The Liberator Of Hell When Wo...

By LivingNomad41803

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With the realms of Earth, Heaven, and Hell with so many more in trouble an unlikely hero a human named mike w... More

Chapter 1 The Day That My Life Changed
chapter 2 waking up
chapter 3 saved by a demon
chapter 4 joining imp
chapter 5 finding my way back
chapter 6 the present
chapter 7 beowulf
chapter 8 loo loo land
chapter 9 spring broke
chapter 10 Saving a Hellhound's Life
chapter 11 Hell's Redemption Program
chapter 12 Promised Secrets
chapter 13 Girl Fight
chapter 14 Examination Day (Gone Wrong)
chapter 15 Cherubs
chapter 16 Deals to be made
chapter 17 A talk with the King
Chapter 18 Hanging Out with Friends Part 1
Chapter 19 Hanging Out with Friends Part 2
Chapter 20 Days to remember.
Chapter 21: Combing businesses
Chapter 22: Moving day
Chapter 23: Upgrades
Chapter 24: Camping
Chapter 25: Overlord party
Chapter 26: Unknown history
Chapter 27: Trouble
Chapter 28: Welcome to zoophobia
Chapter 29: The first day of school
Chapter 30: My pack
Chapter 31: Problem solving
Chapter 32: Strange connections
chapter 34 Blood Moon festival
chapter 35 Mike vs Zill
chapter 36 Silhouette
chapter 37 Mating season
chapter 38 Couples intimacy therapy
chapter 39 A night of being bad
chapter 40 Adding a V
chapter 41 Experiment day
chapter 42 Pirate adventure part 1
chapter 43 Pirate adventure part 2
chapter 44 Sick day
chapter 45 B-Day (🍋18+)
chapter 46 Helping Ms. Mayberry
chapter 47 Unknown feelings
chapter 48 Training + Beach = Love?
chapter 49 Ancient one
chapter 50 Stuck together
chapter 51 Helloween season
chapter 52 The harvest moon festival
chapter 53 How to train your demon
chapter 54 Going Greek part 1
chapter 55 Going Atlantic part 2
chapter 56 Going Norse part 3
chapter 57 Old Friends
chapter 58 Servant life
chapter 59 Demon hunting
chapter 60 Slander
chapter 61 Trouble in paradise
chapter 62 Lucifer being human
chapter 63 V's past
Chapter 64 C.H.E.R.U.B.S growing up part 1 (🍋18+)
Chapter 65 C.H.E.R.U.B.S growing up part 2

chapter 33 Mommy issues

676 29 1
By LivingNomad41803

Camilla was on her phone looking for ways to make some money while Mike, the girls, and the werewolves were doing their own thing. She turned off her phone and felt a bit frustrated.

Camilla: Why is it so hard to get a job?

Mike: Well there's many reasons but hey don't worry you will find one eventually just make sure its nothing like cleaning toilets (chuckles).

Camilla: Ha ha, very funny. (sighs) I wish I could find something.

Mike: Hey don't stress over it. Relax for a little bit, you're trying hard and your best.

Camilla: (Smiles softly) thanks.

Suddenly, everyone heard the door knock and seeing that she wasn't really doing anything, Camilla decided to answer it. She makes it to the door and opens it, revealing a tall and modest woman with long, flowing black hair and a slim red dress.

???: ah, if it isn't-

Camilla shuts the door and locks every lock on it. She goes back to the couch and pretends that nothing happened, completely ignoring the knocking and the confusion from the others.

Mike; uh cam who was it and why did you slam the door in their face?

Camilla: My mom and you don't need to know.

Mike: Well it would be nice to shed some light on that because right now I feel like a jerk for that happening.

Camilla: Don't be, she's a total bitch.

Octavia: Didn't she give birth to you?

Camilla: That's the only thing she has going for her.

Mike: ok but why is she a ... bitch?

Camilla: Oh where do I begin!?! She constantly tries to make me into a proper lady for literally no other reason than to have a kid AND YET every time when I bring a boyfriend home, especially at night, she is always there in her nighty and takes them from me to her bedroom!

Verosika: ... ok wow that is pretty bad.

Camilla: You don't know the half of it. She's a control freak, doesn't even know the meaning of boundaries, and thinks what I do is completely stupid and not something I should care about.

Mike: geez ... when was the last time you even talked with her?

Camilla: Uhhh about 6 years or so.

Octavia: That long!?! All by yourself?

Camilla: Preeeetty much yeah.

Mike: And she just shows up out of the blue, hmmm maybe she wants to make up and fix things.

Camilla: HA no. I don't know why she's here, but it can't be good.

