Multi-Fandom Love stories

By ShadowWeather

808 17 152

Basically a lot of oneshots about different ships I like From anime, games and shows. So let's get the ball r... More

Genshin impact: Mondstadt's longing God (Venlumi) πŸ’ŒπŸ₯€
Genshin impact: three weeks (modern au Albelumi) πŸ’β³
Danganronpa V3: A keepsake (Oumatsu & Saimatsu) πŸ’”β³
Genshin Impact: Sumeru's Slippery Roads (Tighlumi) πŸ’
Rune Factory 4: A shiver ring for your shiver eyes (Doug x Frey) πŸ’
World trigger: A sweet little crush (Chika x Yuma) πŸ’
Genshin Impact drabbles (Xinglumi)(Heilumi)(Lumirou)πŸ’
Genshin Impact: Temperature Regulation (Wanlumi/Scaralumi)πŸ’
Genshin Impact: Lost poetry. (Mondstadt's longing God: Epilogue) ❀️🩹/πŸ’”/⏳/🀍(?)

Danganronpa V3: Harmony's Revival (Oumatsu) πŸ’βš οΈβ³

191 2 16
By ShadowWeather

Little side note, some of this story follows the game's dialogue word to word, but only a bit, just so you know!
Art credit: @daccartsy.
(Tw, hanging.)
!Quick trigger warning! Depictions of hanging! Skip the first and second paragraph if you wish to read the rest without the hanging!!

Monokuma stood on an pedestal, in front of him sat a girl on one the many keys of a piano. Her execution had just begun. The Girl had been no older then 16 years old. She was then suspended by a rope, now above the giant piano, it was a fast but smooth ascent.
The girl's body hovered above the large piano, decorated with thorns and red roses, the piano had spikes on the back. She tried earnestly to keep her feet on the piano.

Her neck was burning, sizzling with pain, that she knew she deserved for killing one of her classmates. The sturdy rope that was attached to the collar swiftly moved over to one of the keys then pressed down on the key, this repeated. The girl's body played the piano for how ever long it was. And, every time she landed onto to the one of the keys she was able breath in, this only prolonged her painful and brutal death. The blonde haired girl suffered to the bitter end.
She took her last breath, her neck felt like it had broke several times over. Her body remained over the piano, she got a glimpse of her classmates faces before that last breath, despair on each of them, as they watched her die, in torment. She wanted to scream "NO! Don't lose hope!" But her voice was lost. Her limp, unable body, hung still, but swaying slightly as it hung over the piano, then finally stopped to the end of a performance.

*Creak~* the piano's cover creaked, then forcefully shut, the spikes pitching her dead body with needles. Blood spattered out, with one of the Monokubs' head.

*cough* *cough* the girl coughed, her throat stung, it was like her throat had Been slashed very crudely with a razor sharp knife.

... ... Where am I? The girl thought. She was in a dizzy state and felt at any moment she would collapse.
She was supposed to be dead.

The dark and enclosed space made the girl feel sick. She tumbled out of the locker, and used her hands to frantically push. *squeak~* She had no time to brace for the impact. The girl now splat on the ground glanced upward her eyes still adjusting to the sudden light.

'Are y-you okay?' A boy inquired in a concerned but wary tone, he wore a navy blue uniform and a cap about the same colour, he hung his head low as he reached his hand out to the blonde girl.
'Aghh...' the girl groaned, she immediately pulled herself up from her tumble and wrapped her fingers around her neck, and she gave it a light squeeze. Her neck was no longer numb, she felt herself becoming free from no longer having that metal collar tightly clasped round her neck, and finally she was able to take a full hefty breath.
It was an unstable and muddled breath, but still a breath.
I'm alive... the girl thought with a twisted grin full of immense relief, her body twitched a few times, as if still adjusting to being on the ground once again. She looked up to the roof and started smiling, salvation had cometh her, and she was at it's beckon call.
If God deemed you worthy, wouldn't he perhaps give you a second chance, is that what has happened here?

