you are my obsession

By HaliHali862

41.1K 2K 169

Wangi is a mafia king alfa he does not think once before killing anyone he is a heartless person he had a v... More

23 (wanxian marriage)
new story


1.1K 62 4
By HaliHali862

Wangji wakes up first wei was still sleeping sunlight was coming on Wei face Wangji brings his hand towards his face so that wei smile softly

Cute " (Wangji says in low voice)

Then Wei open his eyes he smile after seeing Wangji

Good morning love. (Wangji says with his smile)

Good morning lanzan (wei says)

Then he (wei) remember something because of which his facial expressions change Wangji also understand this

Lanzan how...."Wei did not complete his sentence because Wangji hug him

Relax relax wei (Wangji says in his calm voice)

But (Wei says)

Relax baby every thing is ok (Wangji says in his soft voice)

I was very scared (wei says)

I am sorry I couldn't keep you safe (Wangji says )

No you are the one with whom I am the most secure" (wei says in his soft voice)

I love you (Wangji says)

I love you too my lanzan (wei says)

After hearing this Wangji ears have turned red

Wei brakes hug "but how did you find me" (wei says in confuse)

Aaa Police helped me He checked the cctv records of all the road and he knew were you were " (Wangji says)

But...(Wei did not complete his sentence)

No more questions please you must be tired you take a shower I make breakfast for you (Wangji says)

Ok (wei says with his pouty face)

Wangji kisses on Wei's pouty lip because of which wei starts gigling Wangji start living from there but he stop

W...wei you remember something about last night (Wangji says hesitantly)

No why" (wei says confusely )

Nothing after saying this Wangji run away fast

What happens last night (wei says confusely )

Whatever " (wei says)

Wei come out bathroom after taking a long bath just then Wei's phone ring when he sees phone it was jiagchain
He picks up the phone but he keeps the phone away from his ear because wei know what was going to happened now

"You idiot where did you died yesterday you didn't even pick up the phone you know how worried we are specially jeje I will kill you with my own hands if you find and why you not saying anything " (Jiagchain says in shouting voice)

I will speak when you let me speak (wei says irritated voice)

Clam down chain (Yanli says)

Why should he calm down jiagchain scold him (Wenchin says in angry voice)

Shut up Wenchin let me talk "(Yanli says irritated voice)

Asyan where are you (Yanli says sweetly)

I am fine jeje yesterday I feeling a little dizzy so I come back Sorry I didn't tell you" (Wei lies because he doesn't want to disturb everyone )

It does not matter asyan and....."Yanli did not complete her sentence because jiagchain cut her"

Tell me where are you now (Jiagchain says in cold voice)

Lan mansion why (wei says)

Ok (Jiagchain says and he cut the call)

But....(Wei did not complete his sentence)

Wei make a annoying  face

Love where are you (Wangji shout sweetly)

Coming ( Wei shout back)

After coming down both wei and Wangji have breakfast together wei notice that Wangji was still in the clothes of the home

You were not going to office  (Wei says in confuse)

No (Wangji says)

But why  (wei says)

Because I want to spend time with my life  ( Wangji says innocently)

Don't make like innocent puppy face (Wei says in  irritated voice)

Of course not I am not puppy I lion and you are my bunny and I am very hungry today " (Wangji says dramatically)

Hungry but then you have eaten" (wei says innocently)

Yaaa but I want to eat a cute bunny too" ( Wangji says with his daviless smile and  pointing towards wei)

Wei take some time to understand everything then Wei eyes get bigger and his face turn rad like a tomato
Seeing the expressions on Wei's face Wangji start laughing

Oo my cute little Omega feels shy  (Wangji says in teasing voice )

Shy who shy I am not shy ok and I am not little Ok "after saying this wei wanted to run but Wangji catch him
And started kissing him passionately
Now Wangji on chair and wei sitting on his lap and both kissing each other with full of passion wei grabbing Wangji hair tightly and wei put his hands around Wangji's neck  and suddenly Wangji bites wei lips due to which wei open his mouth and Wangji puts His tongue in his mouth

Mmmmmmmmm  (Wei mon in Wangji's mouth)

After 10 minutes later Wangji slowly brake kiss both were taking deep breaths both their forehead and nose touching each other

I love you Wei  ( Wangji says)

Wei smiles softly " love you too my lanzan " (wei says with his smile)

After hearing this Wangji pull wei towards him

You like when I tell you my lanzan  (wei says teasingly)

Yes only yours  (Wangji says proudly )

Only my (wei says with his smile)

Wangji about kiss wei but suddenly he heard a shout

Wei wei where are you idiot  (Jiagchain shout)

Jiagchain  (wei says )

Chain stop  (Yanli says )

No jiagchain shout more  (Wenchin says )

you both so annoying (Yanli says irritated voice)

Jiagchain walking fast and Yanli Wenchin Nihussan and Wening follow him

Wei wei  (Jiagchain shout )

