Cassie Cage x Male Reader (MK...

By PresidentofAnarchy

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This is the story between Mortal Kombat X character Cassie Cage x Male Reader. Enjoy! More

Chapter 1 "Love At First Sight"
Chapter 3 "Sadness & Healed Heart"
Chapter 4 "A Night To Remember"
Chapter 5 "Outworld Mission"
Chapter 6 "Promotion & Happiness"
Chapter 7 "Netherrealm Mission"
Chapter 8 "Moving To Florida"
Chapter 9 "Wedding Day" (Short)

Chapter 2 "First Mission (Lin Kuei Temple)"

919 14 4
By PresidentofAnarchy

We were all in the plane awaiting for a mission, Johnny told us about the story of when of where he and his friends defeated Shao Khan, Shinnok's escape from the Netherrealm, He and Sonya fighting against their revenant friends. How he saved Sonya from Shinnok, and even trapped him in his own amulet. Better yet how Sonya called him "Johnny."

Johnny: "Raiden told me later that I'm descended from some Mediterranean war cult."

Johnny: " "Bred as warriors for the Gods." "

Johnny: "I've never been able to re-summon that green halo."

Johnny: "Raiden thinks it was a triggered when I saw a loved one about to die..."

Kung Jin: "How 'bout you, Cassie?"

Kung Jin: "Can you summon anything like that?"

Kung Jin: "Or did it skip a generation?"

Takeda: "Take it easy, Jin..."

Cassie: "We didn't need a halo in Darfur..."

Cassie: "Or Iran, or Kurdistan."

Cassie: "Did we, Jacqui?"

Jacqui: "Nope, we didn't."

Jacqui: "Shaolin monks ever send you there, Jin?"

Kung Jin: "I've seen plenty of action."

Kung Jin: "Takeda and I both."

Kung Jin: "Stuff that'd blow your Special Forces minds--"

You decided to step in before things get heated, you looked over at your younger brother who was sitting down. He nodded, you just wanted to make sure nothing gets too heated. You stood up and decided to step in to break this up.

Cassie: "Fuc--"

Y/N: "At ease."

Y/N: "Were all here because we deserve to be."

You decided to say this next sarcastic comment to Jin, for being a asshole.

Y/N: "You're beautiful and and you need snowflakes."

Everyone in the plane chuckled at your comment except Jin. Jin looked red when he heard you say that. Jin was standing up, so you decided to use a technique you've learned from the Marines. There's always a nerve on each side of the jaw. You used your right hand, your thumb and middle finger to push the nerves on the side of his jaws which was painful.

Kung Jin: "Ow Ow please stop!"

Y/N: "Only if you promise to behave."

Kung Jin: "Okay I promise please stop!"

You release your thumb and middle finger from his nerve points. Jin can barely talk which was probably the best thing for him. Cassie smiled over at you, happy that you used your sarcasm and marine techniques to stand up for her. You blushed than you smirked at her, she blushed and quickly turned away. Johnny signals you to go sit down, because he has something to say. You go sit in your seat and Johnny starts to speak.

Johnny: "Now..."

Johnny: "As I'm sure you're unaware, judging from the lack of gift cards..."

Johnny: "Today is our team's six-week anniversary."

Johnny: "Secretary Blake says he's pleased with our progress."

Kung Jin: "You could spit in his hair he'd be "pleased with our progress..." "

You looked over at Kung Jin giving him a warning look, that if he says something sarcastic or tries to be funny that you would get up again push the nerves on each side of his jaw again. Kung Jin saw you and he shut himself up quickly.

Jacqui: "He was smart enough to have Mr. Cage put this team together..."

Takeda: "I'm glad the Shirai Ryu chose me to join."

Takeda: "New places..."

Takeda: "New Faces..."

Takeda smiled over at Jacqui, Your younger brother didn't like that and you could see the frown on his face. So you decided after this mission you would speak to him about Jacqui. Luckily though Jacqui didn't smile back, Takeda was confused but decided to brush it off. Johnny continued to speak.

