Ishani's Mukbang - Laugh-A-Mi...

By BeautrixDuplantier

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Bonjour dear readers, you fav laugh a minute series is back. Before reading this story please prepare your sn... More

Ishani's Mukbang - Milkshake Slap
Ishani's Mukbang -Messy Kitchen


252 30 12
By BeautrixDuplantier

Ishani looked towards them and said "now get ready for the punishment guys. You will not be spared because you guys burnt my food and I an very hungry."

She said to Riddhima "Riddhima please give me your cooked yummy spicy noodles. My baby is very hungry."

Riddhima said to her "Ishani just wait for sometime. Also please give them severe punishment for damaging the kitchen. "

Ishani said to the trio "Come to the living room as soon as possible. "

The trio got scared thinking about the punishment Ishani would gave.
They looked each other and thought in their mind "It's all happened due to this two. I will kill them."

Then went to the living room.

In the living room,
The trio Aryan, Angre and Vansh stood in a line and Ishani looked at them with hunting perys.

She stopped before Aryan and said "Aryan, your punishment is you will call all your girlfriend's dad and told them that you had a ONS with their daughters. "

Aryan looked at her horrified and said "No way. If I do something like that then I would be dead."

Ishani "If you wouldn't do that then I will make a video of you wearing lingerie and then post it on my @Instagram account "

Aryan tried to ran away but Dadi and Anupriya stopped him. He looked at them with pleading eyes
.But they ignored.

Ishani told #Vangre "You guys love each other's company right.

So your punishment will be together.

Vansh bro you will shoot a bottle kept on Angre's head. "

Vangre sighed in relief because it was okay with them. They done it many time.

Ishani said "Don't' get too much happy. You guys will do it while blindfolded. "

Before they could say anything Riddhima who was entering the living room with the food said "No Ishani. It's impossible. Angre is your would be husband. What if he dies?"

Everyone present there was shocked because they didn't expect that.
They said in union "Whatttttttttttttttttt?"

Riddhima said "Yes I thought it would be okay if Angre marries Ishani."

Ishani said "No I will never marry him."

Vansh asked "Why? Is it because of his financial condition? Or he being my PA."

Ishani "No, it's not like that. I want my life partner to be taller than me. Also Angre has something. "

Dadi asked "What Angre has that he can't marry you?"

Ishani "Angre tell them the truth."

Angre looked at her with puppy eyes. But he knew that it would not work. So he said.

Angre "I can't marry Ishani sister in law because I love Riddhima sister in laws best friend Sejal."

Riddhima asked him "Is it true?"

Angre "Yes, sister in law. I fell in love with her when I went to your hostel room finding your identity & motive durning the Cruise Party."

While Vansh thought in his mind "I am doomed sometime ago she forgave now. Now this Angre. I will sew his mouth with pin"

Riddhima looked towards him with anger and said "you went to search in my hostel room. How dare you!"

Angre got scared and said "Riddhima sister in law, I am sorry but it was boss's order. How can I disobey it?"

Riddhima said "That I know, you are your boss's first wife.

How can you disobey him, right?"

"But tell me did she accepted your proposal? "

Angre blushed heavily and said "Yes. After a lot of hard work, she agreed. Especially after hearing that I live with you in the same house."

Angre "You remember once I went to Dubai for business meeting but it was actually my surprise for Sejal."

Riddhima called Sejal and confirmed the news.

Anupriya said "Now who will marry Ishani? Will her child not get a father?"

Before anyone could say anything the main door of the Mansion opened and a tall figure entered inside .

The person said "si vous n'avez pas de problème, je l'épouserai(If you guys have no problem I will marry her.)"

Vansh realized the voice and said "Vyom."

Yes the person was Vyom.

Vyom came towards Ishani and said "I love you , Ishani from the last 5 years. I was scared that you will reject me so I couldn't propose you. I am ready for the baby in your tummy."

(Vyom is single and has no past like show.)

Ishani started crying and said "I...i a..slo you. You are my crush. I am so happy."

Vyom wiped her tears and said "Don't cry. I hate it."

Everyone in the RS knows Vyom and they were happy about the marriage proposal.

But Riddhima didn't know him so she asked "Vansh, who is he ?"

Vansh " He is Vyom. He was my classmate. He was in France doing his business."

Riddhima "Okay."

Vansh "But everyone around me fell in love with our friends but I have not knowledge about it ."

Riddhima "Because you are an idiot and insult in the name of mafia."

The end.

Thanks for reading and sorry for mistakes. See you soon after my exams finish. Till then stay safe, healthy and happy with your loved ones.

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