This Girl Is A Delinquent!, V...

Oleh mangocannon

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Aspiring writer and unabashed loner, Ken Wright, is a second year student expecting another quiet year at the... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 26: A Crash Course In Communication
Chapter 27: A Dress To Impress
Chapter 28: A Crescendo On The Festival Eve
Chapter 29: Friends And Strangers
Chapter 30: Seeing Eye To Eye
Chapter 31: The Arms That Lift Us
Chapter 32: Together In the New Year
Chapter 33: Out To Sea
Chapter 34: New Beginnings
Chapter 35: Where Do We Go From Here?
Chapter 36: Unscheduled Heartbreak
Chapter 38: Growing Pains
Chapter 39: Salutations and Farewells

Chapter 37: For One's Own Sake

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Oleh mangocannon

The arrival of the weekend brought a much needed reprieve for Mary's heart. Choosing to sequester herself, her friend's phones remained silent for the duration. For most of the girls, no news was good news. However, Sonya could not rest easy when considering their late night conversation after the others had fallen asleep.

Her nerves were shaken as she arrived from the train station to find that neither Mary nor Lucas were walking to school with the group. Even her quiet lunch with Ken did little to assuage her budding fears. She continued to ruminate well into the afternoon while making the usual trip from her locker after class. Footsteps echoed in the otherwise quiet hallway when a voice caught her off guard.

"Hey, Sonya-"


With a jolt, Sonya's spine stiffened as Ken entered her gaze.

"Woah, you're jumpy today. Everything okay?"

The abrupt interruption of her boyfriend had made her voice rise slightly too high for her liking. Her cheeks turned a light pink as she adamantly deflected.

"What?! Yeah, of course it is... Why wouldn't it be?"

Seeing through her paper thin ruse, Ken offered a flat stare.

"Yep. You totally seem like a totally normal person. No reason to try and unpack that answer..."

"Just be quiet and let's go. Everything is fine."

Sonya stomped ahead nervously as the two matched strides and headed to the student council room. Within minutes, the large wooden doors guarding the room groaned as they were pushed ajar.

"The lovebirds finally showed up!"

Lyra's excited chirping heralded their arrival as Ken armed a playful retort.

"When are you going to get tired of that line?"

"When you both stop blushing, maybe."

With a toothy grin Lyra locked eyes with Sonya as the blonde haired girl struggled to keep composure.

"Whatever... Wait, where is Mary?"

Disregarding his sister's jeers, Ken noted that they were missing one person. As he inquired into her whereabouts, Stella checked her phone for the time and answered.

"She hasn't shown up yet. Maybe something came up?"

"Mary... Late? Has anybody messaged her-"

"Mary won't be joining us today."

Slowly rising from his desk, Lucas' voice called out as the surprised faces of his friends slowly contorted to expressions of concern.

"What is going on, Lucas?"

Taking a step toward his friend, Ken narrowed his eyes as Lucas avoided his gaze.

"Mary tendered her resignation to the student council."

His announcement sapped the energy from the room as Sonya felt a surge of searing heat run across the back of her neck.

Was this Mary's answer after all?

She wondered as Lyra stood from her seat at the table and growled.

"Whaddaya mean?! This is some sort of joke, right?"

Clenching her fists, the girl looked ready to pummel Lucas. Yet, upon seeing the darkness brewing on his face she relaxed her shoulders and heard him speak.

"No. She dropped off binders this morning detailing her duties throughout the next year. She really is tho-thowough to a f-fault..."


Ken placed a hand on Lucas' shoulder as an unfamiliar crackle emerged in his voice. Unsatisfied with the current atmosphere, Lyra turned away from them and looked towards the door.

"Nope. Screw this! I'm going to get her right now! This is... This isn't right."


Calling out before joining her side, Stella gave an affirmative nod.

"I'm coming too!"

Bonded by duty, the two girls flung the doors to the room open and sprinted into the hall leaving Sonya behind. Uneasily glancing between the door and Lucas, she murmured in an audible voice.

