Fallen Moon

By KibaBlackfire

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For years vampires and werewolves waged war on one another. At last the blood war is near its end. Currently... More

Prelude: Brink Of Destruction
Chapter 01: First Moon (Part I)
Chapter 01: First Moon (Part II)
Chapter 02: Aftermath (Part I)
Chapter 02: Aftermath (Part II)
Chapter 03: Bloodshed (Part I)
Chapter 03: Bloodshed (Part II)
Chapter 03: Bloodshed (Part III)
Chapter 04: Lord Grimm
Chapter 05: Dreadful News
Chapter 06: Conversion
Chapter 07: Entrapment (Part 01)
Chapter 07: Entrapment (Part 02)
Chapter 08: Preparation (Part 01)
Chapter 08: Preparation (Part 02)
Chapter 08: Preparation (Part 03)
Chapter 09: Lunar Ball (Part 01)
Chapter 09: Lunar Ball (Part 02)
Chapter 09: Lunar Ball (Part 03)
Chapter 09: Lunar Ball (Part 04)
Chapter 10: Ultimate Betrayal (Part 01)
Chapter 10: Ultimate Betrayal (Part 02)
Chapter 10: Ultimate Betrayal (Part 03)
Chapter 11: Unmerciful Punishment (Part 01)
Chapter 11: Unmerciful Punishment (Part 02)
Chapter 12: Rise Of A New Heir (Part 01)
Chapter 12: Rise Of A New Heir (Part 02)
Chapter 12: Rise of A New Heir (Part 03)
Chapter 12: Rise Of A Heir (Part 04)
Chapter 13: Bound (Part 01)
Chapter 13: Bound (Part 02)
Chapter 14: Hell
Chapter 15: Understanding
Chapter 16: More Than A Prince
Chapter 17: Premonition
Chapter 18: Ziek's Tale
Chapter 19: Fate's Tale
Chapter 20: Selene's Tale
Chapter 21: Raine's Tale
Chapter 22: Jay's Tale
Chapter 23: Answers
Chapter 24: Temptation (Part 01)
Chapter 25: Know Thy Enemy
Chapter 26: Shields
Chapter 27: NightShade
Chapter 28: Alexis' Tale
Chapter 29: Claire's Tale
Chapter 30: Matching Scars
Chapter 31: A Wolf's Tears
Chapter 32: Sacrifice
Chapter 33: Fate's Tale (Part 02)
Chapter 34: Jayden's Tale
Chapter 35: Blaire's Tale
Chapter 36: Scythe's Tale
Chapter 37: World's Collide (Part 01)
Chapter 37: World's Collide (Part 02)
Chapter 37: Worlds Collide(Part 03)
Chapter 38: Forsaken
Chapter 39: Rescue Mission
Chapter 40: Loyalty
Chapter 41: Newfound Freedom
Chapter 42: Change Of Plans
Chapter 43: Darkside
Chapter 44: Together Again

Chapter 24: Temptation (Part 02)

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By KibaBlackfire

The backstage of the bar was covered by a red curtain, lights of red, blue, green, purple, white, yellow, and orange were flashing vibrantly underneath the curtain. On the stage were chairs, a pole, a pull string that poured water on the person who pulled it. All of these were tools they could use to strip in front of a crowd of men and women.

Angel stood there frozen in place. His whole body was shaking. He decided to put on his best clothes. Which to him were a long sleeve black shirt with a skull on it. The shirt had three buttons, all of which he left unbuttoned to reveal a bit of his fine chest. He had on a black leather belt with spikes on it. He wore tight distressed blue jeans that groped his ass making it look even bigger. They had small tears in the knee area. He wasn't wearing any shoes, he felt this would work to his advantage. Seeing as shoes limited his climbing ability. Still even dressed in what felt like the sexiest clothes he had. He still felt uncomfortable stripping in front of people. Especially knowing that one of those people was Selene. She was sitting in the front row with Brandon sitting right behind her.

"Bro, you got this," Ziek patted Angel's shoulder. He was standing right next to him. It didn't come as a surprise that Ziek was in the lineup for guys they wanted to see strip. If anything, Angel figured with his muscles and rock star background. He'd be number one but surprisingly Angel beat him by ten votes. Girls somehow thought he was hotter than Ziek. "Look at that white board bro, look at it, you ranked number one. You got thirty two votes man, chicks wanna see you, you got this. Just go and have fun with it."

"Easy for you to say," Angel scolded. "You're used to this attention. I've never had girls line up to see me do anything. I'm usually the guy they ignore because he's too nice or too nerdy, guys like me," He pointed at himself. "We don't strip. We get paid to put our clothes on. Not take them off. I'm having to read a rule book, Ziek," He held up the rule book that Scythe gave him. It read stripping for dummies. He's reading it so he'd have a general idea of how stripping works for guys. "I've never done this before. I haven't the slightest clue on what I'm doing."

"Dude, just go with the flow." Fate advised. "Have fun with it." It still shocked Angel that Fate made the top three. Girls somehow found Fate attractive too. Maybe it was his emo style hair, or his tattoos, or the fact he really doesn't care about what people think of him. Maybe it was his "I don't give a shit." personality that landed him here. "I'm going out there and doing a huge roast on Blaire. This is my "I Hate Blaire." strip tease. Check out the underwear." He took off his belt and lowered his pants showing Angel the front of his boxer briefs. The front read: "Suck it, Blaire" He turned so Angel could read the back. It read: "Kiss my ass, Blaire." Ziek busted out laughing, even Angel couldn't help but laugh. He wasn't sure what made it funnier the fact that Fate wrote it or the fact Fate wrote it and took enough time out of his day to write it in sparkling glitter. Fate's dick sparkled as did his ass. He was literally going to shake glitter all over the stage with his underwear. "It's cool right?" He zipped up his pants.

"Lord Alexander is going to beat your ass." Angel laughed. "You'll be dodging chunks of diamond while dancing because he's going to kill you."

"You're so dead bro," Ziek busted out laughing. "So, So, dead,"

"Well guess what," Fate shrugged. "The King can suck my dick too because I'm doing this. My message needs to be heard and if I have to write it on my dick." He pointed at his crotch. "I will. The world needs to know that I hate Blaire." With those underwear, they will. Angel and Ziek busted out laughing. "So, did you know guys and girls could vote to see who had to strip tonight? I voted for Angel."

"You voted for me," Angel pointed at himself, Fate nodded.

