
By Simmyishere

58K 1.6K 210

[Book#1] 12 years ago 3 year old Chrisanna went missing from her school playground. Now 14 years she finds ou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Information dump
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 7

2K 56 1
By Simmyishere

I made my way downstairs albeit slowly but I did. I couldn't help but ask myself why Aleksandr was having dinner with us.

Regardless I made it down stairs where I noticed Ilya talking to two people one of them looked scared for their life, they hadn't met Aleksandr.

"Don't just stand there Chris" he didn't even turn. As soon as I was next to him I noticed he was wearing his glasses a linen shirt unbuttoned at the top and the school trousers.

"Go on" Ilya said nodding to the two people in front of us.

"Good morning young missus, my name is Kimberly Fernandez and I will be your secretary for as long as you will have me" she said giving me a professional but nervous smile.

"I am Eron Fernandez. I shall be your head of young missus security at your service and as my wife said we shall be with you for as long as you shall have us" a deep voice said as I turned to the man.

Kimberly was very tall I think 5ft11 she had a brown haired pixie cut and doe like amber eyes. As well as heart shaped lips. Her skin had a beautiful natural tan. Eron was taller then Kimberly if I had to guess it would be 6ft7 taller then all my brothers that's for sure. He had curly dirty blonde hair with light green eyes as well as a stubble.

Wait I have a secretary and security.

I couldn't help but look at Ilya in shock.But he wasn't there figures.

I cleared my throat "Welcome then and I leave my care to you" was all I said before adding that they could live.

As soon as they were gone I sighed in relief that was a lot of pressure and I didn't stutter. Then I remembered  Aleksandr would be joining us.

I dragged my feet to the kitchen and as always I had voices. They were of Leonid and Nikolai. I could guess what they were talking about.

"Kolya it's not my fault your favourite hero sucks, blame the writers "Leonid said in a condescending tone.

"Le-" before he could say anything he was cut of my a deep yet lazy voice.

"Kolya, Lenya" I knew that voice from anywhere, Aleksandr had just arrived.

"Silence nakonets" (at last) a voice I could only guess was Ilya added.

"Chrisanna I would appreciate it if your entered the dinning hall" came Aleksandr's voice.

I shivered how did he know I was here. As soon as I entered I was greeted by Lysander's smile, Nikolai's look of annoyance, Leonid's smug smile still wearing that stupid hoodie, Ilya who looked like all he wanted to do was sleep and Aleksandr as always looked had a look of boredom still his eyes were lifeless.

"Why don't you have a sit Anna" Lysander said as I took a sit right next to him. Nikolai, Leonid and Lysander who were standing up took their sits as well Aleksandr who was standing by the other kitchen entrance slowly made his way to his seat as he undid his tie slowly and Ilya was already sitting down.

As the food was served we had small conversations about our day and school. Lysander is the chairman of what I learnt were the Vassiliev hospitals also known as VH. He also works as a neurosurgeon as well. Which is too much work if you ask me, but he says he manages plus VH has been in the family for 4 generations and has spread to multiple countries throughout the years.

He told me that it was created by Priscilla our too many greats grandmother. She was a nurse that started her own hospital after her father's our too many greats grandfather decided to be generous enough and invest in her.

"How was your day Ann" my head immediately raised up as I made contact with Aleksandr whom I wanted to look away from, trust me.

"G-Good" I said remembering that I had to answer him.

"I'm-" Aleksandr was cut off.

He was cut of and I couldn't help but widen my eyes in shock.

"It was good but go on the details  printsessa" Nikolai said. "She's also friends with Sarah-"

"It's Stafenie" I cut him off. Causing Leonid to snort.

"How can you not remember simple names and yet you are the top student at Crown" Ilya added in mockery.

"Shut up Illyusha" Nikolai said in annoyance.

"Academic intelligence doesn't mean having a strong name remembering ability" Nikolai added still annoyed.