"Look... I said that I'd support Mary's decision. It looks like this is it..."

Ken's attention was drawn to her and he wondered if this was the source of Sonya's aloofness earlier, but was afforded no time to ponder as she quickly looked to Lucas. With a determined expression, she yelled at him.

"But, that doesn't mean I can't support you too, Lucas! You're my friend, right?"

Stirred by her words, Lucas tilted his head in confusion before answering as if in a daze.

"Uhh... Yeah, of course I am. I shook hands on it and everything."

Sonya listened to his reply and nodded before continuing.

"Then, as your friend, you need to do something before you lose Mary!"

"I don't even understand what-"

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! There isn't time for this! Mary... Doesn't hate you, okay?"

Her tone was a complicated mixture of nostalgia and restraint that made Ken examine her carefully. Yet, before anyone could inquire, she pivoted on her heel and made a break for the door.

"I never said anything, got it?!"

With that, Sonya disappeared beyond the threshold and silence seized the opportunity to fill the room.

Left alone, the boys had even more questions than before. However, Ken trusted Sonya's judgment and knew that there were parts of the situation that Lucas wasn't telling him. Exhaling heavily, he walked over to close the door before meeting his best friend's eyes.

"You have a look on your face I haven't seen before. Did something happen between you two?"

"If it did, I don't have the slightest idea."

As Lucas' eyes moved to his feet, Ken could tell that the reply was a half-truth, but decided to move along.

"Well then... What are you going to do?"

The question made Lucas wince as if in pain as words dropped doubtfully from his mouth.

"What can I do? This has turned into a big enough mess... I usually depend on Mary to sort things like this out. Haha..."

Ken noticed that Lucas' words seemed to linger on Mary as he spoke. It dawned on him that this sentimentality might help his friend open up. And so, Ken joined Lucas as the two leaned against the presidential desk and reminisced.

"It has been a while since she joined... Now that I think about it, we really have done a lot together. Even though she joined out of the blue during our first year..."

Ken trailed off as he saw a gilded smile cross Lucas' face. While his eyes looked far into the distance, Lucas spoke out with a nostalgic glee.

"She didn't."


"She didn't join out of the blue. She was there when I gave that terrible first campaign speech. Do you remember it? I made it up on the spot in the hallway and only a few students even stopped to listen."

Happy that Lucas' demeanor had improved, Ken recalled the speech in question.

"I do remember that one. Mary was there... She was still writing with the paper, right?"

"Yep. The whole time she was staring daggers into me, but I could tell that she was paying attention to every word. I expected a slam piece in the next paper, but instead she showed up to the student council room and asked me to let her help."

The dam had broken and Lucas spoke as if he were watching the memory play out in front of him.

"I never had a bad speech after that. She was like a whirlwind of efficiency. Before I knew it, I had even more responsibility and we actually won the election. Even when we were working, it was still fun somehow. Mary really is the best of us, I'm going to miss her."

Ending his story on a low note, Lucas lowered his chin and sported a brooding grimace. However, Ken wasn't about to let him withdraw again.

"So that's it? You're just going to let her go? After everything?"

Lucas' back straightened as he turned to Ken in surprise. Yet, once he saw the accusatory look awaiting him, his lips curled in disgust.

"You don't know what you're talking about..."

"Maybe I don't, but I know that you're giving up without a fight right now-"

"Don't get cocky."

Almost spitting the words, Lucas sought to make a decisive end to the questioning. A stillness washed over them and Ken turned away in defeat. However, after a pause, Lucas' voice crept out softly.

"I've sat in this room everyday with her. She's there when I get off the train and when I leave. We've spent the majority of our school time together. While the work can be fun, it's still that. Work. For no reason, Mary has put her heart into making this student council possible. If she asks to have a break for the first time... How can I deny her request? Even if... Even if..."

"Even if it feels like your heart is ripping in two?"

Finishing the sentence, Ken's eyes stayed fixed on his own hands while he continued.

"Like your days are less bright? Are you wondering if it's even worth keeping the council going without her?"