"Sure did," Fate boasted." I mean let's face it man, if Scythe ever tells me I can add a third guy to our sexy time. You're my first pick. Scythe wouldn't even argue. He voted for you too. As his boyfriend you'd think I'd be offended but I get it. Scythe has a small crush on you and seeing you strip is just the thing he needs to get over it. He explained it to me, so that's why I picked you too plus, you got a nice ass." He slapped Angel's butt. Angel jumped and rubbed his butt. He didn't have to slap his ass that hard. That hurt. "Besides, I couldn't vote for myself, I mean who votes for themselves that's so lame." Ziek raised his hand.

"I voted for myself." Ziek confessed. "There's nothing wrong with voting for yourself."

"In a stripping contest," Fate added. "Somebody's a little needy," Ziek glared at Fate. "Like seriously, who votes for themselves. What?" He shrugged. "Were you so bothered that Selene wasn't going to vote for you that you voted for yourself to make up for it. Speaking of, I wonder who Blaire picked?" He rubbed his chin. "She's married to Angel so you'd think she'd pick him but she also has a thing for you." He pointed at Ziek. "I mean Selene picked Angel, I just know she did, because that's so like her to tease our general by making him strip."

"I mean, I'd be a little offended if Blaire didn't pick me." Angel admitted. "But if she did pick Ziek, then honestly, it doesn't bother me that much. I don't really care what she thinks of me or even if did cheat on me. For me to care, I'd have to love her and I don't and I never will. The sooner she gets that through her head the better."

"Face it, you married the bitch, you're stuck with her bro." Fate patted Angel on the shoulder. "Till death do you part and I hate to break it to you but you'll die before she will. Blaire's a stubborn bitch my friend," He rubbed Angel's shoulder. "A stubborn bitch." He repeated. "Here we go, it's starting." The crowd started to cheer loudly as Scythe appeared onstage. Jayden came backstage holding three muscle shirts.

"Guys put these on. Scythe's orders." Jayden threw Fate, Ziek and Angel their respective shirts. It seemed so befitting that Scythe chose Jayden to be his assistant for the event. Fate took off his shirt and put on a white muscle shirt that read: "Team Fate" in sparkling blue letters on the front of it in huge letters. Ziek took off his shirt and put on a black muscle shirt with "Team Powerhouse" written in huge red sparkling letters. He rolled his eyes, shifting his gaze to Angel.

"So, I might have asked Scythe to tweak the letters." Angel admitted. "Come on, I know Brandon's mad at you right now. But, you guys are best friends, he'll appreciate this and it might help salvage things between you guys." He offered. Ziek nodded and hugged him. This was his way of thanking him for trying to help him fix friendship with Brandon. "You're welcome," Jayden threw Angel his shirt. 

"Let's see what we got here." Angel opened his muscle shirt up to read the front of it. The muscle shirt was black with "Team Angel" written in silver glitter with huge letters. The Angel part of it had small angel wings spread out over it and included a halo in the center of the wings. It was even written in cursive. This muscle shirt could easily be mistaken for a girl's tank top. It looked so girly. "You're making me wear a girl shirt." It was worse than that, Angel slipped it on and it couldn't cover his stomach it left his abs exposed. His was the only shirt that did that. The other guys had shirts that covered their stomach.

"Dude, that shirt makes you look like a chick." Fate pointed out. "A very hot chick but a chick. I mean, I'd fuck it."

"I can't wear this, it's a girl shirt." Angel argued. "I can't strip while wearing a girl shirt. People will think I'm a girl or worse, they'll think I'm well, you know." He shrugged. "Which I'm not and I don't want to send the wrong message. I'm not into guys, I can't wear this." He pointed at the shirt. "Make me another shirt."

"I can't, besides," Jayden grinned. "I made that shirt for you, I like to call this sabotage. That's what you get for marrying my woman." He walked away. Angel growled, this is so unfair, Ziek and Fate get to go out wearing a regular muscle shirt while. He gets the skimpy girl shirt. How's he going to win the map to Raven if he's wearing this? This is complete bullshit, no matter, he'll just have to endure it and hope for the best.

"So what's everybody getting if they win?" Angel asked. "Surely Scythe bribed you guys with something. Fate, no need to answer he bribed you with sex." Fate laughed as did Ziek.

"Actually it's better, " Fate replied, better than sex. Angel couldn't believe Fate said that. To someone like Fate nothing is better than sex. So whatever it is. It had to be good. "If I win, Scythe's going to let me fight Blaire."

"No way," Angel gasped. "He's going to let you fight her."

"Yup, he's going to arrange the match himself." Fate boasted. "I finally get to put that bitch in her place. I've been literally begging to fight Blaire since I found out Scythe trained her. So, sorry guys, but I've got to win this. I'll get naked if I have to but I'm getting my reward, damn it. I can't lose, I can't, I need this fight."

"Well, he promised to help train Amy if I win." Ziek answered. "I mean, she's already a great fighter but if I'm going to keep her human then. She's got to be stronger and Scythe can help her with that. So sorry guys but I'm doing this for my girlfriend so I can't lose either." Is it just Angel or does Scythe have them all by the balls? He has something they all want and somehow he managed to talk all three of them into stripping for it. He really is smart, too smart. "What's he got you stripping for?" He glanced over at Angel.

"Well ugh," Angel couldn't say it because Fate didn't know about Raven. If he told them, it'd blow his secret. So his answer was-. "I'm doing it for a piece of paper." Fate and Ziek stared at him like he had the dumbest answer. "What?" He shrugged. "Paper is important."

"You're taking your clothes off and humiliating yourself for a piece of paper." Fate raised his brow. "Man, I thought I had issues." Ziek laughed. "This Dude," He pointed at Angel. "Will get naked for a piece of paper. Bro, you hoe, a dirty stanky hoe."

"I'm not a-,"

"It's okay, I'm sure it's a nice piece of paper." Ziek patted Angel on the shoulder. "You go out there and strip for that piece of paper buddy. I support you." He gave Angel a thumbs up. But, But, But, it's an important piece of paper, it'll lead him to Raven.

"I hate you guys," Angel crossed his arms. "Insulting my piece of paper. How dare you. For that, I'm going to kick all your asses. I'm going to strip for my piece of paper and you're going to like it."

"I know I will," Fate winked at him.

"Shut up, Fate," Angel scolded.

"It's starting,"

"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen," Scythe appeared onstage. He was wearing a top hat, suit and a tie dressed like some magician. "Whether you're here for a good laugh or to see some handsome men take their clothes off for your personal pleasure." He licked his lips. "It matters not, you have spoken your demands," Jayden carried the whiteboard onstage for the crowd to see. "On this board are your votes tallied up to show our three contenders. The three of them will come onstage one at a time and perform a little dance for you. The contender who wins the most money will be given their requested prize. All money earned here today will be used to rebuild our Mayor's town as a way to earn her forgiveness for wrecking her precious town. Lord Alexander. Our King," Scythe gestured.