Johnny: "As the secretary pointed out, us older folks are gonna retire someday."

Johnny: "So it's time for your generation to step up."

Johnny looked at Kung Jin.

Johnny: "Shaolin."

Johnny looked at Takeda.

Johnny: "Shirai Ryu."

Then Johnny looked at Cassie, Jacqui, Your brother, and You.

Johnny: "S-F, Together."

Johnny: "For your team's first mission, you're going to the Lin Kuei Temple."

Johnny: "We haven't heard from the Grandmaster in a while..."

Johnny: "So we need to make sure he's still on our side."

Johnny: "That he's got our backs if things flare up again with Outworld."

Johnny: "You need to bring him in."

Johnny: "But don't be surprised if Sub-Zero's not willing to cooperate."

Cassie: "Why we worried about Outworld?"

Cassie: "I thought Kotal Khan respects the Reiko Accords..."

Johnny: "He does."

Johnny: "But he's facing a civil war."

Johnny: "The rebels win, those Accords will be history."

Cassie: "Alright I understand now."

Johnny: "Our Intel says that Y/N and Y/B/N have known Sub-Zero since they were toddlers, the brothers trained with the Sub-Zero."

Johnny: "Sub-Zero is a friend of Y/N and Y/B/N family."

Johnny: "What I suggest is to plan your strategy and when you 6 confront Sub-Zero, let Y/N and Y/B/N do the talking then you all might have a better chance in bringing him in."

Y/B/N: "How did you know, that were not only friends with him but he trained to know how to fight?"

Johnny: "Let's say I also know your family."

Y/N & Y/B/N: "What?!"

Johnny: "I was with your family in their home-state Florida, when Afghanistan terrorists invaded the state."

Johnny: "Y/N you were only 2 years old when this happened, and Y/B/N was born few days before this."

Johnny: "Your parents died for me to take you both out of Florida, I met a CPS agent, he helped put you both up adoption."

Johnny: "I asked your legal guardians to keep your lasts names still, so you still have your parents last names."

Johnny: "I'm sorry Y/N and Y/B/N I should've told you sooner."

Johnny: "I hope you find it in you're hearts to forgive soon."

You and your brother are fighting back tears the whole team felt bad for you both, even Jin felt bad. Cassie felt bad for both of you, especially you she saw that you have a broken heart that needed to be fixed. Cassie still didn't feel ready to confess. Jacqui felt the same thing about your brother.

Few Hours Later

We arrive at the Lin Kuei Temple were still on the plan, Cassie and Jacqui are explaining the plan. Everyone is looking at the digital map.

Cassie: "Once we hit the drop point, we split up."

Cassie: "Jacqui and I will come in from the south."

Cassie: "Takeda and Jin, you both will come in from the west."

Cassie: "And L/N brothers, you both will come in from the east."

Jacqui: "Rendezvous here, the north entrance."

Kung Jin: "Then what?"

Kung Jin: "A simple pickup and go?"

Cassie: "We bag 'im if he resists."

Takeda: "Resistance might be more possible than you think..."

Cassie: "Don't sweat it."

Cassie: "It comes to that, Sub-Zero won't know what hit him."

The autopilot plane flies to the west first, Jin and Takeda put on a parachute and jump out of the plane. Then the plane flies to the east side you and your brother have small yet memorable conversation. The door to plane opens, you and your brother put on parachutes and are ready to jump.

Y/B/N: "Heh, just like when we were back in the Marines huh Y/N?

Y/N: "Yep just like old times, anyway enough talk just jump."

You and your brother jump out of the plane, Cassie and Jacqui were surprised to hear you both used to be in the Marines and not join S-F right away. Cassie and Jacqui jump out of the plane and land on the south side of the Lin Kuei territory. You all meet up at the north entrance of the temple.

Cassie: "All right, I've got point."

Cassie: "Takeda an Jin that side."

Cassie: "Move!"