I am not deaf brother "wei says irritatetly who was just sitting on  Wangji's lap

Where are you" jiagchain did not complete his sentence because of seeing the front view

Shameless " ( Jiagchain says in  irritated voice)

Asyan  (yanli says in soft voice)

Jeje "wei get up Wangji's lap because of this wangji feel disappointed

Wei hugs Yanli after seeing this Wangji feels kinda joules but he control himself

It's ok ...she is his sister and omega too
It's ok.... it's ok...... it's ok ...control.... control... (Wangji says in his mind)

I am sorry jeje I was sick all night so I couldn't pick up the phone

You sick who took care of you all night  (Jiagchain says)

I was with him (Wangji says)

Thank you Mr lan for taking care of wei  (Yanli says sweetly)

These not need Ms Yanli.....Wangji didn't complete his sentence because Wei cut him

What is this Mr lan Ms Yanli lanzan she is my jeje so you also call her jeje and jeje he is my mate and I love him and you also call it by his  name" (wei says irritated voice)

Hmmm" Yanli and Wangji speak together

Good  (wei says with smile)

Why you so annoying (Jiagchain says)

One the other hand Nihussan, Wenchin  and Wening were injoy this drama

You all please sit  (Wangji says)

Wangji sits beside wei and Wenchin  and Yanli sits together and Nihussan and Wening and jiagchain sits together front of Wangji and jiagchain and Wangji were giving glare each other

I have come to pick you up (Jiagchain says in serous voice)

He won't go any were (Wangji says in his calm voice)

It's his wish  (Jiagchain says in cold voice )

And he is not going anywhere  (Wangji says in cold voice)

Well my brother had lot of options(Jiagchain says)

But  still he  choose me (Wangji says)

You....(Jiagchain did not complete his sentence because he heard a shout)

Mate  (shout voice)

Lanchain was coming inside with his uncle lan Qiren

(Song lan house)

Youn was cooking food in the kitchen when songlan comes from there

Good morning bf  (song lan says teasing voice)

I am not your bf (Youn says in angry voice)

No you are (song lan says)

No I am not  (Youn says in angry voice)

No you are  (song lansays says)

No am....mmmmm"Youn did not complete his sentence because songlan put bread in his mouth

Song lan starts laughing

Yes you are my bf best friend (song lan says)

You are so annoying  (Youn says)

I am going to the market to get some stuff I don't have any stuff here I need some stuff (Youn says simply)

Ok  I will drop you  (song lan says with his smile )

No I will go alone (Youn says)

Don't be stubborn song ji yang (song lan says)

Youn doesn't say anything because whenever they are together songlan calls him by his real name

I will drop you and it's final  (song lan says)

Anyone can tell by looking at us that both of us who is stubborn  (Youn says  irritatetly)

You (song lan with laugh)

Let's have breakfast together bf""after saying this song lan starts running

Whatever  (Youn says irritatetly)

(Su mansion)

Su ying was sitting in a dark room he was drinking alcohol he had a pictures of  his and song ji yang
He had looks at picture and says

Why every one leave me alone  (Su ying says in low voice)

Haa aaa Haa aaa ha aaa I am alone no one with me not my mate  not my first love  and not my mothe..... no no not mother Mrs Su neil ha aaa  (laughing voice)

Suddenly Su ying phone start ringing  after seeing the number Su ying face turn dark

What  (Su ying says cold voice)

Sir Mr wei is fine and he is at lan mansion and all his friends and Wangji's brother and uncle are there too (the man says hesitantly)


And.... sir Mr Youn is staying with one of his friends songlan at their house (the man says hesitantly)

After hearing this name Su ying clenched his fist even in anger he cut the call

Haa aaa ha aaa " Su ying start laughing like crazy A crazy man

I love game and win too now game is start my mate (Su ying shout in dangerous voice)

(Su neil room)

Mam  (assistant says nervously

What  (Su neil says irritated voice)

Su ying sir in his room and they are  drinking alcohol  (assistant says hesitantly)

So what you have any useful news then tell me otherwise you can go " (Su neil says irritated voice)

He..has asked to keep on eyes his mans on lan mansion and .....(assistant says nervously)

And what  (Su neil says in her calm and dangerous  voice)

And his ...m...mate too(assistant says nervously)

You can go  (Su neil says )

O...ok mam  (assistant says hesitantly)

What I taught him till date seems like he's forgetting every thing (Su neil says in his calm voice)

But never mind I will teach you again My emotional fool son  (Su neil says in her dangerous voice)

(Lan mansion)

Now Wangji sitting behind wei and Yanli sitting behind Wenchin and Lanchain sitting behind jiagchain and Lanchain staring at only jiagchain because of which jiagchain making a irritated face and lan Qiren sitting alone a large sofa and Wening and Nihussan sites together and they all staring Lanchain and jiagchain Wangji feel irritated and disappointed too because he wanted to spend the day alone with wei 

