Multi-Fandom Love stories

By ShadowWeather

815 17 152

Basically a lot of oneshots about different ships I like From anime, games and shows. So let's get the ball r... More

Danganronpa V3: Harmony's Revival (Oumatsu) ๐Ÿ’โš ๏ธโณ
Genshin impact: Mondstadt's longing God (Venlumi) ๐Ÿ’Œ๐Ÿฅ€
Genshin impact: three weeks (modern au Albelumi) ๐Ÿ’โณ
Danganronpa V3: A keepsake (Oumatsu & Saimatsu) ๐Ÿ’”โณ
Rune Factory 4: A shiver ring for your shiver eyes (Doug x Frey) ๐Ÿ’
World trigger: A sweet little crush (Chika x Yuma) ๐Ÿ’
Genshin Impact drabbles (Xinglumi)(Heilumi)(Lumirou)๐Ÿ’
Genshin Impact: Temperature Regulation (Wanlumi/Scaralumi)๐Ÿ’
Genshin Impact: Lost poetry. (Mondstadt's longing God: Epilogue) โค๏ธ๐Ÿฉน/๐Ÿ’”/โณ/๐Ÿค(?)

Genshin Impact: Sumeru's Slippery Roads (Tighlumi) ๐Ÿ’

69 3 13
By ShadowWeather

I strolled across a rocky road, almost tumbling every step. A bird flapped its wings fast, then swiped passed my vision, presumably it hid from the rain and has now set flight, now that the skies are clear.

I still hadn't gotten use to Sumaru's lush forest floors and all the slippery rock roads. And when it rains, oh boy was it hard, I would slip constantly if I didn't watch my footing. I've been getting better at traversing the terrain, still bad but better. My dress's hem was dabbled with mud, and my heels were soaked in the stuff.

And recently I've also learned a lot about all the different kinds of flora and mushrooms, thanks to a certain fox eared fella.
Which ones are bad, which ones are good. He talked my ear off! I still have nightmares... but it was helpful, just don't tell him I said that!

He's a great guy and his ears... I. Really. Want. To. PET THEM! they're so adorable! Oh and now can I forget his fluffy tail! It looks so silky smooth and soft, but I lack the Courage to ask... what a pity! I am just the most pitiful girl there is! *cries* (I shouldn't be left alone with my thoughts, or else this happens).

'Lumine! Lu-mi-ne! Come on answer me!' I was broken from my thoughts by my floating companion (aka, emergency food) Paimon.
'uh-huh, what is it,' I answered in my usual tone as I took another careful step.

'Don't uh-huh me! I've been calling your name for ten minutes straight! Do you know how furious Paimon is!' My emerge- floating companion said pouting, as she stomped her little foot in the air, and swung her fist in the air.

'Sorry, I was lost in thought,' I apologised, because it was true. Leaving me to my own devices was never a good choice.

'That just won't do,' Paimon crossed her arms and took her pout away out of view, 'but... if you buy Paimon, let's say five sweet madames then she might be able to forgive you!' Paimon clued me in on her true motive, as her arms tucked behind her back, as she stared as me expectingly.

I chuckled, but agreed nonetheless.

'Yay!' Paimon threw her arms into the air then pulled them back to her chest as she celebrated in place by kicking her feet, 'Okay you're forgiven,' Paimon declared, as she smiled and put her hands on her hip,

We continued walking down the path until.


I slipped and fell headfirst, Ouch! that really hurt I thought to myself, as I quickly brought my hand to my aching head.

'Traveler are you okay?!' Paimon asked frantically, as she hovered above me.
I slowly used my arm to lift my upper body from the floor, and said, 'Yea...' I groaned. That was quite a fall, I thought to myself.
'Forget the sweet mandames! We should get you patched up!' Paimon stated concerned, as she did her best to help me up, (even if all she could do was slightly support me).

I was able to get back to my feet.
'Whoa... Paimon's giving up food, that's a first. But don't worry I fee-' my body felt heavy, the strength left in it give out and I fell to ground once again. Limply my body tolled over itself. I must have taken a worst fall then I thought, I thought just before I passed out, but before fully hitting the floor, I felt like I was stationed by something, because I felt a warm touch on my waist pull me into a hold.

'We nee* t* ge* he* to th* village!' A familiar but distant voice called out to me.

Their warm touch grabbed ahold of me. Whoever it was had such a tender touch.

