Underneath the Moonlight || O...

By RavenIsSilly

293 10 1

(!!NOTE!! I do NOT like yandev, however, I do enjoy his game/characters and thus, this spawn of hell was crea... More

1 - Akademi Academy
2 - Clubrooms
3 - Drama Club & Osorō Shidesu
!!4 - A Normally Unwitnessable Scene
!!5 - The Taro Yamada Mystery
6 - Aso Rito
8 - Weekend Plans (pt. 1)
9 - Weekend Plans (pt. 2)
10 - A Game of Tug-of-War
Update: This story WILL be completed!
11 - Ayano Aishi

7 - Kizano Sunobu & The Incident

22 1 0
By RavenIsSilly

Week 2

Friday. Audition day.

The faculty made a special exception to delay cleaning time back one hour for students who wanted to audition for the play, and other club leaders excused members that wanted to try out from that evening's club meeting.

Throughout the week, I hung out with Kokona and Saki, Oka and Shin (who really were a cute match), and once I sat with Taro on the fountain in the morning. After cleaning time, I rehearsed for the part of Belle, anxiously hoping that by the time it was officially the day to audition for the part, I'd be good enough to get it. Based on Kizano's nodding approval whenever he'd pass by me and Kokona as we practiced, I had hope.

Aso kept inviting me to lunch, so I spent my week eating lunch with Aso, and it was enough to spread gossip around school — that Aso and I might become a couple. I thought it was too soon for that kind of gossip to be spreading, so I tried my best to snuff the rumors to no avail.

On Wednesday, after two days of Osorō playing with my hair during class, I texted him to stop since our agreement was to keep our friendship on the down-low, and he responded harshly and ignored me for the rest of the week. It made me feel bad for scolding him about it, but at the same time, I couldn't have gossip going around that the delinquent leader was interested in me — that kind of gossip would certainly reach my father's ears if I got mixed up with delinquents, and considering how he'd reacted the last time I got involved with a troublemaker... well, I didn't want to think about it.

When Friday evening finally rolled around, my heart pounded as I headed towards the gymnasium, clutching my copy of the Beauty and the Beast script close to my chest. I was so nervous and felt so hot that I'd taken my blazer off and tied it around my waist.

My father's words that morning echoed loud and clear in my mind.

You'd better not come home tonight without the role of Belle as yours.

I gulped, opening a door to go outside and walking towards the gymnasium. It was then a voice behind me called out, "Hey."

I turned.


He scratched the back of his neck. "Break a leg, or whatever they say. Good luck."

I managed to smile; my spirits being lifted by that single sentence. After being ignored by him for two days, it felt really nice to have him cheer me on, knowing about my father's warning to land the lead role. I waved at him and said, "Thank you, Osorō."

He scoffed. "Yeah, whatever."

I watched as Osorō turned and headed towards the incinerator, the location where, I've noticed, the delinquents tended to hang out at the most. I meant to turn the other way and continue towards the gym, but with no one else in sight, my feet moved on their own and ran after him, my arms hugging him from behind before he could face me again. "Seriously, thank you."

The slight quiver in my arms around his torso must've tipped him off to my true nerves, because he turned and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, smoothing my hair, and hugging me in the same protective manner as when he first discovered my secret. "Don't be nervous. You'll get the role for sure," he whispered, sending a chill down my spine.

I stepped out of his embrace with a smile. Before I could stop myself, my hands gripped his shoulders and my feet lifted me onto my tiptoes so I could plant a soft kiss on Osorō's cheek. "With you cheering me on, how could I not?"

I hurried away, waving at him one last time before turning around with a huge grin on my face.

As I stood in line to audition, however, my cheeks were ablaze as the weight of what I'd just done struck me. While it was true that I was beginning to like Aso, too, I couldn't shake the influence that Osorō had over me — his presence was like a magnet that I simply couldn't resist, regardless of how hard I tried to.

But I wasn't willing to give up just yet. After all, tomorrow I was seeing a movie with Aso. There was still hope of resisting that magnet's pull.

Finally, it was my turn. My heart pounding in my chest.

"What role are you auditioning for?" Kizano asked, holding his script as I approached him.

"I'd like to audition for the role of Belle."

My voice echoed through the room loud and clear, and hushed whispers and groans sounded immediately after I stated the role. I could hear the closest girl in front of me mumble, "Well, there goes my audition."

"Excellent. Act one, page thirty-one — Belle's first interaction with the Beast. Begin from the beginning."

I opened my script to the correct page as Kizano flipped to the page in his script. The page he wanted me to start on continued from the scene where Belle found her father being held captive, and the Beast catches her and accuses her father of being a thief. I took a deep breath, and all eyes were on me as I opened my mouth to begin reciting Belle's lines.

"You would hold my father captive... over a single rose?! Then take me in his stead, as I'm the one who asked him for the rose."

Kizano's eyebrows shot up, and he recited the Beast's lines with a small grin. "You would switch places with your father? Ha! You, such a frail young lady, willingly staying as a captive to save your dear father? You must be dumber than your father."

