Tamaki x Kyoya One Shots

By Claude_The_Butler

88.9K 2.3K 1.7K

As the title says. A series of random romance/tragedy/drama Tamaki x Kyoya short stories. I don't own OHSHC... More

Mother's Day
Adoption: Part 1
How to Wake Up Kyoya: Part One
Adoption: Part 2
The Beginning
How to Wake Up Kyoya: Part 2
Secrets: Part 1
Secrets: Part 2
Christmas Special!


4K 133 100
By Claude_The_Butler

Summary: Takes place before they were married or even a couple. Tamaki walks in on Kyoya's father hitting his love.

Third Person POV


"Hey, Kyoya. It's me... again. Please answer when I call you next time. Call soon, okay? I'm starting to worry! Bye." Tamaki pressed the end button and ended his voicemail. That was the fifth time he had tried to contact the black haired friend. Kyoya would always answer his phone, at least after the third call.

"Maybe he's still sleeping. It is Saturday after all. Kyoya... sleeping..." Tamaki zoned out as he imagined a sleeping Kyoya, hair tousled and his glasses askew. He immediately felt the heat of his blush and shook his head to clear his mind of perverted thoughts.

"I know, I'll go and visit him!" Making up his mind, he gathered his things and he was soon on his way to Kyoya's house. On the way over, Tamaki let his mind wander. Of course, it immediately went to Kyoya. He knew that he like Kyoya more than a friend for sometime now, he was just afraid to say anything. He knew that neither of their fathers would approve of any relationship between two men, that especially includes their two sons. So he decided to keep his feelings hidden. He had been doing so for several years now, but he just couldn't help but think about him. His soft black hair, his handsome gray eyes, his glasses that only increased his sexiness, and even his cold personality made Tamaki only want him more. He sighed as the limo finally arrived at the Otori mansion. He told his driver to wait for him and he headed for the entrance.

"That's odd... Why are all of the lights on?" Tamaki's frown only increased as he only saw the living room light on. He knocked on the door. Once the butler saw that he was a Souh, he immediately let him in.

"Excuse me, Mr. Suoh, may I ask why you are here at this late hour?"

"I'm just here to see Kyoua. He wasn't answering my calls. Do you know where he is?"

"I believe I know why he hasn't answered you. He was called into a meeting with his father, he could very well still be there in his office. I suggest that you knock before you go in."

"Of course, thank you." Tamaki smiled and quickly made his way to Kyoya's fathers office. It took him a while, since he hadn't been to that room before. After getting lost and asking a maid for directions, he finally made it. He was about to knock, but the sound of shattering glass stopped him dead in his tracks.

"You are an Otori for Gods sake! Why can't you do anything right. You are a disgrace to the family name."

"Mr. Otori?" Tamaki asked himself quietly.

"I'm sorry, Father," Kyoya! Tamaki thought. "You know that my only wish is for the success of our business, but for me to succeed, you have to give me a chance!"

"I have given you one too many chances. I shouldn't have even tried, you are a third son after all. You will never even compare to your brothers." Tamaki had heard enough. He opened the door, only to be greeted by the sight of Kyoya's father hitting him. Tamaki stood frozen as the sound of skin on skin contact echoed through the room. Kyoya was thrown back from the force of the hit. He fell back onto the shards of glass that used to be a vase, which he was shoved into earlier. He winced as the glass dug deep into his palms.

"K-Kyoya?!" Tamaki ran to his crushes side and gingerly picked up his bleeding hand. Tamaki looked at Kyoya's face and saw his newly formed black eye, his glasses thrown to the floor.

"Tamaki? What are you doing here?"

"Don't give me that crap, Kyoya!" Tamaki looked to Kyoya's father, "and what the hell are you thinking? Hitting you own son!"

"He is nothing to me. As far as I'm concerned, he's not an Otori." Tamaki's heart broke as he saw Kyoya's head sink in shame. He reached out and grabbed his chin.Tamaki leaned forward and gently kissed his forehead.

"Fine then. Then I guess that you won't if I take him?"

"What?!" They both asked.

"You heard me," Tamaki stood up and brought Kyoya with him, "if you don't want him, I will be glad to take him!" Tamaki didn't wait for an answer and he dragged Kyoya out of his mansion. He pushed the confused male into the limo and they speed off to the Souh mansion.


"Be quiet, Kyoya," Tamaki harshly said. He was angry and frustrated that Kyoya never told him about his abusive Father. "When were you planning on telling me about this?"

"...Never. I knew that you would react like this." Kyoya sighed and leaned his head against the car window.

"You know that I would have helped you out. When have I ever let you down?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?"


"Don't take this personally, Tamaki. I've been dealing with this for a very long time now, I think I can handle one more hit."

"That's the thing, Kyoya! You don't deserve any of that!" Tamaki grabbed his shoulders and made Kyoya face him, their faces only inches apart, "You are an amazing person, Kyoya. There is nothing wrong with you, your father is the bad person here."

"But he's right. I'm jut a third son. I'm usele-" Kyoya was silenced as Tamaki closed the gap between their lips. He was surprised, but he soon eagerly complied. Tamaki moved his lips in unison with Kyoya's. Tamaki caressed his cheek with his fingers. They soon pulled apart, each gasping for breath.

"Tamaki... What was that for?"

"Why do you always call me a baka, Kyoya, when your the idiot?"


"That was because I love you.

"Tamaki..." Kyoya was speechless.

"I know you might not like me as I like you, but I'm confident that you will. After all, I'm dripping with good looks." Kyoya smirked, "Now, let's get you home."

"Tamaki... Weren't you listening? I just got disowned. I don't have a home."

"And weren't you listening to me? I said that I would take you! Daddy must always take care of Mommy!" Tamaki wrapped his arm around Kyoya's shoulder, "So what do you say, Kyoya? Ready to go home?"

"Fine, you win."

"Yes! Now, let's go home, Mommy."

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