Star Awards: First Edition

By starstruckeh

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An awards for all genres with exciting prizes! (⭐) JUDGING | NOT ACCEPTING PARTICIPANTS AND JUDGES ANYMORE More



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By starstruckeh

Fantasy Results!

Thank you to Tyfanny_Everdeen11Min_Min11 and InnocentDeva_202 for taking the time to judge these amazing books and they have done such a good job at it! Participants, remember this is a friendly competition. If you're not happy with your results, kindly don't go around ruining it for anyone else.

Congratulations to our winners. For those who didn't win, don't lose the spirit! Try again with our next set our awards and I hope you win next time!

PS: DM'ing the reviews to the participants would, on my part, be too hectic and chaotic to manage. So, all reviews are posted here but if anyone wants me to take theirs down and message them instead, DM me the book name and the category you applied in. I want this to be a good experience for all.

1ST PLACE: Blessed Curse by VictoriaLachac

Title : 10/10

Cover : 10/10 

Description: 19/20

Grammar : 18/20 

Characters : 20/20 

Plot : 20/20 

Final Score : 97/100 

The introduction was amazing : it immediately brought me into their world and time and put me in the book's mood. The grammar is good and the sentences are simple. However, I don't think there is enough descriptions of the character's surroundings. Maybe, you could add some adjectives to describe objects and places just to give a clearer vision to the reader. The characters are very unique and their thoughts are clearly written so the reader understands their way of thinking and can get attached to them. This is the first fantasy story I read that has a nice amount of humour in it! Personally, I loved the way Sandro and Valentina met, it was so funny :D I will definitively continue reading this book!

2ND PLACE: A War Of Queens by KeaniCupido

Title : 10/10 

Cover : 9/10 

Description: 20/20 

Grammar : 20/20 

Characters : 18/20 

Plot : 19/20 

Final Score : 96/100 

The cover looks very beautiful and made me want to read the book right away. The title of the book fits the story really well and started making sense since the very beginning, however it is written in white and can be hard to see because of the background. It is the first time I see a map in a Wattpad story and I must admit it is a great idea, very helpful to the reader... I really like the fact that you created a world of your own, it's beautiful! The grammar is amazing and the vocabulary is brilliant! The descriptions are so rich that I could imagine all the details. You have a very vivid imagination :D This story fits the Fantasy genre, there are magical creatures such as dragons and demons and the names of the characters have a fantastic touch (and I can't pronounce any of them lol XD). In my opinion, the characters' personalities and feelings are not mentioned enough, hence making it hard for the reader to form a bond with them. However, the insights on the characters' pasts is a really good bonus! The plot is simply incredible...but a bit hard to follow. Great job author! Looking forward to the next chapters! :D

3RD PLACE:  GRAVESKIES BY cowardlydawg

Title : 10/10

Cover : 10/10

Description: 16/20

Grammar : 19/20

Characters : 20/20

Plot : 20/20

Final Score : 95/100 

The opening chapter really got my interest! However, I don't think there is enough description in the first two chapters as to what kind of object falls from the sky, or what are Deviants, or who is the God, or why there is a war... But the descriptions are detailed and yet easy to read without giving the feeling of info-dumping. The cover is beautiful, but I don't know what it represents... The grammar and the vocabulary are great! This story fits the Fantasy genre, the protagonist is a magical creature and the story revolves around magical creatures like her. In my opinion, this book heroine is the best I have ever had the pleasure to meet. This story really hooked me up! I will definitely continue reading!

HONORABLE MENTION: we have three!

Legends Of Tajin: Secret Of The Sword by scrabblepost

Title : 10/10 

Cover : 10/10 

Description: 16/20 

Grammar : 20/20 

Characters : 18/20 

Plot : 20/20 

Final Score : 94/100 

The description was fine, but it didn't give enough information (to my taste) tocatch my eye. I loved the beginning where you put the pronunciations for difficult words, it was very helpful. The first chapter was intriguing, it really pulled me into the story. The vocabulary, descriptions and grammar were used in such a nice way : the story was very detailed and yet, still simple to read. That is a very hard thing to do, so good job author!The characters actions and thought are well described, which made the story even more interesting. Personally, I must admit that the idea of a 15 years old girl warrior was quite surprising at first, but I came around to like that! This is one of the best stories I have read, the fantastic side of it is beautiful.I will definitively continue reading :)