The spotlight shined on Lord Alexander who was sitting at the bar watching the event. The crowd started to cheer for him as he waved at his army. Scythe cleared his throat to regain the crowd's attention and the spotlight once again shined on him.

"He has agreed to match all funds earned here today. So let's go over the rules, rule one, the contenders must not touch anyone. Rule number two, the contenders are not to use their abilities for any reason." No abilities, Angel gasped. There goes his curses. Fate snapped his fingers and stomped his foot. He must have been upset by this rule as well. Ziek grinned. This wasn't fair, this rule gave Ziek the advantage. Now it was going to be even harder to beat him. "Rule three, they can not fully undress meaning no dicks will be shown during this event." Selene started to boo him. "I know but Lord Alexander said we couldn't, sorry but you'll just have to live without the nudity. It's disappointing, I know."

"Whew," Angel wiped his brow. "I don't have to show my dick."

"I would have shown mine." Fate crossed his arms. "I've got no shame, I'm proud of my dick."

"I wouldn't have minded but my private part is for girl's I sleep with only." Ziek shrugged. "I'm not trying to show it to everyone."

"Me neither," Angel agreed.

"You guys are lame," Fate rolled his eyes.

"Last and final rule," Scythe held up his finger. "The contenders must choose a song from this list." Fate, Angel, and Ziek all looked at the list of songs. They all were all quite sexual, some of them were sung by women. There were only six songs to choose from. As soon as Fate saw the list. He cleared his throat to get their attention.

"I know which one I'm doing," Fate rubbed his hands together. "You guys better not steal it either." He pointed at Angel and Ziek. Out of all of these songs, Angel could only see himself being able to embody one. So that one had to be his choice. Hopefully the other two weren't going to steal it before he got onstage.

"No rock songs," Ziek growled. "These are all pop songs, I need something with some guitar and some screamo for some serious headbanging. I don't do pop, I need rock, where's the rock and roll?" He shouted. "This is bullshit. Of course Scythe would choose the worst playlist. A guy like me, needs something heavy to get his body moving. Well if I had to choose one then," He rubbed his chin. "I guess I'm going with-." He nodded. "Got it, oh and by the way guys," He grinned. "I used to be a stripper."

"What?!" Fate screamed.

"That's so not fair," Angel argued.

"Now then let's get started." Scythe smirked. Jayden walked up holding a glass bowl, inside the glass were the three names. Scythe closed his eyes and reached into the jar taking out a piece of paper. "First up, we have the bad boy himself Fate." He announced. Fate reached his hand out and was thrown a blue hula hoop. What was he going to do with that? He walked onstage as the audience let out loud cheers. "Alright, Fate, what's your song choice?" Fate was given a marker, he walked over to the song list and crossed out his song choice. The audience let out loud screams in excitement for Fate's choice. "Interesting choice, I can't wait to see this." Scythe took his seat at the judge's panel.

The lights went dark and the song began to play. The multi-colored spotlights danced around the stage as music echoed throughout the room. Fate stood in the center wearing a black hat with glowing blue polka dots on it. He had the glowing blue hula hoop placed in his hands holding right between his legs as the lights kept moving around the stage and changing to so many different colors.

Fate lowered his head to hide his face and the moment the woman's voice began to sing, his lips mimicked the words. The moment the beat started to rise, Fate's feet started to tap, his right hand started to feel the skin of his neck. That hand getting lower to his clothed nipples and lower to the end of his black muscle shirt. His tips of fingers reached under his shirt giving Scythe a very tiny glimpse of what was underneath the shirt. The tempo raised and the chorus hit, along with it, came Fate's hat. It flew like a disk into the crowd and soon after Fate's hips started to spin the glowing blue hula hoop around his waist moving it along with the beat. It was moving faster and faster, never once leaving the comfort of Fate's powerful hips. Scythe's eyes widened as the man was practically drooling over his boyfriend.

Angel had no idea, Fate was this capable. The guy was killing it and it was only going to get hotter. He knew because even Selene was speechless, she was fanning herself. Brandon's jaw was dropped. Fate's strip skills were a shocker for everyone. He might even win, no, he couldn't think like-, Fate spun on the pole and spanked his ass in front of the girls. No, he's going to win, there's no question. The hula hoop was in the crowd, the chorus struck a second time, Angel wasn't even sure the crowd recovered from the first time. Regardless there it was and along with it came Fate's shirt. He threw it off, revealing his sculpted flesh as he shook his hips, his ass, his hands touching his skin, his lips still miming the words. Out of nowhere, Fate did a power slide and ripped off his pants. They were flung into the loud cheering crowd.

Fate danced around in his black boxer briefs shaking his hips at them. Lord Alexander's eyes widened as he read what was written on Fate's groin area. It read: "Suck it, Blaire". He was insulting the King's daughter onstage. The more Fate shook his hips the more glitter came off the writing. His ass read: "Kiss it, Blaire" as he shook it. The crowd was laughing but Lord Alexander was pissed. Money was flying at Fate left and right, that was until, Lord Alexander created diamond swords above Fate's head. He dropped them on Fate, he dodged them by doing a back flip into a roll while in the air. He landed on his feet and continued to dodge as diamond swords were fired at him. It amazed Angel how even while dodging Fate was still able to dance and shake his hips for the crowd. The glitter was coming off Fate's underwear each and every time he shook his junk leaving traces of  glitter all over the stage. The song ended and a wall of swords was pointed at Fate.

"Oh shit," Fate quickly threw his underwear off and tossed them right in Lord Alexander's face to blind him. He jumped behind a curtain to hide the fact he wasn't wearing clothes anymore. The swords flew and stabbed the wall Angel and Ziek who both ducked in order to avoid a puncture wound from Lord Alexander. "I made it," Fate threw his fist in the air. He walked over to them.

"Fate, you crazy son of a bitch," Ziek punched Fate's shoulder. "That was both the dumbest and yet the coolest thing I've ever seen you do." He went to pull him for a hug but realized that Fate was naked. "Bro, where's your-,"

"I might have used them to blind the King," Fate faked a laugh. "It was either that or be-, oh shit, oh shit," He started backing up as Lord Alexander came backstage. He threw Fate's underwear back at him. He caught them realizing they were inside out. Meaning, they were covered in the scent of Fate's balls and he threw them at the King's face. "Oh no, see, I didn't mean rub my dick in your face my lord. It was an accident. My underwear, you see, they just kind of-" He screamed as more swords were fired at him. He rolled out of the way only to have his ankle grabbed by a diamond chain. It shackled Fate's ankle and dragged him over to the King. Fate's nails were digging into the ground leaving scratch marks as he was pulled. "No, please, have mercy," Fate screamed.

