Eostia:The Emergence of the E...

Galing kay Ronanbelleza123

100K 1.5K 908

What would Happened 1 of the Empire's Province has been Transported in the World of Eostonia? During the End... Higit pa

BIO & Love Interest
Chapter 1:Transport
Chapter 2:First Contact
Chapter 3:Diplomacy & New Beginning
Chapter 4:Going to KEN
Chapter 5:Meeting with the Princesses
Chapter 6:Meeting with the Princesses PT.2
chapter 7:Meeting with the Princesses PT.3
Chapter 8:Party and Flashbacks
New Pic
Chapter 9:Calm & Meeting of the Dragon Emperor
Chapter 10:Surprise Visit
Some Small lore
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:Knowing Heritage
Chapter 13:Knowing Heritage 2
Chapter 14:Meeting The Black Dogs
Chapter 15:Returning Home
Chapter 16: 2 Old Allies
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18: Traveling to the Capital
Chapter 19: staying at the Capital
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23: Forgotten Scenes
Chapter 24: The Arrival of Cathay & Bretonnia
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26: Battle of Eldonia
Chapter 27:Aftermath
Chapter 28:Arrival in Garan
Chapter 29:Meeting The Dark Queen
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31: Mallus Alliance War against the Black Dogs
Chapter 32: Mallus Alliance War against the Black Dogs PT 2
Chapter 33:Mallus Alliance War against the Black Dogs PT 3
Chapter 34:Invasion of Garan
Chapter 35:Final

Chapter 36: Epilogue

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Galing kay Ronanbelleza123

1 Year after the War against the Black Dogs

1 Year Since after the War against the Black Dogs or the Eostian would call it, the Intervention of the Mallus Alliance Forces, as it was not a War but a Massacre When they Finally Intervene against the Black Dogs

The Continent of Eostia have begun to Rebuild after the Ravage of War for Thousand of Years with the Black Dogs are the Only one who cause the Most Damage that Which Not Even Dark Elves could have Done after their a Thousand Year War against the 7 Shields if Eostia Which s a Feat so much that the People of Eostia begun to Forgot their War against the Dark Elves

The Rebuilding Process was Slow but Steadily Rebuilding their Civilization with the Help from the Holy Aurailian Empire and Other Kingdoms and Factions Thanks to Perswiation of Iris and Celestine who are able to Bring Help from other Kingdoms that the 7 Shields Desperately Needed and they not only they are Given Funds but also Workers to Speed up the Rebuilding Process for their Kingdoms

Celestine Watch the Reconstruction with a Smile on her Face as she Watch her People are Helping Each Other to Rebuild their Homes that was Ravage by the Black Dogs

The Mallus Alliance Namely the Empire, Bretonnia and Grand Cathay Empire have send Materials and Workers as well, Which They are Very Grateful

Considering that Only Feoth are the Most Devastated While Ansur only have Minor Damage Thanks to the Betrayal of the Mercenaries that Align with Vult and the Black Dogs, While Rad are Minor and in the Verge of Completion thanks to the Half-lings are Hard Working Expert People Which is, they do not Much Needed help, only Materials are Enough for them to be Sent by the Empire and Luu-luu Swore that she would Give Ronan a Reward When he would Visit her Home

So it's Pretty Much That they don't have to Pull more Resource on Rebuilding if it Weren't for the Intervention of the Alliance, then the 7 kingdoms would be Burn to the Ground by the Black Dogs and the people would Suffer Especially the Woman Regardless of Age and Species would be a Play thing by the Scums that they once called as their Heroes

"The Reconstruction are in order my Queen, another Year then it would be Done and it would Return before the Black Dogs Betrayal to us" Said Claudia with a Happy Tone but Disipline in a Subtle Way of Happiness that they are Finally able to Complete the Reconstruction of Feoth Next Year

"It was a Miracle that we Even Survive this Kind of Event" Said Celestine as she was looking at the Sky

"indeed it is a Miracle your Highness" Said Claudia "Without their Help we might have been Live under the Black Dogs by now" She said with a Bitterness in her Tone at the same time Guilt as she was not Strong Enough to Defend Feoth as During her Battle againt the Black Dog for a Month she Found herself to Be struggling against them, as she was Constantly Outnumbered by Them and not to Mention  they have no Honor as Such they would do Any Dirty Tactics against her, She has only a Few Victory against them as Majority in the War they are Constantly on the Retreat and she has to Fortify Ken and Geofu for that Matter until they are Separated Due to Vult attack the other kingdoms thus Splitting their Forces 

"You are right for that Claudia without the Empire and the Alliance we would Never stand a Chance against the Black Dogs" Said Celestine

"Do we even Truly have a Chance against the Black Dogs in the first Place?" Said Claudia

Celestine could shook her head "Before even the Arrival of the Empire, i had a Dream... a Dream of Suffering of our People, There is no Salvation Claudia" Said Celestine with a Hurt and Painful Tone as she looked down "I Could not see any Solution and Dream Where we could Win

