Being Me

By strawberry_delight

462 44 81

'Life is not as easy as it seems.' Hi,I am Anna. I'm sixteen years old. My life has always been a bit on the... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two


236 16 34
By strawberry_delight

You say I have the best life,

You don’t know a thing then.

 (From Part of Me-A Poem Collection)

 I stood in front of the mirror scrutinizing my small, oval-shaped face. There was something wrong with it. No, there were no zits, scars or green skin; my face was perfectly well, physically. There was a kind of gloominess visible on my face like I had some kind of problem troubling me from the inside. But, there was nothing that was  bothering me.

 I sighed.

 It was probably all the hard time I had been through which had blotched my face with this water mark of sadness; faded yet there. Well, this is my life and there is no escaping the fact.

 My name is Anna. I’m sixteen years old, but I look younger because I am short in height and my face looks childish. However, this hadn’t concerned me ever, since no one had ever commented on it.

 Being a student, school is my life. Let me guess, you must be thinking that maybe I am bad at studies that’s why my life's so miserable. You are wrong! I am an A grade pupil and also the best in my class.

 Wait, before we move any further, I have to tell you that my story has little to do with popular girls or mean girls, you know the typical stuff that happens in schools, and in my school no such stuff happens. Only grades matter; there are no groups like the popular, or the geeks. No senior can bully any junior and yes, we have a uniform. No, I don’t go to any military school, it’s a private school, the best there is!

 So, as I told you that I am the best in class and I have the best friends of all; they are always there for me, when I’m happy and when I’m sad. I should feel very lucky and be thankful to god.

 I am.

 I have come a long way to get what I have today and that way was very difficult to pass. That’s why my life is very complicated and confusing. To understand me, you just don’t have to be a close friend with me.

 You have to be me.

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