Five Sisters, Warriors Of Finella by Kathy_Marwin

Title : 10/10 

Cover : 10/10 

Description: 15/20 

Grammar : 19/20 

Characters : 20/20 

Plot : 20/20 

Final Score : 94/100 

This book gave me the impression of a real fantasy story, the cover is coveredin beautiful drawings... It perfectly fits the genre as there are fantastic creatures and use of magic. The opening chapter has magnificent descriptions of Finella and the characters. I think it's a great idea to put drawings all along the book to illustrate certain scenes, it really is quite a pleasant bonus!Lou is a fascinating young lady and her sense of adventure intrigues the reader. Personally, Zita is my favourite sister :) The grammar is fine, even though the sentences are sometimes too long for me. The plot is quite exciting and I can't wait to know what happens next! You're doing awesome work author, keep on doing it :D


Title : 6/10 

Cover : 10/10 

Description 20/20 

Grammar : 20/20 

Characters : 18/20 

Plot : 20/20 

Final Score : 94/100 

The description was mind-blowing! It gave enough details to pull the reader into reading it and yet didn't give away to much information. The introduction was very immersive as we get to know the main character and her way of thinking. The aesthetics are simply MAGNIFICIENT and the dark colours add to all the tension. The characters are unique. and their personalities are well described as well as their physical appearances. Personally, the language level is too high for me as I am only a teenager and not a young adult but this book is very interesting and I love its genre.


THE TRIAL BY mosaicopine

Title : 9/10 

Cover : 10/10 

Description : 8/20 

Grammar : 19/20 

Characters : 20/20 

Plot : 20/20 

Final score : 86/100 

The title really intrigued me...but I still don't know what it's place is in the book yet. The girl is really pretty and the fact that she's looking down makes it mysterious and the background golden palace adds a fantasy touch. Sadly, the description doesn't give enough information about the story. And the description's grammar is slightly confusing...however, the grammar in the rest of the book is just fine. The first chapter really got me curious :) I love all the characters! They've each got a different personality and yet seem to fit in perfectly together. (I was a bit confused at first because I thought you had time skipped or something, but then I later realised she had gone back to her 'real' life!) Wow! Your effect was PERFECT. And unique. Hats off. Good job author!

The Prince by writingforfuture

Title : 10/10 

Cover : 5/10

Description: 15/20

Grammar : 13/20

Characters : 20/20

Plot : 20/20

Final Score : 83/100 

The first impression I got from this book is that it didn't sound cliché at all, the cover isn't too bad, however it doesn't really give off the fantasy 'vibes'. The opening chapter was interesting and raised a lot of questions about the situation in which the Prince is. The grammar isn't too bad, however, in the first few chapters, the sentences were quite short and repetitive and the tenses were mixed up so they confuse the reader. The plot is quite exciting. But, in my opinion, it doesn't fit the fantasy genre because there aren't any fantastic creatures, or magic yet and it has strong romance. I would love to continue reading this book and find out what happens! You've got my full support author :)


Title : 10/10 

Cover : 9/10 

Description : 14/20 

Grammar : 20/20 

Characters : 19/20 

Plot : 20/20 

Final Score : 92/100 

The title started making sense right away in the first few chapters and the cover has a nice fantasy/magical vibe to it. The opening chapter was a bit hard to understand at first because I had just been introduced to the story but it still made me curious. The descriptions are beautiful and very detailed, but give me the feeling of info-dumping. The grammar is good and there are no mistakes. This story fits the Fantasy genre, the magical world you created is beautiful! You are very creative! The names are very well chosen and the clothes' colours idea is very interesting :) The characters' personalities are very nicely described and make the reader feel like they've known them forever... In my opinion, making the sentences shorter and less complex could help a young reader like me. The plot is interesting and I would consider continuing reading it :D


Title : 10/10 

Cover : 7/10 

Description 10/20 

Grammar : 10/20 

Characters : 14/20 

Plot : 20/20 

Final Score : 71/100The description explains the story very well but there are too many grammar mistakes and the sentences are so long it confuses the reader. The introduction was intriguing, and the questions spiked my curiosity right away. Sadly, some sentences are not grammatically correct and are some times quite repetitive. (For example, instead of saying : "But the question was still there.", it would be better to say : "But the questions still remained.") The characters' personalities are well described with their actions, however they seem a bit childish sometimes for 17 years-old. Personally, I think this book needs to be worked on a bit more, but the general picture is great! I will continue reading!

