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              (Lan mansion)

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              (Lan mansion)

Wei is two months pregnant now and  today is family's get together that's why everyone in lan mansion (Wangji's mother mansion) wei feels irritated after seeing his husband behaviour  who was following him every place because of his socold  possessiveness these days wei skin start glowing more and he looks more beautiful Wangji  is not letting anyone touch wei he did not  even allow his mother to touch  wei

Wei is two months pregnant now and  today is family's get together that's why everyone in lan mansion (Wangji's mother mansion) wei feels irritated after seeing his husband behaviour  who was following him every place because of his socold  posses...

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Now lan hua trying to hug wei but Wangji Stands like a statue in their middle after seeing this everyone takes a long breath and wei roll his eyes annoyingly

You little brt what is your problem dude  (Lan hua says irritated voice)

You  ( Wangji says simply)

You today I will beat you  ( lanhua says annoyingly)

After saying this lan hua push Wangji start running towards wei but suddenly madam yu hug wei and she gave a daviless smile lan hua and lan hua make a irritated face after seeing this everyone take a long sigh and shake their heads and Wangji roll his eyes

How is my BABY " Madam yu intentionally stress on the world baby because only lan hua calls wei Baby both of them start looking at each sharply after seeing the atmosphere Yanli  goes to close wei and hug him After seeing this Wangji feels more irritated because everyone start hugging his Wei 

How is my BABY " Madam yu intentionally stress on the world baby because only lan hua calls wei Baby both of them start looking at each sharply after seeing the atmosphere Yanli  goes to close wei and hug him After seeing this Wangji feels more ir...

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