Takeda and Jin go to the other side

Cassie: "Ready?"

Jacqui, your brother, and you nod. Everyone starts to move until the doors come flying open. You see Sub-Zero and some other Lin Kuei assassins walk out the doors. Jin uses his head to ask if we could get him now, Cassie shakes her. Yet he walks over there anyway.

Cassie: "Damnit, Jin..."

Kung Jin: "You, I need t--"

Cassie pull Kung Jin back.

Sub-Zero: "You are not welcome here, state your intentions."

Cassie: "Grandmaster, We need you to come with us."

Cassie: "My name is Sergeant--"

Lin Kuei assassins surrounds all of us, and Sub-Zero stands up.

Sub-Zero: "You demand my cooperation."

Sub-Zero: "Yet you are cut off, surrounded."

Sub-Zero: "What will you do?"

Cassie: "My father always spoke highly of you, Sub-Zero."

Cassie: "He wants to talk."

Sub-Zero: "Talking, always his first choice."

Y/N: "Talking might be the best thing for all of us right now."

Sub-Zero: "Who said that?"

Y/N: "It's me Sub-Zero Y/N."

Sub-Zero: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yes, Y/B/N is here also."

Y/B/N: "Hi Sub-Zero."

Sub-Zero: "Hello Y/B/N."

Y/N: "Sub-Zero we need to bring you with us, because there's a potential threat that Outworld might invade Earthrealm."

Sub-Zero: "Y/N I've known you and Y/B/N since you both were children, In my heart you are my family but I'm not going to the Special Forces base."

Kung Jin: "All right, let's try pummeling."

Kung Jin: "Now!"

Y/N: "Wait...!"

Everyone now was fighting Sub-Zero was fighting Cassie first when I overheard their conversation.

Sub-Zero: "Cassandra Cage."

Sub-Zero: "You lead this group, but most of them do not follow."

Sub-Zero: "What would your mother do?"

Cassie: "Stop wasting time and take you down."

After Sub-Zero defeated Cassie, he said something.

Sub-Zero: "You are more like your mother than you think."

Then I see Takeda come up behind Sub-Zero but fails to kick him the back properly, Sub-Zero teleports behind Takeda and kicks him and then they both say something.

Sub-Zero: "Your powers should have revealed my intention, Takahashi Takeda."

Sub-Zero: "No doubt Kenshi taught you how to use them."

Takeda: "My father taught me a lot, Grandmaster."

Sub-Zero: "Let us see."

After Takeda has been defeated by Sub-Zero, Sub-Zero always likes to say something after defeating his enemies.

Sub-Zero: "You are not your father, not yet."

Jacqui tries to sneak up behind and kick Sub-Zero, and she failed just like Takeda did.

Jacqui: "Damnit."

Sub-Zero: "You announced your arrival, Jacqueline Briggs."

Jacqui: "Specialist Briggs."

Sub-Zero: "Yes, Military decorum is important to your family."

Sub-Zero managed to block every hit except 3 hits.

Jacqui: "If you know my father, you know me."

Jacqui: "Thought you and he were friends."

Sub-Zero: "Our histories share a dark chapter."

Sub-Zero defeated the 3rd member of the team and he said.

Sub-Zero: "Do not judge yourself harshly, Specialist Briggs."

Sub-Zero got distracted and got hit a few times by Jacqui, then Jacqui ran off. Kung Jin sees Sub-Zero on his knees and decides to try to get him. Only for him to block every hit from Jin, and hit Jin multiple times.

Kung Jin: "A feint, bravo."

Sub-Zero: "Kung Jin, you should rally your companions rather than mock your superiors."

Kung Jin: "I'll remember that,... In case I ever meet one."

Sub-Zero defeated Kung Jin and said.

Sub-Zero: "False bravado does not suit you."

Jacqui, Takeda, Kung Jin, and Cassie were all tied wit their hands behind there backs. The only people who were left was Sub-Zero, you, your brother, and some Lin Kuei assassins. Your brother goes up to Sub-Zero and starts fighting him. At the beginning it's a tough fight, but Sub-Zero lands one good punch to the face to your brother.

