
By XxChipettesFanxX

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Britannia and her family are apart of a cult. Her family sees nothing wrong with it, but she does. They often... More

A birth to remember
1st time seeing the sinners be punished
Another meeting
More gruesome torture
The bracelet
Beginning to question it all
Meeting Cecelia
Everything they told you is wrong
Finally, an 'adult'
You must escape
Her awakening
The escaping plan
Going through with the plan

Getting her gift from THEM

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By XxChipettesFanxX

Then she heard the sound of shuffling, and some heavy footsteps. She saw flowing white robes from behind her, before THEY walked in front of her. And then she saw what THEY looked like. THEY had long flowing white robes, and a big white hood that hid their face. But Britannia could see THEY had white skin, white or very very pale blond hair and was a male by THEIR voice. She could see THEIR smile. It looked nice, but there was something behind it. Something..... sinister. And it made Britannia feel nervous. "No need to be scared, I won't hurt you." HE said as HE took a step towards her. She looked up at HIM since he was very tall. She could still not see HIS face. HE dug into his pockets, and pulled out a small white box wrapped in silver ribbon. HE slowly unwrapped it to reveal the gift inside. What was inside the little white box was a pair of earrings. They were silver, and had a bright red gem in the centre. Britannia's brown eyes widened and a huge smile appeared on her face. HE removed the earrings from the package, and gently put them on her ears. HE smiled down at her, and got down on HIS knees to be on the same level as her. "My child.... these earrings are a gift. These earrings will give you the gift to talk to spirits, and those spirits will guide you onto the right path. To keep worshipping me and this relegion. You have a special path, my child. I expect you to obey the book and always wear your earrings. Do you understand?" She smiled and nodded her head. "I do!" HE smiled back at her, before standing back up and retreating into a different room once again. The priest returned soon after, and smiled. He grabbed Britannia by her hand and lead her back out to the main room of the church. He held his hands up in the air, and announced loudly. "BRITANNIA HAS MET THEM, AND RECIEVED A HOLY GIFT!!!! LET'S ALL CELEBRATE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone began to shout, clap and sing to celebrate her. The whole church stood up, and formed a line. They all walked around and sang and dance as they entered a different room. The ball room or celebration room where she would be celebrated at. This was a big milestone, afterall. Once in the party room, everyone sat down, went to the dance area or the buffet for food. Britannia ran to her parents, who were happy to see her. "Honey, we are so proud of you!" Her father said and her mother nodded her head in agreement. "Let's go get some food and celebrate you, my dear!" Her mother said as her and her husband made their way to the buffet. Britannia didn't follow suit, and began to walk towards the bathroom. It was like she couldn't control her own body, like she couldn't control her movements. Her parents didn't think nothing of it, since the church was a very safe place. She walked in the bathroom, and locked the door behind her.

She didn't know what was happening to her. Britannia imeddietly fell to her knees, and closed her eyes. She wasn't praying. Nor did she meet a spirit yet. She began to think, and was thinking about everything the church was doing. She just needed to be away from everyone. Why was she thinking the church's teachings were false and everything they were telling her was incorrect? Why was she so doubtful when she read the holy book? Why was she always so scared when around the priest? Why was she so scared around HIM? She got up from her knees, and leaned against the wall. This was all too much for her to handle right now. Maybe she was just going crazy. Yeah, that must be it. Britannia went to the small sink and turned on the tap. Scooping some of the ice cold water into her hands, she put it against her face. It cooled her down, and helped her relax. She looked at herself in the mirror and put a smile on. With that, she left the bathroom and returned to the room in the church. Her parents didn't seem worried about how long she was gone, as they already had plates full of food and were eating. They only noticed her when she began to talk as she sat right next to them. "Oh sweetie! You were gone for a bit, so I got you some food I know you'll like." Her mother said as she set down a plate with chicken, veggies, some mashed potatoes and a chocolate chip cookie. She also had some water to drink. Being grateful, she ate the food and made small talk with her parents and any of the other church members who decided to stop by their table to congrauate her. Everyone continued to party late into the night, until it was about six in the morning, and the moon began to lower in the sky. The church did their services late at night, and never during the day. Nobody questioned this. Once the moon began to lower, the priest who looked messy now grabbed the microphone and began to talk. "Now this concludes the celebration for Britannia. We will see you next week for the weekly meeting. Make it home safe everyone." He said with a smile, and everyone left the church. And they left their mess behind, as the sinners would be made to clean that at a later time. When Britannia and her family got home, they all got washed up and ready for bed. Her mother tucked her into her bedding, and kissed her forehead. "Would you like me to read you a bedtime story?" She asked and Britannia shook her head. "No thank you, mommy. Goodnight." Her mother kissed her one more time before leaving the room. "Goodnight sweetie... I love you so much..."

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