Then i Pray, to the Creator and Any Deity That could Hear me, i Pray, Beg and Plead to Save our People and Even if i have to Sacrifice my life to so, then i will do it without any Hesitation" she said as Tears Begun to Form in her Eyes

"Celestine" Claudia could only Gasp

"I Pray Day and Night Claudia, you know that i was Lock in my Chamber for a Whole week do you know that" Celestine Stated, That which Claudia Nod her head in Confirmation

"Yes, we are all Worried for your Safety Celestine, all of us to the Point that we are Even have Half-mind to Force our Way though you, until that Fateful Night of your Scream" Said Claudia

"Yes, that Faithful Night is the Night Where i have a Dream of a Coming of a New Empire into our Land" said Celestine "Though i was not For sure of course but i do know that they will have a Big Part to play in our Land, and this is the Role that they Play by their Might and Power Thus our People and Kingdom was Saved from the Darkness that always Engulf me since i have that Nightmare"

"So, after the Empire's Appearance in our World you have no longer have those Nightmares?" Said Claudia

Celestine could only Shook her head "No, in Fact that sleep is the Most Peaceful in all my life" Said Celestine with a Small Smile "But Since That Kind of Dream i have Heard a Voice"

"A Voice?" Said Claudia as she Titled her head

"Yes a Voice, Telling me something that Everythings would be Alright, though i do Remember it was a Male Voice" said Celestine "Something in my head i Might have Know him but at the Same time i don't Know Where"

"A Male Voice a Possible that you have Connection with him, Possible from you Past life as a Goddess But you could not Recall who he is?" Said Claudia

"Yes, Though i have a Feeling that i might actually know him far Longer than i live Right now" said Celestine

"Do you think he is some kind of god that we have forgotten?" Said Claudia

Celestine Shook her head "No, i do not Believe that he is a god, but Rather Something Far Far more Ancient than Even the Primordial that we Face in it's Darkest Rampage, i believe this Being is Far more Ancient than anything that we have Ever seen, Trust me, Defeating the Dark Legions of the Primordial is not so Easy, Whatever the Reasons that we even Won Remains a Mystery and i believe that the Same Being was Connected to our Lost History of Eostia and the World" Said Celestine

Claudia looked Concern for that "Is he our Ally or Enemy?" She ask

"As far as my Feelings goes, i do not Believe he is our Friend or Enemy" That was She said before Leaving


Scene Change

Order Patheon

"You know what the Funny thing is?" Ulric Begun as he talked with Sigmar

"What is it Lord Ulric?" Said Sigmar since they are the only left in the Throne Room While the Others gods of Order have other Things to do

Like Grungi was Helping the Imperials of how to Properly Develop the Aether Gold Into a Fuel Source, Concidentanlly Ronan's New Design of a Warship was Meant to be Used the Aether gold as a Fuel Source and Slowly but Surely they are making a Progress which is Very Successful by Grungi as Every Race was Helping Each other to Develop the Aether Gold and Thus they are begin to have a Technological Breakthrough thanks to Grungi and the Ever increasing Dwarf Engineers of Willing to Innovate and Slowly  Leaving the Old Tradition Ways of the Dwarf as it was the Only thing that Hold's them back to become a Technological Superpower in the World in Mallus, Still Only the Skaven was the Only able to Surpass Though Unreliable but still able to Make Tech that would Surpass the Dwarfs because of their Nature not caring of how Many Deaths or Destruction it might take

Grimnir are in the Process of Making New Doctrine for the Slayers Where for Certain time, They could Return Back Home instead of seeking Death

While the Old Ones are Enhancing the Lizardman along with their Current Tech, as well building more Temple in Lustria with the Newly Spawned Slanns to take the Lead of Said New Temple Cities and not to Mention Temple Ships that are being Built, as they are now Using Weapons and Armor like Using Superior Steel weapons that Even Dwarfs would Envy, The Saurus Scales are Hardened to match Plate Armor, Even more so to the Kroxigors Since they age getting more Intelligent they made a Breed of kroxigor that are breed for war, That which this are Smarter, Stronger and Tougher than the Standard Breed

While Sigmar was Making a Project something creating a Powerful Soldiers that which he had already Find his Candidate but has yet to Test it as Grungi and Even Asuryan was Helping him

"Do you Remember when the Bellezas First Appeared in the old World Centuries before Other Human Tribes have Settled?" Said Ulric

Sigmar could only Nod at Ulric "Yes i Remember the Tales of the Arrival of the Bellezas, they are the Very First Kingdom in the Old World While we are still Stuck on a Bronze age While they are Advaance and Powerful Enough to conquer all of us if they Wanted to, but of course they are Benevolent Ruler but would become Ruthless if they are Provoke for i Remember of how many Tribes has been Exterminated when they Try to Challenge the Bellezas" Said Sigmar as he Remember his History, the Unberogen his Old Tribe was a Close Friend to the Bellezas and have been even able to Trade Better Metal thus they are able to Hold their Own against the Orks far better than the Other Tribes

"Indeed, but what i about to tell would be a Shocking News" Said Ulric

"Eh? How so?" Said Sigmar

"As you must know i was not always a god, just like you, you know that right?" Said Ulric