Loona, Summers, and crymini's ears twitch from the constent knocking.

Loona: Well she's not going away it seems.

Mike: Look cam, maybe all we need to do is have a friendly chat with your mom, figure stuff out, then we can move on.

Camilla: Look, you don't-

Queen: Well whatever stops that knocking, we're doing it.

Camilla: What no!

Mike: Don't worry, Cam will figure this all out. So who is your mother? What's her name?

Camilla: ... Aphrodite.

Summer: ... as in, the greek goddess of love?

Mike: the aphrodite of beauty? Your a demi-god!?! Which one are you?

Camilla: (sighs) fertility. And it's not something I take with pride.

Mike: wow ok then will talk more on that later for now lets just talk with your mom.

Mike then got up but before he went to the door he went to verosika and whispered to her.

Mike: (whispered) vero if things go down south give us your best bitch face.

Verosika shifted her brow a bit but kept her normal expression. It seemed to do the tick well for mike, so he went and opened the door for Aphrodite. When she saw Mike, she smiled cutsly and moved her hips to show more of her curves.

Aphrodite: Why hello there~

He was not affected.

Mike: Uh hello mame, how may I help you?

Aphrodite: I'm here to see my daughter. (Pretends to be dumb) But she's a bit mad at me for some reason. Will you let me in? I'll repay you if you do~

Mike: Uh that won't be necessary but yes will let you in so we can talk.

When Mike turned around, Aphrodite squinted her eyes at him. Instead of taking the hint, she took the complete opposite train of thought.

Aphrodite: (In her head) So you must be a new boy shes with and it seems you're not so easly swayed. Hehe, good, makes it so much more satisfying when you finally crake~

Mike brought her to the living room, with Camilla choosing not to look at her.

Verosika: So your must be ... Aphrodite the goddess of love, Cam's mom?

Aphrodite: The one and only.

Verosika: Well, I'm the demoness of love.

Aphrodite: ... Well every Beatuful yin must have a darker yang.

Verosika: Ex-fucking-cuse me!?!

Mike: (nervous chuckle) Just kidding, she's just kidding vero. (whiperes to verosika) just play nice for now until we solve this and she gone. Good first impression are always important. (Out loud) Anyway, why don't we all sit and talk this whole thing out?

Aphrodite sat down next to Camilla, who still did not look at her. The whole situation felt awkward, with tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. Mike tried to break the tension by talking.

Mike: So aphrodite, why are you here to see cam?

Aphrodite: Aww, can't a mother just come visit her daughter?

Camilla: Cut the bullshit and just say it.

Aphrodite: Fine fine, I hate to admit it, but my time is growing short.

Zilla: What? I thought gods were immortal?

Aphrodite: From time, yes, and were not so easly killed. But my brother from down under told me my time is near and unavoidable, so I need ... a replacement.

Camilla: ... where are you going with this?

Aphrodite: Isn't it obvious? I want you to take my place.

Mike: Wait, you want cam to become the next goddesses of love, beauty and fertility?

Aphrodite: I do.

Camilla: ... You can't be serious. Why would you want me to be your replacement?

Aphrodite: Well, I need someone to be as beautiful and sexy as me and camilla, you fit that description to a T.

Camilla: You mean to tell me, after all this time, you came to me to ... be you?

Aphrodite: Hmm, that's a rather crude way of putting it.

Camilla: Well I'll put it in a simple way. No!

Mike: wo wo, hang on now cam before you make any decisions get all the information first of course its your choice but make sure there isn't anything important.

Camilla: Yeah, what's the catch?

Aphrodite: What catch can be so great that becoming a goddess seem unappealing?

Loona: Lack of humanity?

Summer: Responsibility?

Aphrodite: I can assure you all, the pros outweigh the cons.

Mike: Hang on, is there even something like she has to do to do this or well even prepare her to take your place?

Aphrodite: Well of course there are somethings. Looking the part, which isn't a problem for you dear. Learn some magic tricks. Cut ties with the human world.

Camilla: Wait what!?!

Aphrodite: well your gonna become a goddess, can't be distracted with human affairs.

Summer: Don't you and the other gods cause most of the tradies and other crap in greek stories?

Aphrodite: We were young then, now we relized how gods should handle there own problems and leave human conflict to humans alone.

Mike: ... okaaaayyyy then well camilia the choice is up to you and is there anything that you would like to say to your mom?

Camilla: ... You really think I would do this for ... you? All the shit you put me through, every single heart break you caused me, years of resentment and betrayal, you think that not only I would believe anything you have to say but give up everything to be just like you!?!

