Vampire Hunter D Asks (H.C's)

By wulfwuman

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🔞 (🍋)These are also Ask Box answers in which Vampire Hunter D is along with Alucard of Hellsing and Aizawa... More

pregnant s/o (1)
movie night (2)
s/o sleeping on chest (3)
foot massage (4)
bloody lip (5)
In Health & In Sickness (6)
🍋 safe word (7)
🍋 Just a simple towel (8)
yandere aspects (9)
Some sweet fluff (10)
meeting Lady Dimitrescu (11)
s/o turned by sacred Ancestor (12)
self care (13)
s/o demi-being (14)
Dhampiric s/o (15)
being hugged (16)
back massage (17)
getting kisses (18)
booba or booty (19)
sunlight syndrome (20)
🍋do moan (21)
s/o playing piano (22)
hermit (23)
little one (24)
carrying you (25)
if D had said yes (26)
singing in the shower(27)
scratches (28)
silly habits (29)
can't get warm (30)
🍋 miss them (31)
Pillows (32)
Askashic Records (33)
🍋 calling out (34)
flowers (35)
D & Alucard meet (36)
D & Alucard meet (12,000 years future) (37)
wake up time sweetie (38)

aftercare (26)

110 6 0
By wulfwuman

you have any aftercare headcanons for D, Alucard, and Aizawa?

I don't have one, just concentrated form. I am also going to include my ask about safe words with all three. There will also be a site for better understanding of aftercare and the need for it.


⚠️Warnings: God damn fucking long answer. Yes obviously the foul language just started in the Warnings, Safe words and mentions of types coitus in certain scenarios. Links to sub drop and safe words.

🚫Minors Do Not Interact ‼️

I believe in prepcare,foreplay, playtime and aftercare.

💢Safe word goes without saying. It can be red, green, yellow. Strange words not used for sex like armadillo which apparently can be said with a gag. Even safe touching signals.

This is a must with rope play. Shibari and Kinbaku for the long sexual journey require certain tap with a finger. Or the rope master has you squeeze their fingers to make sure you are okay frequently as in every couple minutes. Ropes can seriously harm a person and you have to cut them out. That is not a quick stop for fun.

🍒Precare- is setting the mood. Relaxing with a good meal, massage from just shoulders to full body with massage oil. It's helpful to remove you from fixating on the shit that's part of life. Think of an engine and this warming up in neutral.

♨️Foreplay- of course...I like my 'motor' starting more like in first gear (err forgot most don't drive stick drive with clutch) not just idling..)

🚘Playtime- is for the ride high to an orgasm with continuous touching intimately and perhaps changing positions. Men may say what to be in charge but riding him is secretly a big turn on especially when someone loves breasts.

🛁Aftercare-this should be part of vanilla sex to. Snuggle and take a few moments of quiet talking. Maybe you felt anxious for some reason. Let your partner know to ease stuff like that.

🛑BDSM is a must for aftercare or no playing ever! Sub drops are just awful and I can't imagine not having any aftercare.

Sub drop define: "It's an emotional and physical low that begins anywhere from a few hours to a few days after an emotional/endorphin high and can last hours to weeks. The specific term sub-drop comes from the kink community, because it's typically experienced by submissive individuals after an intense scene."

📍Okay taking these gorgeous ones in order written in your question...

⚜️ Vampire Hunter D (some loved rough stuff)

•This is my down fall as I have trouble picturing D as a Dom but with vanilla sex and swirls chocolate fudge aka rougher sex applied here. Play biting, various positions other than the basic, pulling hair are few examples of what I call fudge. It would be you suggesting and being an incentive partner D would explore with you.

•Another aspect he might enjoy is more what is called primal play. It's like playing as animals as a child. It goes beyond rough play and both partners are involved. It doesn't even have to be sex. There isn't always a clear Dom or sub component and most BDSM gathers are very uncomfortable with this.

•Anyrate there might be tines D is just a little too intense with the playtime and it's a sure fire way to have sub/bottom drop. Though Doms/tops can have drops too. The realization that something done in the passionate moment could give second thoughts. (Example blade play)

•With his heightened senses and aura, it tends to keep instructions and intrusions to a minimum.

•Just his voice could be a huge part of aftercare. Him singing Nobility songs can be extremely poetic. Even humming..

•His long fingers caressing your forearms while being held. Soft kisses on top of your hair as your scent calms and is a type of aftercare for him. He would be mostly a top drop for fear he hurt you.

•When a bath or even hot shower together helps maintain a sense of built in security that would often not need to say a word. You both are feeling the afterglow of intense sex, the loving nurturing aspect of continuous no sexual touch.

•Sometimes even just cold water to drink or a favorite snack to nibble on. Yes, just like Harry Potter and the dementors. Food helps to ground the mind and so the body. And yes chocolate for me which I discovered when I started doing shamanic journeying, which seems long ago. Pick something that you like and have wonderful memories attached to ease your mind down from the 'high' in your brain.


🍷Alucard the Vampire King (fear play guy!)

•He's an interesting partner. He likes bondage/hands and feet tied to bed, oral kinks and fetishes, wax play( insist it's candles for wax play. I didn't use them at first and well it just fucking hurts with light producing candles and is not a merit badge for how tough you are) but with no feedback from a BDSM community.

•So I would introduce some ideas on how to play kinky without him scaring you to death. Some of his grins could cause a human death from sheer concentrated fear.

•He would have down time by holding you and how touch is important during the afterglow and setting back down at neutral after sex even for him, he just might not totally realize it.

