Strings attached |Twice x Fem...

By TelliMon

106K 5.9K 985

Y/N, your typical girl, who just wants to be alone for the time being, has caught an interest in one of the m... More

Begins a journey.
A world of chaos
Here we go again..
A start of a change.
Sudden confusion.
A friend to a friend.
My truth, and uncomfortibility.
Field trip..
(EX) Reaction
The guard of Twice.
And~ Here we go! ... again.
Trouble the rescue.
Confused, Team up?
Nayeon's questionable brain.
Continue, till truth.
Walk and danger ahead.
The painful final day.
Slow, and end.
Anger; Blinded.
Not like I have a choice..
Short fuse.
Excuse me, what?
Broken glass.
A month later, danger ahead.
Now I know that she isn't trusted.
Stupidity doesn't kill you.
Who was she..?
Doubtful thoughts.
Humans, they still are.
How worse will it get?

Why.. would you do that..?

2.9K 150 33
By TelliMon

I slowly walked towards my bed, I was currently in my dorm, while Ryujin is with Yeji.

The events that happened a few hours ago haunt my mind like a broken record; it repeats again and again and again.

Flash back

"No, no that's not possible, there's no way-"

"Yes you heard me right." Irene says cutting me off from my sentence, I looked at her, as if she was a crazy person.

"Two royalties wouldn't ask for one person ONE." I said while emphasizing the word 'one' Irene looks at me and nearly laughs at my sentence.

"Well, today that would change, right?" Irene asks, while crossing her arms towards her chest.

I looked at her, then looked down at the ground, while closing my eyes.

"Did you choose who my roommate is?" I asked, not looking at her, instead I looked at the walls, and crossed my arms.

"No, I was thinking that you choose the roommate, you at least have that freedom." Irene says in a reassuring tone, making me nod.

'But why..? Why me? I barely interact with Twice, and two of the most valuable members somehow want me to be their roommate..?!' I asked myself, completely confused at their ordeal.


The door suddenly opens cutting me off my train of thoughts.

Irene and I looked at the door, with confusion, seeing none other than Ms. Minatozaki herself. Her face expressed an annoyed expression as she walked inside, rather slowly.

Irene looked shocked, she untangled her arms and put them to her sides as she immediately stood up, and bowed her head while saying;

"Good afternoon, Ms. Minatozaki, what can I do for you?" Irene asks, while still bowing, meanwhile I, on the other hand looked at Sana confusion was on my gaze as I backed away slowly, and bowed to show respect.

I could feel someone's gaze again, so I looked up seeing Sana having a small playful smirk plastered onto her face.

Sana looks at the principal, huffing out a sigh as she said;

"I overheard your conversation, and I would like to request her to be my roommate as well."

End of flash back.

"Just.. what the hell.." I muttered, tsking after that, I flopped my body towards my bed, feeling the soft cushion, and the warmth of the blankets.

I sighed deeply as I tuned my whole body towards the side, while my brain is still contemplating what happened earlier. 

'How about I.. god damn it.' 

I couldn't think straight, my brain is still occupied by earlier..

I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath, I could feel a sudden urge of drowsiness control my body, as I felt my consciousness drift away, making my world black.


My consciousness slowly came back, as I opened my eyes slowly, while sitting up from my bed. The bed creaked due to my sudden movement.

I stretched; putting my arms up in the air, as I slowly stood up.

I looked at where my roommate's bed is, it was occupied by Ryujin's sleeping figure.

A sigh escaped my lips, as I walked towards her and shook her, making her groan in annoyance and slowly sat up, opening her eyes slowly.

"Y/N? What is it now?" Ryujin asks, as she looks at me, her eyes were now clear as day, I looked back at her, while having a small smile on my face.

"I just want to know this, who's the best Twice member at being quiet and not socialize?" I asked, with no context, making Ryujin fully awake, she looks at me, confused was on her gaze as she answered;

"Ms. Myoui, from what I heard she didn't talk to her roommate last time before they died, so I'm pretty sure she's the quietest one in the group." Ryujin mutters as she stands up, stretching.

Myoui Mina; from what I've heard from my classmates, her powers are manipulation and selective hearing, 

Manipulation is where she can manipulate people by just looking at them, or touching them. Selective hearing on the other hand.. I heard that she can hear one specific person even if they're far away from her, clearly.

"She's also the support of the group anyway." Ryujin muttered, as I sat down at her bed, contemplating.

"How about Ms. Chou? I heard that she's also a quiet member." I asked, making her look at me and nodded slowly.

"Yes, that's true, but.. I don't really know about her, even the students on this campus besides her members know about her, she might be loud." Ryujin says, making me heave a sigh, as I looked down at the floor, with an annoyed expression.

"Why are you even asking me this?" Ryujin asks, while tilting my head towards the side, making me sigh again.

"Roommate. 3 royalties wanted to be my roommate." I said quickly, earning silence from Ryujin.

When I looked up at her, she was shocked; frozen in her spot, her eyes widened, and her mouth gaped.

I'm pretty sure she turned into stone just by the information alone.

"And guess who requested it." I said, while adding a 'little' bit of sarcasm to my tone. Ryujin looks at me, not wanting to hear what i'm about to say.

I quieted down as I looked at her with a sly smile the silence was intense, and the air was dense.

"Nah, I'm too lazy to tell you, anyway-" I muttered as I grabbed her wrist and teleported us towards the school's campus, earning a whine from Ryujin.

"C'mon~ Don't do me like that~" Ryujin whines as I dragged her into the school building, with a huge smirk on my face.

"Now shoo, go to your ahem, 'friend' right there~" I said in a teasing tone once I saw Lia and Yeji talking to each other down the hall.

Ryujin smacked my shoulder making me laugh out loud, I then pulled her at the front and pushed her towards the two girls, startling them.

"Bye~" I said while teleporting towards a different hallway, leaving the trio alone.

I looked around, no one was here, I teleported into an empty hallway, surprising me.

'Strange, I thought all the hallways would be loud, and filled with people..' I thought to myself, as I walked mindlessly in the halls, with a small smile plastered onto my face. 

Now that I noticed it, the halls were etched with a golden colour, everything was spotless, I stopped at my tracks, with confusion plastered onto my face.

'Where even am I?' I asked myself, I looked around anxiously.

A shiver made its way up to my spine, as I felt someone's presence behind me, I looked behind me, widening my eyes as I bowed down, in a 90 degree angle.

My face showed fear, I could feel my legs shaking from her presence alone.

"Who the hell are you?"

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