The boy loomed over her as he looked at her with a puzzled expression, 'Umm... miss are you okay?' The boy asked again in an even more concerned tone.
Kaede shifted her gaze to the boy in blue, Shuichi?! The girl thought, what in the world? Wait, wait a minute how am I still alive? Was it all just a bad dream? no that's not it... it felt too real... a cold sweat went down the girl's back.
A glop of yucky and repulsive fluid slid up the girl's throat, she didn't want to let it out.

'Umm... miss?' Shuichi looked at Kaede with a very concerned but also suspension filled expression.
I s-should say something! The girl thought flustered, as she forced herself to swallow down her puke, 'Yes! I'm okay,' she said with an awkward closed-eyed smile as she waved her hand to the boy, indicating she felt fine, it was a lie.
her stomach did not like what she did

The girl slightly curved her eyes open, I need to act natural. I can't have him being suspicious of me, she thought.
'A-Are you sure?' the boy stuttered, he seemed to be very nervous.
'Yes, I'm sure!' The girl pumped her fists.

Kaede smiled, seeing Shuichi again made her heart light up with joy.
Butterflies and all, not for the reasons you might expect, it was like seeing a friend for the first time in ages.

The blonde stood up almost tumbling over her own weight. Her body felt heavy. It was like at any moment her body would keel over and die, It all felt so unreal.

'What's your name?' The boy inquired as he brought his hat over his face.

'Kaede Akamatsu. I'm the ultimate p-pianist,' the girl answered, quickly trying hard to act friendly even in a state of confusion of how she was alive, even as she tried her hardest to say "pianist" it still left a sour taste in her mouth.

'You're also an ultimate!' The boy said surprised, his hat lifted as his head went to look at her, and now she could see his face in clear view. His surprised face was somehow sheepish, and reclusive.

Mm-hmm!' Kaede nodded, 'You're one too?' The girl tried her hardest to sound curious.
'Y-Yes, I'm Shuichi Saihara. The ultimate detective,' the boy answered squeamishly, looking to the side where the door was.

'Wooow a detective! That so cool!' Kaede acted surprised and faked enthusiasm, she already knew all about how he got his title, and she didn't feel like pushing him any further to make him more suspicious of her then he already was.

'It's really not all that impressive...' the boy remarked as he pulled his cap down, his face glowed a light pink shade.

'Come on don't say that! it's way more impressive then mine!' Kaede encouraged the boy, as she took hold of his shoulder and pumped her fist.

'It's really not...' the boy said even more flushed this time.

Before they could finish their conversation, the monokubs appeared, and told them they were fourteen other ultimates students scattered around the school.

Shuichi was shocked to hear they were other ultimates beside him and Kaede, while Kaede feigned surprise.

They went around the whole school, introducing themselves to the other ultimates.
Some were strange, other were rather calm, despite being kidnapped. Then they found themselves talking to Rantaro Amami, seeing him made Kaede almost fall to her knees and start crying and apologising for what she had done.

She killed, one who did not deserved that punishment, she had no right... Even if it was to end the killing game... What right did she even have to begin with? It was her fault, she started this killing game, and she was going to be the one to end it.

Even so, she was more glad that he came back from the land of the dead. Her guilt that ate her up inside was still there, hidden from plain sight, but there deep inside, crewing away at her heart and soul.

She felt it every time she saw one of them, the guilt of lying to them, betraying them, she broke her promise to all of them...
But remembering all the good she could do, kept her smiling and made it easier to hide. She mustn't lose heart, even if there's not much left to lose.
How much heart would she have at the end of this bloody path.

Once Kaede and Shuichi finished introducing themselves to the others, the Monokubs announcement played, telling them to all gather in the gymnasium.

Once Kaede and Shuichi arrived in the gym, Kirumi spoke out, 'All sixteen of us have gathered...' Kirumi said to nobody in particular.
'Hmm, it's pretty spectacular seeing all sixteen of us Ultimates gathered in one place,' Kaito responded to Kirumi's statement while also remarking at all the people gathered here.
'Kehehe... you may not be able to be so easygoing for much longer...' Korekiyo spoke out as he stood in the one of the four Corners of the gym, shadow enveloped him.

Kaito turn his gaze to Korekiyo, who was still standing in a dark corner and just as Kaito was about to speak he was then interrupted.