•It would make sense to have a warm/ hot bath with your favorite scented candles and bath like salts (or liquid equivalent). Once again it's to ease your mind down from such intensity physically and mentally most of all. It gives him a chance to see the love marks and nips he placed on you.

• Mostly because it gives him a high but also to make sure he didn't actually hurt you especially if you have a high tolerance for pain..

•He still forgets there's lights instead of candles as most of his undead life candles and lanterns were the light source of the time. So candles burning is also good for him to ease down too. I should imagine he's even more intense with sexual 'playing' and that's not even considering fear play.

•Being the time he grew up and being the consumer of blood wine, perhaps a small glass of wine. Not too much or the 'crash' could be worse.

•Humming or singing softly songs in his native from when he lived in his homeland Wallachia. Of course male vampires have a low rumbling purr that is to express contentment and to ease the nerves of the person that you are not currently becoming an after sex snack.


🪢Shouta Aizawa (pro aftercare)

•Shouta is your knowledgeable partner especially with the internet having much more information and group chats on dos and don't in a BDSM relationship. It goes beyond what happens in the bedroom or other location 😏

•He's the one with complicated safewords that include colors, not just a code word. He would also have touch safe codes as most often it appears Shouta (not sure when got time to learn but the Shibari is based on prisoner tying up.)

•The Partner/ Dom that has the mini-fridge with cold water, snacks as you get also exhausted that slows a let down. You literally can crash within minutes or hours and even days it will flare up.

•He checks your body, in a reassuring way that anywhere from love marks to bondage use. Pulled muscles does happen but not usually as he's more professional Dom and not just trying it out kinda deal.

•A bath is a must with you settled between his legs. His arms hold you tight or loosely as some aren't able to handle extreme touch after things like rope work, fingers massage tender spots.

•I imagine him to be into Haiku or humming to relax you. Writing his own that only you and he share together in private and romantic. He appears distant in public but in private he would be very affectionate to reassure you continuously that you will always be safe with him. He treasures your willingness to submit for him. Hence takes great responsibility in aftercare.

•Aizawa would make sure the password is your chosen safe word and possibly an aftersex safe word to know everything is good without trying to come up with immediate words to go into detail.

📍This is about all I can think of now. If I think of something else I will reblog the additional information.

Sub drop


Safe Word

Do you see Alucard, D, and Aizawa using a safe word when being intimate with their s/o?

These are always good questions on safe words. I am going to do a refresher on safe words first. There are of course levels of safe words. The simplest is a nonsexual word. Examples are peaches, states and colors. When the safe word is used, it means stop immediately.

A more complex use is also a color code of green, yellow and red besides a simple word. More complex BDSM relationships use colors also.

They should be short. Have heard aardvark works with a gag in your mouth. Example of too long is : back that horse right out! Though it gives the partner a pretty good idea that he's too big and you need to adjust.

I believe that even with vanilla sex has need for one. Use your safe word and don't be afraid to use it. You're not a wimp!

Certain sexual positions(rear engry) add to the higher chance of bruising your cervix and actually 'knocking' an ovary or called ovarian Torsion. Just sounds painful writing this and worse to experience. Though I have heard 'bashing' the prostate is also horrible.

Think of black balls in men. Testicle takes a spin and circulation gets cut off. It dies. Your ovaries can do the same except as women we can't know except extreme pain. Having experienced such a thing, the pain level is so high, you have to have one say through gritted teeth or such.

Okay now that your head is swimming with words and painful imagery, on to this Ask...

•🥢Shouta/Shota Aizawa Vanilla style

•he's the kinda person who will use a safe word even in less intense vanilla sex. Sometimes girls need lubricant, more lubricant or he's larger than normal (blue balls, you look amazing in certain clothes etc)

•He likes rear penetration as he can get deep in you and wants to know immediately if something is wrong or something happened.

Note: asking to have lubricant is a good thing. Fanfiction tends to write that all are they are not.

•a must with a bdsm relationship. The Dom needs to stop the scene quickly and establish aftercare immediately. It's his job in the relationship to make you feel safe.

•🪢Aizawa & Kinbaku (not Shibari)

•Shouta is a master at rope works due to his underground work and his capture weapon. Shibari (pretty art knotting and Kinbaku have roots in the history of binding prisoners) Villains don't deserve a safe word but you do. It most likely includes colors and a onverbal gesture. The squeezing of a finger is gagged too.

•part of the safe words and color levels is breathing exercises so rope cutters can be used quickly. There is still a certain amount of time to cut a person free and a panicked, straining partner is not a great situation.

•🍷Alucard/Allycard (girlycard)

•an absolute and must with a vampire! Their strength and feral tendency to use their fangs.

•Alucard having three different types of persona, the safeword may change subtly: Vladcard I'm pretty sure yelling 'plague!' would stop him in his tracts. As for Ally, 'Walter' is probably not a good choice. Alucard, it would be some snarky word that gets him to laugh immediately and stop.

•blood references probably not a 'safe' choice.

•⚜️Vampire Hunter D

•at first probably doesn't have or doesn't know to have a safe. He's not exactly a virgin at 10,000 years old but he has grave concern about losing control of his Vampiric side and due to being Sacred Ancestor's son, he can create full blown vampire Nobility.

•Not much for words and being reserved, the idea of a safe word relaxes him.

•He will be more experimental in sex and less rigid in body and mind during such intense intimacy.

•Unfortunately with Lefty (his carbuncle demon) you might just need a safe word to shut him up or stop licking you. Ugh!

Safe words

Ovarian torsion


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