves to face me so his backs to the bus. He puts a hand on my shoulder.

“Why not?” He says sadly, his eyes searching my face. I can’t hold the tears back.

“My family… I can’t leave them… I’m sorry I wish I could. You don’t know how much I want this, it would be amazing and unbelievable. God I can’t believe this.” I choke out between sobs. I look away towards the bus and everything I want. I see Jake, Jinxx, Ashley and CC now emerging from the bus looking worried and this brings on more tears.

“Call your Mum, tell her you’ll be home tomorrow.” Andy says rubbing my arm soothingly. I wish I could but I know Mum won’t let me. This isn’t what my family needs right now. Mum’s only just started getting better; she can’t have me disappearing for a night.

 I shake my head, and wipe my eyes on the sleeve of my hoodie. “I can’t Andy, she needs me. I can’t disappear for a night.”

He runs a hand through his hair, looking around as if searching for an answer. “Is there any way you can?”

I think for a bit. Zack. I pull my phone from my pocket and quickly call his number. He picks up almost straight away.

“Willow?” He asks sounding worried.

“Hi Zack, can I ask you something? It’s urgent.” I say hurriedly and look up at Andy. I see him watching me anxiously. I look behind him and see the rest of Black Veil Brides making their way over to where me and Andy are standing.

“What’s wrong? You sound upset.” Zack asks.

“Nothing I’m fine. Can you stay with Mum tonight because I need to go somewhere?” I ask and I bite my lip. I see Ashley walking up to Andy and trying to talk to him but Andy keeps his eyes on me.

“Where are you going?” Zack asks suspiciously. “I thought you’re ill?”

“I’m feeling better.” I lie. I hate myself right now. I’m lying and hurting my family for selfish reasons.

“Where are you going?” He asks again. I think quickly.

“Out with some friends.” I say, knowing it’s not a lie but not the full truth either.

“I thought you didn’t have friends…” He says cautiously.

“I do now.” I say. My brothers too clever sometimes.

“Where are you going with them?” He asks suspiciously.

I sigh. “I’m not sure.” It’s the truth. I have no idea where the next show is. My eyes meet Andy’s. He looks worried.

“Willow… are you in trouble?” Now Zack sounds scared. Great.

“No! I’m fine!” I say trying to convince him with everything I have. I really need this to work.

“It sounds like you’re being forced into something! Who are your friends?” He sounds frantic.

“Zack stop with all the questions!” I say angrily. I wince knowing I’ve made it sound more suspicious.

“Willow whatever your friends,” He says the last word dubiously. “are trying to get you to do, don’t.”

“They aren’t making me do anything!” I all but shout at him. Andy starts to come closer, concerned, but I shake my head.

“Willow please just tell me the truth.”  Zack’s voice is quiet on the other end of the phone.

“Zack just promise me you’ll look after Mum tonight and I’ll tell you when I get back tomorrow.” I say gently, calming down slightly. The tears haven’t stopped flowing this whole phone call.

“Willow I worry about you.” Zack says and I know he’s getting upset.

“Shh. There’s no need to be worried, I’m fine. I just need to get out for a bit. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I reply, my voice clouded with tears.

“I love you, be safe.” Zack sounds choked and I know he’s unsure of what’s happening. I hate myself for treating him this way.

“And you. I love you Zack.” I say and end the call. I don’t look up for a moment but just stare at my phone, tears dripping from my chin. I lift my head when I feel myself being pulled into a hug. Knowing instantly who it is my arms loop around his back and my head goes to his shoulder where it fits perfectly.

“You’re coming?” He breathes into my ear. I nod my head. We stay in each other’s arms for longer than necessary and a cough breaks us up. I look up embarrassed and see Ashley trying to disguise his laughter behind his hand. Jake elbows him which makes his laughter come harder. He doesn’t even try to hide it.

“Let’s get going to London!” CC shouts and I smile. He smiles back and I instantly feel at ease with him. He comes over to me and loops his arms around my shoulders like a big brother would. My smile grows bigger.

“So Willow, I’m CC…” CC begins and he starts a whole welcome speech as he leads me onto the tour bus. I laugh at his comments as he shows me around the different areas; feeling excited about what the day has in store for me.

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