The runaway rebels by Beetlemaniac

Title: 8/10 

Cover: 5/10

Description: 13/20 

Grammar: 18/20 

Characters: 11/20 

Plot: 10/20 

Final score: 65/100 

Review: First off, let me just say that this story is beautifully written. I read all the chapters. The cover is decent but the title is amazing and really intrigues me. The writing is simple and easy to read and yet still skillfully captures whatever mood the author is attempting for. The first chapter was a good introduction to our main cast and also did well to establish the central conflict. There were no glaring spelling mistakes and only a couple of grammatical errors but that can be easily fixed. My favourite character is Ace—I love her mischievous, cunning attitude and witty remarks. Dawn and Pandora are also interesting, well-written characters. I haven't read many mythological stories so this was a fresh, exhilarating read. However, a bit of critique I do have is that the paragraphs are really long. In a story, paragraphs—for me—are like a breath of fresh air before moving on to the next one. So, you could say that reading these ginormous paragraphs was a bit suffocating; I do understand that it is a stylistic choice but I do not like it very much. Another thing I did not like very much was the fact that there was a lot of info dumping at the end. Subtlety and foreshadowing are two major things that can take a good book and make it an amazing one. Instead of answering all our questions in an organic, satisfying way, the characters just tell us about all the things we were wondering. And after pages upon pages of dialogue, it is difficult to get back into the action. Other than those two things, this story was incredible and just my style. I will definitely read more of this author's work.  

Lost by Vizzy96

Title: 4/10 

Cover: 5/10 

Description: 8/20 

Grammar: 3/20 

Characters: 5/20 

Plot: 3/20 

Final score: 28/100 

Review: This story uses the Isekai archetype—where an ordinary character is transported to another realm for seemingly no reason—and this is a trope mostly used in Anime and Manga so it is interesting to see this used in a book. I read up to chapter 11. The cover and title are nothing special and don't really give much about the story. The chapters are really short but get straight to the point. I suggest that this author run their work through a spell check of some kind before publishing—I would personally recommend Grammarly which is a free, easy-to-use app that will literally shove all your mistakes in your face until you correct them. There were many spelling and grammatical mistakes and the characters are pretty shallow and don't receive much development. The plot seems fun if not a bit dark and I do feel bad for the main character, Ruby, but it's hard to sympathize with him when he barely reacts to the traumatic things happening to him. I encourage the author to take my advice and keep working their hardest—this story has the potential to be something great.

Am I not the hero? by MilesVaras

Title: 7/10 

Cover: 6/10 

Description: 17/20 

Grammar: 16/20 

Characters: 11/20 

Plot: 14/20 

Final score: 71/100 

Review: The title really intrigued me at first—I am a massive sucker for stories where the characters think they're doing the right thing when really they're working for the bad guys—however as this book is unfinished, the title has not yet become relevant. I read up to chapter 15. The cover looks cool but I don't know if the author created it themselves. The prologue had me hooked from the first paragraph and I've been looking forward to reading this story. This story takes place on an alien planet and I love that concept a lot. The main character, Ravi, feels very fleshed out. He is short-tempered, defensive of his ego and currently on a quest to find out who killed his mother. He does things that upset the other characters and at times is a little bit annoying—his tense relationship with his uncle adds yet another layer to his personality and I must applaud the author for writing such a realistic character. The second lead, Draigh, is definitely less fleshed out but arguably the more likeable one, he is a human who ran away from the company who his mother sold him to and said company wants to hurt the people on this alien planet. He is trying to save his sister from them as well but she isn't as willing to go. The romance between Ravi and Draigh has not flourished yet but they have good chemistry. The other characters are decent and they get a little development but I'd like to know more about them. They don't seem to have any reasons to help out our main characters except for "why not?" I'd like the story much more if everyone had their own goals and aspirations. There were a couple grammatical and spelling mistakes, I suggest the author reread their chapters before publishing to avoid this. Plot-wise, it starts off well paced but gradually gets more and more boring, a side plot would do well to combat this. I will read on 