Sub-Zero: "Y/B/N you are a very skilled fighter, but let's not forget who taught you how to fight."

Y/B/N: "I remember just fine thank you very much."

Sub-Zero: "Let's see what you've learned from being here."

After a tough fight Your brother almost won, but Sub-Zero won the fight and said.

Sub-Zero: "You've learned a lot, but not enough."

Lin Kuei assassins tie my brothers hands together and sets him with everyone else.

Kung Jin: "Nice going Y/B/N."

Jacqui: "At least he did better than you, you needed a weapon to almost defeat Sub-Zero, Y/B/N didn't use anything and almost won."

Takeda: "She does make a good point Jin."

Kung Jin: "Shut up."

Cassie is looking over at you, worried about you. She thought if all of us was defeated than you were going to be to. But what she was about to see would amaze her. You finished fighting a Lin Kuei assassin, Sub-Zero walks up to you and says.

Sub-Zero: "Let's see what you've learned."

You both started fighting, you made Sub-Zero go on defense, Sub-Zero was having a hard time blocking and dodging, moments later you both have a clash moment.

Y/N: "I didn't want it to come to this."

Sub-Zero: "Neither did I."

After fighting minutes later Sub-Zero was on the ground he said.

Sub-Zero: "You've learned a lot Y/N, you always was a fast learner."

Then a Lin Kuei assassin comes up behind you trips you, Sub-Zero gets back up and finishes the fight. Sub-Zero was closer to defeat than he ever was before. Sub Zero said this to you as a assassin ties your hands together.

Sub-Zero: "Y/N you and Y/B/N were always like sons to me."

He said with guilt in his voice. You sat next to your brother with tied hands.

Takeda: "Any ideas?"

Cassie: "Sub-Zero, let's talk..."

Sub-Zero: "That opportunity has passed."

Kung Jin: "Got a new plan, Cage?"

Jacqui: "You could'a followed the old one, Jin."

Cassie: "You're gonna catch hell if you kill us..."

Sub-Zero walks towards them.

Sub-Zero: "Yes, I suppose so."

Sub-Zero: "Chuo! Dangjin!"

A Lin Kuei assassin cuts the rope from all of our hands and walks away. So does every other Lin Kuei assassin.

Cassie: "That worked...?"

Johnny Cage whistles at everybody, he also waves at us.

Jacqui: "This was all a... a..."

Sub-Zero: "A training exercise."

Y/N: "Damn shoulda seen it."

Sub-Zero chuckled

Sub-Zero: "You and your friends show much promise, Cassandra Cage."

Sub-Zero: "But until you function as one..."

Sub-Zero: " will fall short."

Y/N: "Hey this time let's stay in touch Sub-Zero."

Sub-Zero: "I'll make sure of that."

Sub-Zero walked back into his temple, and we walked back to our plane, Cassie shoves Kung Jin. And Jin sits down.

Johnny: "So other than that you enjoyed your visit..."

Cassie: "The Lin Kuei shredded us."

Kung Jin: "You maybe..."

Y/B/N: "I see every single frozen boot print mostly on your ass, compared to everyone else."

Kung Jin: "Screw you Y/B/N."

Johnny: "C'mon now, you're all winners in my book."

Johnny's phone vibrates, he picks it up and says

Johnny: "New orders, from General Blade."

Johnny types on the humongous computer and says.

Johnny: "Priority One: Outworlders, here in Earthrealm.

Takeda: "An invasion?"

Y/N: "Couldn't be."

Kung Jin: "You're not afraid are you, Mr. Cage?"

Johnny: "Outworlders I can handle..."

Johnny: "Let's head back to base."

The plane takes off and starts to head back to base, you see Cassie staring at you with dreamy eyes, and Jacqui was doing the same thing with your brother. All four of you blushed and turned away, quickly.

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