Lucas' mouth fell agape, but no words came. The sensations being described were rampaging within his own chest just as Ken described.

"I've felt the same way. When Sonya left... You saw me. I was a ghost. You helped me then, so I wanna help you now. I finally understand what Sonya was trying to tell you."

Standing up straight, Ken turned his body to face Lucas with a confidence that his friend had never seen before. Lucas wondered if this was because of Sonya or all the events from last year. Whatever the cause, the Ken facing him wasn't the same boy that he had befriended before. And so, Lucas stood tall and met him head on.

"What did you figure out?"

"Mary didn't put her heart into the student council for no reason, she was doing it for you. Mary has feelings for-"

"Don't you think I know that?"

With one interruption, the conversation collapsed. Ken's eyes held an uneasy stare as he fervently tried to wrap his mind around the revelation.

"Then why haven't you said anything? Do you not feel the same way?"

Lucas shook his head with a nasally exhale and stretched his arm out wide while taking a few steps around the room.

"Think about it, Ken. Mary is an amazing person. She comes from a great family, but she doesn't rest on her laurels. She's always working hard and setting goals. I'm pretty sure that she could tell you where she is going to be on this exact day in five years. What do my feelings mean when we are talking about someone so... extraordinary? How could I ever hope to be good enough for her?"

Bearing his insecurities, Lucas dwelled on them in his head. However, the sound of Ken's harsh tone drew him back.

"I never thought that I'd ever see you give up for such a shallow reason."

With a nasty sneer, Ken shook his head in apparent shame for Lucas.

"Is it shallow? She has her reasons for never coming forward with her feelings and I have mine."

"You don't think that Mary looks at you with the same unbalanced scale you look at her with? I mean, she'd rather resign than confront her feelings. Do you think that she might be trying to measure herself up to you?"

With a matter-of-fact tone, Ken laid into Lucas, or rather, the bundle of self-doubt that was pretending to be him. Taken aback by the hostility, Lucas tried to reply.

"I assume she does-"

"You still haven't answered my question. Do you return her feelings?"

It was then that Lucas recalled that he had asked Ken a similar question when he had come to him in search of answers about Sonya. Hoping to lighten the mood, he formed a light smile.

"This is payback for putting you on the spot before, huh?"

Yet, only a firm stare awaited him from Ken. Seeing that there was no avoiding a straight answer, Lucas gritted his teeth before answering.

"Fine. I do. How could I not at this point? I-"

"Then why does the rest matter? You both are feeling the same pain and you both clearly want to be together. Why do you want to punish yourselves-"

"Because, I'm sca-scawed, okay!?"

The admission echoed across the room as Lucas' defenses finally dropped. He brought his fingers to his temples that were now throbbing as his innermost thoughts rushed forward.

"Sometimes you stay the course because it's the safest... You were right when you said that she would rather resign than face her feelings. What if that means that she doesn't want to face them. What if this hurts her even more? I can't be the source of that pain..."

This was the truth that Ken had been waiting for. He knew that Lucas wasn't infallible, but what had bothered Ken most was watching his best friend lie to himself. Hearing Lucas admit his own fear made the tension leave his body and Ken was able to level headedly speak.

"Shouldn't you at least share your point of view with her? She might be feeling the same."

Ken knew that it was more likely than not, but Lucas looked at him uneasily as he replied.

"Haha... I guess when it comes down to it, I'm not as brave as you've become."

The self deprecating compliment caused Ken to pause. Meeting Lucas' eyes he could see that he was teetering on the brink of giving up. As Ken tried to come up with a way to reassure him, he considered the source of his bravery and the irony almost made him laugh. Meeting Lucas with a smile, he shared his thoughts.

"With your words, you make everyone feel like they are a part of the group. Because of you, even loners like me have a group of friends. If I'm brave, it's because of all the people that you brought together."

The wistful sentimentality caused Lucas' eyes to widen as Ken's voice filled his ears.