The King's Fool by Madame_LaBelle

Title: 6/10 

Cover: 5/10

Description: 18/20 

Grammar: 19/20 

Characters: 15/20 

Plot: 17/20 

Final score: 80/100 

Review: The first thing I must immediately establish is that story is far too good to be on Wattpad. The title and cover didn't do much for me but once I read the description I had already fallen in love. The writing is flowery but you don't have to pay full attention to understand what is going on, the chapters are just the right length—not too long, not too short—and I am infatuated with the skilful way the author creates atmosphere and shifts mood. It honestly felt like I was reading an actual published story and I highly encourage the author to try for that (if they want to.) My favourite character is between Dandry and Tambrin. I really hate Jelgrim and feel really bad for Jazrina but that is obviously what the author was intending for. This story is unfinished; I read up to chapter 12 and desperately need more. I finished all of the 12 in one day because it was so good. However, this story is not for the light of heart as it vividly describes sexual assault, murder and rape—the author makes it extremely clear that they do not condone these things but I'd say skip out on this story if you are easily triggered by the aforementioned. There are virtually no spelling or grammatical mistakes and if I wasn't viewing this story through the lens of a judge then I'm confident that my eyes would've glazed right past the small amount. The author seems genuine and to really have a passion for writing which I can admire. A little critique I do have is that the story tells you how to feel about characters instead of letting you come to your own conclusions. For example, Jelgrim is obviously a horrible character and his actions and dialogue are enough to establish that however the author literally shoves the fact that he is awful down your throat; which is fine, just a bit jarring and it sort of ruins the mood. Other than that little trifle, this book is so, so good and if you are not susceptible to the trigger warnings listed above then you should totally check it out. If I haven't already made it abundantly clear, I will be reading not only the rest of this story but the authors other work, too.

Elemental powers: fire and water Nightstar_181209

Title: 5/10 

Cover: 4/10 

Description: 6/20 

Grammar: 15/20 

Characters: 7/20 

Plot: 6/20 

Final score: 43/100 

Review: Since this story is so long, I only read the minimum of five chapters. The title is a bit long but it sounded interesting and the cover looks nice if not a bit tacky. This story is about dragons and there are many different kinds of them but right now the fire dragons are trying to take over the land. Our main character is one of the last water dragons and is injured badly at the beginning, they meet some friends who are willing to save them and start training to defend themselves. The first chapter intrigued me and made me feel bad for the main character. The spelling and grammar were okay for the most part but I'd suggest that the author put a little more description into their words so they can keep the reader's attention. This story was nice and I will try to read more in my free time. 

Runaway gods by francescopianfetti

Title: 5/10 

Cover: 6/10 

Description: 14/20 

Grammar: 19/20 

Characters: 13/20 

Plot: 10/20 

Final score: 67/100 

Review: I have read five chapters of this story. The first line of the description really drew me in and after seeing chapter one I knew that this was gonna be a fun read. The cover is pretty and the title is decent. Tristan is assigned by a group of adventures—who are actually disguised Marines—to babysit Agatha but they find themselves in trouble after word of a shooting in the inn they were going to stay in gets around. I wish I had more time to finish this story and give it a full review but sadly I can't. The descriptions in this book are eye-catching and incredible, the author is so admirably creative. The characters play off of each other well and I can't wait to see the friendship between Agatha and Tristan blossom. The central conflict and plot seemed well planned out and there is some foreshadowing going on and I'm excited to see where it leads. Some things that I didn't like was the fact that Tristan seems pretty okay with all the scary and traumatic things happening, as far as the audience knows, he's lived a pretty normal life since now so seeing him more reactive would be nice. Apart from that, this book is spectacular. 

The last philosopher by NickfEast

Title: 6/10 

Cover: 5/10 

Description: 10/20 

Grammar: 19/20 

Characters: 10/20 

Plot: 8/20 

Final score: 58/100 

Review: I read up to the chapter 'the rule of rules.' The title and cover are both good. The description and honestly story as a whole ask some really thought-provoking questions. I love the way the author personified the black hole—Richard (or Dick)—and made him an actual character, he's awful. The wizard — whose name I won't even try to spell — is our protagonist however he is also a bit of an asshole and I liked seeing the similarities between him and Dick. There are no spelling mistakes as all of the ones I could've pointed out seem to have already been by the people commenting on the actual story. The only qualm I do have is that the paragraphs can get shockingly long and I'd recommend the author separate them so it's easier to read.  

The Great Eliini by obliviablack

Title: 4/10 

Cover: 8/10

Description: 14/20 

Grammar: 19/20 

Characters: 15/20 

Plot: 10/20 

Final score: 70/100 

Review: The description, cover and title all did a great deal to intrigue me. When I saw that a friend of the author created the cover I was more than impressed. The concept is original and the characters are fleshed out and feel realistic. I really dislike Robin and am unsure as to who my favourite character is. The main character is battling with a lot of conflict especially after he hears what Robin did to Ellini since he really likes both of them. I read up to the part where Robin is about to send Jack to train with someone else. The grammar and spelling are top notches and the chapters are well-paced if not a little long. The author does a really good job at foreshadowing and I've never read a story set in Edinburgh before. This was a nice read and I will definitely be following the progression of this story.  

