More gruesome torture

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Another week goes by, another meeting. The 'sinners' are always being 'rehabilitated'. But those who are 'rehabilitated' never show back up to the church. The priest says that they have chosen to 'take a break' and everyone believed it. But that wasn't true at all. When being 'rehabilitated' is being tortured, beat or even killed. So those sinners from last week, they were either emotionally or physically killed. But nobody suspected anything wrong with that at all. Anyways, Britannia is now eleven and has seen a lot of sinners be punished. Not many of them returned, and you know why. But what little Britannia doesn't know is today she will have to participate in the torture instead of watch due to her age. She went downstairs and grabbed a bright red apple out of the basket of fruit on the kitchen counter, and took a bite out of it as she walked out the door. She got into the backseat of the car, and her family drove to the church. They didn't talk much, as there wasn't anything to talk about. Everyone was content and enjoyed the silence and the sound of the car driving down the road.

Once they arrived to the church, everyone got out and went inside. Everyone looked the same. Same hair style, same conservitave style of clothes. If an outside looked at them, they would think it's one big family who all knows each other. But it's not, they all have to look the same and dress the same since it's in the holy book. It's what THEY want. It will make THEM happy. So they must do it, they must please them. So they are on the right path and can go to Paradise. Once everyone was inside, they sat in the same row of seats they do for every other meeting. And about ten minutes later once everyone was inside and seated, the priest walked out and walked up to his stand. He grabbed the silver microphone out of it's stand, and tapped it once. It only took once to get everyone's attention and to get them to be quiet. They knew it was time for the big weekly meeting tto happen, and time to torture the sinners. That was everyone's favourite part. The part where they got to participate, and show how much they love THEM, by helping 'rehabilitate' the 'sinners' so they can learn from their 'mistakes' and learn to worship THEM. The priest began to speak, his calm and kind voice hiding his intenstions. Hiding his true feelings. Hiding it all. "I welcome each and every single one of you back to today's weekly meeting. Today, we will do some usual reading, make time for praying and to wrap it all up, we will bring out the sinners to be rehabilitated by each and everyone of you!!" Everyone broke into an applause, like they always did. They were always happy at these meetings, always smiling and cheering like it was a sport. Like murderin- rehabilitating was a sport, a huge event where everyone was happy. It wasn't. It was a ritual where they killed people, and covered it up under the lies that its what THEY want, it's in the relegious book. It's just a lazy excuse to try and say murder is okay. It isn't, murder is never okay under any circumstances.

Everyone opened the kneeling post, and got down on their knees. The priest decided that they should start off with praying, and he would read the holy book as they prayed. They all clasped their hands and closed their eyes, deep in thought. The priest began to read from the holy book, in a strange language. It wasn't English, nor German, nor Latin. It wasn't any language you could find in a book, or anywhere. He was reading in tongues. How he did it, nobody knew. He began to say a 'prayer' but it wasn't a good kind. It was a prayer to the Dark Prince, Lord of Chaos himself. He was praying that nobody finds out the true meaning of the church, and that nobody dares to try and leave. That the church's secrets stay hidden in the walls and floor of the very old wooden building. But those church members didn't know. They suspected him to be praying for good health, money, technological advancements or similar stuff. And they never knew he was praying to Satan. Not any good relegious figure. Once you are in the church and are a member, you are a member for life and don't suspect anything wrong with the teachings. And the only way out once you are in is by death. Luckily for him, it doesn't seem like anyone will want to leave the church anytime soon.

About fourty-five minutes or so later once he was done praying, he gave everyone permission to open their eyes so they could prepare to wrap up the ceremony. And it was going to end in everyone's favourite way; rehabilitating the sinners. "Alright everyone, now we are about to wrap up today's weekly meeting. But not without bringing the sinners out to help them, of course! Johnny, Axel, bring them out please!" He said in almost a sing song like voice. The two buff men nodded their heads and went to the back room of the church. They brought out three people. Two women and a man. The people were struggling and trying to kick the guards, but they simply smacked them with a wooden paddle, and they stopped. The people were paraded to the front of the chruch, and into a dusty area which was used for their rehabilitation. The priest spoke once again. "Alright everyone! These three people were caught being in a poly relationship, which goes against our holy book and THEIR teachings. You all know what to do. Grab a tool or anything you see, and get to it!" Everyone cheered as they approached the tool cart and picked out a weapon. Britannia didn't like how this looked, and tried to run off to the washroom to hide. But her father grabbed her arm. "Britannia honey, you are eleven now. You know what that means?" She shook her head in a naive way. "It means you must participate in rehabilitating the sinners. Now grab a tool and help us." She nodded her head naively and went towards the cart. She felt.... scared and she didn't know why. She chose a small kitchen like knife and shakily approached the screaming woman. Someone was cutting her foot off! It disgusted Britannia but she knew she had to participate. She didn't want to dissapoint them. She grabbed the woman's pinned down arm and put the knife in it. She dug the knife around, and watched as the woman screamed and cried in pain. Her father and mother began to mess with her face, breaking her nose and cutting her tongue off. This went on for about thirty minutes.

When they were done, the priest dismissed everyone to go home while he had his guards take the bodies away. They were taken to the back garden which is locked by a gate, and were left there. If they somehow escaped and survived after the torture, they were free. If they died, they died. Nobody showed them much mercy, but Britannia felt bad for them. She had that woman's painful expression stuck in her head for the rest of the night.

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