✔️ hurt; grayson dolan


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the truth always comes out at the end. when fbi agent, isabel jackson, is required to go undercover at her lo... More



42 1 0

later, grayson had woken up in an empty bed. and as soon as he felt that he was the only one in the room, he was pretty sure of why he was the only one in the room.

he knew he shouldn't have told isabel he was in love with her, but honestly he thought she would've been too drunk to remember.

as grayson sat on his bed, thinking about all the worse possible things that isabel may think of him now, isabel walked into his room.

"well look who's finally awake."

grayson smiled, "you really had me thinking you had done a runner."

"i've got you something." isabel said with a box of donuts. "since you've took such good care of me last night, this is the least i could do."

"i'll always be here to take care of you, isabel." grayson said before wrapping his arm around the girl.


around lunch time, isabel left graysons dorm to meet with mallory for lunch.

they met at a cute little cafe only to catch up on everything that's happened, since the best friends don't get to see one another like they used too due to isabel's current mission.

"how did your date go last night?" isabel asked.

"it was really great." mallory replied.

therefore mallory went on to tell isabel about it until she realized that something was off with isabel. "girl, what is wrong?"

"i'm sorry, it's just i don't really know where things with grayson and i stand right now, and it's driving me crazy. we're in this odd limbo of do we like each other? or should we just be friends? i just don't know how he for sure feels about me." isabel sighed, "i really needed to rant, that felt good."

"okay well, what does your gut tell you?" asked mallory.

isabel just shrugged before picking up her phone, "speak of the devil."

hey isabel

i've been thinking

uh oh

don't worry, it's nothing bad.

go on

it's about us


i was thinking, tonight let me take
you out but not as "just friends"

so it's a date?


i'd love that, grayson!

i'll be at ur dorm to get u at 6?

sounds great :)

see you then!!
read 2:11pm

"okay so now grayson and i are goin' out tonight." isabel looked up from her phone to mallory.

"yay!" mallory said, "that's great news!"

"i hope so."


isabel later went back to her dorm to start getting ready before grayson got there.

she took a quick shower before doing her makeup and straightening her hair after putting on some flared jeans with a cute pink top.

and with that, soon enough grayson was at her door. he knocked twice before isabel opened it with a grin plastered on her face.

"hello, gorgeous." grayson smiled.

"hey gray." isabel said, stepping out her dorm and shutting the door behind her.

"you look beautiful." he told her before grabbing her hand.

"thank you." she smiled.

"you ready to go?" grayson asked as isabel nodded.

and with that the two left the building to graysons car.

grayson drove for a good thirty minutes before the two ended up in the middle of absolutely no where.

"where the hell are we?" isabel asked.

"you'll see."

"you're not gonna murder me are you?"

"i sure am." grayson joked.

isabel had the face of confusion when grayson parked in a odd gravel lot. "okay, what the actual fuck?"

"just come on." grayson said, getting out of his car with isabel following him.

he lead her down a dirt path to a empty field with a pond in front of it. grayson sat down in the field with isabel copying him.

"we're here to watch the stars?" isabel asked with a grin as grayson nodded.

grayson pulled isabel closer to him, as they both laid on the ground with their eyes on the sky.



"i've been thinking a lot lately." grayson started but isabel cut him off.

"well that's never good."

"... about us. you and i both know we mean more to each other than just some college fling. you make me feel whole, isabel."

isabel nodded, "i'm glad we're on the same page there."

"so, would you consider trying this again?" grayson asked as isabel nodded.

"under one condition, though." isabel smirked.


"ask me the right way."

"isabel jackson, would you give me the honor of calling yourself my girlfriend... again?"

"i would love too." isabel smiled before wrapping her arms around graysons neck and placing her lips on his.

"i love you." grayson whispered into her lips.

those words took isabel back for a few seconds, "i love you too."

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