Lord Alexander created a diamond scepter in his hand. This scepter, it was referred to as the King's beating stick. He only uses it when you really piss him off and Fate had crossed the line. "First, you insult my daughter then you insult me, oh no, this will not go unpunished." Fate began screaming as the King beat him with the scepter in front of Angel and Ziek. Angel cringed watching as Fate was taken down by Lord Alexander's beating stick. "Go to the corner," He pointed at the corner in the room.

"But I'm a grown ass man, I don't-,"

"Corner," Lord Alexander held up his scepter and pointed at the corner. Fate got up and walked over to the corner. A chair was made of diamond and the King sat in it with his scepter on his lap. "Put your underwear on." Fate slipped on his underwear. "Now you're going to stand in this corner until I decide to let you out."

"But I gotta pee," Fate argued,

"I don't care, you stay in this corner." Lord Alexander glared at him. Fate turned to look at Angel and Ziek and the King lifted up his scepter. Fate jumped and buried his face in the corner. "You want to behave like a child, I'll treat you like a child."

"You know if you had just used that scepter on Blaire." Fate suggested, Lord Alexander glared at him. "I'm just saying she wouldn't-," The king swatted his own hand with the scepter. Once he did, Fate stood there in the corner in silence.

"Next we have Ziek," Scythe called out. Lord Alexander walked away giving Fate his freedom. The crowd started to boo as Ziek came onstage. There were a few cheers but seeing as Ziek's actions lead to the town's destruction in the first place. A lot of them weren't too pleased with him. He's the main reason they are in this mess. "Yes, Yes, I know, Ziek has done some questionable things. Even by bringing a human to our castle. Under normal circumstances that would never be allowed. But, seeing as the war is only two days away. Lord Alexander has made an exception in order to keep Ziek in our ranks. Granted, I still feel like he owes us a great deal of gratitude for not killing him ourselves. Which is why he's going to strip for us and help us fix his screw up."

"Scythe," Ziek brought his lips to his ear. "You didn't tell me the whole crowd hated me." He glared at him. "Why'd I get top three if they hate me?"

"Easy, because, you're the reason the town is a mess and we need to kiss up to the mayor. So if anybody should be helping to raise money to fix it. It should be you. So, I ensured that you were on the list." Scythe smirked. "You didn't think you were going to walk away from this unscathed did you? Breaking up with Selene, almost killing her, wrecking a town and you thought for a second. You weren't going to be punished for it. No Ziek, this is your punishment." He motioned toward the crowd. "Make them like you again."

"But they hate me," Ziek argued,

"Deal with it," Scythe walked over to the list. "Now, Ziek, what song will you be choosing?" He tossed Ziek a marker, he walked over and marked off his choice. "Good luck," Scythe walked over to the judge's panel.

"You suck," Brandon yelled over the crowd. "Take off that Team Powerhouse shirt. You don't deserve it. Boo, Ziek, sucks." He yelled louder. He tried to grab a vial of Selene's blood from her pocket to throw at him. Selene stopped him before he could. She was standing in the crowd, her pale blue eyes glaring at Ziek. "Ziek sucks," He cheered, getting the whole crowd to chant it with him.

The lights went off and Ziek took his position. He ignored the boos and Brandon's remarks.If there was one thing, Ziek knew how to do it was, perform. Though this would be the first time, he had to perform for people who hated him. Angel believed Ziek could pull through, this is what he's good at.

The white spotlights danced around Ziek as his legs were spread apart, the moment the song picked up beat. Ziek's legs started to move, matching the beat in perfect rhythm. His feet slid across the dance floor, crossed each other at fast speeds. He jumped to his knees sliding across the floor. His hands pulled at his Team Powerhouse Tank. He used his muscles to tear the shirt revealing more and more of his sculpted chest and abs. His chiseled features taunting the crowd as he threw his shirt at them. The boo's were starting to change to cheers. Every step Ziek took was filled with confidence, power and when he moved his hips, he did it nice and slow just to tease them. Though Selene still wasn't impressed, it was clear Ziek was targeting her trying to make her forgive him. Angel doubted a strip tease was going to be enough to earn Selene's forgiveness.

Ziek walked over to the crank and doused water all down his raven hair, his bare chest, his pants were soaked and with one pull they were off. Ziek stood there wearing nothing but his solid black boxer briefs shaking his butt at the girls. The cheers got louder and louder until. Ziek dropped to the floor and started to move his hips against the ground, flipping his hair as he did it. He jumped to his feet and did one last turn and threw his fist up as the song ended. The cheers grew louder as Ziek blew kisses at the crowd. Though, Selene was clapping for him. She still wasn't over what he did to her. It was going to take a lot but at least Ziek was trying to fix it and that's something.

"That water was cold," Ziek walked backstage using a black towel to dry off. The water had hardened Ziek's nipples. Which most likely added to his appeal. "Selene's still pissed at me, though, I think Brandon will warm up to me again." He motioned over to Brandon who was bombarded by girls trying to get Ziek's number. "I was the second choice, though Scythe rigged it still if they're that crazy for me. Then I'd hate to see what's going to happen when you get out there." He delivered a light punch to Angel's upper arm. -Oh wait- He's Next. Angel forced a swallow.

"Now it is time for your number one vote, Angel," Scythe called out. The crowd began cheering loudly. Angel stood there frozen stiff. He couldn't go out there and dance onstage in front of all those people. Especially not while taking his clothes off. He couldn't compete with Ziek or Fate, he was a fool to think he could do this.

"I can't do this," Angel started to walk away. Before he could, Fate and Ziek grabbed him and forced him to face them. "Guys, no, I can't get out there and dance like that. I've never done this before and besides, I can't tear my pants off. They're jeans and how did you guys?"

"They make pants that do that duh?" Fate added. "Stripping is a thing. Who cares if your pants tear off or not. What matters is you went out there and did it. Come on, you have to, they want to see you strip bro. Hell, I want to see you strip. Do it for me,"

"It's easy just-," Ziek stared straight into Angel's eyes. "Picture the hottest girl in the world, imagine her wearing this sexy, hot, lingerie and it's driving you crazy. You want to touch her, you want to have sex with this chick, But you can't, you can't touch her. There is this magical wall between you and this super hot chick you want so badly you can taste it."

Angel closed his eyes and began to imagine his dearest Raven. Her navy blue eyes outlined in mascara. Those eyes taunting him, begging him to touch her. Her smooth lips, laced in dark red lipstick. Her nails painted black as one finger urged him over. She was laying on her side on a bed right there in front of him. As if these actions weren't enough to tempt him to her bedside. The outfit was beyond captivating.