A realm of Magic and Mayhem by AdrielleReina

Title: 3/10 

Cover: 5/10

Description: 8/20 

Grammar: 17/20 

Characters: 10/20 

Plot: 13/20 

Final score: 56/100 

Review: I'll have to be honest, at first glance, this story didn't really seem like my style. The cover, title and description all seemed sort of basic. But once I actually started to read, I was pleasantly surprised that it was intriguing. The first chapter really amazed me with how beautiful the descriptions were and I do quite like the characters. However — and this is not a bad thing — they are pretty stereotypical. The three major characters we have been introduced to are: Arabella, the shy bookworm. Scotty, the athlete. And Lacey, the mean girl. The plot seems interesting and this was a nice read. However, the paragraphs can get a bit long so I suggest the author work on that.  

A dance of love & death by AWriternamed-ANA

Title: 7/10 

Cover: 6/10 

Description: 17/20 

Grammar: 16/20 

Characters: 6/20 

Plot: 13/20 

Final score: 65/100 

Review: The concept for this story is so unique and intriguing and it's obvious the author is extremely dedicated to their work. With 100+ chapters it's obvious I couldn't read them all but the ones I did read were beautifully written and grammatically perfect. The world-building and character development are spectacular and if this story was a bit shorter I might've read it all since it was so good I could barely stop. The idea of a multiverse is obviously not a new thing but the way it's done here makes it feel so fresh and new and I honestly believe with a few edits here and there that this could be a published book. 

The Midnight Chapter by cressandleigh



Description: 17 

Grammar: 15 

Character: 16 

Plot: 18 

Total: 81 

Review: A very lovely book, the tittle is very captivating, and I am almost completely in love with the book, even though I read just five chapter it could easily be noted that this book has great potential. I just feel it would be nice if you could add some touches to the cover, the present one isn't that bad but to be honest isn't something that would easily captivate other reader to check it out 

A Dance Of Two Worlds by shoebarif


Cover: 7.5 

Description: 13 

Grammar: 17 

Character: 16 

Plot: 18 

Total: 79.5 

Review: the title wow, very creative, how you came up with it I don't even know, but I absolutely love it, it is very intriguing. One thing I love most about this book is how it somewhat brings out the science in fantasy, I loved the characters, although at some point I got a tad confused, but very nice though, the description can do with a makeover as we all know asides from the tittle the story info is something that draws readers toward a book, I was almost tempted to keep reading, I love the plot, if I could create more time, I would definitely love to find out hat happened at the end of the book. 

The End Is Where We Begin by queentessentially



Description: 16 

Grammar: 16 

Character: 15 

Plot: 17 

Total: 79 

Review: Tittle is nice, the cover could do with a little more editing, very good grammar, and overall a very lovey book.

Princess Spoken For by Kitsysune



Description: 13.5 

Grammar: 14 

Character: 16 

Plot: 17 

Total: 77.5 

Review: the cover is the best I have seen so far, I really like the make, something to definitely draw attraction, the timeline if the story got a bit blurry down the line because of the grammar confusion, am not sure if it is intended or it is a grammatic error, but it would really help your book if you could do a grammar review, the description could use a little more touching , but asides that the book is really nice and has potential.

Gods and Thieves by kndlntsva

Title: 6.5 

Cover: 8.5

Description: 14 

Grammar: 16 

Character: 15 

Plot: 16 

Total: 76 

Review: overall a nice book but the description should be given more attention.

Nirvana Academy (Rising Moon) by Nikachu22

Title: 8.5 


Description: 15 

Grammar: 14.5 

Character: 15 

Plot: 14 

Review: The cover and the tittle are really good, I love the plot it is also nice, the description was a bit nice but could still use some finishing touches, overall, it's a good story, I am a die hard for wolf fictions.

I'm An Extra In A Tragedy Novel mikrokosmos96



Description: 13 

Grammar: 16 

Character: 16 

Plot: 15 

Total: 73 

Review: The tittle is a tad too long and could do with a good trimming, the idea around the book isn't bad at all, very interesting book, keep up the good work. 

The warrior and The God by EternalSu



Description: 13 

Grammar: 12 

Character: 17 

Plot: 12 

Total: 66 Review the title is too obvious, you should try to use a tittle that portrays the story but still doesn't show of too much, you could do a little makeover on the cover, and really do something bout your description, there was almost nothing there, the book is nice but could do with a tad makeover. 

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