'In this situation, it's no use thinking about things. So eventually, Tsumugi stopped thinking,' Tsumugi spoke out all of a sudden, and interrupting whatever Kaito was about to say to Korrkiyo, which was most likely an insult or some dumb banter knowing Kaito.

'Nyeeeh... What's gonna happen to us? I bet it'll be a pain...' Himiko groaned, as her knees began to bend slowly and descend onto the gym's squeaky and waxed floors.

'Hmmmmm...' Tenko stared intently at Himiko, her gaze made Himiko stop what she was doing and perked her up from falling asleep.

Himiko caught wind of Tenko's gaze upon her and asked, 'What? What are you looking at?' She questioned confused, as she held her finger close to her head and pointed at Tenko.
'Um... Himiko, you can use amazing powers, right!? Cuz you're a psychic and stuff, right?' Tenko questioned eagerly as she moved closer to Himiko.

'I'm not a psychic...I'm a mage.' Himiko corrected the girl as she put her finger up in the space around her.

'Whooooa! That amazing! I definitely wanna incorporate that into Neo-Aikido!' Tenko remarked with stars in her eyes, 'Hey, what sorta training did you undergo to gain your awesome powers!?' Tenko asked waiting patiently for an answer.

'Talking about it is too tiring...' Himiko responded as she yawned.
The two began to have a nonsensical conversation, with Tenko leading, with her taking about crazy and impossible things, while Himiko nodded off and answered somehow in her sleep.

Kaede silently chuckled at the two girl's antics. It warmed her heart seeing them get along.
Kibo spoke soon after their small conversation, 'Pardon me, but...we need to be on our guard. We do not know if and when danger will strike,' Kibo raised his concerns as he touched his robotic body and pointed to nothing in particular.

Kokichi looked at Kibo and said, 'D-Don't say that... I'm so scared... I don't know what to do...' he said as he drooped his head and blatantly faked Tears.
'There is no need to worry. Atua will protect us.' Angie said with her arms stretched high above and as she balanced on one foot.
The boy striked a piercing glance at Angie and quickly recovered from his tears, 'Phew! That's a relief!' The petite boy perked up almost instantly after she spoke.

'Is your Brain full of weeds or somethin'? I'll whack 'em outta that skull of yours!' Miu remarked.
'Don't worry about it! Just leave it to me!' Kaito volunteered to do it instead, 'If those teddy bears show themselves again, I'll kick all their asses!' Kaito pumped his fist, to show everyone he's ready for battle.

'...Huh? What's that?' Gonta questioned as he held his finger to the side of his face.
'Hm? What's wrong?' Ryoma asked Gonta. 'Listen...Hear that?' Gonta replied as he lowered his voice and took his hand to his ear.

'Ah, I think I hear it. It sounds like an engine from a robot anime—' Tsumugi tried to make another reference on an anime nobody in the room knows about, and the excels appeared as if on cue with her voice.

'Hoo-hoo Rise and shine, ursine!' The Monokubs yelled in unison while in the giant mech looking machines.
'Kyaaaaaaah!' Tsumugi hollered, it sounded like an anime scream to be precise.
Gonta marched in front of the group as he threw his arm in front of the others and yelled, 'Everyone, behind Gonta!'

'Wh-What the heck are these...monsters!?' Tenko yelled as she tried to recover from her shock and brace herself for combat, she stood infront of Himiko with her hands bracing for battle.
'Whooooaaaa!!! So cooool!!!' Kokichi excitedly yelled without a care in the world.

'They're Exisals—highly mobile, bipedal weapons platforms! They got lotsa hometown pride, too!' Monokid explained.
'...I can't keep track of these backstories,' Monosuke dejectedly spoke out.

Miu started screaming, 'Wh-Whatever they are, they better kill off the uggos and save me for last!' Miu remarked while sweating heavily.
'Run, Himiko!' Kokichi mockingly insulted and jabbed at Himiko.
'Why are you concerned about me all of a sudden?' Himiko said, not realising the hidden insult in the boy's words.

'Hm, didn't someone say they would "kick all their asses"?' Maki mocked Kaito's past claim.
'Wh-What the hell!? Nobody told me about these!' Kaito screamed his eyes wided as sweat covered his face.