Raven was dressed in a black leather corset that drew attention to her breasts. Her nice firm breasts, they were just right there in front of him. As if this still wasn't enough to lure him in. He could see the outline of her black lace bra just barely sticking out. His hands were twitching begging for it but he couldn't touch her. This wall, this annoying wall. It was there blocking him keeping him from her. If only to torment himself further, Angel's pale hazel eyes ventured down her nice slender curves. She was wearing black lace panties that barely covered her ass. The fabric, so soft, so smooth, he could rub his fingers against it for days. He trailed down her nice agile legs to those shiny black leather boots with heels. This Raven, this version of Raven he had pictured was irresistible. He would do anything, everything, in his power to get past that wall. He had to have her, he had to glue himself to her.

"Ziek, I think you broke him." Fate waved his hand in Angel's face. Angel blinked and the image of Raven was gone. Part of him wanted to punch Fate for breaking the fantasy knowing that Raven would only exist in his fantasies. For if that Raven ever came out to play, she'd never get him off her.

"How do I get past the wall?" Angel grabbed Ziek's arms. "How?" He repeated as he shook Ziek. "The wall must go," He shook Ziek again. "The wall must die." Ziek lips formed a slight grin.

"I wasn't done yet," Ziek added. Angel's lips parted in disbelief. There's more to this sexy hot illusion he had created. How could it be any hotter? "Now I want you to pretend that everyone in that audience is her." Angel backed up and placed his arms to his side. He could see an entire army of Raven's all of them wearing that outfit. All of them, teasing him, he could feel himself getting hard just thinking about it. He wanted to get out there and get all of those Raven's and to make them all want him. He wanted to be their eye candy, their sex toy, whatever they needed him to be, he'd be it. He'd die for them. "So, the question is, how do you break the wall between those girls and you? Easy, you dance for it, you make them break the wall and try to get to you. Bring the hot girls to you using your body. So," He patted Angel on the shoulder. "Are you ready to make them tear down a wall?"

"That wall is going down," Angel answered. He walked onstage as the crowd immediately started to cheer for him. The lights were off and it was clear, Scythe had almost given up on Angel's performance thinking he was overtaken by stage fright. The lights kicked on as Angel waved at the crowd. Once they did, Scythe turned to face him. "Sorry to keep you waiting." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"No worries," Scythe walked over to him. "Here he is," He grabbed Angel and brought him over to his side. "Your number one vote and our General, Angel. He's going to put on a show for us, so Angel," He handed Angel the pen. "Now is the time to choose your song." He walked over to the board with song choices. Luckily Fate nor Ziek, picked his song so it was available. Maybe they knew what he'd pick and decided not to go for it so he'd have a chance but either way. He was glad. He marked out his song and the board was removed from the stage. Scythe took his spot at the judge's panel.

The lights went out and the spotlight shined on Angel. He closed his eyes and visualized his Raven. The woman of his dreams wearing that corset that tormented him so, she was there in the audience watching him. Her man, her prince putting on a show just to show her how bad he wanted her. He would not disappoint her, he'd make her want him even more than he wanted her and he knew just how to do it. This was a contest and he was going to win. The song started once it did,

Angel's eyes began to open slowly at his dearest Raven. His pale hazel eyes drunken with lust. He wasn't shy about his desires, no, he wanted her to see his every intent. She'd see him pinning her wrists down, sucking on her neck. She'd see him throwing her on his bed and crawling on top of her like an animal in heat. She'd see it all in his eyes. His foot tapped to the rhythm of the song and soon his hips started to match. He took strong steps on the stage, his lustful eyes never leaving the crowd. He could feel his skin getting hotter and without even thinking, he threw off his Team Angel shirt and left it in the crowd. He held his hand out and a wooden chair slid over to him. He placed himself on the chair grinding his hips against the back of it. He climbed on the chair, placing one foot on top of the back of the chair and the other on the seat. He soon added weight and the chair with the beat of the song and Angel was on his feet doing a hair flip. He quickly turned and started to shake his well rounded perfectly sculpted ass at the crowd. The cheers got louder and louder as he did. He felt a splash of money hit him as he danced. Each time, he could sense the wall dividing him from his dearest Raven cracking. But this wasn't enough, no, his Raven was never easy to please. She needed more, she deserved more. With his next move he was going to give it and then some.

Angel grabbed the pole, did a spin and slammed his back against it. His head arched back as the palm of his hand took slow steps down the side of his neck to his hard nipples grabbing hold of his pecs and squeezing them. That hand went further down to his chiseled abs to the waistband of his distressed jeans. The tips of his fingers dipped into his pants and stopped. His mouth mimed the words of the song as his hips moved nice and slow. That hand was going inside his pants as he thrusted. He reached in and groped himself hard. He grabbed hold of his black boxer briefs with Vampire fangs. They were kept rolled up underneath his balls and the crotch of his jeans. He reached in and pulled them out. He had them cupped in his fist as he pumped over his jeans simulating a nice hot jerk off session with himself. He faked loud moans, his chest moved up and down, his hips thrusted with his hand. Just when he was about to. He threw his underwear into the crowd to simulate his release. With it, the entire wall shattered, he was showered with money.

The song ended and Angel threw his fist in the air. The cheers were so loud, Angel could barely hear himself think. He was standing in a pile of cash and more was being thrown at him. It felt never ending. Fate rushed onstage and hugged him and tucked money in the waistline of Angel's pants. 

"Keep it," Fate patted Angel's chest. "You've earned that shit, that jerk off session was hot. I mean that was brilliant using your underwear as your -. Genius." He punched Angel's shoulder. "That was wow, I'm going to enjoy thinking about you tonight."

"Wow," Scythe began clapping. "Angel, you naughty, naughty boy, please tell me it's my birthday because I would love to blow out your candle." Angel glanced down and realized he was hard. He quickly put his hands over his crotch. So maybe thinking about Raven in sexy lingerie wasn't the best idea but it worked.

"The winner of our strip contest is," Scythe turned his attention to the jars located at the judge's panel. All the money that was earned was collected and placed in their respective jar.There was a jar for Team Fate, a jar for Team Powerhouse, and a jar for Team Angel. Lord Alexander was there counting the money in each jar to determine who won. After counting he held up the Team Angel jar. "Angel," Scythe yelled, he lifted Angel's arm as the crowd cheered for him. He brought his lips to Angel's ear. "As promised," He tucked the rolled up paper in Angel's pocket. "I hope you find your wolf." Scythe walked offstage as the crowd continued to cheer for Angel's victory, Fate and Ziek were next to him applauding his victory.