"Right now, I'm scared that Mary will leave too, but... I'm letting that fear drive me to action... Watching you give speeches taught me that. If Mary doesn't feel like she can be part of the group anymore... It makes me sad, but I know that if anyone can help her... It's you."

As mist filled his eyes, Lucas turned away and became quiet. His emotions were not settled, but rather they paled in comparison to the new sensation in his chest.

"When you have so much faith in me, how can I not feel like standing tall?"

His words were timid, but vigor slowly filled his voice. Just as Ken called out, Lucas spun around with a brilliant smile on his face.

"Are you-"

"Yep. But if I get dumped, you have to let me room with you. It's only fair seeing as this crazy plan is yours."

"Okay, Lucas. My room is always available."

They exchanged smiles as the fear in Lucas' heart subsided in favor of hope. However, there was still one obstacle in his path.

"Now, the only question is... Where did she run off to-"

Just as he spoke, a thunderous crash sent the doors flying open as an answer to his question arrived.

"Running away?"

A smug voice called out to Mary as she collected her belongings from her locker. She froze momentarily as she had purposely arranged her departure during the time that her friends would be convening in the student council room. As she glanced in the direction of the voice, she saw the familiar amber eyes of Elise passing judgment on her.

"I don't remember asking for your opinion."

With the rebuff, she donned her backpack, replaced the lock on her locker, and walked away.

"I thought you were supposed to be the stern scholarly type that stood up for what was right?"

To her chagrin, her underclassman was following alongside her while pressing her index finger to her chin as if in thought.

"Then, why are you not standing up for yourself?"

"Why is it any of your business?!"

Unable to abide the forced interaction, Mary stomped her foot loudly against the stone tiles of the hallway. Still, she neglected to meet Elise's eyes as she began to march forward once more.

"Tch. People like you really piss me off!"

With a harsh retort, Elise moved in front of Mary to block her path. Met with an angry stare, Elise clenched her fists and started to yell wildly.

"You walk around trying to be an example for others, but inside you're unhappy like the rest of us. You bottle everything up and run away when the bottle starts to overflow."

Her brash approach left Mary startled for a few seconds before she lowered her gaze and replied.

"You don't even know me-"

"It doesn't matter! You're just like me!"

Not allowing her to retreat, Elise closed the distance between them and continued.

"Just because your friends expect you to be strong and follow the rules, doesn't mean you have to. That pipsqueak-Er... Sonya showed me that I don't have to act like a jerk to make my friends happy. You don't have to follow the rules either. If you want something, go for it. You love that guy, right?"

"I-I... No."

Mary's eyes were darting in every direction as she searched for an escape. She had not expected Elise to corner her in such a manner and she desperately wanted to end the encounter. Elise read the reaction and took another step forward.

"Really? You're gonna lie?"

Looking at her interrogator, Mary remembered that Elise was just another student and steeled her conviction. This had to be a last ditch attempt to get her to rejoin the student council, she thought.

"It doesn't matter anyway. I have already made my choice."

"Is that so? Look me in the eye and say that."

In an ominous tone, Elise narrowed her eyes as she moved her face within inches of Mary's. The latter grimaced in response and began to repeat herself.

"I've already made-"

"That should be enough of a distraction. Yoink!"

With a swift movement, Elise reached out and lifted Mary's glasses from her face.

"Got your message, Lyra. Catch!"

As Mary squinted in annoyance, Elise tossed the frames to a figure that she could barely make out. With a jovial expression, Lyra caught the spoils of their ruse as Mary called out.

"Give me back my-"

"Operation: Keep Away is on, Stella! Go Long!"

"Got it! This way, Mary!"

Exchanging giggles, Stella and Lyra maneuvered down the hall as Mary growled in frustration before chasing after them. After the spectacle went on for several minutes, Lyra slammed her shoulder into the familiar doors to the student council room.

"Big brother, here!"


As a pair of glasses flew through the air, Ken bounced them off his hands several times before finally securing them. As questions formed in his throat, an unnatural scream interrupted him.

"I've caught you, you... thankless... troublesome hooligan!"