Sigmar nod in Confirmation since Before he become a god, Ulric told him about a Secret that ulric wasn't always a god, Same as Other gods except for Others whom are Created by the Old ones, Even the Dwarf Ancestor gods are also Created by the Old Ones, Ulric become a god after stumbling upon a Old Artifact along with his Elder Brother Taal and his Wife Rhya

"Me and my Brother weren't born in the Old World" Said Ulric

Sigmar Blinked "That makes Sense i believe" Said Sigmar though he had a Feeling that ulric still have a more to say

"Sigmar Me and Taal, before the Old World my home was in Nehekhara, not That, we were Born in Ulthuan" said ulric

Sigmar looked in Shook to Hear that "What?! does that mean you have met Lord Ronan before?" Said Sigmar

Ulric nod his head "Yes, but He is our Grandfather" Said Ulric

"This is a Joke Right? Right?!" Said Sigmar not believing of what he heard

"I'll tell you Lord Sigmar, me and my Brother Born a union between Half-Elf and a Full Blooded Elf a 2nd Daughter of the Everqueen my Father's Half-sister and he Married his Niece just like what Aenarion and Grandfather always Wanted and we are quite Powerful Even for our Age Thanks to our Bloodline" Said Ulric

"is this the Reason why you Absolutely Stop any Invasion against Tempest?" Said Sigmar as he have Recollection about other Tribes that have Tried and Failed in a Pathetic Way to Invade Tempest then it him in Realization "You are Defending your Kin!" He said

"Indeed, we both Know that my Kinsman Rarely being Aggressive towards your People Sigmar with your Tribe along with Few of those That have been their allies are the Only Exception from their Wrath and you as a Child have Witness it do you not?" He said

"Yes, but for all Intents and Purpose the Way you Discribe Ronan as i have saw his Action Thoughout his Life

he is Even more Deserving to become a god, it is his Greatest Reward Why did the Old ones din't make him one?" Said Sigmar sure he become a god, but only for the sake to Defend his People until Tzeentch Trap him in the Realm of Azyr, but without Knowing Sigmar Instead absorbing the Winds of Azyr thus have made him even more Powerful even to the likes of Taal and Ulric

"Well too bad for you then that you have to be the Relative of that Knife-elf Prick" Said Sigmar as he spoke about Malikith

Ulric Groaned at that, He and Taal Always Hated that they are Related to such a Person, and Even making Morathi as an Aut due to her that she is the 2nd Wife of Aenarion, they Always Cringe at that

"Don't Remind me of Malikith Lord Sigmar i never Want to be Reminded that Edgelord Prick is our Distant Uncle" Said Ulric

"But Enough for that, i have Other things to do for now" Said Ulric as he Leave Sigmar

"Well i have nothing much to do Here" Said Sigmar as he Leave


Scene Change


Excelsior Belleza's Palace

Ronan was Currently Waiting for a News of the Arrival of the Expedition Fleet that they Sent to their East this Past Moth and they are Hoping to Explore the World and they have Gotten a Message from them that they are Returning Back to the Capital as They Currently on a Airship Going all Haste to Report their Founding in the East

"Did they said about a New Civilization?" Said Xiao being Excited at the Prospect of Meeting New Civilization

"Yes, That's what the Message have Said Little Xiao" Said Wenji as she Rub Xiao's Hair Gently with a Smile

"The question is, Will they be Relevant in the Future?" said Maio Ying with a Pout "You know that Ronan, This New People Depending on their Nation Level and Politics then let us Hope we are not Dealing some Scheming People that would Force us into their Conflict"

"Not to Worry my Dear i'm sure that we won't have a Problem, but who knows what the Future what's in store for us in this New Development" Said Ronan His Wives Glance at him

He Then looking at his Cathayan Wives "And don't give me that Looked, i'am Already Tired of your People's Scheming that would make Every Nation in our Previous World Looked like an Amateur, Hell even Telia was not that Worse like yours have" Said Ronan

"His not that wrong Though" Said Da Meekly with a Blush in Embarrassment

"Quite for now my Emperor and Empress, They are Arriving" Said Nath as he Arrive and have heard their Talks

A Man Entered Though the Great Hall with his Dashing Imperial Uniform as he was Sent to the East of Selenus for Expedition to Find New Civilization Where no Man has Gone Before, the Man Bow before his Rulers before Standing Straight

"Tell me What have you Find?" Said Ronan

The Captain nod his Head "As you might have Read my Reports, you know that there is New Civilization" He said that which Ronan nod

"Then tell us Captain What is this New Land that you have landed" Said Miao Ying

The Man Clear his Throat before Answering

"Westeros my Empress

And I've Meet with the House Stark First before their King"

Hearing that

Ronan begun to smile "So, Shall we Begin sending Diplomats?" Said Ronan


And Done

This is my Last Chapter

Yes there would be a Crossover Except it won't be the Fantasy one

There will be some Forgotten Scene or Deleted Chapter in the Future

Thank you Folks

Peace Out

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