Rantaro stood tall, 'Alright, chill out, no need to panic... We're probably not in any danger.' Rantaro tried to calm down the group, even if he was not fully sure of it himself,

'If they wanted to kill us, they'd have done it by now,' Rantaro reassured the group, as he walked up to the Exisals as if he just on a normal walk.

He took a deep breath, 'So... What do you want from us?' Rantaro asked, his shoulders relaxed,
'You clearly wan-'
Keade stopped playing attention as everything had been going the same way as before, she slowly zoned out.
(This is where it gets to things not in the game! Woohoo!)



'HeLlooo!' a boy screamed in my ear.
'Ah!' I snapped out of my trance.
'See, I told you she was alive,' Rantaro-kun said as he crossed his arms.
Everyone seemed to be looking at me, 'Err... Why is everyone starring at me?' I asked confused.
Kokichi-kun stuck his face up in mine.
'Ooh I don't know~ maybe because you've been standing there for like forever, like a freak~' Kokichi-kun said mockingly as he stuck his tongue out.
He raised his hand to his chest and continued onward, 'I was even kind enough to offer my services of waking up dumb pee-nists like you.' He let out his arms to a shrug pose upon saying "dumb pee-nists" then walked behind Rantaro-kun.

'I'm sorry. I guess I fell in a kind of shock cause of the Exisals,' I quickly came up with an excuse as I awkwardly laughed.
Ouma-kun's stare sharpened, he knew I was lying. Why did he have to be so alert!

After I told them I didn't quite hear what the monokubs said, they quickly brought me up to speed, about; monokuma, the killing game, and the rules.
I feigned surprise, it was hard, but I used my hated and emotions toward this killing game to put on the best act I could.
And I quickly came up with a little speech about how I'd never kill anyone and how we should all find an escape. It seems I touched everyone's heart a bit.
This speech this time was much more logical then emotional than when I first gave a speech.
I guess dying really changes a person.

After my speech, Gonta told us of the manhole he found, he said he remembered it because of me. We went to the manhole Gonta-kun found.
Rantaro-kun stopped me from leaving, 'Hey... Keade-chan are you okay?' Rantaro-kun checked up on me, there was concern in his tone of voice, but I could tell he was also suspicious of me.
It made sense after all, who would space out in a time like this.

'Yea.. Why wouldn't I be!' I said as I pump both my fists, then place one of my hands to grip onto my other arm still in the air. Rantaro-kun's gaze shifted, 'If you say so,' Rantaro said in his usual relaxed tone, as he walked past me while putting his hand on my shoulder he gave it a light squeeze, then let go as he caught up with the group.

I felt someone looking at us when we were talking.
I quickly turned around and I could see a purple strand of hair that curled out, peeking from the corner.

Should I ignore this?

We all arrived at the manhole.
'Hmmm, this is really suspicious...' Shuichi-kun said, no one else heard him besides me and Rantaro-kun as we were the closest to him.

We all head down the ladder, I already knew what we would find.

Once we arrived, it was a "exit", labelled by a big sign.

We eventually decide to try it. I'm almost always the last one left.
I'm more experienced and know of the traps, but I still had to pretend I didn't know the first time.
We never reached the end.
I told everyone we should stop for today, and it was no good wasting our energy on something that might or not be an exit.
And that we should try again tomorrow if we feel up to it.
I wanted to make up for my past mistake. Also if nobody was here I could investigate it by myself.

Rantaro and Kokichi agreed with me right away, and almost everyone else agreed.
Well... with now stubborn Kaito-kun is, he refused but after hearing my thoughts on it he quickly retreated.
I wouldn't make the same mistake as last time. But right now that manhole is the only lead I have out of this place...

We all retired for today, well, except a few of us, including me.

I had felt Kokchi's gaze on me the whole time we were in the tunnel or investigating. Kokchi stayed by my side the whole day. He even took my backpack once we left the tunnel, and peeked his nose into it. Damn it! I was going to investigate the manhole after this!!! But instead I chased him around the whole school to get my bag back.