Aphrodite: And what would you be giving up exactly? A place you no longer own? A job that leaves a terrible reputation? A man of which you could have hundreds of? I'm just trying to help you.

Camilla: How ... do you know all that?

Aphrodite: I'm a goddess, knowing information comes easy to us.

Mike: (sighs) Alright. Well Aphrodite it sounds like she doesn't want to be your replacement and it doesn't sound like a good lifestyle for her. I'm sorry for that but we should try to resolve these problems.

Aphrodite: Oh we don't need to do that, those 'problems' are all small and meaningless stuff.

Mike: Why not because from what I heard it sounds like they needed to be addressed.

Loona: You know, for someone who knows everything, you seem pretty oblivious to what you've done.

Aphrodite: Uhhh well of course I know all that ... but umm, say it anyways.

Camilla: How about all those times you made me dress a certain way for my whole life.

Aphrodite: Oh come on, all mothers do that.

Camilla: Not when I'm a teenager.

Aphrodite: well even then thats rather sma-

Camilla: How about all those guys you took from me? Sleeping with my boyfriends seem small to you?

Aphrodite: In my defence, I always asked if you wanted to join.

The girls and mike all looked disgusted, mostly on how nonchalantly she brought that up.

Camilla: How do you not relize how fucking gross that is!?!

Aphrodite: Geez, this generation is so sensitive now.

Camilla: And that's another thing! You never cared about me, my feelings or anyone else's, only yourself! You constantly belittled me and made me feel like shit because you were embarreded of me! So-

Suddenly, she turned into a giant and rageful deer and looked ready to run over her mother. Everyone but Aphordite was surprised, mainly crymini.

Camilla: -FUCK OFF!

Mike then went to camillas side and started to strock the side of her neck to calm her down.

Mike: Easy cam deep breaths, deep breaths.

Camilla did as he said and she slowly turned back into her regular self. Aphrodite dropped her smile and seemed irritated.

Aphrodite: (sighs) you know hun, I really did try to be there for you and yet this is what I get. An ungrateful, meddled up, skank of a daughter that's too stupid to see the opprtunties I'm giving you. There are standards you need to meet in this world and you don't meet any of them. I mean have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately or have gone blind? Either way, with the way you are now, you'll never keep a man.

When aphrodite said that camellia had tears forming in her eyes and looked down to which mike didnt like what she was doing to to her so he thought of a way to rub it in her face.

Mike: Oh that's not true she actually has a boyfriend.

Aphrodite: Wha- who? Oh let me guess, its you?

Mike: uhh ... yes I'm her boyfriend.

The girls were all surprised to hear this, never seeing any hints or seggutions they liked each other, let alone dating. It's such a surprise that Camilla herself was surprised to hear it.

Camilla: wh-what?

Mike: (winks to cam and whispers) play along. (out loud) Oh cam that sense of humor of yours one of the many reasons I fell for you.

Camilla: Uh th-thanks babe.

Aphrodite: Is he really all that grand? Sure maybe for one night, but nothing more for beings like us. Besides, men like him are easy to come by.

When aphrodite said that camellia got really upset and went on a defensive mode.

Camilla: Not him! He's one of the most honest, understanding people I know! Someone you don't deserve and would never fall for!

Camellias words were said so strongly it almost sounded like she was saying for real as if they were together, it even almost conviesed mike.

Aphrodite: pfft, are you serious. Humans like him has exsited since the dawn of time, he's noone special. Here watch this.

Aphrodite then went up to mike while swaing her body, emphasizing her curves. She pressed her breast on his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Aphrodite: It would honer me and your family for treating me to based desires~

Mike: u-uh thanks but i'm good.

Aphrodite: oh don't be like that, whatever you need to do the deed is what I can be.

Mike: ( tries to get out of her grasp) No really, I'm good. No thank you.

Aphrodite: Now now little boy, don't be such a prude.

Mike tried to get out of her grasp again and was getting annoyed but keeped his deminer calm

Mike: mame please let go I said I don't want to.

Loona: Hey, he said-

Aphrodite gave a quick glance to Loona and she turned into a small mouse with the same colar fur. Mike saw this and got very angery and said something he never thought he would say to a women.


Aphrodite: With your friends like this? Not very nobal of you.

Aphrodite turned everyone but Mike and Camilla into a small animal. Mike then used his suit and pushed aphrodite off of him.

Mike: and your not goddesses of love you're just a phony and a tramp!

Aphrodite: Your threats mean nothing to me. Now, either you sleep with me or this remains permanent.

Camilla: Aphrodite, stop your going too far!