"I don't listen to number twos" was Ilya's reply before Lysander joined Leonid as they chuckled, Nikolai looked like he wanted to strangle  Ilya but what nearly had my jaw hanging on the floor was a smirking Aleksandr his eyes still lifeless but the important information was that he was smirking.

I was shook the only thing I could do was stare as his smirk, but it was gone as fast as it appeared and for a moment I thought I was seeing things.

"As I was saying, 2 weeks from now  you will be meeting the rest of the Vassiliev family Ann" Aleksandr said causing all the guys to groan even Lysander groaned.

"W-What's so bad about the r-rest of the family?" I asked curiously looking at anyone but Aleksandr.

Leonid cleared his throat as I turned to look at him "Nothing is bad about them Chrissy they're just sickenly annoying."

"Finally something we agree on!" Nikolai exclaimed.

"Every time I'm around them I want to die" Ilya added.

"Stop being dramatic their not that bad" Lysander said, trying to hide his cringe.

"I can see you visiblely cringe Lova"Ilya replied."But you aren't wrong not all of them are bad" he added.

"I believe you mean our cousins right, from uncle Lev's side of the family" Nikolai said in thought whilst his hand brushed his black hair.

"Thats oddly specific" Leonid said with a voice that sounded annoyed.

"His family is the least problematic after all" Lysander replied to Leonid even though he didn't seem to have asked him the question.

"Ann I highly advise you not to trust anyone other then us and our grandparents" Aleksandr said whilst looking at me straight at my eyes.

As I was about to reply to him Leonid, Ilya and Nikolai said at the same time "They're all snakes"

"They could give the vipera a run for it's money" man they really don't like the rest of the family. I was scared to be honest because if people like them who were strong enough to cut the bull I, wouldn't be able to do that. I most likely would be scared and begin stuttering. And here I was hoping for the other side of my family to like me too.

At least my brothers and grandparents from what Aleksandr seem to like me and aren't as bad.

After dinner Aleksandr was the first to live after getting a call where he would live ,not before saying a cold lifeless 'good night.'

We all made our way to our rooms. I took a quick shower and wore my pjs. I got into my bad and clapped my hands the lights turning off and before I knew it I was out.

"Pretty girl how are you" a voice of a man I didn't ever want to remember said. I wanted to run but I couldn't.

"Hello mister !!!!" I said with a smile.

"Good good, say where is Jacob" he asked.

"He just left but I'll tell him that you came" I smiled at him. I wanted to run, scream and shout for help but I couldn't, I looked like a smiling doll.

'Move, move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move...damn it just move please.'

"Oh don't worry I'll wait for him to return, as we wait why don't you tell me about you day whilst sitting on my lap" he replied a look in his eyes that sent shivers down my spine.

My smile began to slowly fall "I-Its fine mister !!!! I think I'll j-" he cut me off before I could continue.

"Girly follow what your elders say if you don't want to get a beating" he said still smiling.

I didn't listen as I was frozen still and began to immediately start running. I had large footsteps following me and as quickly as he stood up I was hit hard by something.

"Ahhhhhh" I screamed but still tried to run. Blood falling from my head. And again I was hit over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again the pain continued on.

My face strained with tears, snort and blood.

Why me, why me...

And suddenly the pain stopped I opened my eyes wide and I tried gasping for air, I couldn't breathe, how could I when all I did was cry, fortunately it wasn't loud enough to wake the others.

And I slowly began to fall asleep.No no no no no no no no no no, I couldn't sleep if I did I would go back. I thought as I tried even harder to catch my breath I don't know how long it took but slowly I began breathing well albeit weak but least I was awake. Tears were still rolling from my face as air began entering my lungs again.

!!!! His name began to repeat it's self and before I knew it I began choking on air.
My hands immediately went to my neck I didn't notice anything.

Some-Someone anyone please help me... please and before I knew it all I saw was black and although I was scared of going back to darkness at least I was out enough to not have nightmares.

Chapter 7 is out so how was it. What do you guys think of the Vassiliev family and who is this


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