"I assure you I am far from frail. Release him at once and take me in his place!"

Kizano scoffed. "If that is what you so wish... let it be done."

In character, Kizano grabbed my arm and swung us, switching our places as if he'd just thrown me into a cell, and though he'd mentioned yesterday that no one needed to actually fall for the role of Belle's audition, I did so anyway, to add to the realism of the scene and further engross myself into the role. This action made Kizano's eyebrows shoot up once more, and I continued my next lines, "Don't worry, papa, he can't hold me forever. I promise I'll return."

Kizano broke character and reached down to help me up. Hesitantly, I took his hand, and his fingers shocked me as soon as they made contact with mine. His purple eyes gazed deeply into mine, and suddenly, everything moved in slow motion.

It was just him and I for a few seconds, and his twinkling amethyst eyes staring into mine.

The moment didn't last long, though. Around us, applause broke out louder than the auditions before mine as he helped me to my feet. I smiled, taking that as a good sign, and I was so distracted by the applause that I didn't notice Kizano was still holding my hand until his lips made contact with the back of it. My eyes snapped back to him in an instant, my cheeks flaring up with heat, and the room abrupt with louder applause and some gasps simultaneously.

I could pick out Kokona's voice when she began chanting, "Beauty and the Beast! Beauty and the Beast!"

It didn't take long for the rest of the room to pick up the chant enthusiastically, and I was unsure if that meant they liked my performance, or my performance with Kizano. It didn't take long for me to figure out, since I was the last to audition thanks to everyone else arriving long before I did.

As I stepped off the stage and began to head towards the exit, I was stopped by Kizano's voice booming over the speakers, "I know I'm not supposed to announce the roles so soon, but it seems clear to me that you all know who you want for the leading roles."

The room was held in suspense, waiting for him to continue. "All drama club members, please return to the stage."

Kokona rushed to my side and we headed up together. Standing on the stage next to Kizano, he glanced at me and shot me a quick wink. Once all of the members were standing on the stage, Kizano dramatically said, "Drum roll, please!"

The members and audience drummed on their thighs, and I joined in, hyped up. To everyone's disappointment though, he did not announce the lead roles first. "For the role of Mrs. Potts... Kokona Harukawa!"

Kokona squealed and grabbed my hands, and I pulled her into my embrace, happy she got the role she wanted.

"Jean Potts... Riku Somatomo!"

Kokona immediately released me to hug her boyfriend, and I smiled. They finally got the roles they wanted: a side couple.

"For the role of Plumette... Tokoku Kitagawa!"

Tokoku giggled and jumped up and down, her magenta spiral pigtails bouncing with her.

"For the role of Gaston... Tsuruzo Yamazaki!"

Tsuruzo pumped his fist in the air, like, yes!

"For the role of Lumière... Shozo Kurosawa!"

Shozo also pumped his fist, but then turned towards Tokoku and embraced her. When they realized people were staring, however, they pulled away with red cheeks. I smirked, chuckling as I recognized what was going on. They haven't confessed their feelings yet, have they?

"Alright... the moment you've all been waiting for... Tsuruzo, who do you think should play the main two leads?"

Kizano handed him the microphone, and he immediately said, "Why, Kizano, I think you already know what I am to say, my liege — but I'll announce it for you anyway!"

The crowd held its breath, awaiting the reveal: who would play the Beast, and who would play Belle?

"For the Beast... there is none other than you, Kizano, who would be fit to play the role!"

Loud whopping and cheers exploded throughout the room, only silencing when Kizano asked, "And for my leading lady?"

"For Belle, your leading lady shall be none other than..."

I held my breath and closed my eyes. Please, please...

"Athena Akiyama!"

I smiled, trying my hardest to contain my excitement with a polite curtsy as the crowd cheered, and a girl yelled, "Athena-sama, I love you!" When Kokona grabbed my hands, however, I didn't hesitate to hug her and then jump up and down with her.

"There you have it, everyone!" Kizano announced, taking the microphone back from Tsuruzo. "You've all been a wonderful audience, and I will post the rest of the cast next Monday! Have a wonderful weekend!"

With that, everyone began to disperse, as it was cleaning time now that auditions were over. Kokona gave me one last squeeze. "Good job, Athena-sama! I knew you could do it."

I giggled. "Be honest, Kokona, are you the one who started the goddess nickname?"

She giggled and winked, putting a finger to her lips. "A true actress never reveals her secrets."

As she hurried away, I ran after her, shouting, "That's not a real saying, Kokoni!"

I ran out of the gymnasium to find Osorō leaning against the wall, and Kokona was running away with less excitement, since she must've seen him and became fearful. He glanced up when he noticed me, and smirked as he leaned in close to my face. "Told ya you'd get the role."

He flicked my forehead and walked away, leaving me stunned as I stood there, holding my forehead after the slight pain, my cheeks on fire.

Once I came to my senses, I shook my head and slapped my cheeks. Don't fall for him, don't fall for him.