Then lan Qiren clear his throat because the this everyone attention goes to lan Qiren

So Wangji I have come here to meet your mate you know don't now  but now I feel like I can meet my both nephews mate "(lan Qiren says in teasing voice)

Yes uncle " Wangji and Lanchain speak together

Jiagchain and wei both feel shy after hearing to lan Qiren

Wening and Nihussan and Wening Yanli wanted to laugh but they are control his laughter

Uncle he is my mate wei  (Wangji says in his calm voice)

And he is my mate Jiagchain uncle  (Lanchain says with his smile

Hello Mr lan  " Wei  and says jiagchain both speak together  nervously

You can call me uncle like Wangji  and Lanchain says

Yes uncle " wei and jiagchain says with his shy face

I like you both because my nephews like you I would like to meet your family  so that I can talk to them about your marriage (Lan Qiren says with his smile)

Marriage" they all speak together except Wangji and Lanchain

Yes marriage why something is wrong  (Lan Qiren says)

No no problem we want to say how's happy it is  (Yanli says with nervous laugh )

Ok then that's fine  (Lan Qiren says)

Wei and jiagchain looking at each other nervously because he didn't know how they tell this his family

Wangji notice this but he did not say anything

Ok now I leave have an important meeting and Wangji  (Lan Qiren says  )

Wangji understand lan Qiren has to talk to him after walks to the gate lan Qiren stops

I am glad for you Wangji  (Lan Qiren says with his smile)

Thank you uncle  (Wangji says in his calm voice)

Does he know everything about you Wangji  lan Qiren did not complete his sentence because Wangji cut him

No he doesn't remember anything and he doesn't even know I am mafia king
(Wangji says)

If anyone tells him  (Lan Qiren says)

I will kill him and I will never let him get away from himself even if he wants to (Wangji says in his calm and dangerous voice)

Good because of this you are the king of our mafia empire (Lan Qiren says proudly)

Good luck Wangji " after saying this lan Qiren goes

Luck "(Wangji chuckle Darkley )

One the other hand Nihussan and Wening ,Wenchin were teasing wei and jiagchain

I can't believe that brother wei and brother jiagchain are going to get married very soon and I have not even found my mate yet  (Nihussan says dramatically)

Stop your shit  who's gonna married here (Jiagchain says in angry voice)

You my love  (Lanchain says with his smile)

Love who's your love I am not your love ok  (Jiagchain says in shouting voice)

But last night when we are meet and I kiss you .You kissed me too it means you love me  "(Lanchain says innocently)

What" everyone shout together

After hearing this jiagchain face turn rad

You are so Shameless and annoying "after saying this jiagchain start running

Hy wait love I will drop you " Lanchain also follow him

So your younger brothers are also getting married what about us  (Wenchin says in low And teaching voice)

Shut up why all alfas are so Shameless  (Yanli says irritated voice)

Wei injoy this drama with full of interest suddenly his eyes goes on Wangji

Bay Wangji I will meet you later " (Lanchain says with running )

Everyone take a long sigh

Ok asyan take care and don't worry I will talk to mom and dad (Yanli says sweetly)

And me (Wenchin says innocently)

You shut up  (Yanli says irritated voice)

After hearing this Wei start laughing

Ok Bay wei brother "Nihussan want to hug to wei but he stop because someone gave him glare

Nihussan clearly his throat and starts walking fast wennig also start running behind Nihussan

Wei start scratching his hand due to confusion

Ok Bay asyan and take care and you too Wangji (yanli says in soft voice)

Ok jeje  " wei says with his smile and Wangji give her short smile

Thank God every one goes  (Wangji says in low voice)

What are you saying  (wei says with confusely)

Nothing after saying this Wangji pulls wei by his waist and starts kissing him with full of passion wei grabbing Wangji hair tightly and wei put his hands around Wangji's neck and suddenly Wangji bites wei lips due to which wei open his mouth and Wangji puts His tongue in his mouth  Wangji start rubbing his hard part with wei  hole

Mmmmmmmmm  (Wei mon)

After 10 minutes later Wangji slowly brake kiss both of  nose and lips of both touching each other and don't why wei feel different today

What happened  (wei says with his calm voice)

Wangji wanted to say something but He stop

Nothing  l really love you more than my life "Wangji says in his calm voice but wei felt that his Wangji voice were shaking  don't know why it was fear tiredness or something else Both of looking at each for few minutes suddenly wei kiss on Wangji's lips this kiss is soft and full of love

I love you too more than anything  I  am always with you "wei don't know why he said this

After hearing this Wangji grape tight on  wei waist and he hugs wei tightly wei also hug him

Wangji povIf you want it or not in this world or in that world  in this life and after this all life or death you are mine only mine (Wangji says in his mind)


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