'Wi*l she *e okay!?' I heard a high pitched voice shout, it sounded panicked and worried.
'If we can ge-.... The voices cut out, the rest was just white noise buzzing in my unconscious mind.

'Agh...' I grabbed my forehead with my right hand... where am I? I thought as I examine my surroundings, I see it's dark outside, 'It's already nighttime,' I thought aloud.

my vision slowly unblurs and I see Paimon, sleeping at the side of the bed I'm in, Ah, i must have collapsed, I deduced. I continued to look around and I saw a familiar fox eared man, sleeping in a chair close to my bed, Tighnari, he must have been the one that found me, or Paimon brought him to my body, either way I should thank him later. I smiled, and pat Paimon on the head.

'It seems you're feeling better,' a relieved voice said in a low tone, one that sounded as if they had just woke up.
It startled me, I looked at where the sound came from and I saw Tighnari looking at me and smiling gently.
'Your fever's gone down but that doesn't mean you should get up yet,' Tighnari sat up and took one of his gloves off and felt my temperature, 'Yep, much better,' he said as he took his hand off my forehead.

'Ah, Tighnari,' I called out to him.
'Yes?' He replied.

'Thank you,' I said with a a beaming smile, but knowing my face it probably came out more as a reclusive and gentle smile, I pushed all my fingertips together as my hands stayed perched on my lap.

He nicked my forehead with his finger, 'You big lummox, you don't have to thank me,' he remarked.
'Owie,' I touched my forehead, 'You don't have to be so mean about it!' I pouted as I leaned slightly towards him and continuously shook my fist to him.

'And you shouldn't be so stubborn. I've told you many times already, you shouldn't have to thank me for doing my job,' Tighnari said with a flattened brow as he looked to me and crossed his arms.

I chuckled, 'I know! But that won't stop me from thanking you! I'm grateful to you for helping me,' I remarked laughing, my laugh came out as a soft chuckle befitting a small and gentle girl and not the rowdy, loud girl I am inside, I gripped the blanket place upon me.

He sighed, 'You really don't know when to give up,' he said with a smile as he walked over to his desk and started looking for something, 'Well, I appreciate the thought, but really no more thankyous,' he turned around and looked at my direction as he spoke with a serious expression.

'Fine...' I groaned. I stared down at my sleeping companion, 'How long was I out for?' I looked up at Tighnari. I've made Paimon worry too much, I should make sure to get her those sweet mandames she wanted and double it instead.
'Less then a day. I found you passed out on one of my patrols,' Tighnari said with a sorta sad looking expression? 'Thankfully I was able to catch you before you fell a second time,' he added.
Hmm, so that was what I felt.

'I'm definitely gonna have to make it up to Paimon,' I said with a laugh as I started fiddling with Paimon's white hair.

Tighnari smiled, 'Yea... she also owes me an apology for her constant yelling,' Tighnari said as he glared at my floating companion as he crossed his arms over one another.

'Hahaha,' I laughed and hovered my hand over my mouth, reminiscing of my first time in Sumeru.
Tighnari looked at me and titled his head in confusion, 'What are you Laughing for?' Tighnari questioned as one of his ears tilted to the side as the other remained completely straight as he tipped his head to the side.
'Oh, it's just like the time we first met,' I said smiling, as I recalled the time I passed out, which lead me to meeting Tighnari and Coilei.

Tighnari laughed, 'I suppose it is like that,' he said as his gaze fell to my sleeping companion. Tighnari moved back and plucked Paimon up and then moved toward the other side of the room, and plopped her onto a cushioned area then tucked her in with a thick and fuzzy blanket.

A cold wind rushed through the open window, it stung against my open skin, making me shiver.
Tighnari quickly closed the window after tucking in Paimon and started putting a shawl on me, 'You should go back to sleep, I can't have your fever getting worse,' he said as he continued adjusting the shawl.

So, Damn close! *badump* Does he even realised! Stupid heart stop beating so fast! *badump* He's just adjusting the shawl nothing more! My face must as red as a tomato right now, I groaned out of embarrassment.
'Done,' he said as he finished adjusting the shawl. Now didn't that take a long time! I thought with a pout on my face.

I looked up at Tighnari and his face was a similar shade of red but he tried to use his forearm to hide it. Oh, my god...! Tighnari's embarrassed. Oh my god he looks so cute~ I thought as I admired Tighnari blushing face as I brought my knuckles to my lip.

I giggled quietly, wait. What am I even thinking I need to get in control of myself! I thought as I ruffed my blonde hair, ah. My hair's a mess now... I'm such an idiot... I quietly cried inside as I let my hands release into a claw like pose.

'Hmm...' I hummed, Tighnari's ears are twitching more then usual, I observed, wait that made me sound like a pervert... I realised, okay! so what if I stare at his ears a lot, who wouldn't! Wait... why am I even defending myself right now, no one's gonna hear this... I rationalised my thoughts.

Tighnari's ears twitched again. Aghh stop tempting meeee! I need to stop thinking about Tighnari's ears. His tall swayed... I'm hopeless... my mind keeps going back to what I'm trying to avoid!

'Hey, Tighnari?' I called out his name.
'Yes? Is there anything you need?' Tighnari immediately came to my side.
'Yes...' I looked down.
'What is it?' Tighnari titled his head.
'Can... I...' I dragged on.
'Can you what?' Tighnari asked puzzled.
'CAN I PET YOUR EARS!' I shouted out, a blush spread across my cheeks.

'That's it?!' Tighnari yelped, 'Ahem, apologises, I thought it would be something more serious...' Tighnari remarked as he scratched his skull.
'Well, it's serious to me!' I pouted as I puffed my cheeks out.

'You know I don't mind if people touch my ears if I'm close with them,' Tighnari told me, as he rubbed the back of his nape.
'Then your tall...' I added, as I pointed to the fluffy and dangerous weapon he wielded.
'Pushing it, ain't we,' Tighnari said with a smug look.

'Oh come on! Pleaseeee~' it's time to deploy... the puppy dog eyes.
'Ehhh...' Tighnari groaned as he turned away from my Direction, 'Fine,' he let in, as he looked over at me.

I squealed, 'Yes!' And swung my arms up into the air, opsies, I lost my composure, 'Ahem! Well...' I gestured for him to come closer.
He moved closer to the bed and Leaned his head down for me to begin my heaven on earth also known as petting his ears.

'Ahh! So fluffy!' I rubbed the insides of Tighnari's ears then move my hand to the outside. 'Em!' Tighnari resisted letting a sound from coming out his mouth.
Oooh, that's interesting maybe if I just-
'Mmhmm-' Tighnari keeps his head low hiding his face. He also tried to use his hand to silence himself.

I stared at Tighnari's face and saw how red he is... 'So cute~' I blurted out unconsciously. Tighnari's face got even redder as he sealed his eyes shut. I leaned forward to pet his ears more, I'm in heaven~ I thought as I move my hands down to rub his tall. To reach his tall I rested myself into his chest, as I curved my arms to his back then down to his tall.

*badump* I heard a sound coming from Tighnari's chest, eh it's probably nothing.

So much flufff!

I pulled Tighnari into a embrace unconsciously, Tighnari yelped. I had almost fallen when I pulled him into a hug, so to stop my fall I pulled him into the bed with me. Now with him closer to me I continued to pet his ears and tall.

*badump* *badump* *badump*
Tighnari's heart beats even louder.

I've... completely lost it, and acted on my instincts, which were to pet his ears as much as I could. Tighnari's rapid heart beats started to shake me back to consciousness.

'Lumine...!' Tighnari called my name, his face crimson red. I looked at him then I looked at my hands, I realised what I had been doing. Ah, my fever must have been worst then I thought...

I've made a terrible mistake! heat rose to my face, I basically evaporated into the air after realising what I'd had done. 'I'm so sorry!' I shouted as I got up from laying with him and pushed myself against the wall near the bed and put my hands up in the air, like a criminal who was just caught by an ace detective, my heart was rapidly beating.

I thought that he would get out of the bed and pretend like it never happened but instead he.


Kissed me...

If my face was red before, then i must be redder then red now, crimson if you must.
'Ahh~! Wh-What..?' I yelped, as I grabbed the sides of my face, my cheeks burning up.
'Call it Payback,' Tighnari said pouting slightly, as he gave one last snarky look, then he stuck out his tongue with a sneer, what the hell, he's too cute, that's unfair! He slowly retreated from the bed and on to the wood flooring.

'And when you're fully recovered, I'll be taking the rest of it,' Tighnari said with devious eyes, staring right through me, as he put his finger to his lip and smiled.

*badump* I think my heart skipped a beat.

The end...

-Author's footnote
Yah it's just fluff and I'm not to sure if I really got Tighnari's personality right but oh well!
Author Shea sighing off!

Hope you enjoyed!

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