"Show us your dick," Brandon yelled at the top of his lungs. Angel quickly turned to face him. He couldn't believe Brandon said that to him. "Selene needs to see it," Selene needs to what? Angel put hands over his crotch to hide it. "She says, it's for medical reasons. She says you've got a problem and she's the solut-," His words were cut off when Selene punched his upper arm as hard as she could.

"Brandon," Selene scolded. "You weren't supposed to repeat what I said." She hit him again.

"It's okay, Selene, I understand this one." Brandon pointed at Angel. "He's hot, hell, if you don't fuck him. I'm a fuck him because that ass is perfect." His what, is what? Angel placed his hands on his butt. He couldn't believe Brandon was talking about his ass. "It's so perfect that I got these," He held up Angel's boxer briefs.

"Oh, no," Angel slammed his palm into his forehead. Why would Brandon want his boxers? Of all the people in the room that could have caught his underwear. Why did it have to be Brandon? He's never going to live this down.

"I'll remember your ass, always buddy because I got these." Bramdon waved Angel's underwear in the air like it was some sort of flag.

"You caught his underwear?!" Selene began jumping trying to get them from Brandon. "Give it here, I'll trade you his shirt." She held out Angel's shirt. Wait, Selene caught his shirt well, honestly that one didn't bother him. He knew she had a crush on him so it made sense she'd steal his shirt and he already knew. He wasn't getting that back without a fight.

"What, no," Brandon slapped away the shirt. "These babies are precious. They were used to cover Angel's beautifully sculpted, paved by the gods...," He held his hands up as if he were pretending to grope Angel's butt. "Ass." He let out a sigh. "I'm in love, Selene, I'm in love with Angel's ass," He nodded. "To think, these," He held up Angel's boxer briefs. "Were the cage, these were the cage that locked away such a beautiful, magnificent creature."

"Brandon," Angel coughed. "I'm going to need those back."

"Nope, these are mine now." Brandon held Angel's underwear to his chest. "You'll have to fight me for them. I'll wear them if I have to. But, you're not getting them." Angel went to walk after Brandon. "No, they're mine." He took off running. Angel let out a sigh, Brandon came back and smacked him on the ass, "So beautiful," He ran off while Angel rubbed his butt. Brandon didn't have to slap him so- That sound,-

He could hear slow claps echoing in his ears, he glanced over at where this applause was coming from. The entire bar was filled with silence, fear had taken root. Everyone here was afraid, so afraid, they were paralyzed by it. Vampires were huddling together trying to use each other as shields from their visitor who stood on the stage clapping with a devious smirk on her face. Some vampires were even trying to flee the room but the doors were sealed shut. -Who was this woman who had them so afraid?-

"That symbol," Fate's eyes lingered on the cursive "P" on the woman's right wrist. His hands started to shake as fear took over his entire body. He clinched his head as his whole body shook. "I can't be here, I got to go, I got to get away. It's not safe, It's not safe." He took off running to the door trying to force it open but it wouldn't budge. "No, I have to get out of here, it's not safe, it's not-," Scythe appeared in front of him and held him close, stroking his hair. "Scythe, you don't understand, we're going to die if we don't run away."

"Fate," Angel rushed over to him. "What are you talking about?" Fate knew something about this woman. Something, he wasn't telling anyone. He had to know. Why was everyone so afraid of her? "Come on, Fate, I need to know, talk to me."

"Angel, please, you must not push him. Fate has been through a lot of trauma. So please don't try to force him to remember things he chooses to forget." Scythe took a bottle out that had Fate's name on it. "Here Fate, take your meds it'll help you forget." Fate quickly took the bottle from Scythe and took the pills. After he did, he clung to Scythe refusing to let go of him. Whatever that symbol on her wrist was, it was powerful enough to strike Fate with so much fear. He acted like a frightened child. "It's okay, Fate, she's not going to hurt you." Angel's gaze shifted over to the woman who had infiltrated their castle.

"What a moving performance," The woman put her hands on her hips. She had long platinum blonde hair that went to her mid back. She was dressed in a white V cut shirt, fingerless gloves, and a frilled white skirt. His eyes trailed down her long agile legs to the white heeled boots. This woman, there was something about her that was-Her eyes!-

Angel was drawn to her crystal blue eyes. She was looking at him like an animal to its prey. Those eyes, they were too unnatural to be considered human. They weren't pale enough to be the eyes of a vampire or dark enough to pass as a werewolf. Which meant, she had to be something else, something far more dangerous. The question is what? Is she that "something" that kept the town safe? Is she the reason vampires and werewolves are afraid to tamper with the humans in town?

"I mean," She continued to clap for him. "Throwing your underwear in the crowd like that. What a nice little show from Blaire's personal whore." Angel glared at her. "To think, this was all to please me." She placed her hand on her chest.

"Liley, I wasn't expecting you." Lord Alexander rose from his seat. "About what happened to your town. It was a clear mis-,"

"A misunderstanding," Liley laughed. "No, there was no misunderstanding. I got your message loud and clear." She glared at their King. "So loud, I had to wake up from my beauty rest to find out my precious town was attacked by you and your people." She pointed at him. "So, I got your message Lord Alexander and now," She placed her hands on her agile hips. "I'm going to tell you exactly what your message was."

"You think," Liley's eyes never left their King as she spoke. "Because my people are human. That it is okay for you and your people to bully them. That is okay for you and your people to waltz in and destroy their homes. Murder their husbands, their wives and yes even their children." She chuckled. "All because you're physically superior. Let me tell you something, my people may be weaker but if you mess with them. You mess with me," She placed her hand on her chest. "The one person you don't want to piss off is me. Fuck with me and I'll slaughter every last one of your vampires until there is none left. Or better yet," She smirked. "I'll starve you to death because vampires need human blood to sustain themselves. Without it," She paused. "They became weak fragile creatures that yes, even a human could kill. Then it will be you who becomes the prey, yes, I think I might delay your shipment. No more blood bags means less blood for you and your people. It could even cost you your precious war."

"Liley, let's not be rash, we can negotiate this." Lord Alexander offered.

"Rash?" Liley repeated. "You think I'm being rash," She placed her hand on her chest. "No, rash is going into my town and destroying it. Rash is treating my town like it's an all you can eat buffet. So, no, I think considering the things you've done. Nothing about my actions is being rash, if anything, I'm teaching you a valuable lesson. Don't bite the hand that feeds you."

"Yes but Liley, this whole event," Lord Alexander offered. "It was for you. This is my apology to you, having my men dance and raise money to help rebuild your town. I was even going to double all the funds no, I'll triple it, whatever it is you need to rebuild I'll cover it gladly. Can we please just forget what happened that night? I swear it won't happen again. Name your price and it's yours, anything to make this situation we're in, disappear."