Clearly disheveled, Mary used the threshold of the room to support herself.

"That... Is quite the insult."


Recognizing the voice, Mary realized what room she had been led to as her knees quivered in response..

"I'll take those, Ken. Can I have a moment to speak with Mary?"

Gently taking the frames from his hand, Lucas gave Ken a nod. With a slight smile in return, Ken walked towards the door and motioned for Lyra and Stella to follow him. Having heard Lucas' call for her, Mary pressed her fingers against the wooden frame that held her and considered leaving. However, as the others passed by her, Mary gingerly stepped into the room and the door firmly fell shut.

The only inhabitants in the room, Mary and Lucas looked at one another for a moment before Lucas stepped forward.

"I'll just take my glasses and be on my way..."

"Here, that's better..."

Ignoring Mary's protest, he softly placed her glasses on her face, taking extra care to tuck her hair under the arms of the frame. Her vision restored, Mary could see how close Lucas was to her and a light crimson spread across her cheeks.

"Y-Yeah... I can see better..."

The embarrassment proved to be contagious as Lucas uncharacteristically blushed while watching her.

"I'll be going now-"

"I don't want you to go."

Lucas's voice was unyielding as he interrupted her attempts to retreat.

"Well, I've already made my decision-"

"Unmake it."

His brown eyes dwelled on hers as Mary felt a tightness in her chest. She wondered why his behavior seemed different from when she spoke to him that morning. She stayed quiet as Lucas continued.

"I can't... No, that's not right. I don't want to do this without you, Mary."

"You mean run the student council?"

That was the reason, Mary told herself as she surmised that Lucas was trying to lessen his workload.

"No. That is pretty fun, but I meant it in a more existential way."

Mary shuddered as she looked at Lucas in alarm. His words carried an implication and now he was softly smiling at her.

"You're joking again, aren't you? Sniff"

She knew that he was playing with her but that didn't stop her tears from welling in her eyes. As they slowly dripped down her cheeks, Lucas stared at her with a hollow gaze as Mary forced sentences out through shallow gasps.

"I don't want to do this anymore... You, this room... They make my heart ache. I have so many good memories here and I don't regret a single moment. But... Everytime I see you, my chest hurts a little more. Little by little, I'm wearing away... Even now... I respect you too much to let my feelings get in the way. You are going to do great things, I'm sure of it and I won't stop you."

While Mary lamented that she didn't get to make her escape earlier, she accepted that it was too late now. With all of her beloved memories stacked around her and Lucas silently waiting, her heart couldn't take another blow. As her thoughts became clouded, her reasoning failed her and her heart took the opportunity to speak without filter.

"I say that but... I need to say it once. Just once and then I can leave. Don't listen, please just cover your ears... Lucas, I lo-"

"I've been a fool again, haven't I?"

Halting Mary's sentence, Lucas squeezed his fists so tightly that his knuckles turned white before he caught his breath and uncurled his fingers.

"Minds... are changed... with handshakes... not fists..."

Mary looked at Lucas with a confused expression as he recited his mantra. Yet, for Lucas the reprieve had reminded him of Ken's words.

"Never thought that Ken would be right... But, then again, I also never thought I'd make you cry. If you really want to leave me, then I just have to change your mind."

A calm expression returned to Lucas' face as he looked at Mary and continued.

"You aren't the only one that has great memories here... Because, for every single memory that you have with me, I have the same one with you. Over time I've grown accustomed to having you here. First it was just planning my campaign and then we started running the student council. Slowly but surely, I started leaning on you a lot. I can't remember a meeting where you haven't been right by my side."

The description made Mary show a tear stained smile that spread to Lucas as his voice lowered.

"I started thinking that you would always be there when I looked. That I would see that focused look in your eyes every time. So much so that I quietly developed feelings without ever saying so."

The happy expression on Mary's face changed to one of bewilderment as her mouth opened slightly and red streaks filled her face.

"You've been my girlfriend in everything but name for so long now that I should be ashamed for not saying something earlier. Now you're standing here about to confess with such a sad look on your face. Everything that you're feeling is my responsibility."