In the end I became Kokichi's little plaything, as I ran after him throughout the night, but I'll admit it did take my mind off everything that happened that day, and I also had a little fun playing around with him. It was sorta relaxing as if I was able to let off some steam and fully fall back into my body, that had been feeling heavy the entire day.

'Huh... Huh...' I started to slow down, my engine was running low, but when I saw Kokichi-kun just in reach I had to step up.

Ah, my shoelaces untied.
I fell HARD.

Kokichi-kun came up to me. He reached his hand out, and chuckled to himself as he held my bag just out of reach, 'Wow, how clumsy can someone be,' he snickered, as he tried to hide the worry in his face with a cheeky smile.

He started humming a tone. I didn't recognise it, and that was strange because it sounded so familiar.
Maybe it was like Kokichi said and we knew each other before, heh, probably not, he is a liar after all.

I grinned, my plan worked, I started to slowly lift up, then took a tight grasp of his hand,
'Sorry, Kokichi-kun,' I said as I pulled him down.
'Ahh!' Kokichi-kun yelps.


Now that I'm on top of this petite boy, I grin, I finally caught him, 'I win,' I said with a closed eye smile.

Kokchi's face flushed red, either from running around for so long or me being on top of him, I couldn't tell.

His eyes were wide and his mouth agap. Then his eyes pouted if that possible, and he started to fight back, but too bad for him and good for me, that he was super weak! I caught the strap of my bag, then we scuffled for control of the bag. He took it back, then I snatched it off his hands once again. By the end of it both of us were either smiling or laughing.
And when I was finally able to get my backpack back, I was sitting on him with my bag just outta of reach, woooo! I did it! Hoo...
I looked down, my other hand pressed him down and pinned him onto the floor and my thighs were spread over his body to stop him from moving.
My whole body burned from my ears to my toes.
I hurried to get off him. God where's a ice pack when you need it, because my face was scorching.

My cheeks felt flushed and burnt, and I quickly got off him and ran to my room.
But not before, letting out a cry of victory as I made my way to my room, even if I was embarrassed I was even more proud and felt very victorious, this win is mine!

I turned my head to see him still sitting on the floor with a shocked expression, as he ruffed his bangs with his hand.
'I'LL WIN NEXT TIME YOU DUMB PEE-NIST!' he shouted atop his lungs with a big grin. His dumb nickname for me started to stick and I hated that.

Well it's better then being called Kaeidiot...

In my room I flopped onto my bed.
My heart was still pounding from the incident in hallway moments ago.

But I shrugged it off best I could and thought of ways to get Kokichi off my tail. Kokchi, he was on to me, he could tell something was up. He was too clever for his own good.

I sighed, 'What has gotten into me though. I can't believe I did that,' I exclaim out loud as I covered both sides of my face with my hands, I toppled over Kokichi... I really wanna apologise but it's Kokichi, he'll probably use this against me in his relentless teasing.

I should try and get some sleep. I need my energy for tomorrow.
But before that, I'll think of a few plans that could stop this death game, and I'll write them down in the notepad I grabbed earlier in the warehouse.

A lot of writing later.

My stomach growled. Maybe I should go eat something, I thought to myself, as I walked up to my door.

In the kitchen, I grabbed some eggs and started frying them on one of the many pans, I also grabbed two pieces of bread and put them in the toaster while the eggs were on the stove.
While I was doing this, I hadn't noticed someone had come in. 'You're rather comfortable, Aren't you?'
I tensed up upon hearing a voice behind me, I quickly turned around to see a short boy, leaning on the counter with his hands on his cheeks, standing near the entrance of the kitchen.

'Kokichi-kun...' I sighed, my shoulders ease up, 'Did you have to sneak up on me like that, you really scared me,' I flashed a quick smile his way, as I continued to watch my eggs, no-one wants burnt egg's Benedict and I don't want burnt fried eggs, it's that simple.

He laughed, but it didn't sound like his usual snicker it sounded more relaxed.
Did he fake his laugh too? Nay that's way too much even for him, he was probably feeling sleepy.