"You can't tell me that," Liley laughed. "You honestly thought." She laughed harder. " Having your men parade around taking their clothes off and shaking their genitals around was going to be enough to sway me." She wiped tears from her eyes. "That's hilarious, though it's really quite sad once you think about it. It makes me doubt your intelligence and that in itself is sad." She smirked. "Now."

"As for your bribery attempt," She glared at Lord Alexander. "It might have worked in the past." She added. "But to a King who can create diamonds from thin air. Money is but an object isn't it?" She stated as fact. "So, your money won't save you. Instead, you want my forgiveness." She placed her hands on her hips. "You want me to brush this under the rug and pretend like you didn't attack my town. I'll cooperate but under one condition." She held up one finger.

"I want you to point me in the direction of the person responsible for the attack." Liley's lips formed a devilish smirk. "I require their life in exchange for my cooperation." She began walking back and forth onstage. Her eyes searched the crowd trying to find the one responsible. "What's it going to be?" She asked. "One life to save your entire kingdom Or," She stopped and looked at Angel. "Will your entire kingdom pay for the sins of one person?" Her eyes remained on him as she said these words. He wasn't sure why she was focused on him. But she had to have a reason, a reason as to why she didn't like him.

"Make your choice," Liley shifted her attention to Lord Alexander. "This option won't last long." She cleared her throat. "Going once," She held up a finger. "Going twice," She held up a second finger. "One life for the sake of an entire kingdom. I believe I'm being more than fair." She waited for a few seconds but then the spotlight shined on Selene. "Smart choice, so vampire, any last words. Will you beg me for forgiveness or accept your fate? Not that it'd work, I'll still kill you but I do enjoy hearing them beg for mercy."

"I'm not going to beg for mercy," Selene went to step forward prepared to fight Liley. Even Angel knew Selene would die if she fought her. Blaire was the culprit, she's responsible for this not Selene. Once again, Selene was being punished for Blaire's actions. This was something. He would not allow. He didn't expect Lord Alexander to sell out his own daughter. So instead, Angel stood in front of Selene and the spotlight shined on him.

"It was me, I ordered the attack," Angel spoke up. "So if you want to kill someone, kill me instead." Selene tried to argue but he glared at her. "I told you, Blaire wasn't going to hurt you anymore, you suffered enough, Selene. Now let me take this burden from you. It's the least I can do, since I wasn't there to stop it from happening in the first place." He walked up to Liley. "So if you want to blame anyone for what happened to your town." He walked onstage and glared into Liley's eyes. "Blame me, I accept full responsibility. So if you want to fight anyone, fight me." He challenged.

"You dare challenge me," Liley's crystal blue eyes formed a piercing glare. There was a part of him that feared her. But, Angel was doing this to protect Selene. He couldn't back down, he wouldn't, Selene wasn't going to be hurt anymore. "Oh, I'm going to make you regret those words. See, nothing is more dangerous than a person who decides to rebel against nature. It corrupts the natural order and that order is." She brought her lips to his ear. "I own everything, you're but an insect and now it is time for you to be squashed." She tried to trip Angel with a leg sweep, he jumped over it and landed on his feet.

Angel tried to counter with a punch, she knocked his hand aside, spun to the side and struck him in the back of the head with her elbow. In the same motion, she hooked his leg with hers and tripped him. He fell to the ground on his back and Liley went to crush his chest with her heel. He rolled out of the way and a crater was left where he was. Liley, she's a lot stronger than she looks. His eyes widened as a second Liley appeared from her shadow. This Liley was dressed in a black version of Liley's outfit. She quickly struck Angel in the back pushing him into the other Liley. She struck Angel in the stomach making him arch over. While he was trying to recover both of Liley's tripped him with a leg sweep. He rolled back as they both tried to stomp on him.

Liley's ability allowed her to bring life to her shadow and create a second version of herself. However, the shadow Liley vanished. She's  only able to use it for a short amount of time. Still this made the fight tricky, it was still two on one unless. Angel put a curse on his hand that would seal her ability. He tried to touch her but she caught his wrist. He kept trying to put a curse on her but she kept knocking his hands aside. While he was trying to hit her, the other Liley appeared and grabbed him and threw him into the air. While he was in the air, both Liley's jumped and their bodies spun creating a drill hitting him while was mid air. They both landed on their feet as Angel's back crashed into the ground. The shadow Liley disappeared leaving only the regular one. Angel fought to get back on his feet only to have Liley's foot placed on his chest forcing him down.

"You really shouldn't fight your betters." Liley grabbed Angel by his long hair and dragged him across the floor of the stage. She forced him to stand and slammed his head into the stripper pole. His skull bent the steel and he fell to the floor. He gripped his ribs as her dual attack from before had cracked his ribs. He didn't expect her to be this strong. What made it worse is somehow, Angel knew she wasn't even using her full strength. Still he wasn't about to give up, he had to keep fighting. Angel rose to his feet and covered his entire body in curses so if she so much as touched him. She'd be inflicted.

"Your ability is impressive but," Liley kept blocking Angel's attacks as she did. She was being covered in curses but one by one they were being dispelled. She had some kind of resistance to his curses that made it impossible for them to land. "Compared to me," She caught Angel's fist and crushed it. She twisted his arm and made his back face her. He started to scream in pain as she tried to break his arm. "You're nothing but an insect." She released his arm. He spun to punch only to be hit in the chest with a palm strike, Angel flew backstage and struck the wall, his body being caught in the red curtains. "Time to die, hero." She flicked her wrist and her nails turned to claws. She crouched down as blood dripped from Angel's lip from internal damage caused to his body. "Maybe." She whispered. "This'll give you a hint on just how insignificant you are," She ran her finger across Angel's lip and stuck her finger in her mouth. She was ingesting his blood which means, he's the prey. She's the predator, now it makes sense. Whatever she is, they consume vampire blood. They're on the food chain.

"Now that you know my little secret," Liley smirked. "I'll have to kill you." She tried to slash Angel's juglar with her claws. Angel shut his eyes bracing for death. Seconds before her claws touched him, several diamond swords were fired at Liley. She stopped and dropped Angel to the floor. "Lord Alexander, you dare turn your powers on me. Perhaps, I need to remind you who the hell it is you're dealing with." She grabbed Angel by hair, pulling it, she flung his body clear across the room sending him crashing into the bar. Sharp glass was embedded in Angel's back and his hair was drenched in alcohol. Lord Alexander threw swords of diamond at her, she evaded them and leapt over the diamond spikes that shot out of the ground. She kept getting closer and closer to their King.

