
By XxChipettesFanxX

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Britannia and her family are apart of a cult. Her family sees nothing wrong with it, but she does. They often... More

A birth to remember
Another meeting
Getting her gift from THEM
More gruesome torture
The bracelet
Beginning to question it all
Meeting Cecelia
Everything they told you is wrong
Finally, an 'adult'
You must escape
Her awakening
The escaping plan
Going through with the plan

1st time seeing the sinners be punished

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By XxChipettesFanxX

Britannia is now four, and her days are filled with going to the church and reading the holy book. Basically learning more about THEM. And why THEY are so important, and how good THEY are. Well, thats what the church and her parents tell her. Plus due to her young age, she believes everything anyone tells her. She has gone to so many of these weekly church meetings that she knew what they did step by step. Right now, her mother was getting her dressed in a ankle length white dress with matching mary-jane styled shoes and a white flower in her light brown hair. Britannia saw herself in the mirror and smiled. This caused her mother to smile as well. "You look so cute, my dear!" She giggled and hugged her mother. "Thank you, mommy!" They were getting ready for another weekly meeting. The dress code was modesty is key, and not being modest got you talked about by others and shamed. Little Britannia stared at her mother's wrist, and saw a silver bracelet with an emerald gem on it. She was curious about it. "Oooh mommy, what's that?" Her mother smiled softly. "It's a gift I received from THEM when I was a little girl." She smiled. "When will I get one?" Her mother ruffled her light brown hair. "When you are a bit older, sweetie. But not too long." Britannia frowned. "Awww...." Her mother walked to the living room and Britannia followed suit. Her father was already outside in the car waiting on them. "Let's get ready to go, today we have the big weekly meeting." Her mother said as they left the house and got in the car. Her father drove them to the church, just in time.

Once they all arrived to the church, they went inside and sat down. It was pretty busy since today was the big weekly meeting. Britannia heard from her mother that there would be people called 'sinners' being punished today. Since she was young, she had no clue what it meant. Which may be a good thing, since she will never be the same after today's meeting. A few minutes later, the priest walked out, and grabbed a microphone. He began to speak in a nice and polite voice, masking his sadistic side which he would let loose when 'rehabilitating' the sinners today. "Welcome everyone, members of the holy church to today's weekly meeting!" He smiled, and everyone began to clap. They did this at every meeting Britannia learned. A few moments later, they stopped as he began to talk again. "Today we will read some of the holy book, say some prayers and help rehabilitate the sinners!" Everyone broke into an applause once again, as the little girl looked confused and tugged on her mother's arm. "Mommy? What do they mean by rehabiliate the sinners?" Her mother smiled sweetly. "You will see later on, sweetie. For now let's pay attention to the meeting." Britannia went back to watching the meeting with wide green eyes. "Let's read from another chapter of the holy book, shall we?" He walked towards the stand, and began to read the book. "Today's chapter of the holy book mentions how to find peace within yourself and stay faitful to THEM." After he said that, he began to read from the holy book. Everyone was down on their knees, eyes closed and hands clasped together as they got deep in prayer. An ordinary person who walked in and saw this would think they are hyptonised. But in their minds, they aren't. They continuned this for about an hour. Once they were done reading the holy book, everyone returned to their seats. It was about time for the sinners to be brought out, and 'rehabilitated'. The priest watched along with everyone else as a group of about five or six people were brought out from a back room by two big men. Their hands were bound with handcuffs, their mouths gagged with rope. They look scared as they were brought to the centre of the church. "Everyone as you know... today we have to rehabilitate the sinners and get them on the right path, and to completely devote themselves to THEM." Everyone clapped and smiled as those men who brought them out went to the back to get a wooden cart. The cart had knives, axes, matches, petrol, pliers, and other tools. The 'sinners' began to squirm and whimper in fear. The priest simply smiled. "No need to be scared, dear sinners. We will help get you on the right path, and to worship them." He did a 'come here' motion to everyone, and they stood from their seats and went to the front of the church. "This shouldn't be too painful now, so don't worry." He paused and glanced at the growing crowd. "Now everyone else... grab a tool, and use it to teach the sinners!" Everyone grabbed a tool or an ordinary item that could be used as a weapon. Britannia's mother grabbed a knife, her father grabbed a hammer. Her mother grabbed her hans gently and dragged her towards one of the sinners. She had long dark red hair, and brown eyes. The girl looked at Britannia with tears in her eyes, and talked despite being muffled by the gag. "G-Get out of here while you can.... t-this place is a-a frau....-" Before the woman could finish, she was stabbed in the back by her mother with the knife. Britannia looked very scared, but her mother stroked her arm in a loving way to comfort her. "No need to be scared, my dear. We are just teaching the sinners a lesson. They won't die." The woman began to loose a lot of blood, and her tan skin paled. She was about to die, and nobody cared. Britannia felt sorry for her, but there was nothing she could do. She was so young, and didn't see too much wrong with this. They were only rehabiliating the sinners, right?

After about five hours of 'rehabilatating' the sinners, the priest told them to stop. The six people looked near death if some of them wern't dead already. "Alright everyone, I think they learned their lesson. We ran out of time to say the prayers, but you all have your prayer books and can go home and pray. Remember to send your weekly gift to them, for Tribuite Thursday. You are all dismissed." And with that, everyone left the church and went home. It was already evening time. Britannia looked nervous as she looked at her mother. "Remember how the sinners were rehabilitated earlier?" Her mother took a bite of her stew. "Yes honey, what about them?" Britannia took a drink of her water before speaking. "Do you think they really will repent and get on the right path?" Her mother smiled sadly. "We can only hope, sweetie. We can only hope."

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