Lucas moved closer to Mary as he laid his feelings out in the open. However, Mary scrambled backwards while her hands covered her face. An intense ambivalence raged within her as she tried to form words.

"N-No...No. No. NO! I can't let you say that! I won't let you! You need to stay focused on your goals and make this school a place where everyone can be accepted. You can't let me get in your way-"

"Why can't I do both?"

With a lofty grin, Lucas stepped closer. In truth, he was scared that he was on the verge of rejection, but his heart was racing so fast that he couldn't hold back.

"If I'm so great, then I should be able to lift the school higher than it's ever been before with one arm, while holding you in the other. If you have faith in me, then it's possible. I'm a superhero like that."

As the awkwardness of his announcement lingered in the air, Lucas' face became flushed. Mary's lips formed a grimace. Yet, she could tell that he was being sincere. This only caused her heart to flutter as she attempted to rebuke him.

"You... You can't really believe yourself?"

Pushed past the point of no return, Lucas recovered at the sound of her voice and advanced forward again.

"Why can't I? If I have the great Mary Albright behind me, then I can do anything. Your ability to make things happen is unparalleled. Alone, I'd probably be out of luck, but you're here with me, right Vice President? I can't let an amazing person like you just walk out on me."

Realizing that this was Lucas' answer, Mary relaxed her shoulders as warmth engulfed her. With quick breaths, the last of her reservations fought to keep the barrier between them.

"I... I tell you all the time... You're wrong, I'm just a secretary..."

"Mary, I filled out the paperwork the day you joined the student council. I knew then that you were going to be an invaluable partner. So, if we are being technical, I've been correctly stating your office for years now."

With the last of her resistance faded and tears fell from her eyes.

"I will change this school and I want you right next to me when I do so you can see the fruits of our efforts first hand. So, I'll ask again. Will you be right here with me, Vice President?"

Extending his hand, Lucas beckoned for Mary to take his. Removing her glasses, she wiped her face childishly on her sleeve before donning the eyewear again. Dropping her gaze, a small smile was visible as she called out to answer him.

"If the alternative is watching you let the school fall apart, then I have no other option. I will stay with you."

Taking his hand, Mary felt his skin against hers and the sensation left her wanting more. Yet, Lucas made no attempt to move and instead called out to her again.

"What about beyond school? If I'm having so much fun, I'm going to need someone to share all my smiles with. Will you be right here with me, Mary?"

Compared to the warmth before, the torrent building inside of Mary was an inferno that could only be quelled by one thing. Despite her reservations, she believed Lucas' words. If he said that he could support both his ideals and her, she had no reason to doubt him. As the thought crossed her mind, she wondered if it was okay, just this once, for her to feel this happy. The billowing emotions came forth as a single sentence.

"If... sniff... If that's what you require..."

While her response was short, the smile developing on her face told Lucas all he needed to know. Reflecting her excitement, he pulled her into an embrace.

"I do. More than anything, I do. I want to fill your heart so full that you'll get sick of me."

Guiding Mary to his desk, they took a seat next to each other as Lucas' eyes poured over her and he leaned in close to speak.

"That's a much better face. Weren't you about to say something to me earlier? Something that I needed to cover my ears for?"

Thinking for a second, Mary realized what Lucas was hinting at. With striking eyes and quivering lips, she turned her head up to meet his gaze.

"You... You're such a handful... I love you, Lucas. I have for so long now... Can you accept a hopeless girl like me?"

The answer came instantly to Lucas as his hand moved behind Mary's back and rested on her shoulder.

"It would be the best assignment you've ever given me... Because, I love you too."

Pulling Mary close with his arm, their silhouettes merged as the rays from the setting sun poured over them. From atop the desk they could see the serene view of the island as a newly formed love basked in the welcoming light. While spending time together was familiar, the separation between them had disappeared, leaving only possibility. And so, in the room where they had first come to understand one another, Mary and Lucas let their hearts speak unfettered for the very first time.

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