91 3 20

Mystery/Thriller Results!

Thank you to luvkipr for taking the time to judge these amazing books and they have done such a good job at it! Participants, remember this is a friendly competition. If you're not happy with your results, kindly don't go around ruining it for anyone else.

Congratulations to our winners. For those who didn't win, don't lose the spirit! Try again with our next set our awards and I hope you win next time!

PS: DM'ing the reviews to the participants would, on my part, be too hectic and chaotic to manage. So, all reviews are posted here but if anyone wants me to take theirs down and message them instead, DM me the book name and the category you applied in. I want this to be a good experience for all.

FIRST PRIZE: Terrible Truths by HeidiCarroll

Title : 10/10

Cover : 10/10

Description : 20/20

Grammar : 15/20

Characters : 20/20

Plot : 18/20

Final score : 93/100

Short review : Loving the plot and the book so far! What i want you to focus on is the grammar. "Her plump pouty lips were of a light pink" is an example. Your writing style is great and easy to read and understand, and your description seems to be the perfect amount. There's nothing else to review!

SECOND PRIZE: The Grimm Dossier by BellOfSilence

Title : 10/10

Cover : 8/10

Description : 20/20

Grammar : 20/20

Characters : 18/20

Plot : 16/20

Final score : 92/100

Short review : Let me just start of with this, I love your vocabulary. It's so vast, you've got me searching up the terms. But it can also make man many readers get disinterested. While vocabulary, when used in the right amount would hook on a reader, using too much might make it harder for the reader to read, and understand. Maybe not using so much vocab would help, but i still wish for the details to be there and not to be completely taken away.And your inclusion of the glossary makes your story so much easier to understand! I've given you a 20 for grammar but since you've used a translator... we don't have to go into grammar much. I've found nothing else to be changed in your book!

THIRD PRIZE: Beyond Reasonable Doubt by MiniMoxx
and Behind The Farm by JanaHassan088

Beyond Reasonable Doubt:

Title : 8/10

Cover : 9/10

Description : 15/20

Grammar : 20/20

Characters : 19/20

Plot : 20/20

Final score : 91/100

Short review : Amazing! I'd only have to say to include titles, it'll help hook on your readers more! Also, include a bit more vocabulary and descriptive words, only when it's needed. The vocab you've used fits perfectly, but a little more would give your description a hike. Other than that, the book was so nice to read and your writing style is amazing!

Star Awards: First EditionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat