His Lilly ✓

By TamaraKibbi

474K 7.9K 4.4K

"I'm changing school and that's it," I yelled at Alexander. "over my dead body" he glared at me. "what's wr... More

"fixing it?"
"I Object"
"Of Course"
"Ew No"
"Bye Loser"
"How Come?"
"We Are Partners"
"You're Welcome"
"Easy There"
"Let's Run"
"Want A Ride?"
"I Think I'm Sick"
"That's offensive"
"Let's Dance"
"Fuck, Lilly"
"Slow Down"
"Think About It"
"No, Continue"
"Mrs. Johnson"
"Continue what?"
"Tell me why"
"I Want To"
"yeah Lilly"
"Cheer For Me"
"Hey Pretty Girl,"
"Let's Go Eat"
"Leave Her"
"what island?"
"Arcade it is"

"Just a Kiss"

9K 137 71
By TamaraKibbi


Chapter 31:“Just a Kiss”

♡︎ Belle's pov ♡︎

"Are you ready, yet?" My mom yelled at me from downstairs.

"in a bit I’m just fixing my hair, " I said as I fixed the bottom of the dress and tried to zip up my dress.


'aren’t no way I’m going to let her know I’m running late'

I heard a knock on my bedroom door. Thinking it was either Kaï or Kat, I said "come in".

the door opened revealing Ace, with his suit on, with no tie.

'he looks so good'
'where is his tie?'
'did he remove it?'

"Ace?" I said after three minutes of him, just standing there staring at me.

"You want help with that?" He asked me.

"yes please, and where is your tie?"

"downstairs I didn’t know how to put it on" he said as he zipped up my dress, sliding his finger on my back slowly, kissing me neck.

'I’ll faint'
'oh my god'
'he is so hot no way'

"You don’t know how to tie a tie?" I went to my desk and fixed my hair as fast as I can.

"no I don’t usually wear suits,"

"can you bring my heels from my closet please?," I said, reputing my lipstick on.

"yes ma'am," he said and went to grab it.

I put my lipstick in my bag and grabbed my heels from Ace and went downstairs.

"oh my god, belle" my mom said.

"you look stunning" My dad said.

"let me take a picture of you two" my mom said, Ace and I posed for a picture and then my mom took separate pictures of me and separate pictures of Ace.

"alright go hurry up" my mom said as she gave me my heels, I was struggling with my heels since it's so annoying to put on.

"here let me help you" Ace said as he bent down and moved my hands away.

"give me your tie, I’ll put it on you," I said to Ace, he grabbed his tie from the couch.

he went back to putting on my heels as I bent down to put his tie on.

"How do you know how to put a tie on?" He asked.

"I always help my dad with his ties since I was young."

I finished his tie, but he was still helping me with my heels. I grabbed my phone and took a picture.

'it's a really good photo'

"alright I’m done. Let's go" Ace said as he stood up, grabbed my bag, and opened the door for me.

"bye you two," my mom said.

"bye mom" I said.

"bye Mrs. White," Ace said

we went out of the house to the car, then we headed to the school.

"you look so good," I said to Ace.

"thank you, baby. I love you so much," Ace said as he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it.

"you are so beautiful I could eat you right now," Ace said, winking at me.

"don’t" I said as I held up my hand, making him laugh.

"I like the flower," I said, pointing to his pocket in the jacket that had a Lilly flower in it.

"it's you, and you are in my heart," Ace said.

"you are so corny,"

"only for you baby," he winked at me.

I heard a ding, and I opened my phone to see it when it was taken away from me.

"when did you take this?" he asked about the wallpaper, where he was putting my heels on.

"when I finished your tie," I said as I took my phone from him.


did you two leave your?
houses or not yet?

we are on our way to

we just left my house

we are on the way

same, meet you in the
hallway next to my locker?



see you theree

"they are all on the way to school so we might arrive with them at the same time," I said to Ace, who nodded.

a few minutes later and we arrived at the school. Ace parked his car next to the school doors and he hurriedly went to my side and opened my door. He bent down a bit and moved his head inside the car.

He put in hand next my side, unclipping the seat belt, then he stood up and put his hand out for me to take it.

"shall we go my Lilly?"

'I'm so in love with him.'
'I want to kiss him.'

"we shall. " I gave him my hand and went out of the car.

we walked to the school doors when we heard a yell from the parking lot. We turned our heads in the direction of the yell to see Ayla waving at and running to us.

"what's up with you?" I said as I held her arm to help her stand still.

"he wants to kiss me; he'll ruin my makeup,"

"Ayla, you can't run away from me," Cameron said as he walked slowly to us.

Ayla started to run inside the school, and I went after her as Cameron spoke with Ace.

Ayla and I went to her locker and waited for Ella and Amanda.

Amanda came after a minute with Ella behind her. We obviously took pictures because we didn't spend hours on our look to not take pictures.

after the pictures we went out to see where the boys went because we want pictures with them too. We saw them standing at the doors of the school talking.

"hey guys," we said, and they greeted us back.

"my darling came back to me," Cameron said as he came closer to Ayla, who hid behind me.

"what's up with you two?" Flynn asked, confused about why was Ayla hiding from Cameron.

"he wants to kiss her, but she doesn't want him to ruin her make up," Ace said.

"come on a little kiss, I won’t ruin you make up,"

"no, your kisses are never 'a little kiss'." Ayla said, still hiding behind me. Cameron went closer to her and she moved to my side. This went on another round until I broke it.

"we have to take a few photos before the prom starts," I said as I moved away from Cameron and Ayla. Cameron smirked and grabbed Ayla's waist, pulling her to him.

we went to an area where the background was cute and we took a lot of photos and videos. a lot.

we went back to the school and went to the indoor gym room where the prom was.

we greeted a lot of people and talked with them here and there.

not too long after, we all gathered around and the music started to play.

we went to a table and sat there putting out stuff there, so we can go and dance with free hands.

we danced a lot and every few songs we go and sit down to rest and to eat so we can increase our energy.


we were sitting down after dancing, all of us exhausted.

my foot was in pain because of these heels, so I bent down a bit just so that I can reach my foot and massage it a bit.

"does your foot hurt, baby?" Ace asked me. I just nodded.

I grabbed my foot and put in on his lap and massaged it for me.

"there're shoes for you in my car. Do you want me to grab them for you?"

"not now. I can tolerate the pain a hit more," I said.

'did he just say he has a pair of shoes for me?'

"wait why do you have my shoes in your car?"

"your mom gave them to me before I went to your room. She said you will need them but won’t agree to bring them," Ace said.

'I love your mom'
'my backbone, my girl, my one and only.'

"oh okay,"

"and now the prom queen and king," Mrs. Johnson said in a microphone, standing on the stage. All of us stood up and went in front of the stage.

"for the prom queen we have Emily Baker, Brittany O’Conner, Belle white, Ayla Jackson, Ella White, Amanda Jones and lastly Eve Wilson,"

'I didn’t sign up for this.'

"who signed me up? I didn’t sign up for prom queen," Ayla said.

"me too," I said

"same" Ella said

"same here" Amanda said.

"oh then who did?" Brandon asked, trying to hide his smirk.

'don’t tell me they did this.'

"did you do this?" Amanda asked.

"what? obviously not," Flynn said as he scratched the back of his neck, not making any eye contact.

"you did do this."

"alright we did and what? it's too late anyway" Cameron said.

"we can just quit no-" I was cut off by Ace's hand on my mouth.

"you won't," Ace said.

"Now for the prom king we have max lee, Cameron black, Flynn black, Alexander Adams, and Brandon will," Mrs. Johnson said.

we didn't argue more for a reason being that we did sign them up for prom King.

"but we didn’t-" Cameron cut himself off as he looked at us, we just flashed a smile at him.

"so you did the same thing," Brandon said.

"so that why you didn't argue more about it," Ace said as he put both of his arms on my shoulders and hugged me.

"and now let's see who's the prom queen," Mrs. Johnson said as Mrs. brown gave her an envelope. She opened it and read it.

"The prom queen is Belle White," Mrs. Johnson said and clapped with the rest of the students.

'no way'
'oh my god my y/n moment'

I went up to the stage and Mrs. brown put a tiara on my head and gave me a small bouquet.

"and the prom king is Alexander Adams," Mrs. Johnson said, and everyone clapped. Ace went up and stood next to me as Mrs. brown put a crown on his hair.

'oh my god'

"No way! that should be me," Eve yelled.

"shut up" a lot of people said.

'Nah girl, I’m not giving this tiara to no one this isn't Disney'
'it’s mine now'

"This is stupid," Eve said as she grabbed Max and went out.

'this is my fight song'
'nah I’m just playing'

"time for the prom king and queen to dance. "

'I’m the prom queen'
'what a y/n and h/n'

we went down to the middle of the dance floor, while they put on a song and we danced.

"I should have put my long beautiful breathtakingly gorgeous hair in a messy bun. "


"shhh, see I’m hurt here," I said as I pointed to my hand, which I really did hurt when I fell down the stairs.


"you should say" who did this to you?" not ouch"

"oh sorry, let's do it again. I'll be h/n your mysterious mafia boyfriend that hates everyone but you,"

(A/N grumpy and sunshine is my favorite)

"you understand me so well," I said, smiling at him.

"oh my god who did this to you?" Ace said.

"I... I" I stuttered aggressively.

"tell me, baby girl, who did this to you?" I almost laughed.

"John," I said, looking down, at the moment.

'I should have signed up for drama class.'

"I’ll kill him, ill end him. How dare he hurt my sugar boo, my one and only, my bae," he, said trying to not laugh as much as he can.

I hugged him closer, hiding my face, because I will laugh, and he hid his face in my neck and we laughed a muffled laugh.

after that we tried out best to dance like a normal couple till this song is over already.

"did you see how angry she was?" Ace said.

"yeah, even Max. He was glaring at, you," I said.

"is it that important for them to win prom queen and king?"

"yeah I guess. I mean, would you give your crown to someone else? ,"

"fuck no, it’s mine now. just like you, I wouldn't give you away, not now, not ever. you're stuck with me, " Ace said.

'I love him'
'he is-'

"I’ll you in my basement," I said.

"not if I lock you on that island, yeah. your dad explained it to me."

"and what do you think about that island?"

"I think your grandfather was a genius," Ace said smirking.

'he better not lock me or my kids there.'
'I’ll bring that Arab blood in me, with the flip flops.'

"can I kiss you?" Ace asked.

"no there are teachers. "

"there’s fog here they won’t notice. "

"yes they would. "

"just a kiss,"


"please a small one,"


"if later than I want a long kiss," Ace said.

"alright just not now,"

the song stopped, and we went to our friends who were dancing to the song that stopped.

"oh my god girl, did you see how angry Eve was?" Ayla said as she laughed.

"and max, he was fuming," Zayn said as he stood next Emily.

"oh my god, you two are together?" I asked them.

"yeah we talked after that party," Zayn said.

'they are so cute'

"so are you two official yet or?" Zayn asked us.

"we are,"

"pay up girl," Ella said to Ayla, holding her hand open.

Ayla rolled her eyes, got his purse and gave ten dollars for Ella.


"we made a bet about you and I said you two will get together at the end of the school year," Ella said.

"and what did you say?" I asked Ayla.

"in the summer," she said.

"that reminded me," Brandon said.

"were you two in a secret relationship?" Brandon asked us.

"we were for a short period of time,"

"see I told you, I know my boy, now pay me," Brandon said smirking, making Ella roll her eyes at him, handing him twenty dollars.

"that's my man," Ace said as he shook hands with Brandon.

"come on let's dance," Flynn said as he grabbed Amanda and went to the dance floor.

Ace turned me to face him and pulled out his hand. I put my hand in his and we went to the dance floor with the rest of our friends.

after a few songs, the guys went to greet their teammates in football and we continued to dance.

I was dancing with Ella when I felt someone pull the end of my dress down and kiss my shoulder.

"you look so pretty, God," Ace said, swaying with me, my back against his chest.

I turned around and pulled him with me from his pants' pocket. We went out to the hallway and continued so we can be a bit far from the gym room.

"why are we here?" Ace asked.

"don't you want that long kiss?" I asked, pulling him by his tie. He didn't even say anything. He immediately kissed me.

I had to hold my tiara so it won't fall and his crown too since I was playing with his hair, we for a while then stopped so we can go back to our friends.

"wait you have little," I said, pointing to his lips, that were all red.

"what?" Ace tried to remove my lipstick but couldn't, so I removed his hand and wiped the lipstick with a tissue.

"there you go," I said.

"thank you, love" He said and kissed me again, probably making his lips red from the lipstick again.

we went together and when we reached our table, I realized that I had his tie in my hand, that I forgot I removed it when we were kissing.

"damn you two had a long make out," Cameron said, eating a cake.

'where I need a piece'

"you want cake?" Ace asked as I nodded.

"also your mom texted you asking about the prom," Ayla said. I looked at where my phone was placed and sat down.

Ace came back with two plates that had cake.

'I love him'
'that cake looks delicious'
'it's mine'

"here you go, baby. " Ace put down the plates and sat next to me. I grabbed my phone and opened it so I can respond to my mom.

"aw your wallpaper is so adorable," Ella said.

"I know, tell her to send it to me,"

"Nah girl, keep it to yourself," Ella said.

I replied to my mom and continued eating that delicious cake as Ace creased my thighs.

'this is one good cake'










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