"Angel," Selene rushed over to him. "Are you alright?" She tried to help him back to his feet. He shook as much of the alcohol out his hair as he could and forced himself to stand up. His back was bleeding and his arms were scraped up by the glass on the floor.

"I'm fine," Angel yanked a chunk of glass out of the side of his arm and held the wound shut as it bled out. The wound burned from all the traces of alcohol that covered his body. He ignored the pain and focused Lord Alexander as he fought Liley. Selene removed his hand from the wound and began using her healing abilities to treat him. Brandon rushed over and started pulling out the glass while Selene healed him. Still, he ignored the pain and focused on the fight. If Liley truly is a predator to vampires. He needed to see how she fared against their strongest, if Lord Alexander couldn't beat her then this was a threat far worse than he imagined.

Lord Alexander created a diamond hand to grab Liley's ankle and trip her. She did a light leap in the air over it. Two spikes shot out of the ground, she slid between them. He tried to merge them together to crush her but she cartwheeled out of the way and charged at him full speed. He created several tiny diamonds in the form of a blotch of paint that shimmered brightly. He fired it at her, Shadow Liley emerged and blocked it. She grinned, the shards started to turn black as if his ability was being possessed. She jumped into the black diamond creating a drill and in mid flight. She landed on her feet firing his own diamond back at him. He blocked it with a diamond wall. Liley appeared at the side of it and struck the King with a kick. He created a wall after wall blocking her every attack. The shadow Liley emerged and the two of them kept trying to get past his defenses. The shadow Liley phased through his wall of defense and struck him, knocking him back. He weakened the attack using diamond armor.

"What's the matter, old man, having trouble keeping up?" The shadow Liley spoke. "It's only a matter of time before we break through your defense and kill you." The shadow vanished and appeared behind him. He created a dome of diamond and pushed both Liley's back. The shadow version phased through, he created another wall and forced her back. She phased through that wall, he created another. She kept phasing through until her claw was near his face and then she suddenly disappeared. That's when Angel figured Liley's ability out. It has a range, the original Liley was still being forced back and he pushed her far enough away. She couldn't reach him with her shadow version.

"It's not me who has the problem," Lord Alexander turned to Liley. "Try as you might but you'll never be able to beat me. Now get out of my kingdom," He glared at Liley, it seemed the two of them were at a stalemate. She couldn't reach him and she was too fast for him to attack her at a range.

"Mark my words, Lord Alexander," Liley glared into his eyes. "One day you will be dying at my feet. When that day arrives, it will be I," She placed her hand on her chest. "Who delivers the killing blow. So, enjoy your throne, while it is your throne." She walked away as Lord Alexander's eyes lingered on her.

Now that Liley was gone and Angel had secured the map that would give him clues as to where Nightshade was hiding. It was time for him to prepare for his well earned date with Raven. He walked to his room and searched through his clothes for the perfect outfit. Something nice but also casual. He also had to take into account his injuries, his ribs were badly damaged from his fight with Liley. A fight he'd have to hide from Raven. His arms had small cuts from the glass that punctured his skin. They'd heal up after a few days but he didn't have a few days so he had to hide the cuts. So, he settled for a black muscle shirt with a black skull jacket over it. He slipped on black boxer briefs and distressed blue jeans. He fixed his freshly showered wet hair and slipped on his necklace. He brushed his vampire teeth and slipped on his black converse shoes. He unzipped his jacket and let out a deep sigh.

"Raven, here I come," Angel opened the secret passage in his room and used the dark tunnels beneath the castle to exit the castle without being detected. Just when he reached the clearing, he stuck a dose of sun repellant into his mouth and swallowed it. At the clearing was none other than Scythe waiting on him. "What now?" He groaned. "Look, I made my choice, I chose her, so if you insist on stopping me." He balled his hands into tight fists. Scythe pulled Angel in for a hug. "Scythe, what are you-,"

"I just wanted to say goodbye," Scythe confessed. "Angel, you've been a good ally to us all and it breaks my heart to know that once this comes to the light. We'd have to fight one another, I just hope you can forgive me for choosing to defend the King. He's my friend and I can't imagine betraying his wishes. So if he wants me to fight you then I will and I won't hold back. I hope you understand that."

"I do," Angel admitted. "I know what the consequences of me choosing to be with a werewolf are. I knew that when I made the choice and I don't regret that choice. She means the world to me, Scythe. I'd do anything and everything in order to be with her. She means that much to me. I don't blame you Scythe in fact," His lips formed a smile. "I've never thanked you for saving my life so thank you Scythe. You showed me there's a way out of the darkness. You showed that hope exists even when you feel like it doesn't. You showed me all of those things and all I have to say for it is. Thank you." He hugged him. "My only regret is that I won't be able to return the favor."

"Actually, you can," Scythe smiled. "I don't usually ask for much nor am I the one to beg. But, I'm at a loss here," He forced a swallow. "It's clear you have no desire to be King which leaves Blaire as our ruler. She's my student and I care for her dearly but she has lost her way. She is longer the same person I trained many years ago. I want to help her, her father wants to help her but we can't. The only person who can reach her is you so promise me." He stared into Angel's eyes. "Before you leave us for your wolf. Promise me that you'll try your best to save Blaire from herself. Don't let her continue down this path. You have to save her Angel, only you can. Don't let her ruin everything her father fought so hard to build. Save her, Angel, please, I can't stand to see her like this."

"I'll try, I already promised her father the same thing." Angel admitted. "The thing is, I don't know how I can help her. Blaire doesn't want to change, in order for me to help her she has to want that. I can't force it either, so whatever it is that has hold of her. It's grip is so tight, it won't let go and Blaire has no desire to break free. So trying to save her is close to impossible. But I'll give it another shot. That's all I can do." He placed his hand on Scythe's shoulder. "I wish I could do more, I do, but it's her choice, Scythe, not mine. Now I've got to go, I've got a date, remember?"

"I remember," Scythe answered. "She's a lucky wolf." He ran his fingers through Angel's hair. "To have someone like you by her side, I just hope she knows that. Now go get her." Angel started to leave. Oh and," He stopped and turned to face Scythe. "If you do happen to run into a male werewolf with long red hair. Know that one, you found Nightshade and two, run for your life because he'll kill you."

"Noted," Angel ran off to find Nightshade's Campsite. He wasn't sure where it would be, the paper only left hints. So even with its help he was going into werewolf territory blind. Though, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't curious to meet this notorious werewolf pack. The thorn in Lord Alexander's side. The reason why they can't make any rash moves. This pack was known for its strength and no vampire has ever been to their campsite. Those who did, never lived to tell the tale so here's to being the first. 

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