I could hear his footsteps come closer to me, he was right behind me now. He watched me closely as I cooked my eggs.
'Heey Keade, how come you acted as if you didn't know what the monokubs and monokuma said?' Kokichi let his motive be known as he leaned down to see my face. He was definitely drowsy, his eyes were drooping and half asleep.
My body twitched at this sudden accusation, 'What do you mean Kokichi-kun? I don't know what you're talking about,' I tried my hardest to play dumb.

Kokichi snickered, 'Oh, come on it was so obvious~ I'm a liar after all, I can easily hear when someone's lying,' Kokchi-kun said, as he put on a cheeky smile and put his hands behind his back. Then hug me by surprise.
'Ah!' My face felt hot like when I was on top of him. 'What are you doing Kokichi!?' I hit his head, and tried to push him off me, but his grip was tight, as he move his arms round my waist.
'Nope I won't let go unless you tell me!' He playfully nuzzled his face into my back, as if mocking me. This continued but I was able to win the battle of strength once again, and he stopped trying.

I gulped, I felt extremely nervous, it was hard to hide anything from Kokichi-kun.
I kept silent,
I could feel his breath on the nap of my neck, I tried to ignore it, but doing that made me more conscious of him.

Kokichi spoke up a few times, but he kept asking me questions about today and why I was spacing out, I answered as vaguely as I could. I was more focused on him, and how closely he stared at me.
My face felt hot for that short time my eggs were cooking, probably from the steam.

After my eggs were done I plated it on the plate I prepared, with the toast then the eggs. And quickly ran to the counter to get away from Kokichi-kun, he must have seen my haste as he stood shocked in front of the stove and gave an all-knowing grin.
He obviously realised my embarrassment.

But then his eyelids went flat as if ne realised something as he stared at me. Then his feet started to move swiftly towards me. Was he disappointed? with what? That I didn't do anything? That's what his face showed me, but then again it's Kokichi...
I could have done something, he was right behind me, and sometimes went so close to my face, we coulda kissed... ugh... my face felt burnt.

I sat down on the counter and started eating my eggs on toast. Kokchi set up a chair right next to me then placed his butt on it, his feet dangled off the chair. He started talking about something different, maybe he's finally dropped the questioning. He talked about how he wanted me to join his organisation, I laughed it off, but a part of me wanted to accept that invitation.

'Sooo Keade-chan~ still intent on lying to me,' he said as he put his finger to his lip and smiled. Guess he hasn't fully dropped it yet.
I smiled back, feeding into his game, 'If I told you, would you believe me?' I asked as I leaned my head onto my hand, maybe I should tell him, it would take a lot off my chest. I contemplated as I took a forkful of eggs and bread.

'Totally! I would never lie about something like that, scouts honor. Nishshishi,' Kokichi promised as he held his Pinkie to me. I hesitated before intertwining my Pinkie with his. 'But I did lie about being a boy scout,' he added on, as he leaned his head back and extended his free arm.
'Heh,' I guess now or never, might as well, he probably would be the only one to believe me, and tell I wasn't lying.
'Pinkie promise!' we said in unison as we smiled like children with our pinkies intercrossed.

'But I'm only gonna tell you little parts of it every night!' I quickly added.
Ouma pouted, 'Sly~ Keade-chan. But I'm patient I'll wait,' he said with a big grin as he put his head onto the counter and looked at me, his purple hair laid messy on the counter as his eyelashes peeked through his bangs, his violet eyes almost glowed in the darkness of the kitchen.

I never realised how pretty Kokchi was untill now.

God, I must have the ugliest smile on my face right now, I thought as I stared at Ouma-kun. I didn't get to know him that well before I died, but now I have the perfect chance to get to know him better.

All of a sudden my chest feels a lot lighter.

'I guess I'll fed you some of the juicy information you want tonight~' I said as I tightly held onto the counter and pushed myself out to stretch my spine back. I think Kokichi's gotten to me, I feel like the way I act is becoming more in tune with him.

'So, do you believe in getting second chances.'
The end.

Yeah it ends in a cliffhanger and is really open-ended, but~ I'm tired and have no idea how to end this, so that all you get! This is one of my older ones, so the writing isn't as good the next few ones. Also feels kinda fast, but it's pretty fluffy and I still love it!
Goodbye reader.

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