I hurried to the second floor, where the first column of my class was cleaning. Why the school assigned cleaning time that way, I'd never know, and kind of didn't care to know. With Osorō's seat change on Monday, that meant any time the teacher assigned each column to an area during cleaning time, he'd be cleaning with me.

I was passing through the hallway with the second-floor clubrooms, heading towards the classroom to grab some cleaning supplies, when I noticed a couple of bloody footprints. The hairs on my arms stood up in an instant, and I hesitantly followed a small trail of blood towards the art clubroom... but as I got closer to the door, the stench of blood grew stronger.

I opened the door and looked around slowly. Blood... lots of blood. On the floor, on the art easels... and poking out behind one of them, was a bloody hand. I was scared to go near it, but needed to know who it was...

It was the dead body of Mana Tanahashi.

I recognized her only because she'd been hanging out with Taro-senpai a lot this week. This morning, I saw her giving him a folded-up paper at the fountain, then hurrying away.

This girl, who had been so shyly giving Taro-senpai a gift this morning, now laid bloody and lifeless at my feet.

This girl, who had spent the week getting cozy with Taro-senpai, with whom he'd spent lunch, both smiling and happy, now laid bloody and lifeless at my feet.

This girl, who so clearly had a crush a Taro-senpai, whom I could tell Taro was beginning to fall for, now laid bloody and lifeless at my feet.

This girl, who I'd seen alive just after class ended... now laid bloody and lifeless at my feet.

I vomited in my mouth on the spot.

All I could think of was Ben's lifeless body and Emily on top of him, repeatedly stabbing him, over and over...

 I hurried out of there to the faculty room to inform a teacher. "Sensei, come quick! I-I found someone dead in the art club!"

Aburaya-sensei stood immediately. "Dead?! Lead me to them!"

I rushed up the stairs, Aburaya-sensei following behind me, and slammed the door to the art club open to a horrifying shock.

Mana's body was gone.

The bloody trail outside was gone.

The blood all over the floor was gone.

The blood on the easels... the teacher would never believe it wasn't just paint.

"I-it was right here..." I stammered. "Mana's dead body... was right here..." I turned to face the teacher, who was crossing her arms in disbelief. "Sensei, I-I swear, she was here! She was dead, and there was blood everywhere, and bloody footprints in the hall, and—"

"That's enough," she cut me off, holding a hand up. "Was this just a prank? It's not very funny. Please don't waste my time like this again."

She began to walk away, ignoring me as I rambled after her, "W-wait, sensei, I swear, I-I'm not lying! There really was a dead body here! There really was..."

I fell to my knees the moment the teacher headed downstairs after repeatedly ignoring me. Of course, she didn't believe me...

She didn't believe me, but... I know what I saw. Mana Tanahashi was dead. She was murdered, and while I was going to the faculty room and bringing a teacher here, the murderer came back to the scene of the crime and managed to clean everything up before we arrived.

I balled my hands into fists, and some tears slipped out of my eyes, dropping onto my thighs. I should have taken a photo so that I'd have evidence to show the teacher on the off chance the body was missing. Why didn't I?

I was so shocked by the dead body and being reminded of my past that I wasn't even thinking of snapping a photo of the evidence.

I'm so stupid.


The shout shook me out of my trance and I snapped my head up in an instant, then hurriedly hid my face again upon seeing the person standing above me.

Why is it always Osorō seeing me like this?!

"It's nothing. I'm fine," I blurted as I furiously rubbed my eyes and stood to walk away from him.

He grabbed my wrist. "Stop fucking lying to me."

"Leave me alone," I snapped.

"No. What the hell did that teacher say to you?"

I sighed, deciding I should just give in. "I saw a dead body, but by the time I brought the teacher over, it was gone, so she didn't believe me."

His eyes widened. "You saw... a dead body? Are you sure?"

"Yes!" I inhaled. "I swear, I'm not lying. There was blood all over the floor and a trail leading out. And look, there's still blood on the easels!" I led him into the art room and showed him the blood. "See?"

"Well... it definitely ain't paint, I can tell ya that much."

"So... you believe me?"

He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "Yeah, I believe ya. It's enough for me, at least." He paused. "Are you... okay?"

"No," I said. "I just saw a dead body. Why would I be okay?"

Osorō held his hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright. No need to get snippy with me," he grumbled. "Is there anything else?"

"What do you mean?"

"Besides the dead body. I mean, most people have a strong reaction to a dead body, but usually not like this."

I closed my eyes, saw Emily crouched over Ben's dead body, and instantly opened my eyes again. "I'm not ready to talk about it. I'm sorry."

"I get it. Want me to walk ya home again?"

"If you want, but—"

"I know, I know, keep my distance until we're away from school. I got it."

I managed a weak smile. "Thank you."

He shrugged. "No problem. You busy tomorrow? We could hang out; get your mind off things."

"Actually..." I scratched the back of my neck. "I am busy tomorrow. But I'm not busy Sunday."

"Sunday then."

"Sounds good."

He grinned at me. "Let's get ya home then."

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