Mike: Ya you sicko bitch and to be honest I've see way more better looking people then you, you look like the type being terrible in bed.

Aphrodite: Oh I see, i'm not your type. Well what about-

Aphrodite then changed into a taller version of herself with shorter hair.

Aphrodite: Tomboy's?

She changed again but far more smaller and younger.

Aphrodite: (High pitch) Loils?

She changed once again by giving herself fur and ears of a cat.

Aphrodite: You seem to like furries a whole lot.

Mike: I like these, sure they're beautiful but you aren't them because you got no beauty on the inside, you're still just a crazy bitch!

Camilla: Aphrodite, just admit he's-

Aphrodite: Because he does, every man dose! Maybe if you actually cared about how people viewed you, you would understand completely!

Mike: And look at how your making us view you, you look crazy.

Aphrodite: Crazy!?! You think me crazy!?! All I ask is for your body and yet your being this unreasonable!
Mike: I'm being unreasonable? Look at what your doing. You turned the ones I hold closes to into small animals.

Aphrodite: That is a mercy!

Mike has had enough and activated his suit ready to fight. Aphrodite rolled her eyes and turned his suit into a bunch of snakes, surprising mike. He then got into a fighting stance and was about to punch her but his wrist and ankles had wights too heavy for him to move in.

Mike: your a coward for a goddesses!

Aphrodite: My brothers are more of the fighters.

Camellia: thats enough mother two can play this game!

Camilla turned into a giant deer again and was about to ram her but she moved quickly out of the way.

Aphrodite: You ... tried to hit me!?!

Aphrodite tried to turn her into a small animals but it didn't work.

Aphrodite: What? Why isn't this working!?!

Camilla: (In her head) Huh ... guess being a demi-god really does have there perks. (Out loud and turns into her regular form) Alright, turn everyone back or I'll make you ugly.

Aphrodite: You dare threaten me!?! A goddess!?!

Mike: To be honest your already ugly, cam is way better looking then you.

Aphrodite: You shut up or I'll rape you painfully!
Camilla turned into her smaller deer form and ran straight to her. She jumped frowered and turned into her regular form, using the speed to punch her hard. Aphrodite landed on her back while looking up in shock, never in her life getting punched.

Aphrodite: (In her head) What is this? Pain? It's ... unnatural. I should never feel this!

Mike: wow look at that the mighty aphrodite got beaten looks like your now the new goddesses of beauty and love cam.

Aphrodite: No no no, this can't be happening.

Camilla: It is-

Camilla got on top of her with her fist ready to punch Aphrodite, who covered her face in fear.

Camilla: Turn everyone back, now!

Aphrodite: Ok just don't hurt me!

Everyone turned back to normal, mikes restraints disappeared and his suit formed together.

Camilla: Now, I want you to leave me and everyone else alone. If you even dare to come back, I'll show you something worse than a punch!

Aphrodite: I-I understand.

Camilla: Good.

Camilla got off her and crossed her arms sternly.

Camilla: Now go.

Aphrodite turned into a small bird and flew at a closed window, slamming into it. She turned back to opened the window and did the same thing as last time with better results. Mike turned around to Camilla and the others to make sure there ok.

Mike: you guys alright?

Verosika: Never ... better.

Crymini: Since when could Cam do that!?!

Loona: More importantly, when have you two been dating?

Mike: oh we arent we were pretending to basically rub something in her face.

Octavia: Well it was pretty damn convincing. A little too convincing.

Camilla: I may have ... developed some feelings for him.

Summer: (Mumbles) Oh you got to be kidding me.

Camilla: Hey come on, could still be friends.

Verosika: And you would be fine with that?

Camilla looked at mike and had a fuzzy feeling when she did. The more she did, the more intense the feeling got.

Camilla: ... No.

Mike then went up to camellia and hugged her while looking in her eyes.

Mike: (sighs) Cam you just saved all our lives and me from being raped so considering you being a goddesses now ( goes on one knee) camellia goddess of love it would be an honor to get to know and be with you.

Camilla: (Giggles) You may with all my grace ... if it's ok with them of course.

The girls all looked to each other and in there own way, agree to accept her.

Camilla: It's decided, I guess. Jeez this uh, this is happening really fast.

Mike: Don't worry were taking this slow ... very slow considering the others are still always competing for who's gonna be my first.

Camilla: Wait seriously?

Summer: Haha, oh yeah that's embarrassing for all you!

Crymini: Shut up, you cheated last time!

Mike: No she didn't and if i rember correctly you all tricked me into this little competition in the first place.

Camilla: ... wow that's something you don't expect out of a situation like this.

Verosika: Feelings mutual.

To be continued

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